Platforms to show: All Mac Windows Linux Cross-Platform


Required plugins for this example: MBS MacCF Plugin

You find this example project in your Plugins Download as a Xojo project file within the examples folder: /MacCF/MIDI/MIDI Source

This example is the version from Wed, 14th May 2013.

Project "MIDI Source.xojo_binary_project"
Filetype text
End FileTypes
Class Window1 Inherits Window
Control notes Inherits BevelButton
ControlInstance notes(0) Inherits BevelButton
ControlInstance notes(1) Inherits BevelButton
ControlInstance notes(2) Inherits BevelButton
ControlInstance notes(3) Inherits BevelButton
ControlInstance notes(4) Inherits BevelButton
ControlInstance notes(5) Inherits BevelButton
ControlInstance notes(6) Inherits BevelButton
ControlInstance notes(7) Inherits BevelButton
ControlInstance notes(8) Inherits BevelButton
ControlInstance notes(9) Inherits BevelButton
ControlInstance notes(10) Inherits BevelButton
ControlInstance notes(11) Inherits BevelButton
ControlInstance notes(12) Inherits BevelButton
EventHandler Function MouseDown(index as Integer, X As Integer, Y As Integer) As Boolean me.value = true SendNoteOn(index) return true End EventHandler
EventHandler Function MouseUp(index as Integer, X As Integer, Y As Integer) As Boolean me.value = false SendNoteOff(index) return true End EventHandler
End Control
Control Error Inherits ListBox
ControlInstance Error Inherits ListBox
End Control
Control StaticText1 Inherits Label
ControlInstance StaticText1 Inherits Label
End Control
EventHandler Sub Close() client.close End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub Open() InitMIDI End EventHandler
Function GetDeviceNames(ep as MIDIEndpointMBS) As string dim externalIDs as CFBinaryDataMBS dim theID as integer dim i, j, l as integer dim mb as memoryBlock dim o as MIDIObjectMBS dim s as string dim names(0) as string dim displayName as string dim n as integer externalIDs = ep.BinaryProperty(ep.kMIDIPropertyConnectionUniqueID) if externalIDs <> nil then l = externalIDs.len mb = externalIDs.Mem for i = 0 to externalIDs.len-1 step 4 theID = mb.Long(i) if theID <> 0 then o = client.FindObjectByUniqueID(theID) if o <> nil then names.append o.stringProperty(o.kMIDIPropertyName).str exit end end next n = UBound(names) if n > 0 then displayName = "" for i = 1 to n displayName = displayName + names(i) if i < n then displayName = displayName + ", " end next 'realDObjects.append o return displayName end end return "" End Function
Sub InitMIDI() dim i as integer client = new MIDIClientMBS client.init(NewCFStringMBS("CoreMIDI")) if client.handle=0 then msgbox "Couldn't create a MIDI Client..." quit end outport = new MIDIPortMBS currentdest = client.CreateSource(NewCFStringMBS("mysource")) End Sub
Sub Msg(s as string) Error.InsertRow 0,s End Sub
Sub SendNoteOff(noteValue as integer) dim pack as MIDIPacketMBS dim list as MIDIPacketListMBS dim packs(-1) as MIDIPacketMBS dim num as integer dim data as memoryBlock pack = new MIDIPacketMBS list = new MIDIPacketListMBS data = newmemoryBlock(3) data.byte(0) = &h80 'note off data.byte(1) = noteValue + 48 'take it up a few octaves data.byte(2) = &h7C 'velocity pack.datamemory = data pack.timeStamp = nil 'now packs.append pack if not list.FillList(packs) then msgBox "bad" end client.Send(outport, currentDest, list) Msg "client.Send off "+str(client.Lasterror) End Sub
Sub SendNoteOn(noteValue as integer) dim pack as MIDIPacketMBS dim list as MIDIPacketListMBS dim packs(-1) as MIDIPacketMBS dim num as integer dim data as memoryBlock pack = new MIDIPacketMBS list = new MIDIPacketListMBS data = newmemoryBlock(3) data.byte(0) = &h90 'note on data.byte(1) = noteValue + 48 'take it up a few octaves data.byte(2) = &h7C 'velocity pack.datamemory = data pack.timeStamp = nil 'now packs.append pack if not list.FillList(packs) then msgBox "bad" end client.Send(outport, currentDest, list) Msg "client.Send on "+str(client.Lasterror) End Sub
Property client As MIDIClientMBS
Property currentDest As MIDIEndpointMBS
Property outport As MIDIPortMBS
Property realDestinations() As MIDIEndpointMBS
End Class
MenuBar MenuBar1
MenuItem UntitledMenu1 = ""
MenuItem FileMenu = "&File"
MenuItem FileQuit = "Quit"
MenuItem EditMenu = "&Edit"
MenuItem EditUndo = "Undo"
MenuItem UntitledMenu0 = "-"
MenuItem EditCut = "Cut"
MenuItem EditCopy = "Copy"
MenuItem EditPaste = "Paste"
MenuItem EditClear = "Clear"
End MenuBar
Class App Inherits Application
End Class
Module Util
Function CFString(c as cfstringMBS) As string if c<>nil then Return c.str end if Exception End Function
End Module
End Project

See also:

The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS MacCF Plugin.

The biggest plugin in space...