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/Main/MBS Help Search/MBS Help Search

Required plugins for this example: MBS Util Plugin

You find this example project in your Plugins Download as a Xojo project file within the examples folder: /Main/MBS Help Search/MBS Help Search

This example is the version from Thu, 6th Apr 2016.

Project "MBS Help Search.xojo_binary_project"
Class MainWindow Inherits Window
Control iSearch Inherits TextField
ControlInstance iSearch Inherits TextField
EventHandler Sub TextChange() SearchButton.Enabled=me.text<>"" End EventHandler
End Control
Control StaticText1 Inherits Label
ControlInstance StaticText1 Inherits Label
End Control
Control SearchButton Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance SearchButton Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() dim j,n,i,c,cc,m,k,b as integer dim f as file dim a(0) as string dim s as string s=iSearch.text cc=CountFields(s," ")-1 redim a(cc) for i=0 to cc a(i)=NthField(s," ",i+1) next ListBox1.DeleteAllRows c=UBound(w.files) for n=1 to c f=w.files(n) s=f.text if s<>"" then m=0 b=0 for j=0 to cc k=CountFields(s,a(j)) if k>1 then b=b+1 end if m=m+k-1 next if b>cc then ListBox1.AddRow f.titel s=str(m) while len(s)<5 s=" "+s wend ListBox1.cell(ListBox1.LastIndex,1)=s ListBox1.Cell(ListBox1.LastIndex,2)=str(n) end if end if NextLoop: next ListBox1.SortedColumn=1 ListBox1.ColumnSortDirection(1)=2 ListBox1.Sort End EventHandler
End Control
Control ListBox1 Inherits Listbox
ControlInstance ListBox1 Inherits Listbox
EventHandler Sub Change() dim id as integer if me.ListIndex<>-1 then id=val(ListBox1.Cell(ListBox1.ListIndex,2)) if id>0 then w.files(id).file.launch end if end if End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub DoubleClick() dim id as integer id=val(ListBox1.Cell(ListBox1.ListIndex,2)) if id>0 then w.files(id).file.launch end if End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub Open() ListBox1.ColumnAlignment(1)=3 End EventHandler
End Control
Control ProgressMessage Inherits Label
ControlInstance ProgressMessage Inherits Label
End Control
Control ProgressDisplay Inherits ProgressBar
ControlInstance ProgressDisplay Inherits ProgressBar
End Control
EventHandler Sub Open() w=new Workthread End EventHandler
Property w As workthread
End Class
MenuBar Menu
MenuItem UntitledMenu3 = ""
MenuItem UntitledMenu2 = "File"
MenuItem FileQuit = "Quit"
MenuItem UntitledMenu0 = "Edit"
MenuItem EditUndo = "Undo"
MenuItem UntitledMenu1 = "-"
MenuItem EditCut = "Cut"
MenuItem EditCopy = "Copy"
MenuItem EditPaste = "Paste"
MenuItem EditClear = "Clear"
End MenuBar
Class Workthread Inherits Thread
EventHandler Sub Run() MainWindow.ProgressDisplay.Maximum=0 MainWindow.ProgressDisplay.Value=0 MainWindow.ProgressMessage.text="Reading directory..." ReadDirectory MainWindow.ProgressDisplay.Maximum=UBound(files) MainWindow.ProgressDisplay.Value=0 MainWindow.ProgressMessage.text="Reading files..." ReadFiles MainWindow.ProgressMessage.text="Loaded "+str(ubound(files))+" files..." End EventHandler
Function FindFile(name as string) As FolderItem // Look for file in parent folders from executable on dim parent as FolderItem = app.ExecutableFile.Parent while parent<>Nil dim file as FolderItem = parent.Child(name) if file<>Nil and file.Exists then Return file end if parent = parent.Parent wend End Function
Sub ReadDirectory() dim dir as FolderItem dim file as FolderItem dim f as file dim i,c as integer dir=FindFile("HTML files") dir=dir.Child("files") c=dir.Count for i=1 to c file=dir.item(i) if file<>nil and Right(,5)=".html" then f=new file f.file=file files.Append f end if next Exception End Sub
Sub ReadFiles() dim p as ProgressBar dim i,c,n as integer dim f as file p=MainWindow.ProgressDisplay c=UBound(files) n=1 for i=c downto 1 f=files(i) p.Value=n f.process n=n+1 next p.Value=n Exception End Sub
Property files(0) As file
End Class
Class File
Function FindTitel(s as string) As string dim p1,p2 as integer dim p,l as integer dim t as string const titlestart="<TITLE>" const titleend="</TITLE>" const mbs="Monkeybread Realbasic plugin - " p1=instr(s,titlestart) p2=instr(s,titleend) l=p2-p1-len(mbs)-len(titlestart) p=p1+len(titlestart)+len(mbs) t=mid(s,p,l) Return t End Function
Function HasIndex() As Boolean dim f as FolderItem dim dir as FolderItem dim t as TextInputStream dir=HelpIndexFolder if dir<>Nil and dir.Exists then f=dir.Child(file.Name) if f<>nil and f.Exists then if f.ModificationDate.TotalSeconds>=file.ModificationDate.TotalSeconds then t=f.OpenAsTextFile titel=t.ReadLine(Encodings.UTF8) text=t.ReadAll(Encodings.utf8) if text<>"" then Return true end if end if end if end if Exception End Function
Protected Function HelpIndexFolder() As folderitem dim f as folderitem f=CreateCachedDataFolderMBS(-32763) if f=nil then f=CreateApplicationSupportFolderMBS(-32763) end if if f=nil then // Last way for Windows/Linux f=SpecialFolder.ApplicationData end if f=f.Child("MBS Help Search") f.CreateAsFolder Return f End Function
Function RemoveLinks(s as string) As String dim p as integer p=instr(s,"<!-- Ende Content-->") if p>0 then s=left(s,p-1) end if const start="<!-- Start Content -->" p=instr(s,start) if p>0 then s=mid(s,p+len(start)) end if Return s End Function
Sub WriteIndex() dim f as FolderItem dim dir as FolderItem dim t as TextOutputStream dir=HelpIndexFolder f=dir.Child(file.Name) t=f.CreateTextFile t.WriteLine titel.ConvertEncoding(Encodings.UTF8) t.Write text.ConvertEncoding(Encodings.UTF8) t.Close End Sub
Function name() As string Return file.Name Exception End Function
Sub process() dim b as BinaryStream dim s as string if not hasindex then b=file.OpenAsBinaryFile(false) s=b.Read(b.Length, Encodings.ASCII) if s<>"" then titel=FindTitel(s) s=RemoveLinks(s) s=RemoveHTMLTagsMBS(s) s=DecodingFromHTMLMBS(s) s=ConvertEncoding(s,Encodings.UTF8) s=Shorten(s) if s<>"" then text=s WriteIndex end if end if end if End Sub
Property file As folderitem
Property text As string
Property titel As string
End Class
Class App Inherits Application
EventHandler Sub Open() // You should add your own registration here, if you want. // As only for indexing a registration is needed, you don't need it later for lookup End EventHandler
End Class
Module Util
Function Shorten(s as string) As string s=ReplaceAll(s,Encodings.UTF8.chr(13)," ") s=ReplaceAll(s,Encodings.UTF8.chr(10)," ") s=ReplaceAll(s,Encodings.UTF8.chr(9)," ") s=ReplaceAll(s,Encodings.UTF8.chr(160)," ") Return s End Function
End Module
End Project

See also:

The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS Main Plugin.

The biggest plugin in space...