Platforms to show: All Mac Windows Linux Cross-Platform
The plugin MBS Win Plugin:
show all functions and classes in this plugin.
- Win
- Win2
- WinUserNotification
- Chromium
- WindowsProxy
- WindowsFiles
- PreviewHandler
- WinNotification
- WindowsPrint
- WindowsDirectoryWatcher
- WindowsWMI
- WindowsDNS
- WindowsDevices
- WindowsScript
- WindowsDDE
- WindowsHTMLViewer
- WindowsUtil
- WindowsRegistry
- WindowsSystemtray
- WindowsVM
- WinSpeech
- WindowsTaskDialog
- WinSparkle
- WinDragDrop
- WindowsICM
- DirectShow
- WindowsQOS
Examples for this plugin:
- /Win/Animate Window
- /Win/App Instances
- /Win/Clipboard/Clipboard Files
- /Win/Clipboard/ClipboardSaver
- /Win/Clipboard/Picture on Clipboard
- /Win/Close Calc Window
- /Win/DirectDraw Line Drawing
- /Win/DirectShow/List devices
- /Win/DirectShow/PlayCap
- /Win/DirectShow/PlayCap with format settings
- /Win/DirectShow/PlayCap with frame grabber
- /Win/DirectShow/PlayCap with frame grabber event
- /Win/DirectShow/Select and Capture
- /Win/DirectShow/Select and Capture with Audio
- /Win/Display File Information
- /Win/DNS Query on Windows
- /Win/Drag and Drop/Attachment Drop from Outlook
- /Win/Drag and Drop/File Drag
- /Win/Drag and Drop/File Drag Multi
- /Win/Drag and Drop/File Drop
- /Win/Drag and Drop/Folder Drag
- /Win/Drag and Drop/Picture Drag
- /Win/Drag and Drop/Picture Drag with Mask
- /Win/Drag and Drop/Picture Drop
- /Win/Drag and Drop/Picture Drop on control
- /Win/Drag and Drop/Text Drag
- /Win/Drag and Drop/Text Drop
- /Win/Drive Events
- /Win/Full Name in Domain
- /Win/HTMLViewer Windows/DebugBar
- /Win/HTMLViewer Windows/Eval Javascript Win
- /Win/HTMLViewer Windows/HTML Editor
- /Win/HTMLViewer Windows/HTML Editor Win
- /Win/HTMLViewer Windows/HTMLViewer execCommand
- /Win/HTMLViewer Windows/HTMLViewer Extensions
- /Win/HTMLViewer Windows/HTMLViewer Get and Set Field
- /Win/HTMLViewer Windows/HTMLViewer get html source
- /Win/HTMLViewer Windows/HTMLViewer HTML Text and Image
- /Win/HTMLViewer Windows/HTMLViewer Image
- /Win/HTMLViewer Windows/HTMLViewer Post and Headers
- /Win/HTMLViewer Windows/IE Properties
- /Win/HTMLViewer Windows/Load HTML Test
- /Win/HTMLViewer Windows/More HTMLViewer Printing
- /Win/HTMLViewer Windows/Reload htmlviewer
- /Win/HTMLViewer Windows/Run JavaScript Function
- /Win/HTMLViewer Windows/Run Javascript Win
- /Win/HTMLViewer Windows/textArea Test/textArea Test
- /Win/HTMLViewer Windows/WebKit - Chromium/HTMLViewer with WebKit on Windows
- /Win/HTMLViewer Windows/WebKit - Chromium/WebPlugins
- /Win/HTMLViewer Windows/WebKit - Chromium/Windows WebKit Cookies
- /Win/HTMLViewer Windows/Zoom HMTLViewer
- /Win/ICM/Windows ICM
- /Win/ICM/Windows ICM Convert Colors
- /Win/ICM/Windows ICM Convert Picture
- /Win/ICM/Windows ICM Setup Dialog
- /Win/MDI Window Background
- /Win/Mouse Filter
- /Win/Notification
- /Win/PDF Previewer
- /Win/Preview Handler
- /Win/Print To Printer
- /Win/Printing/Advanced printing on Windows
- /Win/Printing/Print Jobs
- /Win/Printing/Windows Print Dialogs
- /Win/Printing/Windows Printer
- /Win/Printing/Windows Printer List
- /Win/Printing/WinPrint
- /Win/Process Statistics
- /Win/Proxy/Windows Proxy Detection
- /Win/Proxy/WindowsProxy test
- /Win/Register Windows FileType
- /Win/RTF Previewer
- /Win/RTF Windows
- /Win/Sparkle for Windows/WinSparkle Test
- /Win/SpeechWin
- /Win/TAPI/mdxTapi
- /Win/Taskbar State
- /Win/TaskDialog Test
- /Win/TextArea AutoScroll Flags
- /Win/TextArea Spellchecking
- /Win/TextArea Strikeout
- /Win/TextArea Sub and SuperScript
- /Win/TimerMBS
- /Win/USB Stick to Drive Letter
- /Win/Using a Thread
- /Win/Watch directory on Windows
- /Win/WIA/List devices
- /Win/WIA/List devices without dialogs
- /Win/WIA/List items WIA 1
- /Win/WIA/List items WIA 2
- /Win/WIA/WIA Scan
- /Win/Win MAPI
- /Win/Win USB Notification
- /Win/Win User Notification
- /Win/Window Colors
- /Win/Window Icon/Window Icon
- /Win/Window Mask
- /Win/Windows Admin Status
- /Win/Windows Audio Mixer
- /Win/Windows CD Burning
- /Win/Windows Console
- /Win/Windows CPU Usage
- /Win/Windows DDE/AddItem
- /Win/Windows DDE/CreateGroup
- /Win/Windows DDE/DDE Client
- /Win/Windows DDE/DDE Server
- /Win/Windows DDE/DeleteGroup
- /Win/Windows DDE/List Excel Topics
- /Win/Windows DDE/Programmanger Groups
- /Win/Windows Devices
- /Win/Windows Disc Info
- /Win/Windows Displays
- /Win/Windows File Copy
- /Win/Windows File Copy Threaded
- /Win/Windows File Streams
- /Win/Windows Font
- /Win/Windows Font Dialog
- /Win/Windows Font Unicode and Code Pages
- /Win/Windows GUI Resources
- /Win/Windows Hot Key
- /Win/Windows Key Filter
- /Win/Windows Locale Information
- /Win/Windows Monitors
- /Win/Windows Network Information
- /Win/Windows Pipe
- /Win/Windows Process Memory Info
- /Win/Windows QOS/Windows QOS
- /Win/Windows QOS/Windows QOS with TCPSocket
- /Win/Windows QOS/Windows QOS with UDPSocket
- /Win/Windows Registry Test
- /Win/Windows Serial Ports
- /Win/Windows Shell
- /Win/Windows Shortcuts/Create Shortcuts
- /Win/Windows Shortcuts/File Shortcut
- /Win/Windows Shortcuts/Internet Shortcut
- /Win/Windows Shortcuts/Resolve Shortcut
- /Win/Windows Speech/Windows Speech Test
- /Win/Windows Speech/Windows Speech to file
- /Win/Windows Speech/Windows Speech with 4 windows
- /Win/Windows Startmenu Items
- /Win/Windows Switch Printers for printing
- /Win/Windows System Tray
- /Win/Windows System Tray with Icon file/Windows System Tray with Icon file
- /Win/Windows Taskbar List
- /Win/Windows Taskbar State
- /Win/Windows Touch Events
- /Win/Windows VM Statistics
- /Win/Windows Volume Information
- /Win/WindowsDiskChange
- /Win/WindowsFileVersion
- /Win/WindowsFolderChange
- /Win/WindowsFolderChange Test
- /Win/WindowsKeyboardLayoutMBS test
- /Win/WindowsList
- /Win/WindowsMutexTest
- /Win/WindowsPowerState
- /Win/WindowsScript Test
- /Win/WindowsVerticalBlank example
- /Win/WinWindows
- /Win/WMI/WMI File Events
- /Win/WMI/WMI HDD Info
- /Win/WMI/WMI Network Test
- /Win/WMI/WMI Process CPU usage
- /Win/WMI/WMI Process Creation Events
- /Win/WMI/WMI Process Creation Events via Remote
- /Win/WMI/WMI Processor
- /Win/WMI/WMI Query
- /Win/WMI/WMI Recent Windows Events
- /Win/WMI/WMI Recent Windows Events Web
- /Win/WMI/WMI Wireless LAN Signal Strength
Blog Entries
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 24.2
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 21.0
- HTMLViewer JavaScript communication for Xojo
- MBS Xojo Plugins 18.3
- Running command lines tools on Windows
- [ANN] MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo / Real Studio plug-ins in version 14.4
- Tip of the day: Windows Notifications
- Tip of day: Move file/folder to trash
- Plugins 10.1
- MBS REALbasic plug-ins version 9.5
- XDC 2020 MBS Plugins Presentation
- Presentation from Munich conference about MBS Plugins.
- Presentation from London conference about MBS Plugins.
- Presentation from Xojo Developer Conference 2019 in Miami.
Xojo Developer Magazine
- 22.5, page 10
- 19.3, page 10: News
- 17.5, page 43: What's New in the MBS Plugins, With the Plugins growing every year, here are new capabilities you may have missed by Stefanie Juchmes
- 17.5, page 10: News
- 15.4, page 8: News
- 15.3, page 11: News
- 12.4, page 8: News
- 12.2, page 28: Smart Reporting, Implementing a custom reporting system by Trisha Duke
- 12.1, page 9: News
- 10.6, page 10: News