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Rendering Algorithms

AVAudioInputNodeMBS.RenderingAlgorithmEqualPowerPanning = 0

Type Topic Plugin Version
const AVFoundationNode MBS AVFoundation Plugin 15.3
One of the types of rendering algorithms available per input bus of the environment node.

Pans the data of the mixer bus into a stereo field. This algorithm is analogous to the pan knob found on a mixing board channel strip.

AVAudioInputNodeMBS.RenderingAlgorithmHRTF = 2

Type Topic Plugin Version
const AVFoundationNode MBS AVFoundation Plugin 15.3
One of the types of rendering algorithms available per input bus of the environment node.

The Head Related Transfer Function is a high quality algorithm using filtering to emulate 3 dimensional space in headphones. HRTF is a cpu intensive algorithm.

AVAudioInputNodeMBS.RenderingAlgorithmHRTFHQ = 6

Type Topic Plugin Version
const AVFoundationNode MBS AVFoundation Plugin 18.4
One of the types of rendering algorithms available per input bus of the environment node.

Higher quality HRTF rendering algorithm compared to AVAudio3DMixingRenderingAlgorithmHRTF.
Improvements have been made to the overall frequency response and localization of sources in a 3D space.
Available in MacOS 10.13 or newer.

AVAudioInputNodeMBS.RenderingAlgorithmSoundField = 3

Type Topic Plugin Version
const AVFoundationNode MBS AVFoundation Plugin 15.3
One of the types of rendering algorithms available per input bus of the environment node.

Designed for rendering to multi channel hardware. The mixer takes data being rendered with SoundField and distributes it amongst all the output channels with a weighting toward the location in which the sound derives. It is very effective for ambient sounds, which may derive from a specific location in space, yet should be heard through the listener’s entire space.

AVAudioInputNodeMBS.RenderingAlgorithmSphericalHead = 1

Type Topic Plugin Version
const AVFoundationNode MBS AVFoundation Plugin 15.3
One of the types of rendering algorithms available per input bus of the environment node.

Designed to emulate 3 dimensional space in headphones by simulating inter-aural time delays and other spatial cues. This algorithm is slightly less CPU intensive than AVAudio3DMixingRenderingAlgorithmHRTF.

AVAudioInputNodeMBS.RenderingAlgorithmStereoPassThrough = 5

Type Topic Plugin Version
const AVFoundationNode MBS AVFoundation Plugin 15.3
One of the types of rendering algorithms available per input bus of the environment node.

This algorithm should be used when no localization is desired for the source data. Setting this algorithm tells the mixer to take mono/stereo input and pass it directly to channels 1 & 2 without localization.

The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS AVFoundation Plugin.

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