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/Encryption/AES/AES CBC Test

Required plugins for this example: MBS Encryption Plugin

You find this example project in your Plugins Download as a Xojo project file within the examples folder: /Encryption/AES/AES CBC Test

This example is the version from Thu, 4th Sep 2013.

Project "AES CBC Test.xojo_binary_project"
Class AES_Test Inherits Application
Const kEditClear = "&Löschen"
Const kFileQuit = "Beenden"
Const kFileQuitShortcut = ""
End Class
Class frmMain Inherits Window
Control btnDecrypt Inherits BevelButton
ControlInstance btnDecrypt Inherits BevelButton
EventHandler Sub Action() DecryptFile End EventHandler
End Control
Control btnRoundTrip Inherits BevelButton
ControlInstance btnRoundTrip Inherits BevelButton
EventHandler Sub Action() EncryptFile DecryptFile End EventHandler
End Control
Control txBlockSize Inherits TextField
ControlInstance txBlockSize Inherits TextField
End Control
Control lbBlockSize Inherits Label
ControlInstance lbBlockSize Inherits Label
End Control
Control lbFileName Inherits Label
ControlInstance lbFileName Inherits Label
End Control
Control txFileName Inherits TextField
ControlInstance txFileName Inherits TextField
End Control
Control btnEncrypt Inherits BevelButton
ControlInstance btnEncrypt Inherits BevelButton
EventHandler Sub Action() EncryptFile End EventHandler
End Control
Control txExtension Inherits TextField
ControlInstance txExtension Inherits TextField
End Control
EventHandler Sub Close() quit End EventHandler
Function DecryptAES(key as string, iv as string, SourceFile as FolderItem, DestFile as FolderItem, optional Blocksize as Integer = 160000) As Boolean // decrypt file with AES and CBC BlockSize = BlockSize - (BlockSize mod 16) if BlockSize <=0 then BlockSize = 16 end dim a as AESMBS = NewAES(key) if a = nil then Return false dim bi as BinaryStream = sourcefile.OpenAsBinaryFile(false) if bi = nil then Return false dim bo as BinaryStream = destfile.CreateBinaryFile("") if bo = nil then Return false dim IVectorOffset as integer = 0 dim IVector as MemoryBlock = iv dim newIV as new MemoryBlock(16) dim FileLength as int64 = SourceFile.Length dim BytesToProcess as int64 = 0 dim aktPos as int64 = 0 dim aktBlockLength as int64 dim data as string ="" do aktPos = bi.Position BytesToProcess = FileLength - aktPos data = bi.Read(BlockSize) dim idata as MemoryBlock = data // pick last 16 bytes of encrypted data as initialization vector of next block newIV = idata.RightB(16) aktBlockLength = LenB(idata) if aktBlockLength > 0 then a.DecryptCBC(idata, lenb(data), IVector, nil, 0, 0) // assign initialization vector for next block IVector = newIV if BytesToProcess <= BlockSize then // Last block // check padding byte dim wegDamit as integer = asc(idata.RightB(1)) // copy bytes without padding if BytesToProcess - wegDamit > 0 then dim RestData as string = idata.LeftB(BytesToProcess - wegDamit) bo.Write RestData end if else // write decrypted bytes bo.Write idata end if end if loop until aktBlockLength = 0 bo.Close bi.Close Return true End Function
Sub DecryptFile() dim key as string = "1234567890123456ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" dim iv as string = "6543210987654321" dim Filename as string = txFileName.Text dim Extension as string = "." + txExtension.Text dim sourceFile as FolderItem = SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child(Filename +".aes") dim decryptedFile as FolderItem = SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child(Filename +"_decrypted" + Extension) if sourceFile.Exists = false then MsgBox "File not found: " + sourceFile.Name return end if if DecryptAES(key, iv, sourceFile, decryptedFile) then MsgBox "Fertig !" end if End Sub
Function EncryptAES(key as string, iv as string, sourcefile as FolderItem, destfile as FolderItem, optional BlockSize as integer = 160000) As Boolean // encrypt file with AES and CBC BlockSize = BlockSize - (BlockSize mod 16) if BlockSize <=0 then BlockSize = 16 end dim a as AESMBS = NewAES(key) if a = nil then Return false dim bi as BinaryStream = sourcefile.OpenAsBinaryFile(false) if bi = nil then Return false dim bo as BinaryStream = destfile.CreateBinaryFile("") if bo = nil then Return false dim IVectorOffset as integer = 0 dim IVector as MemoryBlock = iv dim newIV as new MemoryBlock(16) dim FileLength as int64 = SourceFile.Length dim BytesToProcess as int64 = 0 dim aktPos as int64 = 0 dim aktBlockLength as int64 dim data as string ="" do aktPos = bi.Position BytesToProcess = FileLength - aktPos data = bi.Read(BlockSize) dim idata as MemoryBlock = data dim PaddingValue as integer = 16 - (BytesToProcess Mod 16) aktBlockLength = LenB(idata) if aktBlockLength > 0 then if BytesToProcess <= BlockSize then // add padding for last block dim RestData as new MemoryBlock(BytesToProcess + PaddingValue) RestData = idata.LeftB(BytesToProcess) + new MemoryBlock(PaddingValue) for i as integer = BytesToProcess to BytesToProcess + PaddingValue -1 RestData.byte(i) = PaddingValue next i a.EncryptCBC(RestData, BytesToProcess + PaddingValue, IVector, nil, 0, 0) bo.Write RestData else a.EncryptCBC(idata, lenb(data), IVector, nil, 0, 0) bo.Write idata // Take last bytes as initialization vector of next block IVector = idata.RightB(16) end if end if loop until aktBlockLength = 0 bo.Close bi.Close Return true End Function
Sub EncryptFile() dim key as string = "1234567890123456ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" dim iv as string = "6543210987654321" dim Filename as string = txFileName.Text dim Extension as string = "." + txExtension.Text dim sourceFile as FolderItem = SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child(Filename+Extension) dim encryptedFile as FolderItem = SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child(Filename+".aes") if sourceFile.Exists = false then MsgBox "File not found: " + Filename + extension return end if if EncryptAES(key, iv, sourceFile, encryptedFile) then MsgBox "Fertig!" end if End Sub
Function NewAES(key as string) As AESMBS dim a as new AESMBS // all keys should be UTF-8 key = ConvertEncoding(key, encodings.ascii) //dim bits as integer = 0 dim l as integer = lenb(key) // pad key to required length for 16, 24 or 32 bit key if l>32 then key = leftb(key,32) elseif l>24 then while lenb(key)<32 key = key + " " wend elseif l>16 then while lenb(key)<24 key = key + " " wend else while lenb(key)<16 key = key + " " wend end if if a.SetKey(key) then Return a end if End Function
End Class
MenuBar MenuBar1
End MenuBar
End Project

See also:

The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS Encryption Plugin.

The biggest plugin in space...