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WindowsDNSRecordMBS constants


Constant Value Description
kCharSetAnsi 3 One of the constants for the CharSet property. The character set is ANSI.
kCharSetUnicode 1 One of the constants for the CharSet property. The character set is Unicode.
kCharSetUnknown 0 One of the constants for the CharSet property. The character set is unknown.
kCharSetUtf8 2 One of the constants for the CharSet property. The character set is UTF8.
kDNSClassAll &h00ff One of the DNS classes in native byte order (little endian on Windows).
kDNSClassAny &h00ff One of the DNS classes in native byte order (little endian on Windows).
kDNSClassCHAOS &h0003 One of the DNS classes in native byte order (little endian on Windows).
kDNSClassCSNET &h0002 One of the DNS classes in native byte order (little endian on Windows).
kDNSClassHESIOD &h0004 One of the DNS classes in native byte order (little endian on Windows).
kDNSClassInternet &h0001 One of the DNS classes in native byte order (little endian on Windows).
kDNSClassNone &h00fe One of the DNS classes in native byte order (little endian on Windows).
kDNSQueryAcceptTruncatedResponse &h00000001 One of the possible flags for the Query function. Returns truncated results. Does not retry under TCP.
kDNSQueryBypassCache &h00000008 One of the possible flags for the Query function. Bypasses the resolver cache on the lookup.
kDNSQueryDontResetTTLValues &h00100000 One of the possible flags for the Query function. If set, and if the response contains multiple records, records are stored with the TTL corresponding to the minimum value TTL from among all records. When this option is set, "Do not change the TTL of individual records" in the returned record set is not modified.
kDNSQueryMulticastOnly &h00000400 One of the possible flags for the Query function. Prevents the query from using DNS and uses only Local Link Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR).
Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 or later.: This value is supported.
kDNSQueryNoHostsFile &h00000040 One of the possible flags for the Query function. Prevents the DNS query from consulting the HOSTS file.
Windows 2000 Server and Windows 2000 Professional: This value is not supported.
kDNSQueryNoLocalName &h00000020 One of the possible flags for the Query function. Directs DNS to ignore the local name.
Windows 2000 Server and Windows 2000 Professional: This value is not supported.
kDNSQueryNoMulticast &h00000800 One of the possible flags for the Query function.
kDNSQueryNoNetBT &h00000080 One of the possible flags for the Query function. Prevents the DNS query from using NetBT for resolution.
Windows 2000 Server and Windows 2000 Professional: This value is not supported.
kDNSQueryNoRecursion &h00000004 One of the possible flags for the Query function. Directs the DNS server to perform an iterative query (specifically directs the DNS server not to perform recursive resolution to resolve the query).
kDNSQueryNoWireQuery &h00000010 One of the possible flags for the Query function. Directs DNS to perform a query on the local cache only.
kDNSQueryReserved &hff000000 One of the possible flags for the Query function. Reserved.
kDNSQueryReturnMessage &h00000200 One of the possible flags for the Query function. Directs DNS to return the entire DNS response message.
Windows 2000 Server and Windows 2000 Professional: This value is not supported.
kDNSQueryStandard &h00000000 One of the possible flags for the Query function. Standard query.
kDNSQueryTreatAsFQDN &h00001000 One of the possible flags for the Query function. Prevents the DNS response from attaching suffixes to the submitted name in a name resolution process
kDNSQueryUseTCPOnly &h00000002 One of the possible flags for the Query function. Uses TCP only for the query.
kDNSQueryWireOnly &h00000100 One of the possible flags for the Query function. Directs DNS to perform a query using the network only, bypassing local information.
Windows 2000 Server and Windows 2000 Professional: This value is not supported.
kDNSRClassAll &hff00 One of the DNS classes in network byte order.
kDNSRClassAny &hff00 One of the DNS classes in network byte order.
kDNSRClassCHAOS &h0300 One of the DNS classes in network byte order.
kDNSRClassCSNET &h0200 One of the DNS classes in network byte order.
kDNSRClassHESIOD &h0400 One of the DNS classes in network byte order.
kDNSRClassInternet &h0100 One of the DNS classes in network byte order.
kDNSRClassNone &hfe00 One of the DNS classes in network byte order.
kDNSRTypeA &h0100 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeAAAA &h1c00 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeAFSDB &h1200 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeALL &hff00 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeANY &hff00 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeATMA &h2200 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeAXFR &hfc00 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeCNAME &h0500 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeGPOS &h1b00 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeHINFO &h0d00 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeISDN &h1400 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeIXFR &hfb00 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeKEY &h1900 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeLOC &h1d00 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeMAILA &hfe00 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeMAILB &hfd00 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeMB &h0700 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeMD &h0300 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeMF &h0400 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeMG &h0800 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeMINFO &h0e00 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeMR &h0900 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeMX &h0f00 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeNS &h0200 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeNSAP &h1600 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeNSAPPTR &h1700 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeNULL &h0a00 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeNXT &h1e00 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypePTR &h0c00 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypePX &h1a00 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeRP &h1100 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeRT &h1500 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeSIG &h1800 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeSOA &h0600 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeSRV &h2100 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeTEXT &h1000 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeTKEY &hf900 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeTSIG &hfa00 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeWINS &h01ff One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeWINSR &h02ff One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeWKS &h0b00 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSRTypeX25 &h1300 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in network byte order).
kDNSTypeA &h0001 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeAAAA &h001c One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeAFSDB &h0012 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeALL &h00ff One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeANY &h00ff One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeATMA &h0022 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeAXFR &h00fc One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeCNAME &h0005 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeGPOS &h001b One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeHINFO &h000d One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeISDN &h0014 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeIXFR &h00fb One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeKEY &h0019 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeLOC &h001d One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeMAILA &h00fe One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeMAILB &h00fd One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeMB &h0007 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeMD &h0003 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeMF &h0004 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeMG &h0008 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeMINFO &h000e One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeMR &h0009 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeMX &h000f One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeNBSTAT &hff02 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeNS &h0002 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeNSAP &h0016 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeNSAPPTR &h0017 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeNULL &h000a One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeNXT &h001e One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypePTR &h000c One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypePX &h001a One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeRP &h0011 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeRT &h0015 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeSIG &h0018 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeSOA &h0006 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeSRV &h0021 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeTEXT &h0010 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeTKEY &h00f9 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeTSIG &h00fa One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeWINS &hff01 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeWINSR &hff02 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeWKS &h000b One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeX25 &h0013 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kDNSTypeZERO &h0000 One of the possible DNS record type constants (in native byte order).
kSectionAddtional 3 One of the constants for the Section Property. The DNS section specified is additional DNS information.
kSectionAnswer 1 One of the constants for the Section Property. The DNS section specified is a DNS answer.
kSectionAuthority 2 One of the constants for the Section Property. The DNS section specified indicates a DNS authority.
kSectionQuestion 0 One of the constants for the Section Property. The DNS section specified is a DNS question.

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