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OldPhidgetMBS constants


Constant Value Description
EPHIDGET_BADPASSWORD 10 One of the error constants. Authorization exception. "No longer used. Replaced by EEPHIDGET_BADPASSWORD"
EPHIDGET_BADVERSION 19 One of the error constants. Version Mismatch. "No longer used. Replaced by EEPHIDGET_BADVERSION"
EPHIDGET_CLOSED 18 One of the error constants. Phidget Closed. "Phidget handle was closed."
EPHIDGET_DUPLICATE 12 One of the error constants. Duplicate request. "Duplicated request."
EPHIDGET_EVENT 15 One of the error constants. Event. "A non-null error code was returned from an event handler." This code is not currently used.
EPHIDGET_INTERRUPTED 6 One of the error constants. Interrupted. "Read/Write operation was interrupted." This code is not currently used.
EPHIDGET_INVALID 7 One of the error constants. Invalid error code. "The Error Code is not defined."
EPHIDGET_INVALIDARG 4 One of the error constants. Invalid argument. "Invalid argument passed to function."
EPHIDGET_NETWORK 8 One of the error constants. Network. "Network Error."
EPHIDGET_NETWORK_NOTCONNECTED 16 One of the error constants. Network not connected. "A connection to the server does not exist."
EPHIDGET_NOMEMORY 2 One of the error constants. No memory. "Memory could not be allocated."
EPHIDGET_NOTATTACHED 5 One of the error constants. Phidget not attached. "Phidget not physically attached."
EPHIDGET_NOTFOUND 1 One of the error constants. Phidget not found. "A Phidget matching the type and or serial number could not be found."
EPHIDGET_OK 0 One of the error constants. Function completed successfully.
EPHIDGET_OUTOFBOUNDS 14 One of the error constants. Out of bounds. "Index out of Bounds."
EPHIDGET_TIMEOUT 13 One of the error constants. Timeout. "Given timeout has been exceeded."
EPHIDGET_UNEXPECTED 3 One of the error constants. Unexpected. "Unexpected Error. Contact Phidgets Inc. for support."
EPHIDGET_UNKNOWNVAL 9 One of the error constants. Value unknown. "Value is Unknown (State not yet received from device, or not yet set by user)."
EPHIDGET_UNSUPPORTED 11 One of the error constants. Unsupported. "Not Supported."
EPHIDGET_WRONGDEVICE 17 One of the error constants. Wrong device. "Function is not applicable for this device."
PHIDCLASS_ACCELEROMETER 2 One of the HID class constants.
PHIDCLASS_ADVANCEDSERVO 3 One of the HID class constants.
PHIDCLASS_ANALOG 22 One of the HID class constants.
PHIDCLASS_BRIDGE 23 One of the HID class constants.
PHIDCLASS_ENCODER 4 One of the HID class constants.
PHIDCLASS_FREQUENCYCOUNTER 21 One of the HID class constants.
PHIDCLASS_GPS 5 One of the HID class constants.
PHIDCLASS_INTERFACEKIT 7 One of the HID class constants.
PHIDCLASS_IR 19 One of the HID class constants.
PHIDCLASS_LED 8 One of the HID class constants.
PHIDCLASS_MOTORCONTROL 9 One of the HID class constants.
PHIDCLASS_PHSENSOR 10 One of the HID class constants.
PHIDCLASS_RFID 11 One of the HID class constants.
PHIDCLASS_SERVO 12 One of the HID class constants.
PHIDCLASS_SPATIAL 20 One of the HID class constants.
PHIDCLASS_STEPPER 13 One of the HID class constants.
PHIDCLASS_TEMPERATURESENSOR 14 One of the HID class constants.
PHIDCLASS_TEXTLCD 15 One of the HID class constants.
PHIDCLASS_TEXTLED 16 One of the HID class constants.
PHIDCLASS_WEIGHTSENSOR 17 One of the HID class constants.
PHIDDEF_ACCELEROMETER &h11 One of the HID device definition constants.
PHIDDEF_ADVANCEDSERVO &h15 One of the HID device definition constants.
PHIDDEF_ENCODER &hE One of the HID device definition constants.
PHIDDEF_GPS &h16 One of the HID device definition constants.
PHIDDEF_GYROSCOPE &h14 One of the HID device definition constants.
PHIDDEF_HUMIDITYSENSOR 5 One of the HID device definition constants.
PHIDDEF_INTERFACEKIT 3 One of the HID device definition constants.
PHIDDEF_LED &hD One of the HID device definition constants.
PHIDDEF_MOTORCONTROL &hB One of the HID device definition constants.
PHIDDEF_PHSENSOR &h13 One of the HID device definition constants.
PHIDDEF_RFID 7 One of the HID device definition constants.
PHIDDEF_SERVO 4 One of the HID device definition constants.
PHIDDEF_STEPPER &hF One of the HID device definition constants.
PHIDDEF_TEMPERATURESENSOR &h10 One of the HID device definition constants.
PHIDDEF_TEXTLCD &hA One of the HID device definition constants.
PHIDDEF_TEXTLED &h12 One of the HID device definition constants.
PHIDDEF_WEIGHTSENSOR 8 One of the HID device definition constants.
PHIDGET_ATTACHED 1 One of the phidget constants. Phidget attached.
Returned by getStatus() functions.
PHIDGET_LOG_CRITICAL 1 One of the phidget constants.
PHIDGET_LOG_DEBUG 4 One of the phidget constants.
PHIDGET_LOG_ERROR 2 One of the phidget constants.
PHIDGET_LOG_INFO 5 One of the phidget constants.
PHIDGET_LOG_VERBOSE 6 One of the phidget constants.
PHIDGET_LOG_WARNING 3 One of the phidget constants.
PHIDGET_NOTATTACHED 0 One of the phidget constants. Phidget not attached.
Returned by getStatus() functions.
PHIDID_ACCELEROMETER_2AXIS &h071 One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_ACCELEROMETER_3AXIS &h07E One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_ADVANCEDSERVO_1MOTOR &h082 One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_ADVANCEDSERVO_8MOTOR &h03A One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_ANALOG_4OUTPUT &h037 One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_BIPOLAR_STEPPER_1MOTOR &h07B One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_BRIDGE_4INPUT &h03B One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_ENCODER_1ENCODER_1INPUT &h04B One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_ENCODER_HS_1ENCODER &h080 One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_ENCODER_HS_4ENCODER_4INPUT &h04F One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_GPS &h079 One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_INTERFACEKIT_0_0_4 &h040 One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_INTERFACEKIT_0_0_8 &h081 One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_INTERFACEKIT_0_16_16 &h044 One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_INTERFACEKIT_0_8_8_w_LCD &h053 One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_INTERFACEKIT_2_2_2 &h036 One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_INTERFACEKIT_4_8_8 4 One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_INTERFACEKIT_8_8_8 &h045 One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_INTERFACEKIT_8_8_8_w_LCD &h07D One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_IR &h04D One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_LED_64 &h04A One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_LED_64_ADV &h04C One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_LINEAR_TOUCH &h076 One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_MOTORCONTROL_1MOTOR &h03E One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_MOTORCONTROL_HC_2MOTOR &h059 One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_PHSENSOR &h074 One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_RFID &h030 One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_RFID_2OUTPUT &h031 One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_ROTARY_TOUCH &h077 One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_SERVO_1MOTOR &h039 One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_SERVO_1MOTOR_OLD 2 One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_SERVO_4MOTOR &h038 One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_SERVO_4MOTOR_OLD 3 One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_SPATIAL_ACCEL_3AXIS &h07F One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_TEMPERATURESENSOR &h070 One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_TEMPERATURESENSOR_4 &h032 One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_TEXTLCD_2x20 &h052 One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_TEXTLCD_2x20_w_0_8_8 &h153 One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_TEXTLCD_2x20_w_8_8_8 &h17D One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_TEXTLCD_ADAPTER &h03D One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_TEXTLED_1x8 &h049 One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_TEXTLED_4x8 &h048 One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDID_WEIGHTSENSOR &h072 One of the HID ID constants.
PHIDSPEC_888_with_lcd &h25 One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_ACCELEROMETER3 &h26 One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_ACCELEROMETER &h07 One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_ACCELEROMETER_with_GYRO &h27 One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_ADVANCEDSERVO8 &h19 One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_BIPOLAR_STEPPER &h22 One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_ENCODER &h11 One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_ENCODER_4 &h1E One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_ENCODER_HS &h20 One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_GPS &h1F One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_GYROSCOPE &h18 One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_GYRO_with_ACCELEROMETER &h28 One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_HUMIDITYSENSOR &h16 One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_INTERFACEKIT_0_0_4 &h03 One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_INTERFACEKIT_0_0_8 &h2B One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_INTERFACEKIT_0_16_16 &h04 One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_INTERFACEKIT_0_5_7 &h05 One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_INTERFACEKIT_0_8_8 &h06 One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_INTERFACEKIT_4_8_8 &h12 One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_INTERFACEKIT_8_8_8 &h02 One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_JOYSTICK &h23 One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_LED &h0C One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_LINEAR_TOUCH &h1C One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_MOTORCONTROL &h0E One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_MOTORCONTROL_HC &h2A One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_NOTHING &h00 One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_PHSENSOR &h17 One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_RFID &h0B One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_RFIDB &h1A One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_ROTARY_TOUCH &h1D One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_SERVO_1MOTOR &h01 One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_SERVO_1MOTOR_OLD &h14 One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_SERVO_4MOTOR &h29 One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_SERVO_4MOTOR_OLD &h13 One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_STEPPER &h10 One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_TEMPERATURESENSOR &h0F One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_TEXTLCD_2_20 &h08 One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_TEXTLCD_2_20_COMP1 &h0A One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_TEXTLCD_2_20_CUSTOM &h09 One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_TEXTLCD_with_888 &h24 One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_TEXTLED2 &h1B One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_TEXTLED &h0D One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_UNIPOLAR_STEPPER &h21 One of the HID spec constants.
PHIDSPEC_WEIGHTSENSOR &h15 One of the HID spec constants.
PUNK_BOOL 2 The value used for unknown values (Boolean).
PUNK_INT &H7FFFFFFF The value used for unknown values (Integer).
PUNK_INT64 &h7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF The value used for unknown values (Int64).
PUNK_SHRT &h7FFF The value used for unknown values (Short).

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