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/Dongle/HASP/HASP Demo
Required plugins for this example: MBS Dongle Plugin
You find this example project in your Plugins Download as a Xojo project file within the examples folder: /Dongle/HASP/HASP Demo
This example is the version from Sun, 23th Sep 2017.
Project "HASP Demo.xojo_binary_project"
Class HASPWindow Inherits Window
Control texts Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(0) Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(1) Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(2) Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(3) Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(4) Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(5) Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(6) Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(7) Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(8) Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(9) Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(10) Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(11) Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(12) Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(13) Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(14) Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(15) Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(16) Inherits Label
End Control
Control password1field Inherits TextField
ControlInstance password1field Inherits TextField
End Control
Control password2field Inherits TextField
ControlInstance password2field Inherits TextField
End Control
Control resultfield Inherits TextField
ControlInstance resultfield Inherits TextField
End Control
Control ServiceField Inherits TextField
ControlInstance ServiceField Inherits TextField
End Control
Control p1field Inherits TextField
ControlInstance p1field Inherits TextField
End Control
Control p2field Inherits TextField
ControlInstance p2field Inherits TextField
End Control
Control p3field Inherits TextField
ControlInstance p3field Inherits TextField
End Control
Control p4field Inherits TextField
ControlInstance p4field Inherits TextField
End Control
Control Separator1 Inherits Separator
ControlInstance Separator1 Inherits Separator
End Control
Control searchkybutton Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance searchkybutton Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() searchkey End EventHandler
End Control
Control tab Inherits TabPanel
ControlInstance tab Inherits TabPanel
End Control
Control EncodeButton Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance EncodeButton Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() encode End EventHandler
End Control
Control DecodeButton Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance DecodeButton Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() decode End EventHandler
End Control
Control inputblock Inherits TextField
ControlInstance inputblock Inherits TextField
End Control
Control outputblock Inherits TextField
ControlInstance outputblock Inherits TextField
End Control
Control memoryaddress Inherits TextField
ControlInstance memoryaddress Inherits TextField
End Control
Control memoryvalue Inherits TextField
ControlInstance memoryvalue Inherits TextField
End Control
Control blocklength Inherits TextField
ControlInstance blocklength Inherits TextField
End Control
Control blockdatawrite Inherits TextField
ControlInstance blockdatawrite Inherits TextField
End Control
Control readwordbutton Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance readwordbutton Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() readword End EventHandler
End Control
Control writewordbutton Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance writewordbutton Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() writeword End EventHandler
End Control
Control readblockbutton Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance readblockbutton Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() readblock End EventHandler
End Control
Control writeblockbutton Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance writeblockbutton Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() writeblock End EventHandler
End Control
Control portnumfield Inherits Label
ControlInstance portnumfield Inherits Label
End Control
Control memorysizefield Inherits Label
ControlInstance memorysizefield Inherits Label
End Control
Control hasptypefield Inherits Label
ControlInstance hasptypefield Inherits Label
End Control
Control idfield Inherits Label
ControlInstance idfield Inherits Label
End Control
Control blockdataread Inherits TextField
ControlInstance blockdataread Inherits TextField
End Control
Control memoryinfo Inherits Label
ControlInstance memoryinfo Inherits Label
End Control
Control timestate Inherits Label
ControlInstance timestate Inherits Label
End Control
Control timehaspID Inherits Label
ControlInstance timehaspID Inherits Label
End Control
Control haspTime Inherits TextField
ControlInstance haspTime Inherits TextField
End Control
Control Readtimedate Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance Readtimedate Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() readtime End EventHandler
End Control
Control Writetimedate Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance Writetimedate Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() writetime End EventHandler
End Control
Control CheckAutoUpdate Inherits CheckBox
ControlInstance CheckAutoUpdate Inherits CheckBox
EventHandler Sub Action() // Disable editfield if auto update haspdate.enabled=not me.value hasptime.enabled=not me.value Readtimedate.enabled=not me.value writetimedate.enabled=not me.value // Disable or enable timer if me.value then updateTime.mode=2 readtime // Update now else updateTime.mode=0 end if End EventHandler
End Control
Control haspDate Inherits TextField
ControlInstance haspDate Inherits TextField
End Control
Control StaticText4 Inherits Label
ControlInstance StaticText4 Inherits Label
End Control
Control Lines Inherits Line
ControlInstance Lines(0) Inherits Line
ControlInstance Lines(1) Inherits Line
ControlInstance Lines(2) Inherits Line
ControlInstance Lines(3) Inherits Line
ControlInstance Lines(4) Inherits Line
ControlInstance Lines(5) Inherits Line
End Control
Control UpdateTime Inherits Timer
ControlInstance UpdateTime Inherits Timer
EventHandler Sub Action() // update time every second readtime End EventHandler
End Control
EventHandler Sub EnableMenuItems() appleVisitWebsite.enable End EventHandler
Function AppleVisitWebsite() As Boolean showurl "" End Function
Sub decode() dim p1,p2,p3,p4,c as integer dim m as memoryBlock m=newmemoryBlock(256) // should be big enough for this test // getting data for decoding // not using outputblock.text as RB changes text while guessing the encoding c=len(encodedText) m.stringValue(0,c)=encodedText // Calling function for decoding p2=c CallHASPMemMBS LOCALHASP_DECODEDATA, 0, PortNum, Pass1, Pass2, p1, p2, p3, p4, m // Displaying decoded buffer inputblock.text=m.stringValue(0,c) // Displaying the error code: showresult LOCALHASP_DECODEDATA,p1,p2,p3,p4 End Sub
Sub enablebuttons() // Enable all other buttons encodeButton.enabled=True decodeButton.enabled=True readblockbutton.enabled=True writeblockbutton.enabled=True readwordbutton.enabled=True writewordbutton.enabled=True readtimedate.enabled=timehasp writetimedate.enabled=timehasp checkAutoUpdate.enabled=timehasp haspdate.enabled=timehasp hasptime.enabled=timehasp End Sub
Sub encode() dim p1,p2,p3,p4,c as integer dim m as memoryBlock m=newmemoryBlock(256) // should be big enough for this test // getting data for encoding c=len(inputblock.text) m.stringValue(0,c)=inputblock.text // Calling function for encoding p2=c CallHASPMemMBS LOCALHASP_ENCODEDATA, 0, PortNum, Pass1, Pass2, p1,p2,p3,p4, m // Displaying encoded buffer outputblock.text=m.stringValue(0,c) encodedText=m.stringValue(0,c) // Displaying the error code: showresult LOCALHASP_ENCODEDATA,p1,p2,p3,p4 End Sub
Sub readblock() dim p1,p2,p3,p4 as integer dim i as integer dim m as memoryBlock declare sub DebugStr lib "CarbonLib" (s as pstring) m=newmemoryBlock(1024) // should be big enought for this test // getting data p1=val(memoryaddress.text) p2=val(blocklength.text) // Calling function for writing a block CallHASPMemMBS MEMOHASP_READBLOCK, 0, PortNum, Pass1, Pass2, p1, p2, p3, p4, m // Displaying the error code and data showresult MEMOHASP_READBLOCK,p1,p2,p3,p4 blockdataread.text=m.stringValue(0,p2*2) End Sub
Sub readtime() // Read the time and date from the key dim d as date // The Xojo Date object for displaying the time and date dim p1,p2,p3,p4 as integer d=new date CallHASPMBS TIMEHASP_GETDATE,0,portNum,pass1,pass2,p1,p2,p3,p4 d.month=p2 if p4>=92 then // handle different centuries d.year=p4+1900 else d.year=p4+2000 end if if p3=0 then // if no error p1=0 p2=0 p3=0 p4=0 CallHASPMBS TIMEHASP_GETTIME,0,portNum,pass1,pass2,p1,p2,p3,p4 d.hour=p4 d.minute=p2 d.second=p1 if p3=0 then // Display haspdate.text=d.longdate hasptime.text=d.longtime end if // Displaying Error Code showresult TIMEHASP_GETTIME,p1,p2,p3,p4 else // Displaying Error Code showresult TIMEHASP_GETDATE,p1,p2,p3,p4 end if End Sub
Sub readword() dim p1,p2,p3,p4 as integer // Setting memory address p1=val(memoryaddress.text) // Calling the Readmemo function CallHASPMBS MEMOHASP_READMEMO, 0, PortNum, Pass1, Pass2, p1, p2, p3, p4 // Displaying Error Code showresult MEMOHASP_READMEMO,p1,p2,p3,p4 // Displaying result memoryvalue.text=str(p2) End Sub
Sub searchkey() dim p1,p2,p3,p4 as integer dim s as string dim id as integer dim m as memoryBlock dim haspgeneration as string dim hasptype as string dim haspmemsize as string m=newmemoryBlock(256) // should be big enought for this test m.stringValue(0,8)="12345678" timehasp = false portNumfield.text="" memorysizefield.text="" hasptypefield.text="" idfield.text="" // Disable Auto Time Update checkAutoUpdate.value=false // First we get the passwords from the editfields Pass1 = val(password1field.text) Pass2 = val(password2field.text) // We don't know the portnumber now. So we start at 0 PortNum=0 // Calling the LOCALHASP_ENCODEDATA Function to find out // if specified HASP is connected p1 = 0 p2 = 0 p3 = 0 p4 = 0 haspgeneration="HASP4" // callhaspmem LOCALHASP_ENCODEDATA, 0, PortNum, Pass1, Pass2, p1,p2,p3,p4, m // find out key generation CallHASPMBS 8 ,0,PortNum,Pass1, Pass2, p1,p2,p3,p4 if (p1=0) then haspgeneration="HASP3" end if showresult 8 ,p1,p2,p3,p4 if p3 <> 0 then resultfield.text="No HASP key with specified passwords found." return else // One or more keys were found resultfield.text="HASP key found." // find if we have a net key attached // will fail if driver supports not API 8.0! // for this service, set ALL parameters to 0 ! p1=0 p2=0 p3=0 p4=0 CallHASPMBS 9,0,PortNum,Pass1, Pass2, p1,p2,p3,p4 showresult 9,p1,p2,p3,p4 if (p1<>0) and (p3=0) then if p1=65535 then haspgeneration=haspgeneration+" Net(unlimited)" else haspgeneration=haspgeneration+" Net("+str(p1)+")" end if end if // Calling the status function CallHASPMBS LOCALHASP_HASPSTATUS, 0, PortNum, Pass1, Pass2, p1, p2, p3, p4 // Now we know the number of the portNum=p3 // Displaying Portnumber. If greater than 200 we have USB HASP key if portnum>=200 then s=" (via USB)" else s="" end if portNumfield.text=str(portNum)+s // Displaying memory size select case p2 case 0 hasptype="Std" memoryinfo.text="" case 1 if p1=1 then hasptype="M1" haspmemsize="56 words" memoryinfo.text="This HASP key has 56 words for your data." else hasptype="M4" haspmemsize="248 words" memoryinfo.text="This HASP key has 248 words for your data." end if case 5 hasptype="TimeHASP" haspmemsize="248 words" memoryinfo.text="This HASP key has 248 words for your data." else hasptype="Unknown Keytype" haspmemsize="" memoryinfo.text="This HASP key doesn't support storing data." end select s=haspmemsize memorysizefield.text=str(p1)+" "+s // Check if time features if p2=5 then timestate.text="This HASP key has time features." timehasp=true else timestate.text="This HASP key has no time features." timehasp=false end if // Displaying HASP key type s=haspgeneration+" "+hasptype+", "+haspmemsize hasptypefield.text=str(p2)+" "+s // Calling the ID Function of Memo Hasps p1=0 p2=0 p3=0 p4=0 CallHASPMBS MEMOHASP_HASPID, 0, PortNum, Pass1, Pass2, p1, p2, p3, p4 if p3<>0 then idfield.text="?" else // Displaying ID id=p1+65536*p2 idfield.text=format(id,"0")+" or hex "+hex(id) end if // If Timehasp than get ID for Timehasp if timehasp then p1=0 p2=0 p3=0 p4=0 CallHASPMBS TIMEHASP_GETHASPID, 0, PortNum, Pass1, Pass2, p1, p2, p3, p4 id=p1+65536*p2 timehaspid.text=format(id,"0")+" or hex "+hex(id) else timehaspid.text="" end if // Enable all other buttons enablebuttons end if End Sub
Sub showresult(service as integer,p1 as integer,p2 as integer,p3 as integer,p4 as integer) // Displaying the errorcode and the error message string resultfield.text=GetHASPErrorStrMBS(p3) p1field.text=str(p1) p2field.text=str(p2) p3field.text=str(p3) p4field.text=str(p4) servicefield.text=str(service) End Sub
Sub writeblock() dim p1,p2,p3,p4 as integer dim m as memoryBlock m=newmemoryBlock(1024) // should be big enought for this test // getting data p1=val(memoryaddress.text) p2=len(blockdatawrite.text) m.stringValue(0,p2)=blockdatawrite.text // Calling function for writing a block CallHASPMemMBS MEMOHASP_WRITEBLOCK, 0, PortNum, Pass1, Pass2, p1, p2, p3, p4, m // Displaying the error code showresult MEMOHASP_WRITEBLOCK,p1,p2,p3,p4 End Sub
Sub writetime() // Write time and date to HASP key dim d as date // The RB Date object dim p1,p2,p3,p4 as integer dim second,minute,hour as integer if parseDate(haspdate.text,d) then // calling Xojos parse Date function saves us time p2=d.month p3=0 p4=d.year if p4<2000 then // handle different centuries p4=p4-1900 else p4=p4-2000 end if CallHASPMBS TIMEHASP_SETDATE,0,portNum,pass1,pass2,p1,p2,p3,p4 if p3=0 then // no error so continue // Time must be in 00:00:00 format hour=val(nthField(hasptime.text,":",1)) ' get first field for hour minute=val(nthField(hasptime.text,":",2)) ' get second field for minute second=val(nthField(hasptime.text,":",3)) ' get third field for second p1=second p2=minute p3=0 p4=hour CallHASPMBS TIMEHASP_SETTIME,0,portNum,pass1,pass2,p1,p2,p3,p4 if p3=0 then readtime // Read current time end if showresult TIMEHASP_SETTIME,p1,p2,p3,p4 else showresult TIMEHASP_SETDATE,p1,p2,p3,p4 end if else msgBox "Invalid Date! Please correct." end if End Sub
Sub writeword() dim p1,p2,p3,p4 as integer // Setting memory address p1=val(memoryaddress.text) // Setting memory value p2=val(memoryvalue.text) // Calling the Readmemo function CallHASPMBS MEMOHASP_WRITEMEMO, 0, PortNum, Pass1, Pass2, p1, p2, p3, p4 // Displaying Error Code showresult MEMOHASP_WRITEMEMO,p1,p2,p3,p4 End Sub
Property Pass1 As integer
Property Pass2 As integer
Property PortNum As integer
Property Protected encodedText As string
Property timehasp As boolean
End Class
MenuBar Menü
MenuItem Menu = ""
MenuItem UntitledMenu0 = "File"
MenuItem FileHASPDemo = "HASP4 Standard, Memo, Time"
MenuItem FileNetHASPDemo = "HASP4 Net"
MenuItem UntitledMenu1 = "-"
MenuItem FileQuit = "Quit"
MenuItem AppleVisitWebsite = "Visit website…"
End MenuBar
Class ReadonlyEditfield Inherits TextField
EventHandler Sub Open() me.backColor=fillColor me.readOnly=true End EventHandler
End Class
Module HASPConstants
Function remove0(s as string) As string dim i,c as integer dim ch,t as string c=len(s) for i=1 to c ch=mid(s,i,1) if asc(ch)>0 then t=t+ch end if next return t End Function
End Module
Class NetHASPWindow Inherits Window
Control texts Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(0) Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(1) Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(2) Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(3) Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(4) Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(5) Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(6) Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(7) Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(8) Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(9) Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(10) Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(11) Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(12) Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(13) Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(14) Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(15) Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(16) Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(17) Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(18) Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(19) Inherits Label
ControlInstance texts(20) Inherits Label
End Control
Control password1field Inherits TextField
ControlInstance password1field Inherits TextField
End Control
Control password2field Inherits TextField
ControlInstance password2field Inherits TextField
End Control
Control iPrognum Inherits TextField
ControlInstance iPrognum Inherits TextField
End Control
Control loginbutton Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance loginbutton Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() login End EventHandler
End Control
Control PushButton1 Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance PushButton1 Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() loginProcess End EventHandler
End Control
Control logoutButton Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance logoutButton Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() logout End EventHandler
End Control
Control ServiceField Inherits TextField
ControlInstance ServiceField Inherits TextField
End Control
Control p1field Inherits TextField
ControlInstance p1field Inherits TextField
End Control
Control p2field Inherits TextField
ControlInstance p2field Inherits TextField
End Control
Control p3field Inherits TextField
ControlInstance p3field Inherits TextField
End Control
Control p4field Inherits TextField
ControlInstance p4field Inherits TextField
End Control
Control tab Inherits TabPanel
ControlInstance tab Inherits TabPanel
End Control
Control EncodeButton Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance EncodeButton Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() encode End EventHandler
End Control
Control DecodeButton Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance DecodeButton Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() decode End EventHandler
End Control
Control inputblock Inherits TextField
ControlInstance inputblock Inherits TextField
End Control
Control outputblock Inherits TextField
ControlInstance outputblock Inherits TextField
End Control
Control Lines Inherits Line
ControlInstance Lines(0) Inherits Line
ControlInstance Lines(1) Inherits Line
ControlInstance Lines(2) Inherits Line
ControlInstance Lines(3) Inherits Line
ControlInstance Lines(4) Inherits Line
ControlInstance Lines(5) Inherits Line
End Control
Control memoryaddress Inherits TextField
ControlInstance memoryaddress Inherits TextField
End Control
Control memoryvalue Inherits TextField
ControlInstance memoryvalue Inherits TextField
End Control
Control blockdatawrite Inherits TextField
ControlInstance blockdatawrite Inherits TextField
End Control
Control readwordbutton Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance readwordbutton Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() readword End EventHandler
End Control
Control writewordbutton Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance writewordbutton Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() writeword End EventHandler
End Control
Control readblockbutton Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance readblockbutton Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() readblock End EventHandler
End Control
Control writeblockbutton Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance writeblockbutton Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() writeblock End EventHandler
End Control
Control portnumfield Inherits Label
ControlInstance portnumfield Inherits Label
End Control
Control memorysizefield Inherits Label
ControlInstance memorysizefield Inherits Label
End Control
Control hasptypefield Inherits Label
ControlInstance hasptypefield Inherits Label
End Control
Control idfield Inherits Label
ControlInstance idfield Inherits Label
End Control
Control blocklength Inherits TextField
ControlInstance blocklength Inherits TextField
End Control
Control blockdataread Inherits TextField
ControlInstance blockdataread Inherits TextField
End Control
Control memoryinfo Inherits Label
ControlInstance memoryinfo Inherits Label
End Control
Control iNewIdleTime Inherits TextField
ControlInstance iNewIdleTime Inherits TextField
End Control
Control SetIdleButton Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance SetIdleButton Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() setidletime End EventHandler
End Control
Control iNewFileName Inherits TextField
ControlInstance iNewFileName Inherits TextField
End Control
Control ConfigfilenameButton Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance ConfigfilenameButton Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() setconfigfilename End EventHandler
End Control
Control iServername Inherits TextField
ControlInstance iServername Inherits TextField
End Control
Control ServernameButton Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance ServernameButton Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() setservername End EventHandler
End Control
Control StaticText1 Inherits Label
ControlInstance StaticText1 Inherits Label
End Control
Control StaticText2 Inherits Label
ControlInstance StaticText2 Inherits Label
End Control
Control licencefield Inherits Label
ControlInstance licencefield Inherits Label
End Control
Control activationfield Inherits Label
ControlInstance activationfield Inherits Label
End Control
Control resultfield Inherits TextField
ControlInstance resultfield Inherits TextField
End Control
Control Separators Inherits Separator
ControlInstance Separators Inherits Separator
End Control
EventHandler Sub EnableMenuItems() appleVisitWebsite.enable End EventHandler
Function AppleVisitWebsite() As Boolean showurl "" End Function
Sub Login() dim p1,p2,p3,p4 as integer dim s as string dim id as integer dim keytypetext as string idfield.text="" portnumfield.text="" hasptypefield.text="" memorysizefield.text="" licencefield.text="" activationfield.text="" // First we get the passwords from the editfields Pass1 = val(password1field.text) Pass2 = val(password2field.text) // Nethasp login prognum=val(iprognum.text) CallHASPMBS NETHASP_LOGIN,0,prognum,pass1,pass2,p1,p2,p3,p4 logoutbutton.enabled=true if showresult(NETHASP_LOGIN) then // if okay then go on // Calling the ID Function of Memo Hasps p1=0 p2=0 p3=0 p4=0 CallHASPMBS NETHASP_HASPID, 0, Prognum, Pass1, Pass2, p1, p2, p3, p4 // Show result // Displaying ID id=p1+65536*p2 idfield.text=format(id,"0")+" or hex "+hex(id) portnumfield.text=str(prognum) enablebuttons p1=0 p2=0 p3=0 p4=0 CallHASPMBS NETHASP_QUERYLICENCE, 0, Prognum, Pass1, Pass2, p1, p2, p3, p4 if p2=0 then // its unlimited licencefield.text=str(p1)+" of unlimited licenses in use" else licencefield.text=str(p1)+" of "+str(p2)+" licences in use" end if if p4=65535 then // should be -1 as 16bit but we have it as 32bit value activationfield.text="unlimited" else activationfield.text=str(p4) end if if p3=0 then keytypetext="Unlimited" else keytypetext=str(p3) end if hasptypefield.text="HASP4 Net "+keytypetext memorysizefield.text="248 Words" else // clear fields on error idfield.text="" portnumfield.text="" hasptypefield.text="" memorysizefield.text="" licencefield.text="" activationfield.text="" end if End Sub
Sub LoginProcess() dim p1,p2,p3,p4 as integer dim s as string dim id as integer dim keytypetext as string idfield.text="" portnumfield.text="" hasptypefield.text="" memorysizefield.text="" licencefield.text="" activationfield.text="" // First we get the passwords from the editfields Pass1 = val(password1field.text) Pass2 = val(password2field.text) // Nethasp login prognum=val(iprognum.text) CallHASPMBS 110,0,prognum,pass1,pass2,p1,p2,p3,p4 logoutbutton.enabled=true if showresult(NETHASP_LOGIN) then // if okay then go on // Calling the ID Function of Memo Hasps p1=0 p2=0 p3=0 p4=0 CallHASPMBS NETHASP_HASPID, 0, Prognum, Pass1, Pass2, p1, p2, p3, p4 // Show result // Displaying ID id=p1+65536*p2 idfield.text=format(id,"0")+" or hex "+hex(id) portnumfield.text=str(prognum) enablebuttons p1=0 p2=0 p3=0 p4=0 CallHASPMBS NETHASP_QUERYLICENCE, 0, Prognum, Pass1, Pass2, p1, p2, p3, p4 if p2=0 then // its unlimited licencefield.text=str(p1)+" of unlimited licenses in use" else licencefield.text=str(p1)+" of "+str(p2)+" licences in use" end if if p4=65535 then // should be -1 as 16bit but we have it as 32bit value activationfield.text="unlimited" else activationfield.text=str(p4) end if if p3=0 then keytypetext="Unlimited" else keytypetext=str(p3) end if hasptypefield.text="HASP4 Net "+keytypetext memorysizefield.text="248 Words" else // clear fields on error idfield.text="" portnumfield.text="" hasptypefield.text="" memorysizefield.text="" licencefield.text="" activationfield.text="" end if End Sub
Sub Logout() // Nethasp logout dim p1,p2,p3,p4 as integer idfield.text="" portnumfield.text="" hasptypefield.text="" memorysizefield.text="" licencefield.text="" activationfield.text="" CallHASPMBS NETHASP_LOGOUT,0,prognum,pass1,pass2,p1,p2,p3,p4 dummy=showresult(NETHASP_LOGOUT) End Sub
Sub decode() dim p1,p2,p3,p4,c as integer dim m as memoryBlock m=newmemoryBlock(256) // should be big enought for this test // getting data for decoding c=len(outputblock.text) m.stringValue(0,c)=outputblock.text // Calling function for decoding p2=c CallHASPMemMBS NETHASP_DECODEDATA, 0, Prognum, Pass1, Pass2, p1, p2, p3, p4, m // Displaying decoded buffer inputblock.text=m.stringValue(0,c) // Displaying the error code: dummy=showresult(NETHASP_DECODEDATA) End Sub
Sub enablebuttons() // Enable all other buttons encodeButton.enabled=True decodeButton.enabled=True readblockbutton.enabled=True writeblockbutton.enabled=True readwordbutton.enabled=True writewordbutton.enabled=True loginButton.enabled=true End Sub
Sub encode() dim p1,p2,p3,p4,c as integer dim m as memoryBlock m=newmemoryBlock(256) // should be big enought for this test // getting data for encoding c=len(inputblock.text) m.stringValue(0,c)=inputblock.text // Calling function for encoding p2=c CallHASPMemMBS NETHASP_ENCODEDATA, 0, Prognum, Pass1, Pass2, p1,p2,p3,p4, m // Displaying encoded buffer if (p3 = 0) then outputblock.text=m.stringValue(0,c) end if // Displaying the error code: dummy=showresult(NETHASP_ENCODEDATA) End Sub
Sub readblock() dim p1,p2,p3,p4 as integer dim m as memoryBlock // declare sub DebugStr lib "CarbonLib" (s as pstring) m=newmemoryBlock(1024) // should be big enought for this test // getting data p1=val(memoryaddress.text) p2=val(blocklength.text) // Calling function for writing a block CallHASPMemMBS NETHASP_READBLOCK, 0, Prognum, Pass1, Pass2, p1, p2, p3, p4, m // Displaying the error code and data dummy=showresult(NETHASP_READBLOCK) blockdataread.text=m.stringValue(0,p2*2) End Sub
Sub readword() dim p1,p2,p3,p4 as integer // Setting memory address p1=val(memoryaddress.text) // Calling the Readmemo function CallHASPMBS NETHASP_READWORD, 0, Prognum, Pass1, Pass2, p1, p2, p3, p4 // Displaying Error Code dummy=showresult(NETHASP_READWORD) // Displaying result memoryvalue.text=str(p2) End Sub
Sub setconfigfilename() dim p1,p2,p3,p4 as integer dim NewFileName as memoryBlock // getting new value NewFileName=newmemoryBlock(256) p2=lenb(iNewFileName.text) NewFileName.stringValue(0,p2)=iNewFileName.text // You can call that before login so we get the Prognum again from the input field to make sure we have the correct one Prognum=val(iPrognum.text) // Calling the Readmemo function CallHASPMemMBS NETHASP_SETCONFIGFILENAME, 0, Prognum, Pass1, Pass2, p1, p2, p3, p4, NewFileName // Displaying Error Code dummy=showresult(NETHASP_SETCONFIGFILENAME) End Sub
Sub setidletime() dim newidletime,p1,p2,p3,p4 as integer // getting new value newidletime=val(iNewIdleTime.text) // You can call that before login so we get the Prognum again from the input field to make sure we have the correct one Prognum=val(iPrognum.text) // Calling the Readmemo function CallHASPMBS NETHASP_IDLETIME, newidletime, Prognum, Pass1, Pass2, p1, p2, p3, p4 // Displaying Error Code dummy=showresult(NETHASP_IDLETIME) End Sub
Sub setservername() dim p1,p2,p3,p4 as integer dim ServerName as memoryBlock // getting new value ServerName=newmemoryBlock(256) p2=lenb(iServerName.text) ServerName.stringValue(0,p2)=iServerName.text // You can call that before login so we get the Prognum again from the input field to make sure we have the correct one Prognum=val(iPrognum.text) // Calling the Readmemo function CallHASPMemMBS NETHASP_SETSERVERBYNAME, 0, Prognum, Pass1, Pass2, p1, p2, p3, p4, ServerName // Displaying Error Code dummy=showresult(NETHASP_SETSERVERBYNAME) End Sub
Function showresult(service as integer) As boolean dim p1,p2,p3,p4 as integer // For netHASP we need to ask for the error code using the LastStatus Service function CallHASPMBS NETHASP_LASTSTATUS,0,0,0,0,p1,p2,p3,p4 // Displaying the errorcode and the error message string resultfield.text=GetHASPErrorStrMBS(p1) p1field.text=str(p1) p2field.text=str(p2) p3field.text=str(p3) p4field.text=str(p4) servicefield.text=str(service) // return true if there was no error return p1=0 End Function
Sub writeblock() dim p1,p2,p3,p4 as integer dim data as string dim m as memoryBlock m=newmemoryBlock(1024) // should be big enought for this test // getting data p1=val(memoryaddress.text) p2=len(blockdatawrite.text) m.stringValue(0,p2)=blockdatawrite.text // Calling function for writing a block CallHASPMemMBS NETHASP_WRITEBLOCK, 0, Prognum, Pass1, Pass2, p1, p2, p3, p4, m // Displaying the error code dummy=showresult(NETHASP_WRITEBLOCK) End Sub
Sub writeword() dim p1,p2,p3,p4 as integer // Setting memory address p1=val(memoryaddress.text) // Setting memory value p2=val(memoryvalue.text) // Calling the Readmemo function CallHASPMBS NETHASP_WRITEWORD, 0, Prognum, Pass1, Pass2, p1, p2, p3, p4 // Displaying Error Code dummy=showresult(NETHASP_WRITEWORD) End Sub
Property Pass1 As integer
Property Pass2 As integer
Property Prognum As integer
Property dummy As boolean
Property timehasp As boolean
End Class
Class App Inherits Application
EventHandler Sub EnableMenuItems() filehaSPDemo.enable filenetHASPDemo.enable End EventHandler
Function FileHASPDemo() As Boolean return true End Function
Function FileNetHASPDemo() As Boolean return true End Function
End Class
End Project

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