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NSCollectionViewControlMBS.referenceSizeForFooterInSection(layout as NSCollectionViewLayoutMBS, section as Integer) as NSSizeMBS
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
event | Cocoa Collection View | MBS MacControls Plugin | 21.3 | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | ❌ No | ❌ No |
collectionViewLayout: The layout object requesting the information.
section: The index of the section whose footer size is requested.
The size of the footer. Return NSZeroSize if you do not want a footer added to the section.
If you implement this method, the flow layout object calls it to obtain the size of the footer in each section and uses that information to set the size of the corresponding views. If you do not implement this method, the footer size is obtained from the properties of the flow layout object.
The flow layout object uses only one of the returned size values. For a vertically scrolling layout, the layout object uses the height value. For a horizontally scrolling layout, the layout object uses the width value. The other value is sized appropriately to match the opposing dimension of the collection view itself. Set the size of the footer to 0 to prevent it from being displayed.
NSCollectionViewControlMBS.referenceSizeForHeaderInSection(layout as NSCollectionViewLayoutMBS, section as Integer) as NSSizeMBS
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
event | Cocoa Collection View | MBS MacControls Plugin | 21.3 | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | ❌ No | ❌ No |
collectionViewLayout: The layout object requesting the information.
section: The index of the section whose header size is requested.
Returns the size of the header. Return NSZeroSize if you do not want a header added to the section.
If you implement this method, the flow layout object calls it to obtain the size of the header in each section and uses that information to set the size of the corresponding views. If you do not implement this method, the header size is obtained from the properties of the flow layout object.
The flow layout object uses only one of the returned size values. For a vertically scrolling layout, the layout object uses the height value. For a horizontally scrolling layout, the layout object uses the width value. The other value is sized appropriately to match the opposing dimension of the collection view itself. Set the size of the header to 0 to prevent it from being displayed.
NSCollectionViewControlMBS.ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
event | Cocoa Collection View | MBS MacControls Plugin | 21.0 | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | ❌ No | ❌ No |
Please invalidate any cached bitmaps or other relevant state.
NSCollectionViewControlMBS.shouldChangeItems(indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS, highlightState as Integer) as NSIndexPathMBS()
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
event | Cocoa Collection View | MBS MacControls Plugin | 21.0 | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | ❌ No | ❌ No |
indexPaths: The set of NSIndexPathMBS objects corresponding to the items being highlighted.
highlightState: The new highlight state for the items.
Return the set of NSIndexPath objects corresponding to the items that you want to receive the specified highlight. If you do not want any items to receive the specified highlight state, return an empty set.
Use this method to approve or modify the set of items targeted to receive the specified highlight state. During interactive selection or dragging, the collection view calls this method when actions occur that would affect the highlight state of items. Your implementation of the method can return the proposed set of index paths as-is or modify the set and disallow the highlighting of some or all of the items. Removing items from the set suppresses the corresponding actions, such as selecting the item or showing its eligibility as a drop target.
If you do not implement this method, the collection view updates the highlight state for the items specified by the indexPaths parameter.
NSCollectionViewControlMBS.shouldDeselectItems(indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS) as NSIndexPathMBS()
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
event | Cocoa Collection View | MBS MacControls Plugin | 21.0 | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | ❌ No | ❌ No |
indexPaths: The array of NSIndexPathMBS objects corresponding to the items deselected by the user.
Return the array of NSIndexPathMBS objects corresponding to the items that you want to be deselected. If you do not want any items deselected, return an empty set.
Use this method to approve or modify the items that the user tries to deselect. During interactive selection, the collection view calls this method whenever the user deselects items. Your implementation of the method can return the proposed set of index paths as-is or modify the set before returning it. You might modify the set to disallow the deselection of specific items.
This method is not called when you set the selection programmatically using the methods of the NSCollectionViewMBS class. If you do not implement this method, the collection view deselects the items specified by the indexPaths parameter.
NSCollectionViewControlMBS.shouldSelectItems(indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS) as NSIndexPathMBS()
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
event | Cocoa Collection View | MBS MacControls Plugin | 21.0 | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | ❌ No | ❌ No |
indexPaths: The array of NSIndexPathMBS objects corresponding to the items selected by the user.
Returns the array of NSIndexPathMBS objects corresponding to the items that you want to be selected. If you do not want any items selected, return an empty array.
Use this method to approve or modify the items that the user tries to select. During interactive selection, the collection view calls this method whenever the user selects new items. Your implementation of the method can return the proposed set of index paths as-is or modify the set before returning it. You might modify the set to disallow the selection of specific items or specific combinations of items.
This method is not called when you set the selection programmatically using the methods of the NSCollectionViewMBS class. If you do not implement this method, the collection view selects the items specified by the indexPaths parameter.
NSCollectionViewControlMBS.sizeForItemAtIndexPath(layout as NSCollectionViewLayoutMBS, indexPath as NSIndexPathMBS) as NSSizeMBS
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
event | Cocoa Collection View | MBS MacControls Plugin | 21.3 | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | ❌ No | ❌ No |
collectionViewLayout: The layout object requesting the information.
indexPath: The index path of the item.
Return the size of the item. The width and height values must both be greater than 0. Items must also not exceed the available space in the collection view.
Implement this method when you want to provide the size of items in the flow layout. Your implementation can return the same size for all items or it can return different sizes for items. You can also adjust the size of items dynamically each time you update the layout. If you do not implement this method, the size of items is obtained from the properties of the flow layout object.
The size value you return from this method must allow the item to be displayed fully by the collection view. In the scrolling direction, items can be larger than the collection view because the remaining content can always be scrolled into view, but in the nonscrolling directions, items should always be smaller than the collection view itself. For example, the width of an item in a vertically scrolling collection view must not exceed the width of the collection view minus any section insets. The flow layout does not crop an item’s bounds to make it fit into the available space.
NSCollectionViewControlMBS.transitionLayout(fromLayout as NSCollectionViewLayoutMBS, toLayout as NSCollectionViewLayoutMBS) as NSCollectionViewTransitionLayoutMBS
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
event | Cocoa Collection View | MBS MacControls Plugin | 21.0 | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | ❌ No | ❌ No |
fromLayout: The current layout object of the collection view. This is the starting point for the transition.
toLayout: The new layout for the collection view.
Return the collection view transition layout object to use to perform the transition.
When changing layouts for a collection view, you can use this method to customize the transition layout object used to make the change. A transition layout object lets you customize the behavior of collection view elements when transitioning from one layout to the next. Normally, transitioning between layouts causes the assorted items and views to animate from their current locations directly to their new locations. By returning a custom transition object, you could have those elements follow a nonlinear path, use a different timing algorithm, or move items in response to touch events.
If you do not implement this method in your delegate object, the collection view uses a standard UICollectionViewTransitionLayout object for the transition.
Special Considerations
In OS X 10.11, this method is never called by the collection view.
NSCollectionViewControlMBS.updateDraggingItemsForDrag(draggingInfo as NSDraggingInfoMBS)
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
event | Cocoa Collection View | MBS MacControls Plugin | 21.0 | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | ❌ No | ❌ No |
draggingInfo: The current information for the drag operation. Use this object to iterate over the dragging items.
You can use this method to update the current drag items while a drag is in progress. Updating the drag items is optional, but you might use this method to change the image for an item. For example, you might change the image when the mouse hovers over a particular part of the collection view. Use the enumerateDraggingItems method of the draggingInfo parameter to iterate over the drag items and update them as appropriate.
NSCollectionViewControlMBS.validateDrop(draggingInfo as NSDraggingInfoMBS, byref proposedIndexPath as NSIndexPathMBS, byref dropOperation as Integer) as Integer
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
event | Cocoa Collection View | MBS MacControls Plugin | 21.0 | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | ❌ No | ❌ No |
draggingInfo: The information about the drag operation.
proposedDropIndexPath: The index path at which the drop would occur. This parameter is passed by-reference and can be modified to change the proposed index path.
proposedDropOperation: The type of drop operation being proposed. This parameter is passed by-reference and can be modified to change the drop operation type.
Returns a value that indicates which dragging operation to perform. Return NSDragOperationNone to disallow a drop at the proposed location.
Although implementation of this method is optional, you must implement it to support drops onto the associated collection view. You must also call the collection view’s registerForDraggedTypes method to register the types of drops it supports. If you do not perform both of these actions, the collection view does not accept drops.
When an interactive drag operation occurs, the collection view calls this method to determine whether the current mouse location is a valid place to drop the content. This method may be called many times during the course of the drag operation. Your implementation should look at the proposed location and return a constant that reflects how the drop would be handled.
While validating the drop location, you can suggest a better drop location by updating the values in the proposedDropIndexPath and proposedDropOperation parameters. For example, you might suggest dropping the content before the specified item instead of on it. The collection view sets the proposedDropOperation parameter to DropOn when the mouse is closer to the middle of an item than to its edges; otherwise, it sets the parameter to DropBefore.
NSCollectionViewControlMBS.viewForSupplementaryElement(kind as String, indexPath as NSIndexPathMBS) as NSViewMBS
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
event | Cocoa Collection View | MBS MacControls Plugin | 21.0 | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | ❌ No | ❌ No |
kind: The kind of supplementary view to provide. The value of this string is defined by the current layout object associated with the collection view. Layouts may define additional views to add visual content that is unrelated to specific items.
indexPath: The index path that identifies the section in which to place the supplementary view.
Returns a configured view object. You must not return nil from this method.
Implement this method if the collection view’s layout object supports supplementary views. Your implementation is responsible for creating, configuring, and returning an appropriate view. You do this by calling the makeSupplementaryViewOfKind method of the collection view to retrieve an unconfigured view of the appropriate type. After receiving the view, update its properties and content using your app’s data structures and return it.
You do not need to set the location of supplementary views inside the collection view’s bounds. The collection view gets the view’s location and other layout-related attributes from the layout object during a separate step.
NSCollectionViewControlMBS.willDisplayItem(item as NSCollectionViewItemMBS, indexPath as NSIndexPathMBS)
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
event | Cocoa Collection View | MBS MacControls Plugin | 21.0 | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | ❌ No | ❌ No |
item: The item being added.
indexPath: The index path of the item.
The collection view calls this method before adding new items to its content. You can use this method to track the addition of items and perform related tasks.
NSCollectionViewControlMBS.willDisplaySupplementaryView(view as NSViewMBS, elementKind as String, indexPath as NSIndexPathMBS)
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
event | Cocoa Collection View | MBS MacControls Plugin | 21.0 | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | ❌ No | ❌ No |
view: The supplementary view being added.
elementKind: The type of the supplementary view. Layouts are responsible for defining the types of supplementary views they support.
indexPath: The index path associated with the supplementary view.
The collection view calls this method before adding new supplementary views to its content. You can use this method to track the addition of those views and perform related tasks.
NSCollectionViewControlMBS.willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
event | Cocoa Collection View | MBS MacControls Plugin | 24.1 | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | ❌ No | ❌ No |
Your chance to modify the menu before it is shown, e.g. to add menu entries.
NSCollectionViewControlMBS.writeItems(indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS, Pasteboard as NSPasteboardMBS) as Boolean
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
event | Cocoa Collection View | MBS MacControls Plugin | 21.0 | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | ❌ No | ❌ No |
indexPaths: The index paths of the items being dragged.
pasteboard: The pasteboard on which to place the drag data.
Return true if the drag operation can continue or no if you want to refuse the drag.
The collection view calls this method after it has determined that a drag should begin but before the drag operation has started. Your implementation of this method should do the following:
- Declare the pasteboard types you support using the declareTypes method of the provided pasteboard object.
- Write data to the pasteboard for each type you declare.
- Return true from this event.
The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS MacControls Plugin.