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AVSampleBufferDisplayLayerMBS class

Super class: CALayerMBS

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
class AVFoundation MBS AVFoundation Plugin 13.2 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes All
AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer is a subclass of CALayer that can decompress and display compressed or uncompressed video frames.

Subclass of the CALayerMBS class.

Super class CALayerMBS

Edge constants

Constant Value Description
kCALayerBottomEdge 4 Specifies that the bottom edge of the receiver's content should be antialiased.
kCALayerLeftEdge 1 Specifies that the left edge of the receiver's content should be antialiased.
kCALayerRightEdge 2 Specifies that the right edge of the receiver's content should be antialiased.
kCALayerTopEdge 8 Specifies that the top edge of the receiver's content should be antialiased.

Autoresize Mask Constants

Constant Value Description
kCALayerHeightSizable 16 The receiver's height is flexible.
kCALayerMaxXMargin 4 The left margin between the receiver and its superview is flexible.
kCALayerMaxYMargin 32 The top margin between the receiver and its superview is flexible.
kCALayerMinXMargin 1 The left margin between the receiver and its superview is flexible.
kCALayerMinYMargin 8 The top margin between the receiver and its superview is flexible.
kCALayerNotSizable 0 The receiver cannot be resized.
kCALayerWidthSizable 2 The receiver's width is flexible.

This class has no sub classes.

The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS AVFoundation Plugin, MBS MacCG Plugin.

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