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NSButtonMBS class

Super class: NSControlMBS

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
class Cocoa Controls MBS MacControls Plugin 7.8 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ❌ No Desktop only
The Cocoa class for a button control.

Subclass of the NSControlMBS class.


Constant Value Description
NSCircularBezelStyle 7 One of the button styles that can be specified using bezelStyle. A round button with room for a small icon or a single character.

This style has both regular and small variants, but the large variant is available only in gray at this time.
NSDisclosureBezelStyle 5 One of the button styles that can be specified using bezelStyle. A bezel style for use with a disclosure triangle.

To create the disclosure triangle, set the button bezel style to NSDisclosureBezelStyle and the button type to NSOnOffButton.
NSHelpButtonBezelStyle 9 One of the button styles that can be specified using bezelStyle. A round button with a question mark providing the standard help button look.
NSInlineBezelStyle 15 One of the button styles that can be specified using bezelStyle. Inline Style.
NSMomentaryChangeButton 5 One of the button types that can be specified using ButtonType. While the button is held down, the alternate image and alternate title are displayed. more
NSMomentaryLightButton 0 One of the button types that can be specified using ButtonType. While the button is held down it's shown as "lit," and also "pushed in" to the screen if the button is bordered. more
NSMomentaryPushInButton 7 One of the button types that can be specified using ButtonType. While the button is held down it's shown as "lit." more
NSOnOffButton 6 One of the button types that can be specified using ButtonType. The first click highlights the button; a second click returns it to the normal (unhighlighted) state.
NSPushOnPushOffButton 1 One of the button types that can be specified using ButtonType. The first click both highlights and causes the button to be "pushed in" if the button is bordered; a second click returns it to its normal state.
NSRadioButton 4 One of the button types that can be specified using ButtonType. This style is similar to NSSwitchButton, but it used to constrain a selection to a single element from several.
NSRecessedBezelStyle 13 One of the button styles that can be specified using bezelStyle. A bezel style that matches the recessed buttons in Mail, Finder and Safari.
NSRegularSquareBezelStyle 2 One of the button styles that can be specified using bezelStyle. A rectangular button with a 2 point border, designed for icons.
NSRoundedBezelStyle 1 One of the button styles that can be specified using bezelStyle. A rounded rectangle button, designed for text.
NSRoundedDisclosureBezelStyle 14 One of the button styles that can be specified using bezelStyle. A bezel style that matches the disclosure style used in the standard Save panel.
NSRoundRectBezelStyle 12 One of the button styles that can be specified using bezelStyle. A bezel style that matches the search buttons in Finder and Mail.
NSShadowlessSquareBezelStyle 6 One of the button styles that can be specified using bezelStyle. Similar to NSRegularSquareBezelStyle, but has no shadow so you can abut the cells without overlapping shadows.

This style would be used in a tool palette, for example.
NSSmallSquareBezelStyle 10 One of the button styles that can be specified using bezelStyle. A simple square bezel style. Buttons using this style can be scaled to any size.
NSSwitchButton 3 One of the button types that can be specified using ButtonType. This style is a variant of NSToggleButton that has no border and is used to represent a checkbox.
NSTexturedRoundedBezelStyle 11 One of the button styles that can be specified using bezelStyle. A textured (metal) bezel style similar in appearance to the Finder's action (gear) button.
NSTexturedSquareBezelStyle 8 One of the button styles that can be specified using bezelStyle. A bezel style appropriate for use with textured (metal) windows.
NSThickerSquareBezelStyle 4 One of the button styles that can be specified using bezelStyle. A rectangular button with a 4 point border, designed for icons.
NSThickSquareBezelStyle 3 One of the button styles that can be specified using bezelStyle. A rectangular button with a 3 point border, designed for icons.
NSToggleButton 2 One of the button types that can be specified using ButtonType. After the first click, the button displays its alternate image or title; a second click returns the button to its normal state.

Super class NSControlMBS


Constant Value Description
ControlSizeLarge 3 One of the constants to specify a cell’s size. A size larger than the default control size.
ControlSizeMini 2 One of the constants to specify a cell’s size. The smallest control size.
ControlSizeRegular 0 One of the constants to specify a cell’s size. The default control size.
ControlSizeSmall 1 One of the constants to specify a cell’s size. A size smaller than the default control size. more

Super class NSViewMBS


Constant Value Description
NSBezelBorder 2 One of the constants to specify the type of a view's border. A concave border that makes the view look sunken.
NSFocusRingTypeDefault 0 One of the constants for the focusringtype property. The default focus ring type for NSView or NSCell.
NSFocusRingTypeExterior 2 One of the constants for the focusringtype property. The standard Aqua focus ring.
NSFocusRingTypeNone 1 One of the constants for the focusringtype property. No focus ring. If you set the focus ring type to this value, NSView and NSCell will not draw any focus ring.
NSGrooveBorder 3 One of the constants to specify the type of a view's border. A thin border that looks etched around the image.
NSLineBorder 1 One of the constants to specify the type of a view's border. A black line border around the view.
NSNoBorder 0 One of the constants to specify the type of a view's border. No border.
NSViewHeightSizable 16 One of the constants for the autoresizingMask property. The receiver's height is flexible.
NSViewLayerContentsRedrawBeforeViewResize 3 One of the view layer content redraw policy constants.
NSViewLayerContentsRedrawDuringViewResize 2 One of the view layer content redraw policy constants.
NSViewLayerContentsRedrawNever 0 One of the view layer content redraw policy constants.
NSViewLayerContentsRedrawOnSetNeedsDisplay 1 One of the view layer content redraw policy constants.
NSViewMaxXMargin 4 One of the constants for the autoresizingMask property. The right margin between the receiver and its superview is flexible.
NSViewMaxYMargin 32 One of the constants for the autoresizingMask property. The top margin between the receiver and its superview is flexible.
NSViewMinXMargin 1 One of the constants for the autoresizingMask property. The left margin between the receiver and its superview is flexible.
NSViewMinYMargin 8 One of the constants for the autoresizingMask property. The bottom margin between the receiver and its superview is flexible.
NSViewNotSizable 0 One of the constants for the autoresizingMask property. The receiver cannot be resized.
NSViewWidthSizable 2 One of the constants for the autoresizingMask property. The receiver's width is flexible.

Window Order Constants

Constant Value Description
NSWindowAbove 1 Moves the window above the indicated window.
NSWindowBelow -1 Moves the window below the indicated window.
NSWindowOut 0 Moves the window off the screen.

Super class NSResponderMBS

Sub classes:

Some methods using this class:

Some properties using for this class:

Some examples using this class:

Blog Entries

Xojo Developer Magazine

Release notes

  • Version 22.5
    • Added hasDestructiveAction property for NSButtonMBS class.

The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS MacBase Plugin, MBS MacCocoa Plugin, MBS MacControls Plugin.

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