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UnZipMBS class

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
class Compression MBS Compression Plugin 8.6 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
A class to decompress a zip archive.
// open zip archive
Var f as FolderItem=SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child("")
Var z as new UnZipMBS(f)

// let's start

// get details on this file:
Var info as UnZipFileInfoMBS = z.FileInfo
Var name as string = z.FileName

if left(name,8) <> "__MACOSX" then // ignore Mac special files for metadata
if z.Lasterror=0 then

// create output file (if you want to support folders, this needs to be changed. See other examples)
Var outfile as folderitem = GetFolderItem(Name)
Var b as BinaryStream = BinaryStream.Create(outfile, true)
Var s as string

// now read 100 KB chunks and write them to new file
b.Write s
loop until lenb(s)=0

// cleanup

end if
end if

// move to next file until we reach the end
loop until z.Lasterror<>0

This is a simple class which uses zlib and has some limitations:

  • only deflate as compression method
  • only one date per file is preserved
  • no resource forks on Mac OS
  • no text encoding handling
  • no Apple or Microsoft extensions for special file flags or permissions.

See also ArchiveReaderMBS and ArchiveWriterMBS classes for more features and compression formats.


Constant Value Description
CompressionBestCompression 9 One of the compression level constants.
CompressionBestSpeed 1 One of the compression level constants.
CompressionDefault -1 One of the compression level constants.
CompressionNo 0 One of the compression level constants.
MethodDeflated 8 One of the compression methods.
MethodNone 0 One of the compression methods.
StrategyDefault 0 One of the strategy constants.
StrategyFiltered 1 One of the strategy constants.
StrategyFixed 4 One of the strategy constants.
StrategyHuffmanOnly 2 One of the strategy constants.
StrategyRLE 3 One of the strategy constants.
UnzipBadUnZipFile -103 One of the error constants.
UnzipCRCError -105 One of the error constants.
UnzipEndOfListError -100 One of the error constants.
UnzipInternalError -104 One of the error constants.
UnzipOk 0 One of the error constants.
UnzipParameterError -102 One of the error constants.

This class has no sub classes.

Some examples using this class:

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Release notes

  • Version 21.0
    • Fixed problem with ReadCurrentFile function in UnZipMBS class not setting LastError property correctly.

The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS Compression Plugin.

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