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Required plugins for this example: MBS ChartDirector Plugin

You find this example project in your Plugins Download as a Xojo project file within the examples folder: /ChartDirector/surfacetexture

This example is the version from Fri, 9th Feb 2023.

Project "surfacetexture.xojo_binary_project"
Class App Inherits Application
Const kEditClear = "&Delete"
Const kFileQuit = "&Quit"
Const kFileQuitShortcut = ""
EventHandler Sub Open() For i As Integer = 0 To 2 createChart i Next End EventHandler
Function FindFile(name as string) As FolderItem // Look for file in parent folders from executable on dim parent as FolderItem = app.ExecutableFile.Parent while parent<>Nil dim file as FolderItem = parent.Child(name) if file<>Nil and file.Exists then Return file end if parent = parent.Parent wend End Function
Sub addBubbleTexture(sc as CDSurfaceChartMBS) // Set the original surface color to be from grey (&hbbbbbb) to light grey (&heeeeee) based on // the z-value. This will become the background color of the surface. Dim colorGradient() As Integer = Array( CType(&hbbbbbb, Integer), &heeeeee) sc.colorAxis.setColorGradient(True, colorGradient) // The data values for the red bubbles Dim dataX0() As Double = Array(-5.0, -2, 1, 7) Dim dataY0() As Double = Array(2.0, 4, -2, -6) Dim dataZ0() As Double = Array(20.0, 60, 50, 85) // The data values for the blue bubbles Dim dataX1() As Double = Array(5.0, -5, -3) Dim dataY1() As Double = Array(3.0, -4, 7) Dim dataZ1() As Double = Array(100.0, 85, 95) // Create a bubble chart of the same size as the surface XY size Dim c As New CDXYChartMBS(sc.getPlotRegionWidth, sc.getPlotRegionDepth, CDBaseChartMBS.kTransparent) call c.setPlotArea(0, 0, c.getWidth, c.getHeight, -1, -1, CDBaseChartMBS.kTransparent, CDBaseChartMBS.kTransparent) // Synchronize the bubble chart axis scale to the surface axis scale. As the surface axes are // visible, we can hide the bubble chart axes. c.yAxis.syncAxis(sc.yAxis) c.xAxis.syncAxis(sc.xAxis) c.xAxis.setColors(CDBaseChartMBS.kTransparent) c.yAxis.setColors(CDBaseChartMBS.kTransparent) // Add bubbles with the semi-transparent red color (&h7fff3333). Also add a matching legend // entry to the surface chart. c.addScatterLayer(dataX0, dataY0, "", CDBaseChartMBS.kCircleSymbol, 9, &h7fff3333, &h7fff3333).setSymbolScale(dataZ0) sc.getLegend.addKey("Hot Zone", &h7fff3333) // Add bubbles with the semi-transparent blue color (&h7f3333ff). Also add a matchine legend // entry to the surface chart c.addScatterLayer(dataX1, dataY1, "", CDBaseChartMBS.kCircleSymbol, 9, &h7f3333ff, &h7f3333ff).setSymbolScale(dataZ1) sc.getLegend.addKey("Wet Zone", &h7f3333ff) // Before we generate the bubble chart as texture, we must layout the surface chart first. It is // because the bubble chart axis scale depends on the surface chart axis scale. sc.layout // Output the bubble chart and save it as a resource Dim m As CDDrawAreaMBS = c.makeChart sc.setResource("texture", m) // Use the resource as the texture sc.setSurfaceTexture(sc.patternColor("@/texture")) End Sub
Sub addPolarTexture(sc as CDSurfaceChartMBS) sc.setSurfaceAxisGrid(CDBaseChartMBS.kTransparent, CDBaseChartMBS.kTransparent) Dim c As New CDPolarChartMBS(sc.getPlotRegionWidth, sc.getPlotRegionDepth, CDBaseChartMBS.kTransparent) c.setPlotArea(c.getWidth / 2, c.getHeight / 2, c.getWidth / 2) // Use alternative light grey/dark grey circular background color c.setPlotAreaBg(&haf000000, CDBaseChartMBS.kTransparent) // Set the grid style to circular grid c.setGridStyle(False) // Set angular axis as 0 - 360, with a spoke every 30 units c.angularAxis.setLinearScale(0, 360, 30) Call c.angularAxis.setLabelStyle("normal", 8, CDBaseChartMBS.kTransparent) c.radialAxis.setLinearScale(0, 10, 2) c.radialAxis.setColors(CDBaseChartMBS.kTransparent, CDBaseChartMBS.kTransparent) // Output the polar chart and save it as a resource sc.setResource("texture", c.makeChart) // Use the resource as the texture Dim patternColor As Integer = sc.patternColor("@/texture") sc.setSurfaceTexture(patternColor) End Sub
Sub createChart(chartIndex as integer) // The x and y coordinates of the grid Dim dataX() As Double = Array(-10.0, -9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) Dim dataX_size As Integer = dataX.Ubound + 1 Dim dataY() As Double = Array(-10.0, -9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) Dim dataY_size As Integer = dataY.Ubound + 1 // The values at the grid points. In this example, we will compute the values using the formula // z = x * y. Dim dataZ_size As Integer = dataX_size * dataY_size Dim dataZ() As Double redim dataZ(dataZ_size-1) For yIndex As Integer = 0 To dataY_size - 1 For xIndex As Integer = 0 To dataX_size - 1 dataZ(yIndex * dataX_size + xIndex) = dataX(xIndex) * dataY(yIndex) Next Next // Create a SurfaceChart object of size 480 x 450 pixels Dim c As New CDSurfaceChartMBS(480, 450) // Set the center of the plot region at (240, 210), and set width x depth x height to 240 x 240 // x 200 pixels c.setPlotRegion(240, 210, 240, 240, 200) // Set the elevation and rotation angles to 30 and 15 degrees c.setViewAngle(30, 15) // Set the data to use to plot the chart c.setData(dataX, dataY, dataZ) // Spline interpolate data to a 80 x 80 grid for a smooth surface c.setInterpolation(80, 80) // Reserve 50 pixels at the bottom of the z-axis to allow for the XY projection c.zAxis.setMargin(0, 50) // Add XY projection c.addXYProjection // Use semi-transparent black (&hc0000000) for x and y major surface grid lines. Use dotted // style for x and y minor surface grid lines. Dim majorGridColor As Integer = &hc0000000 Dim minorGridColor As Integer = c.dashLineColor(majorGridColor, CDBaseChartMBS.kDotLine) c.setSurfaceAxisGrid(majorGridColor, majorGridColor, minorGridColor, minorGridColor) // Get the surface texture Dim textureChart As CDBaseChartMBS If (chartIndex = 0) Then // Surface texture is a bubble chart Call c.addTitle("<*underline=2*>Bubble Chart Texture", "Arial Bold", 16) // This texture uses the legend box, so we need to add a legend box to the chart at (490, // 200). Dim b As CDLegendBoxMBS = c.addLegend(490, 200, True, "Arial Bold", 10) b.setBackground(CDBaseChartMBS.kTransparent, CDBaseChartMBS.kTransparent) b.setMaxWidth(c.getWidth - 490 - 1) // Add the texture addBubbleTexture(c) Elseif (chartIndex = 1) Then // Surface Texture is a polar chart Call c.addTitle("<*underline=2*>Polar Chart Texture", "Arial Bold", 16) // This texture uses the color axis, so we add the color axis at (420, 75) Dim cAxis As CDColorAxisMBS = c.setColorAxis(420, 75, CDBaseChartMBS.kTopLeft, 200, CDBaseChartMBS.kRight) // By default, the color axis synchronizes with the z-axis. We cancel the synchronization so // that the color axis will auto-scale independently. cAxis.syncAxis(Nil) // Add the texture addPolarTexture(c) Else // Surface Texture is an image Call c.addTitle("<*underline=2*>Image Texture", "Arial Bold", 16) // Use a DrawArea to load the image Dim d As New CDDrawAreaMBS Dim f As FolderItem = findFile("maptexture.png") Call d.load(f.NativePath) d.resize(240, 210) // Set the DrawArea as a resource c.setResource("texture", d) // Use the resource as the texture c.setSurfaceTexture(c.patternColor("@/texture")) End If // Set contour lines to semi-transparent white (80ffffff) c.setContourColor(&h80ffffff) // Set the x, y and z axis titles using 10 pt Arial Bold font Call c.xAxis.setTitle("X Title<*br*>Placeholder", "Arial Bold", 10) Call c.yAxis.setTitle("Y Title<*br*>Placeholder", "Arial Bold", 10) Call c.zAxis.setTitle("Z Title Placeholder", "Arial Bold", 10) // 2x for higher DPI displays c.setOutputOptions("bmpscale=2") // Output the chart Dim pic As Picture = c.makeChartPicture Dim w As New MainWindow w.pic = pic w.Left = 10 + w.Width * chartIndex = 50 End Sub
End Class
Class MainWindow Inherits Window
EventHandler Sub Paint(g As Graphics, areas() As REALbasic.Rect) If pic <> Nil Then // scale to window g.DrawPicture pic, 0, 0, g.Width, g.Height, 0, 0, pic.Width, pic.Height End If End EventHandler
Property pic As Picture
End Class
MenuBar MainMenuBar
MenuItem FileMenu = "&File"
MenuItem FileQuit = "#App.kFileQuit"
MenuItem EditMenu = "&Edit"
MenuItem EditUndo = "&Undo"
MenuItem EditSeparator1 = "-"
MenuItem EditCut = "Cu&t"
MenuItem EditCopy = "&Copy"
MenuItem EditPaste = "&Paste"
MenuItem EditClear = "#App.kEditClear"
MenuItem EditSeparator2 = "-"
MenuItem EditSelectAll = "Select &All"
End MenuBar
End Project

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