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CDBaseChartMBS constants


Constant Value Description
kCircleLayout 1 A constant equals to 1 to represent the circular label layout method for pie/donut charts. Circle Layout
This constant is used in PieChart.setLabelLayout.
kKeepAspectRatio 3 A constant equals to 3 to represent can be both horizontal and vertical and the zoom level will be kept the same in both directions. This constant is used in CChartViewer.setZoomDirection and QChartViewer.setZoomDirection .
kNewShape -1342177279 A constant equals to &h4fffffff in hexadecimal to represent a shape separator in custom shape definition. This constant is used in custom shape definition in DrawArea.polyShape, DataSet.setDataSymbol4 and PolarLayer.setDataSymbol4.
kSideLayout 0 A constant equals to 0 to represent the side label layout method for pie/donut charts. Side Layout
This constant is used in PieChart.setLabelLayout.

Aggregate Modes

Constant Value Description
kAggregateAvg 1 A constant equals to 1 to represent using the average as the aggregated value in CDArrayMBS.aggregate.
kAggregateCount 9 A constant equals to 9 to represent using the item count as the aggregated value in CDArrayMBS.aggregate.
kAggregateFirst 7 A constant equals to 7 to represent using the first value as the aggregated value in CDArrayMBS.aggregate.
kAggregateLast 8 A constant equals to 8 to represent using the last value as the aggregated value in CDArrayMBS.aggregate.
kAggregateMax 5 A constant equals to 5 to represent using the maximum value as the aggregated value in CDArrayMBS.aggregate.
kAggregateMed 4 A constant equals to 4 to represent using the median value as the aggregated value in CDArrayMBS.aggregate.
kAggregateMin 3 A constant equals to 3 to represent using the minimum value as the aggregated value in CDArrayMBS.aggregate.
kAggregatePercentile 6 A constant equals to 6 to represent using the percentile value as the aggregated value in CDArrayMBS.aggregate.
kAggregateStdDev 2 A constant equals to 2 to represent using the standard deviation as the aggregated value in CDArrayMBS.aggregate.
kAggregateSum 0 A constant equals to 0 to represent using the sum as the aggregated value in CDArrayMBS.aggregate.

Line Modes

Constant Value Description
kAltDashLine &h0A050505 A constant equals to 0A050505 (in hex) to represent a alternating long/short dash line pattern for use in dash colors.
See Color Specification on how colors are represented in ChartDirector.
kDashLine &h0505 A constant equals to 00000505 (in hex) to represent a dash line pattern for use in dash colors.
See Color Specification on how colors are represented in ChartDirector.
kDotDashLine &h05050205 A constant equals to 05050205 (in hex) to represent a dot-dash line pattern for use in dash colors.
See Color Specification on how colors are represented in ChartDirector.
kDotLine &h0202 A constant equals to 00000202 (in hex) to represent a dot-line pattern for use in dash colors.
See Color Specification on how colors are represented in ChartDirector.

Scale Modes

Constant Value Description
kAngularAxisScale 1 A constant equals to 1 to represent that the size is measured using the angular-axis scale.
This constant is used in PolarLayer.setSymbolScale.
kEndPoints 3 A constant equals to 3 to represent that the vector lengths and directions are measured by specifying the end points.
kPixelScale 0 A constant equals to 0 to represent that the size is measured in pixels. more
kRadialAxisScale 2 A constant equals to 2 to represent that the size is measured using the radial-axis scale.
This constant is used in PolarLayer.setSymbolScale, PolarChart.addVectorLayer and PolarVectorLayer.setVector.
kXAxisScale 1 A constant equals to 1 to represent that the size is measured using the x-axis scale.
This constant is used in LineLayer.setSymbolScale, XYChart.addVectorLayer and VectorLayer.setVector.
kYAxisScale 2 A constant equals to 2 to represent that the size is measured using y-axis scale.
This constant is used in LineLayer.setSymbolScale, XYChart.addVectorLayer and VectorLayer.setVector.

Anti Alias Modes

Constant Value Description
kAntiAlias 1 Anti-Aliasing
This constant is used in BaseChart.setAntiAlias and DrawArea.setAntiAlias.
kAutoAntiAlias 2 Auto Anti-Aliasing
This constant is used in BaseChart.setAntiAlias and DrawArea.setAntiAlias.
kClearType 3 Clear Type
kCompatAntiAlias 6 Compat Anti-Aliasing
This constant is used in BaseChart.setAntiAlias and DrawArea.setAntiAlias.
kNoAntiAlias 0 No Anti-Aliasing
This constant is used in BaseChart.setAntiAlias and DrawArea.setAntiAlias.


Constant Value Description
kArrowPointer 2 A constant equals to 2 to represent the arrow style meter pointer.
This constant is used in MeterPointer.setShape.
kArrowPointer2 3 A constant equals to 3 to represent the alternative arrow style meter pointer.
This constant is used in MeterPointer.setShape.
kDiamondPointer 0 A constant equals to 0 to represent the diamond style meter pointer.
This constant is used in MeterPointer.setShape.
kLinePointer 4 A constant equals to 4 to represent the line style meter pointer.
This constant is used in MeterPointer.setShape.
kLinePointer2 7 A constant equals to 7 to represent the line style meter pointer.
This constant is used in MeterPointer.setShape.
kPencilPointer 5 A constant equals to 5 to represent the pencil style meter pointer.
This constant is used in MeterPointer.setShape.
kTriangularPointer 1 A constant equals to 1 to represent the triangular style meter pointer.
This constant is used in MeterPointer.setShape.
kTriangularPointer2 6 A constant equals to 6 to represent the new triangular style meter pointer.

Special Values

Constant Value Description
kAutoGrid -2 A constant equals to -2 to represent that the number of columns in the legend box with grid layout is automatically determine.
This constant is used in BaseChart.addLegend and LegendBox.setCols.

Special Colors

Constant Value Description
kBackgroundColor &hFFFF0000 A constant equals to FFFF0000 (in hex) to represent the background color.
See Color Specification on how colors are represented in ChartDirector.
kDataColor &hFFFF0008 A constant equals to FFFF0008 (in hex) to represent the starting index of automatic data color. more
kLineColor &hFFFF0001 A constant equals to FFFF0001 (in hex) to represent the default line color.
See Color Specification on how colors are represented in ChartDirector.
kPalette &hFFFF0000 A constant equals to FFFF0000 (in hex) to represent the starting index of the color palette.
See Color Specification on how colors are represented in ChartDirector.
kSameAsMainColor &hFFFF0007 A constant equals to FFFF0007 (in hex) to represent the current main color.
See Color Specification on how colors are represented in ChartDirector.
kTextColor &hFFFF0002 A constant equals to FFFF0002 (in hex) to represent the default text color.
See Color Specification on how colors are represented in ChartDirector.
kTransparent &hFF000000 A constant equals to FF000000 (in hex) to represent the transparent color.
See Color Specification on how colors are represented in ChartDirector.

Filter Modes

Constant Value Description
kBesselFilter 13 A constant equals to 13 to represent a Bessel graphical re-sampling filter.
Please refer to Re-Sampling Filters for more information graphical filters in ChartDirector.
kBlackmanFilter 12 A constant equals to 12 to represent a Blackman graphical re-sampling filter.
Please refer to Re-Sampling Filters for more information graphical filters in ChartDirector.
kBoxFilter 0 A constant equals to 0 to represent a Box graphical re-sampling filter.
Please refer to Re-Sampling Filters for more information graphical filters in ChartDirector.
kBSplineFilter 3 A constant equals to 3 to represent a B-spline graphical re-sampling filter.
Please refer to Re-Sampling Filters for more information graphical filters in ChartDirector.
kCatromFilter 5 A constant equals to 5 to represent a Catrom graphical re-sampling filter.
Please refer to Re-Sampling Filters for more information graphical filters in ChartDirector.
kGaussianFilter 9 A constant equals to 9 to represent a Gaussian graphical re-sampling filter.
Please refer to Re-Sampling Filters for more information graphical filters in ChartDirector.
kHammingFilter 11 A constant equals to 11 to represent a Hamming graphical re-sampling filter.
Please refer to Re-Sampling Filters for more information graphical filters in ChartDirector.
kHanningFilter 10 A constant equals to 10 to represent a Hanning graphical re-sampling filter.
Please refer to Re-Sampling Filters for more information graphical filters in ChartDirector.
kHermiteFilter 4 A constant equals to 4 to represent a Hermite graphical re-sampling filter.
Please refer to Re-Sampling Filters for more information graphical filters in ChartDirector.
kLanczosFilter 8 A constant equals to 8 to represent a Lanczos graphical re-sampling filter.
Please refer to Re-Sampling Filters for more information graphical filters in ChartDirector.
kLinearFilter 1 A constant equals to 1 to represent a Linear graphical re-sampling filter.
Please refer to Re-Sampling Filters for more information graphical filters in ChartDirector.
kMitchellFilter 6 A constant equals to 6 to represent a Mitchell graphical re-sampling filter.
Please refer to Re-Sampling Filters for more information graphical filters in ChartDirector.
kQuadraticFilter 2 Example
kSincFilter 7 Example

Image Formats

Constant Value Description
kBMP 4 The BMP format.
This constant is used in BaseChart.makeChart.
kGIF 1 The GIF format.
This constant is used in BaseChart.makeChart.
kJPG 2 The JPEG format.
This constant is used in BaseChart.makeChart.
kPDF 7 The PDF format.
kPNG 0 The PNG format.
This constant is used in BaseChart.makeChart.
kQTIMG 9 The QT Image format.
kSVG 5 The SVG format.
kSVGZ 6 The compressed SVG format.
kWMP 3 The WAP bitmap format.
This constant is used in BaseChart.makeChart.


Constant Value Description
kBottom 2 A constant equals to 2 to represent the bottom position.
See Alignment Specification for supported alignment types.
kBottomCenter 2 A constant equals to 2 to represent the bottom center position.
See Alignment Specification for supported alignment types.
kBottomLeft 1 A constant equals to 1 to represent the bottom left position.
See Alignment Specification for supported alignment types.
kBottomLeft2 12 A constant equals to 12 to represent the alternative exterior bottom left position.
See Alignment Specification for supported alignment types.
kBottomRight 3 A constant equals to 3 to represent the bottom right position.
See Alignment Specification for supported alignment types.
kBottomRight2 13 A constant equals to 13 to represent the alternative exterior bottom right position.
See Alignment Specification for supported alignment types.
kCenter 5 A constant equals to 5 to represent the center position.
See Alignment Specification for supported alignment types.
kLeft 4 A constant equals to 4 to represent the left position.
See Alignment Specification for supported alignment types.
kRight 6 A constant equals to 6 to represent the right position.
See Alignment Specification for supported alignment types.
kTop 8 A constant equals to 8 to represent the top position.
See Alignment Specification for supported alignment types.
kTopCenter 8 A constant equals to 8 to represent the top center position.
See Alignment Specification for supported alignment types.
kTopLeft 7 A constant equals to 7 to represent the top left position.
See Alignment Specification for supported alignment types.
kTopLeft2 10 A constant equals to 10 to represent the alternative exterior top left position.
See Alignment Specification for supported alignment types.
kTopRight 9 A constant equals to 9 to represent the top right position.
See Alignment Specification for supported alignment types.
kTopRight2 11 A constant equals to 11 to represent the alternative exterior top right position.
See Alignment Specification for supported alignment types.


Constant Value Description
kChartBackZ &h100 A constant equals to 100 (in hex) to represent the z-order of the back surface of the chart.
This constant is used in Box.setZOrder, Line.setZOrder and MeterPointer.setZOrder.
kChartFrontZ &hffff A constant equals to ffff (in hex) to represent the z-order of the front surface of the chart.
This constant is used in Box.setZOrder, Line.setZOrder and MeterPointer.setZOrder.
kGridLinesZ &h2000 A constant equals to 2000 (in hex) to represent the z-order of the grid lines of the chart.
This constant is used in Box.setZOrder, Line.setZOrder and MeterPointer.setZOrder.
kPlotAreaZ &h1000 A constant equals to 1000 (in hex) to represent the z-order of the plot area back surface of the chart.
This constant is used in Box.setZOrder, Line.setZOrder and MeterPointer.setZOrder.

Filter Tags

Constant Value Description
kChartDir_AllPassFilterTag 7 All pass filter
kChartDir_NonePassFilterTag 8 None pass
kChartDir_RegularSpacingFilterTag 6 Regular Spacing
kChartDir_SelectItemFilterTag 9 Select Item
kChartDir_StartOfDayFilterTag 2 Start of Day
kChartDir_StartOfHourFilterTag 1 Start of Hour
kChartDir_StartOfMinuteFilterTag 10 Start of minute
kChartDir_StartOfMonthFilterTag 4 Start of month
kChartDir_StartOfSecondFilterTag 11 Start of second
kChartDir_StartOfWeekFilterTag 3 Start of week
kChartDir_StartOfYearFilterTag 5 Start of year


Constant Value Description
kChartDir_ArrowSymbol 18 Arrow
kChartDir_CustomSymbol 14 Custom
kChartDir_Polygon2Symbol 12 Polygon 2
kChartDir_PolygonSymbol 11 Polygon
kChartDir_StarSymbol 13 Star
kCircleSymbol 7 Circle
kCross2Symbol 9 Cross 2
kCrossSymbol 8 Cross
kDiamondSymbol 2 Diamond
kInvertedTriangleSymbol 6 Inverted Triangle
kLeftTriangleSymbol 5 Left Triangle
kNoSymbol 0 No symbol
kRightTriangleSymbol 4 Right Triangle
kSquareSymbol 1 Square
kTriangleSymbol 3 Triangle


Constant Value Description
kCircleShape 7 Circle
Please refer to Shape Specification for samples and more information on using shapes in ChartDirector.
kCircleShapeNoShading 10 Circle without shading.
Please refer to Shape Specification for samples and more information on using shapes in ChartDirector.
kDiamondShape 2 Diamond
Please refer to Shape Specification for samples and more information on using shapes in ChartDirector.
kGlassSphere2Shape 16 Glas Sphere 2
kGlassSphereShape 15 Glas Sphere
kInvertedTriangleShape 6 Inverted Triangle
Please refer to Shape Specification for samples and more information on using shapes in ChartDirector.
kLeftTriangleShape 5 Left Triangle
Please refer to Shape Specification for samples and more information on using shapes in ChartDirector.
kNoShape 0 No shape
kRightTriangleShape 4 Triangle
Please refer to Shape Specification for samples and more information on using shapes in ChartDirector.
kSolidSphereShape 17 Solid shape
kSquareShape 1 Square shape
Please refer to Shape Specification for samples and more information on using shapes in ChartDirector.
kTriangleShape 3 Triangle
Please refer to Shape Specification for samples and more information on using shapes in ChartDirector.


Constant Value Description
kConcaveShading 4 Concave shading
kDefaultShading 0 Default shading
kFlatShading 1 Flat shading
kGlobalGradientShading 3 Global gradient shading
kLocalGradientShading 2 Local gradient shading
kRadialShading 7 Radial shading
kRingShading 8 Ring shading
kRoundedEdgeNoGlareShading 5 Rounded edge and no glare
kRoundedEdgeShading 6 Rounded Edge

Regression Modes

Constant Value Description
kConstrainedLinearRegression 0 A constant equals to 0 to represent that constrained linear regression be used to draw a trend line.
kExponentialRegression -1 A constant equals to -1 to represent that exponential regression be used to draw a trend line.
kLinearRegression 1 A constant equals to 1 to represent that linear regression be used to draw a trend line.
kLogarithmicRegression -2 A constant equals to -2 to represent that logarithmic regression be used to draw a trend line.
This constant is used in CDTrendLayerMBS.setRegressionType.

Data Combine Methods

Constant Value Description
kDepth 2 A constant equals to 2 to represent the "Depth" data representation method for multiple data sets.
This constant is used in XYChart.addBarLayer, XYChart.addAreaLayer, and Layer.setDataCombineMethod.
kOverlay 0 A constant equals to 0 to represent the "Overlay" data representation method for multiple data sets.
This constant is used in XYChart.addBarLayer, XYChart.addAreaLayer, and Layer.setDataCombineMethod.
kPercentage 4 A constant equals to 4 to represent the "Percentage" data representation method for multiple data sets. more
kSide 3 A constant equals to 3 to represent the "Side" data representation method for multiple data sets.
This constant is used in XYChart.addBarLayer, XYChart.addAreaLayer and Layer.setDataCombineMethod.
kStack 1 A constant equals to 1 to represent the "Stack" data representation method for multiple data sets.
This constant is used in XYChart.addBarLayer, XYChart.addAreaLayer and Layer.setDataCombineMethod.


Constant Value Description
kDirectionHorizontal 0 A constant equals to 0 to represent that the zoom and/or scroll orientation is horizontal.
This constant is used in CChartViewer.setZoomDirection and CChartViewer.setScrollDirection.
kDirectionHorizontalVertical 2 A constant equals to 2 to represent that the zoom and/or scroll orientation can be both horizontal and vertical. more
kDirectionVertical 1 A constant equals to 1 to represent that the zoom and/or scroll orientation is vertical.
This constant is used in CChartViewer.setZoomDirection and CChartViewer.setScrollDirection.

Dithering Modes

Constant Value Description
kErrorDiffusion 2 Error Diffusion
This constant is used in DrawArea.setDitherMethod.
kOrderedDither 1 Ordered Dither
This constant is used in DrawArea.setDitherMethod.
kQuantize 0 Quantize
This constant is used in DrawArea.setDitherMethod.

Palette Modes

Constant Value Description
kForcePalette 1 Force palette.
This constant is used in DrawArea.setPaletteMode.
kNoPalette 2 No palette.
This constant is used in DrawArea.setPaletteMode.
kTryPalette 0 Try palette.
This constant is used in DrawArea.setPaletteMode.


Constant Value Description
kHLOCDefault 0 A constant equals to 0 to represent that the HLOC symbols should be drawn using the same color.
This constant is used in XYChart.addHLOCLayer and HLOCLayer.setColorMethod.
kHLOCOpenClose 1 A constant equals to 1 to represent that the HLOC symbols should be drawn using two alternative colors based on whether the closing price is higher than the opening price. more
kHLOCUpDown 2 A constant equals to 2 to represent that the HLOC symbols should be drawn using two alternative colors based on whether the closing price is higher than the previous closing price. more

Monotonic Modes

Constant Value Description
kMonotonicAuto 4 A constant equals to 4 to represent that the system will automatically determine whether to constrained a spline curve to not overshooting or undershooting in the x-axis direction and/or the y-axis direction.
kMonotonicNone 0 A constant equals to 0 to represent that a spline curve is not constraint to flow in any direction.
kMonotonicX 1 A constant equals to 1 to represent that a spline curve is constrained to not overshooting or undershooting in the x-axis direction.
kMonotonicXY 3 A constant equals to 3 to represent that a spline curve is constrained to not overshooting or undershooting in both the x-axis direction and the y-axis direction.
kMonotonicY 2 A constant equals to 2 to represent that a spline curve is constrained to not overshooting or undershooting in the y-axis direction.

Glare Modes

Constant Value Description
kNoGlare 1 A constant equals to 1 to represent disabling the glare in CDBaseChartMBS.glassEffect shading style.
kNormalGlare 3 A constant equals to 3 to represent using normal glare strength in CDBaseChartMBS.glassEffect shading style.
kReducedGlare 2 A constant equals to 2 to represent using reduced glare strength in CDBaseChartMBS.glassEffect shading style.

Legend Modes

Constant Value Description
kNoLegend 2 A constant equals to 2 to represent that no legend keys should be added to the legend box.
This constant is used in Layer.setLegendOrder.
kNormalLegend 0 A constant equals to 0 to represent that the legend keys order should follow the creation order of the data sets.
This constant is used in Layer.setLegendOrder.
kReverseLegend 1 A constant equals to 1 to represent that the legend keys order is the reverse of the creation order of the data sets.
This constant is used in Layer.setLegendOrder.

Surface Shading Style

Constant Value Description
kRectangularFrame 4
kRectangularShading 2 Rectangular sharing
kSmoothShading 0 Smooth
kTriangularFrame 3
kTriangularShading 1 Triangular

Layout Methods

Constant Value Description
kTreeMapBinaryByMid 5 Same as TreeMapBinaryBySize except that the nodes will be partitioned so that the count of nodes are as equal as possible.
kTreeMapBinaryBySize 4 Without changing the ordering of the nodes, the nodes will be partitioned into two groups so that their sizes are as equal as possible. The two groups will then become two rectangular region. If the width of the plot area is not smaller than its height, the two groups will be placed at the left and right sides of plot area, otherwise they will be placed at the top and bottom sides of the plot area. The splitting then recursively apply to each group to partition them, until each subgroup contains only one node and can no longer be partitioned.
kTreeMapNoLayout 6 No layout.
kTreeMapSliceAndDice 1 This method is intended for multi-level tree maps. Assume the layout direction is TopLeft, the first level nodes will flow from left to right. The second level nodes will flow from top to bottom. If there are more levels, they will alternate between left/right and top/bottom flow directions. The layoutDirection argument can be used to specify other layout directions.
kTreeMapSquarify 2 The nodes will be layout so that they are as close to a square as possible. This method may sort the nodes, so the ordering of the nodes on the chart may be different from the ordering in the data array.
kTreeMapStrip 3 The nodes will flow according to the layoutDirection argument. The default is TopLeft, which means the nodes will flow from left to right and top to bottom like text. The number of nodes in each row will be such that on average, they are as close to squares as possible.

At Origin

Constant Value Description
kXAxisAtOrigin 1 A constant equals to 1 to represent that the x-axis should intersect with the zero point of the y-axis if it exists on the chart.
This constant is used in XYChart.setAxisAtOrigin.
kXYAxisAtOrigin 3 A constant equals to 3 to represent that the x-axis and y-axis should intersect at the origin if it exists on the chart.
This constant is used in XYChart.setAxisAtOrigin.
kYAxisAtOrigin 2 A constant equals to 2 to represent that the y-axis should intersect with the zero point of the x-axis if it exists on the chart.
This constant is used in XYChart.setAxisAtOrigin.

Symmetric Modes

Constant Value Description
kXAxisSymmetric 1 A constant equals to 1 to represent that the x-axis should be symmetrical about the origin.
This constant is used in XYChart.setAxisAtOrigin.
kXAxisSymmetricIfNeeded 2 A constant equals to 2 to represent that the x-axis should be symmetrical about the origin if the data contain both positive and negative values.
This constant is used in XYChart.setAxisAtOrigin.
kXYAxisSymmetric 16 A constant equals to 16 to represent that the the x-axis and y-axis should be symmetrical about the origin.
This constant is used in XYChart.setAxisAtOrigin.
kXYAxisSymmetricIfNeeded 32 A constant equals to 32 to represent that the x-axis and y-axis should be symmetrical about the origin if the data contain both positive and negative values. more
kYAxisSymmetric 4 A constant equals to 4 to represent that the y-axis should be symmetrical about the origin.
This constant is used in XYChart.setAxisAtOrigin.
kYAxisSymmetricIfNeeded 8 A constant equals to 8 to represent that the y-axis should be symmetrical about the origin if the data contain both positive and negative values.
This constant is used in XYChart.setAxisAtOrigin.

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