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CNContactPickerViewControllerMBS class

Super class: NSViewControllerMBS

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
class Contacts MBS Mac64bit Plugin 22.3 ❌ No ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes iOS only
A view controller that displays an interface for picking contacts.

A CNContactPickerViewController allows the user to select one or more contacts (or their properties) from the list of contacts displayed in the contact view controller (CNContactViewController). The picker supports both single selection and multiselection of the contacts. The app using contact picker view does not need access to the user’s contacts and the user will not be prompted for “grant permission” access. The app has access only to the user’s final selection.
There are predefined predicates in this class that let you control the user selection of the contact. Changing the predicates only take effect before the view is presented.
Subclass of the NSViewControllerMBS class.

Super class NSViewControllerMBS

Edge Constants

Constant Value Description
NSMaxXEdge 2 the maximum X edge. Typically right side.
NSMaxYEdge 3 The maximum Y edge. Topically the top edge of a window.
NSMinXEdge 0 the minimum X edge. Typically left side.
NSMinYEdge 1 Minimum Y. As coordinates are upside down in the Cocoa world, this is the bottom edge of a window.

Behavior modes

Constant Value Description
PopoverBehaviorApplicationDefined 0 Your application assumes responsibility for closing the popover. AppKit will still close the popover in a limited number of circumstances. For instance, AppKit will attempt to close the popover when the window of its positioningView is closed. The exact interactions in which AppKit will close the popover are not guaranteed. You may consider implementing -cancel: to close the popover when the escape key is pressed.
PopoverBehaviorSemitransient 2 AppKit will close the popover when the user interacts with user interface elements in the window containing the popover's positioning view. Semi-transient popovers cannot be shown relative to views in other popovers, nor can they be shown relative to views in child windows. The exact interactions that cause semi-transient popovers to close are not specified.
PopoverBehaviorTransient 1 AppKit will close the popover when the user interacts with a user interface element outside the popover. Note that interacting with menus or panels that become key only when needed will not cause a transient popover to close. The exact interactions that will cause transient popovers to close are not specified.

Super class NSResponderMBS

This class has no sub classes.

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The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS Mac64bit Plugin, MBS MacBase Plugin.

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