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SCNViewMBS.kAntialiasingModeMultisampling16X = 4

Type Topic Plugin Version
const SceneKit MBS Mac64bit Plugin 20.2
One of the antialiasing modes for scene renderers.

Multisampling 16x

SCNViewMBS.kAntialiasingModeMultisampling2X = 1

Type Topic Plugin Version
const SceneKit MBS Mac64bit Plugin 20.2
One of the antialiasing modes for scene renderers.

Multisampling 2x

SCNViewMBS.kAntialiasingModeMultisampling4X = 2

Type Topic Plugin Version
const SceneKit MBS Mac64bit Plugin 20.2
One of the antialiasing modes for scene renderers.

Multisampling 4x

SCNViewMBS.kAntialiasingModeMultisampling8X = 3

Type Topic Plugin Version
const SceneKit MBS Mac64bit Plugin 20.2
One of the antialiasing modes for scene renderers.

Multisampling 8x

SCNViewMBS.kAntialiasingModeNone = 0

Type Topic Plugin Version
const SceneKit MBS Mac64bit Plugin 20.2
One of the antialiasing modes for scene renderers.

No antialiasing.

SCNViewMBS.kDebugOptionNone = 0

Type Topic Plugin Version
const SceneKit MBS Mac64bit Plugin 20.2
One of the debug flag constants.

Disable all debugging overlays.

SCNViewMBS.kDebugOptionRenderAsWireframe = 64

Type Topic Plugin Version
const SceneKit MBS Mac64bit Plugin 20.2
One of the debug flag constants.

Display only wireframe placeholders for geometries in the scene.
Unlike the SCNDebugOptionShowWireframe option, this option disables normal surface rendering, displaying only the wireframe for each geometry.

SCNViewMBS.kDebugOptionShowBoundingBoxes = 2

Type Topic Plugin Version
const SceneKit MBS Mac64bit Plugin 20.2
One of the debug flag constants.

Display the bounding boxes for any nodes with content.

SCNViewMBS.kDebugOptionShowCameras = 1024

Type Topic Plugin Version
const SceneKit MBS Mac64bit Plugin 20.2
One of the debug flag constants.

Display visualizations for nodes in the scene with attached cameras and their fields of view.

SCNViewMBS.kDebugOptionShowConstraints = 512

Type Topic Plugin Version
const SceneKit MBS Mac64bit Plugin 20.2
One of the debug flag constants.

Display visualizations of the constraint objects acting on nodes in the scene.

SCNViewMBS.kDebugOptionShowCreases = 256

Type Topic Plugin Version
const SceneKit MBS Mac64bit Plugin 20.2
One of the debug flag constants.

Display nonsmoothed crease regions for geometries affected by surface subdivision.

SCNViewMBS.kDebugOptionShowLightExtents = 8

Type Topic Plugin Version
const SceneKit MBS Mac64bit Plugin 20.2
One of the debug flag constants.

Display the regions affected by each SCNLightMBS object in the scene.

Only lights whose type is SCNLightTypeOmni or SCNLightTypeSpot have an area of effect; directional and ambient lights affect the entire scene.

SCNViewMBS.kDebugOptionShowLightInfluences = 4

Type Topic Plugin Version
const SceneKit MBS Mac64bit Plugin 20.2
One of the debug flag constants.

Display the locations of each SCNLightMBS object in the scene.

SCNViewMBS.kDebugOptionShowPhysicsFields = 16

Type Topic Plugin Version
const SceneKit MBS Mac64bit Plugin 20.2
One of the debug flag constants.

Display the regions affected by each SCNPhysicsFieldMBS object in the scene.

SCNViewMBS.kDebugOptionShowPhysicsShapes = 1

Type Topic Plugin Version
const SceneKit MBS Mac64bit Plugin 20.2
One of the debug flag constants.

Display the physics shapes for any nodes with attached SCNPhysicsBodyMBS objects.

SCNViewMBS.kDebugOptionShowSkeletons = 128

Type Topic Plugin Version
const SceneKit MBS Mac64bit Plugin 20.2
One of the debug flag constants.

Display visualizations of the skeletal animation parameters for relevant geometries.

SCNViewMBS.kDebugOptionShowWireframe = 32

Type Topic Plugin Version
const SceneKit MBS Mac64bit Plugin 20.2
One of the debug flag constants.

Display geometries in the scene with wireframe rendering.
When this option is enabled, SceneKit still renders scene geometry with all associated materials, then overlays a wireframe rendering of the same geometry. You can use this option, for example, to debug material rendering issues.

SCNViewMBS.kRenderingAPIMetal = 0

Type Topic Plugin Version
const SceneKit MBS Mac64bit Plugin 20.2
One of the options for choosing the graphics technology for an SCNViewMBS object (or other SceneKit renderer) to use for drawing its contents.

Use the Metal framework for SceneKit rendering.
Metal provides improved graphics performance on supported devices, allows you to integrate GPU-compute tasks into a rendering workflow, and provides the same API in both iOS and macOS.
Used by the renderingAPI property and the SCNPreferredRenderingAPIKey option when initializing an SCNViewMBS object.

SCNViewMBS.kRenderingAPIOpenGLCore32 = 2

Type Topic Plugin Version
const SceneKit MBS Mac64bit Plugin 20.2
One of the options for choosing the graphics technology for an SCNViewMBS object (or other SceneKit renderer) to use for drawing its contents.

Use the OpenGL 3.2 Core Profile API for SceneKit rendering in macOS.
Used by the renderingAPI property and the SCNPreferredRenderingAPIKey option when initializing an SCNViewMBS object.

SCNViewMBS.kRenderingAPIOpenGLCore41 = 3

Type Topic Plugin Version
const SceneKit MBS Mac64bit Plugin 20.2
One of the options for choosing the graphics technology for an SCNViewMBS object (or other SceneKit renderer) to use for drawing its contents.

Use the OpenGL 4.1 Core Profile API for SceneKit rendering in macOS.
Used by the renderingAPI property and the SCNPreferredRenderingAPIKey option when initializing an SCNViewMBS object.

SCNViewMBS.kRenderingAPIOpenGLLegacy = 1

Type Topic Plugin Version
const SceneKit MBS Mac64bit Plugin 20.2
One of the options for choosing the graphics technology for an SCNViewMBS object (or other SceneKit renderer) to use for drawing its contents.

Use the Legacy OpenGL API for SceneKit rendering in macOS.
This option is available on all macOS systems supporting SceneKit. If you request the Metal rendering API for an SCNViewMBS object on a system that does not support Metal, SceneKit falls back to the Legacy OpenGL API.
Used by the renderingAPI property and the SCNPreferredRenderingAPIKey option when initializing an SCNViewMBS object.

The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS Mac64bit Plugin.

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