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FAQ - Graphics.How to query variant type string for a variant?

Answer: The following example function returns type string for variant.
Public Function VariantTypeString(v as Variant) as string
// Xojo's VarType doesn't know Unsigned integers
'Dim type As Integer = VarType(v)

// MBS VarType can detect unsigned integer
Dim type As Integer = GetVariantTypeMBS(v)

Dim IsArray As Boolean = BitwiseAnd(type, Variant.TypeArray) = Variant.TypeArray

// type without array
type = BitwiseAnd(type, Bitwise.OnesComplement(Variant.TypeArray))

// build a dictionary to map types on first call
Static TypeMap As Dictionary
If TypeMap = Nil Then
TypeMap = New Dictionary
TypeMap.Value(Variant.TypeBoolean) = "Boolean"
TypeMap.Value(Variant.TypeCFStringRef) = "CFStringRef"
TypeMap.Value(Variant.TypeColor) = "Color"
TypeMap.Value(Variant.TypeCString) = "CString"
TypeMap.Value(Variant.TypeCurrency) = "Currency"
TypeMap.Value(Variant.TypeDate) = "Date"
TypeMap.Value(Variant.TypeDateTime) = "DateTime"
TypeMap.Value(Variant.TypeDouble) = "Double"
TypeMap.Value(Variant.TypeInt32) = "Int32"
TypeMap.Value(Variant.TypeInt64) = "Int64"
TypeMap.Value(Variant.TypeInteger) = "Integer"
TypeMap.Value(Variant.TypeNil) = "Nil"
TypeMap.Value(Variant.TypeObject) = "Object"
TypeMap.Value(Variant.TypeOSType) = "OSType"
TypeMap.Value(Variant.TypePString) = "PString"
TypeMap.Value(Variant.TypePtr) = "Ptr"
TypeMap.Value(Variant.TypeSingle) = "Single"
TypeMap.Value(Variant.TypeString) = "String"
TypeMap.Value(Variant.TypeStructure) = "Structure"
TypeMap.Value(Variant.TypeText) = "Text"
TypeMap.Value(Variant.TypeWindowPtr) = "WindowPtr"
TypeMap.Value(Variant.TypeWString) = "WString"

// MBS extra types
TypeMap.Value(Variant.TypeInt32+100) = "UInt32"
TypeMap.Value(Variant.TypeInt64+100) = "UInt64"
End If

// lookup type

#if DebugBuild then
If Not TypeMap.HasKey(type) Then
Break // missing type
End If

If IsArray Then
Return "Array of " + TypeMap.Lookup(type,"?")
Return TypeMap.Lookup(type,"?")
End If
End Function

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