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PhidgetMBS constants


Constant Value Description
kChannelAny -1 The constant for any channel. Pass to Channel to open any channel.
kHubPortAny -1 The constant for any port. Pass to HubPort to open any hub port.
kIRMaxCodeBitCount &h80 One of the constants for IR sender/receiver.
kIRMaxCodeStrLength &h21 One of the constants for IR sender/receiver.
kIRRawDataLongSpace &hffffffff One of the constants for IR sender/receiver.
kLabelAny "" The constant to pick any label. Pass to DeviceLabel to open any label.
kSerialNumberAny -1 The constant for any serial number. Pass to DeviceSerialNumber to open any serial number.
kServerAuthRequired 1 A flag constant for server.

Channel Class

Constant Value Description
kChannelClassAccelerometer 1 Accelerometer channel
kChannelClassBLDCMotor &H23 BLDC motor channel
kChannelClassCapacitiveTouch &He Capacitive Touch channel
kChannelClassCurrentinput 2 Current input channel
kChannelClassCurrentoutput &H26 Current output channel
kChannelClassDataAdapter 3 Data Adapter
kChannelClassDcmotor 4 DC motor channel
kChannelClassDictionary &H24 Dictionary
kChannelClassDigitalInput 5 Digital input channel
kChannelClassDigitalOutput 6 Digital output channel
kChannelClassDistanceSensor 7 Distance sensor channel
kChannelClassEncoder 8 Encoder channel
kChannelClassFirmwareUpgrade &H20 Firmware Upgrade
kChannelClassFrequencyCounter 9 Frequency counter channel
kChannelClassGeneric &H21 Generic channel
kChannelClassGps &Ha GPS channel
kChannelClassGyroscope &Hc Gyroscope channel
kChannelClassHub &Hd VINT Hub channel
kChannelClassHumiditySensor &Hf Humidity sensor channel
kChannelClassIR &H10 IR channel
kChannelClassLcd &Hb LCD channel
kChannelClassLightSensor &H11 Light sensor channel
kChannelClassMagnetometer &H12 Magnetometer channel
kChannelClassMeshdongle &H13 Mesh Dongle
kChannelClassMotorPositionController &H22 Motor position control channel.
kChannelClassNothing 0 Unknown
kChannelClassPhSensor &H25 pH sensor channel
kChannelClassPowerguard &H14 Power guard channel
kChannelClassPressureSensor &H15 Pressure sensor channel
kChannelClassRCServo &H16 RC Servo channel
kChannelClassResistanceInput &H17 Resistance input channel
kChannelClassRFID &H18 RFID channel
kChannelClassSoundSensor &H19 Sound sensor channel
kChannelClassSpatial &H1A Spatial channel
kChannelClassStepper &H1B Stepper channel
kChannelClassTemperatureSensor &H1C Temperature sensor channel
kChannelClassVoltageInput &H1D Voltage input channel
kChannelClassVoltageOutput &H1E Voltage output channel
kChannelClassVoltageRatioInput &H1F Voltage ratio input channel

Channel Sub Class

Constant Value Description
kChannelSubClassDigitaloutputDutyCycle &H10 Digital output duty cycle
kChannelSubClassDigitaloutputFrequency &H12 Digital output frequency
kChannelSubClassDigitaloutputLedDriver &H11 Digital output LED driver
kChannelSubClassEncoderModeSettable &H60 Encoder IO mode settable
kChannelSubClassLCDGraphic &H50 Graphic LCD
kChannelSubClassLCDText &H51 Text LCD
kChannelSubClassNone 1 No subclass
kChannelSubClassSpatialAhrs &H70 Spatial AHRS/IMU
kChannelSubClassTemperaturesensorRtd &H20 Temperature sensor RTD
kChannelSubClassTemperaturesensorThermocouple &H21 Temperature sensor thermocouple
kChannelSubClassVoltageInputSensorPort &H30 Voltage sensor port
kChannelSubClassVoltageRatioInputBridge &H41 Voltage ratio bridge input
kChannelSubClassVoltageRatioInputSensorPort &H40 Voltage ratio sensor port

Device Class

Constant Value Description
kDeviceClassAccelerometer 1 PhidgetAccelerometer device
kDeviceClassAdvancedServo 2 PhidgetAdvancedServo device
kDeviceClassAnalog 3 PhidgetAnalog device
kDeviceClassBridge 4 PhidgetBridge device
kDeviceClassDataAdapter &H19 PhidgetDataAdapter device
kDeviceClassDictionary &H18 Dictionary device
kDeviceClassEncoder 5 PhidgetEncoder device
kDeviceClassFirmwareUpgrade &H17 Firmware Upgrade
kDeviceClassFrequencyCounter 6 PhidgetFrequencyCounter device
kDeviceClassGeneric &H16 Generic class.
kDeviceClassGPS 7 PhidgetGPS device
kDeviceClassHub 8 Phidget VINT Hub device
kDeviceClassInterfaceKit 9 PhidgetInterfaceKit device
kDeviceClassIR &Ha PhidgetIR device
kDeviceClassLed &Hb PhidgetLED device
kDeviceClassMeshDongle &Hc Mesh Dongle
kDeviceClassMotorControl &Hd PhidgetMotorControl device
kDeviceClassNothing 0 Unknown device.
kDeviceClassPhsensor &He PhidgetPHSensor device
kDeviceClassRFID &Hf PhidgetRFID device
kDeviceClassServo &H10 PhidgetServo device
kDeviceClassSpatial &H11 PhidgetSpatial device
kDeviceClassStepper &H12 PhidgetStepper device
kDeviceClassTemperatureSensor &H13 PhidgetTemperatureSensor device
kDeviceClassTextLCD &H14 PhidgetTextLCD device
kDeviceClassVint &H15 Phidget VINT Hub device

Error Codes

Constant Value Description
kError2Big &H36
kErrorAccess 7 Access (Permission) Issue: Access to the resource (file) is denied. This can happen when enabling logging.
kErrorAgain &H16
kErrorBadPassword &H25
kErrorBadVersion &H37
kErrorBusy 9 Resource Busy: Specified resource is in use. This error code is not normally used.
kErrorClosed &H38 Closed: Channel was closed. This can happen if a channel is closed while openWaitForAttachment is waiting.
kErrorConnRef &H23
kErrorConnReset &H2E
kErrorDuplicate &H1B Duplicate: Duplicated request. Can happen with some Net API calls, such as trying to add the same server twice.
kErrorEof &H1F
kErrorEventBadConnection &H1011
kErrorEventBadPower &H1008
kErrorEventBadVersion 1
kErrorEventBusy 2
kErrorEventDispatch 4
kErrorEventEnergyDump &H100E
kErrorEventFailSafe &H100C
kErrorEventFailure 5
kErrorEventInvalidState &H1010
kErrorEventMotorStall &H100F
kErrorEventNetwork 3
kErrorEventOk &H1000
kErrorEventOutOfRange &H1007
kErrorEventOverCurrent &H1006
kErrorEventOverrun &H1002
kErrorEventOverTemp &H1005
kErrorEventOverVoltage &H100B
kErrorEventPacketLost &H1003
kErrorEventSaturation &H1009
kErrorEventVoltageError &H100D
kErrorEventWrap &H1004
kErrorExist &Ha
kErrorFailSafe &H3B
kErrorFault 8
kErrorFBig &H11
kErrorHostUnreach &H30
kErrorInterrupted 4 Op Interrupted: The operation was interrupted; either from an error, or because the device was closed.
kErrorInvalid &Hd Invalid: Invalid or malformed command. This can be caused by sending a command to a device which is not supported in it's current configuration.
kErrorInvalidArg &H15 Invalid Argument: One or more of the parameters passed to the function is not accepted by the channel in its current configuration. This may also be an indication that a NULL pointer was passed where a valid pointer is required.
kErrorInvalidPacket &H35
kErrorIO 5
kErrorIsdir &Hc
kErrorKeepAlive &H3A
kErrorMFile &Hf
kErrorNetUnavail &H2D
kErrorNFile &He
kErrorNoDev &H28
kErrorNoEnt 2 No Such Entity: The specified entity does not exist. This is usually a result of Net or Log API calls.
kErrorNoMemory 6
kErrorNoSpc &H10 Not enough space: The provided buffer argument size is too small.
kErrorNotAttached &H34 Device not Attached: This can happen for a number of common reasons. Be sure you are opening the channel before trying to use it. If you are opening the channel, the program may not be waiting for the channel to be attached. If possible use openWaitForAttachment. Otherwise, be sure to check the Attached property of the channel before trying to use it.
kErrorNotConfigured &H39 Not Configured: Device is not configured enough for this API call. Have a look at the must-set properties for this device and make sure to configure them first.
kErrorNotDir &Hb
kErrorNotEmpty &H1A
kErrorOk 0 Success: Call succeeded.
kErrorPerm 1
kErrorPipe &H29
kErrorResolv &H2C
kErrorRo &H13
kErrorRofs &H12
kErrorTimeOut 3 Timed Out: Call has timed out. This can happen for a number of common reasons: Check that the Phidget you are trying to open is plugged in, and that the addressing parameters have been specified correctly. Check that the Phidget is not already open in another program, such as the Phidget Control Panel, or another program you are developing. If your Phidget has a plug or terminal block for external power, ensure it is plugged in and powered. If you are using remote Phidgets, ensure that your computer can access the remote Phidgets using the Phidget Control Panel. If you are using remote Phidgets, ensure you have enabled Server Discovery or added the server corresponding to the Phidget you are trying to open. If you are using Network Server Discovery, try extending the timeout to allow more time for the server to be discovered.
kErrorUnexpected &H1C Unexpected Error: Something unexpected has occured. Enable library logging and have a look at the log, or contact Phidgets support.
kErrorUnknownVal &H33 Unknown or Invalid Value: The value is unknown. This can happen right after attach, when the value has not yet been recieved from the Phidget. This can also happen if a device has not yet been configured / enabled. Some properties can only be read back after being set.
kErrorUnsupported &H14 Operation Not Supported: This API call is not supported. For Class APIs this means that this API is not supported by this device. This can also mean the API is not supported on this OS, or OS configuration.
kErrorWrongDevice &H32 Wrong Device: A Phidget channel object of the wrong channel class was passed into this API call.

Device IDs

Constant Value Description
kID1000 2 PhidgetServo 1-Motor (1000)
kID1001 3 PhidgetServo 4-Motor (1001)
kID1002 4 PhidgetAnalog 4-Output (1002)
kID1008 5 PhidgetAccelerometer 2-Axis (1008)
kID1010_1013_1018_1019 6 PhidgetInterfaceKit 8/8/8 (1010, 1013, 1018, 1019)
kID1011 7 PhidgetInterfaceKit 2/2/2 (1011)
kID1012 8 PhidgetInterfaceKit 0/16/16 (1012)
kID1014 9 PhidgetInterfaceKit 0/0/4 (1014)
kID1015 &ha PhidgetLinearTouch (1015)
kID1016 &hb PhidgetCircularTouch (1016)
kID1017 &hc PhidgetInterfaceKit 0/0/8 (1017)
kID1023 &hd PhidgetRFID (1023)
kID1024 &he PhidgetRFID Read-Write (1024)
kID1030 &hf PhidgetLED-64 (1030)
kID1031 &h10 PhidgetLED-64 Advanced (1031)
kID1032 &h11 PhidgetLED-64 Advanced (1032)
kID1040 &h12 PhidgetGPS (1040)
kID1041 &h13 PhidgetSpatial 0/0/3 Basic (1041)
kID1042 &h14 PhidgetSpatial 3/3/3 Basic (1042)
kID1043 &h15 PhidgetSpatial Precision 0/0/3 High Resolution (1043)
kID1044 &h16 PhidgetSpatial Precision 3/3/3 High Resolution (1044)
kID1045 &h17 PhidgetTemperatureSensor IR (1045)
kID1046 &h18 PhidgetBridge 4-Input (1046)
kID1047 &h19 PhidgetEncoder HighSpeed 4-Input (1047)
kID1048 &h1a PhidgetTemperatureSensor 4-input (1048)
kID1049 &h1b PhidgetSpatial 0/0/3 (1049)
kID1051 &h1c PhidgetTemperatureSensor 1-Input (1051)
kID1052 &h1d PhidgetEncoder Mechanical (1052)
kID1053 &h1e PhidgetAccelerometer 2-Axis (1053)
kID1054 &h1f PhidgetFrequencyCounter (1054)
kID1055 &h20 PhidgetIR (1055)
kID1056 &h21 PhidgetSpatial 3/3/3 (1056)
kID1057 &h22 PhidgetEncoder HighSpeed (1057)
kID1058 &h23 PhidgetPHSensor (1058)
kID1059 &h24 PhidgetAccelerometer 3-Axis (1059)
kID1060 &h25 PhidgetMotorControl LV (1060)
kID1061 &h26 PhidgetAdvancedServo 8-Motor (1061)
kID1062 &h27 PhidgetStepper Unipolar 4-Motor (1062)
kID1063 &h28 PhidgetStepper Bipolar 1-Motor (1063)
kID1064 &h29 PhidgetMotorControl HC (1064)
kID1065 &h2a PhidgetMotorControl 1-Motor (1065)
kID1066 &h2b PhidgetAdvancedServo 1-Motor (1066)
kID1067 &h2c PhidgetStepper Bipolar HC (1067)
kID1202_1203 &h2d PhidgetTextLCD 20x2 with PhidgetInterfaceKit 8/8/8 (1201, 1202, 1203)
kID1204 &h2e PhidgetTextLCD Adapter (1204)
kID1215_1218 &h2f PhidgetTextLCD 20x2 (1215/1216/1217/1218)
kID1219_1222 &h30 PhidgetTextLCD 20x2 with PhidgetInterfaceKit 0/8/8 (1219, 1220, 1221, 1222)
kIDADP1000 &h31 pH Adapter
kIDADP1001 &h84 RS232 Adapter
kIDADPRS485_422 &h85 RS485/422 Prototype
kIDADPSerial &h86 Serial Prototype
kIDCURLOOP &h7a 4-20mA Output
kIDDAQ1000 &h33 Analog Input Module x8
kIDDAQ1200 &h34 Digital Input 4
kIDDAQ1300 &h35 Digital Input 4 Isolated
kIDDAQ1301 &h36 Digital Input 16
kIDDAQ1400 &h37 Versatile Input
kIDDAQ1500 &h38 Bridge
kIDDCC1000 &h39 DC Motor Controller with PID
kIDDCC1001 &h6e Small DC Motor Controller
kIDDCC1002 &h75 4A Small DC Motor Controller
kIDDCC1003 &h78 2 Channel DC Motor Controller
kIDDCC1004 &h80 DC Motor Controller 12A
kIDDCC1005 &h81 DC Motor Controller High Current
kIDDCC1100 &h6c BLDC Motor Controller
kIDDICTIONARY &h6f Dictionary
kIDDigitalInputPort &h5f Hub Port in Digital Input mode
kIDDigitalOutputPort &h60 Hub Port in Digital Output mode
kIDDST1000 &h3a 200mm Distance Sensor
kIDDST1001 &h79 650mm distance sensor
kIDDST1002 &h7e 1200mm distance sensor
kIDDST1200 &h3b Sonar Distance Sensor
kIDENC1000 &h3c Encoder
kIDFirmwareUpgradeSPI &h68 Phidget SPI device under firmware upgrade
kIDFirmwareUpgradeSTM32F0 &h66 VINT Device in firmware upgrade mode, STM32F0 Proc.
kIDFirmwareUpgradeSTM32G0 &h8f VINT Device in firmware upgrade mode, STM32G0 Proc.
kIDFirmwareUpgradeSTM8S &h67 VINT Device in firmware upgrade mode, STM8S Proc.
kIDFirmwareUpgradeUSB &h65 USB device in firmware upgrade mode
kIDGenericUSB &h63 Generic USB device
kIDGenericVINT &h64 Generic VINT device
kIDHIN1000 &h3d Capacitive Touch Sensor
kIDHIN1001 &h3e Capacitive Scroll
kIDHIN1100 &h3f Joystick
kIDHIN1101 &h6d Dial Encoder
kIDHub0000 &h40 Phidget USB VINT Hub with 6 ports
kIDHub0001 &h8e Phidget USB VINT Hub with 6 ports
kIDHub0004 &h43 Phidget SPI VINT Hub with 6 ports
kIDHub5000 &h7b Phidget Network Hub with 6 ports
kIDHUM1000 &h45 Humidity Sensor
kIDHUM1001 &h7f Humidity Sensor
kIDHUM1100 &h88 VINT Moisture Sensor
kIDInterfaceKit_4_8_8 1 PhidgetInterfaceKit 4/8/8
kIDLCD1100 &h46 LCD
kIDLED1000 &h47 LED Driver 32
kIDLightningHub &h44 Phidget Lightning VINT Hub with 6 ports
kIDLUX1000 &h48 Light Sensor
kIDMeshDongle &h42 Phidget Mesh Dongle
kIDMeshHub &h41 Phidget Mesh Hub with 4 ports
kIDMOT0108 &h83 PhidgetSpatial 3/3/3
kIDMOT0109 &h8c PhidgetSpatial Precision 3/3/3
kIDMOT0110 &h8d PhidgetSpatial Precision 3/3/3
kIDMOT1100 &h49 Accelerometer 0/0/3
kIDMOT1101 &h4a Spatial 3/3/3
kIDMOT1102 &h89 VINT Spatial Phidget AHRS
kIDNothing 0 Unknown device
kIDOUT1000 &h4b Analog Output 0-5V
kIDOUT1001 &h4c Analog Output (+/-)10V
kIDOUT1002 &h4d Analog Output (+/-)10V - 16 bit
kIDOUT1100 &h4e Digital Output 4
kIDPRE1000 &h4f Barometer
kIDRCC0004 &h7c PhidgetAdvancedServo 8-Motor (RCC0004)
kIDRCC1000 &h50 8-Servo Controller
kIDREL1000 &h51 Power Relay 4
kIDREL1100 &h52 Digital Output 4 Isolated
kIDREL1101 &h53 Digital Output 16 Isolated
kIDSAF1000 &h54 Power Supply Protector
kIDSND1000 &h55 Sound Pressure Level Sensor
kIDSTC1000 &h56 Bipolar Stepper Motor Controller
kIDSTC1001 &h73 Bipolar Stepper Motor SmallController
kIDSTC1002 &h76 8A Bipolar Stepper Motor Controller
kIDSTC1003 &h77 4A Bipolar Stepper Motor SmallController
kIDTMP1000 &h57 Integrated Temperature Sensor
kIDTMP1100 &h58 Thermocouple 1
kIDTMP1101 &h59 Thermocouple 4
kIDTMP1200 &h5a RTD
kIDTMP1300 &h5b Infrared Temperature Sensor
kIDTPDiagnoser &h8b Testpoint Diagnoser
kIDUNKNOWN &h7d Unknown device.
kIDUSBSwitch &h74 OS Testing Fixture
kIDVCP1000 &h5c Voltage Sensor High Precision
kIDVCP1001 &h5d Voltage Sensor Large
kIDVCP1002 &h5e Voltage Sensor Small
kIDVCP1100 &h69 30A Current Sensor
kIDVINTACCEL &h8a VINT Accelerometer
kIDVoltageInputPort &h61 Hub Port in Voltage Input mode
kIDVoltageRatioPort &h62 Hub Port in Voltage Ratio Input mode

Mesh Modes

Constant Value Description
kMeshModeRouter 1 Router mode
kMeshModeSleepyEndDevice 2 Sleepy end device mode


Constant Value Description
kTimeoutDefault 300000000 Pass to OpenWaitForAttachment() for the default timeout.
kTimeoutInfinite 0 Pass to OpenWaitForAttachment() for an infinite timeout.

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