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/DataTypes/StringSet test

Required plugins for this example: MBS DataTypes Plugin

You find this example project in your Plugins Download as a Xojo project file within the examples folder: /DataTypes/StringSet test

This example is the version from Mon, 5th Apr 2015.

Project "StringSet test.xojo_binary_project"
Class App Inherits Application
Const kEditClear = "&Delete"
Const kFileQuit = "&Quit"
Const kFileQuitShortcut = ""
End Class
Class Window1 Inherits Window
Control list Inherits ListBox
ControlInstance list Inherits ListBox
End Control
EventHandler Sub Open() 'Dim d as New MessageDialog //declare the MessageDialog object 'Dim b as MessageDialogButton //for handling the result 'd.icon=MessageDialog.GraphicCaution //display warning icon 'd.ActionButton.Caption="Run" 'd.CancelButton.Visible= True //show the Cancel button 'd.Message="Do you want to start this benchmark?" 'd.Explanation="It can take 10 minutes to complete." ' 'b=d.ShowModal //display the dialog 'Select Case b //determine which button was pressed. 'Case d.ActionButton '//user pressed Save 'Case d.CancelButton '//user pressed Cancel 'Return 'End select testString testVariant testInteger End EventHandler
Protected Sub testInteger() const max=1000000 #pragma DisableBackgroundTasks #pragma DisableAutoWaitCursor dim dic as new Dictionary dim set as new IntegerOrderedSetMBS dim hashset as new IntegerHashSetMBS dim i as integer dim keys(max) as integer dim s as Integer dim k as integer dim tset,tdic,thashset as integer me.title="Working on Integers" list.AddRow "" list.addrow "keys are integer" List.AddRow "max="+str(max) // prepare test data for i=0 to max keys(i)=i next keys.Shuffle // fill tset=ticks for i=0 to max set.insert(keys(i)) next tset=ticks-tset thashset=ticks for i=0 to max hashset.insert(keys(i)) next thashset=ticks-thashset tdic=ticks for i=0 to max dic.value(keys(i))=True next tdic=ticks-tdic list.addrow "add values" list.cell(list.lastIndex,1)=format(tdic/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,2)=format(tset/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,3)=format(thashset/60.0,"0.0")+"s" // haskey tset=ticks for i=0 to max call set.lookup(keys(i)) next tset=ticks-tset tdic=ticks for i=0 to max call dic.haskey(keys(i)) next tdic=ticks-tdic thashset=ticks for i=0 to max call hashset.lookup(keys(i)) next thashset=ticks-thashset list.addrow "using haskey/lookup" list.cell(list.lastIndex,1)=format(tdic/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,2)=format(tset/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,3)=format(thashset/60.0,"0.0")+"s" // get keys tset=ticks for i=0 to max k=set.Key(i) next tset=ticks-tset tdic=ticks for i=0 to max s=dic.Key(i) next tdic=ticks-tdic thashset=ticks for i=0 to max k=hashset.Key(i) next thashset=ticks-thashset list.addrow "get keys" list.cell(list.lastIndex,1)=format(tdic/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,2)=format(tset/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,3)=format(thashset/60.0,"0.0")+"s" // get all keys const maxx=100 dim temp(-1) as string dim tempv(-1) as Variant dim tempi(-1) as integer tset=ticks for i=0 to maxx tempi=set.Keys next tset=ticks-tset tdic=ticks for i=0 to maxx tempv=dic.Keys next tdic=ticks-tdic thashset=ticks for i=0 to maxx tempi=hashset.Keys next thashset=ticks-thashset list.addrow "get all keys" list.cell(list.lastIndex,1)=format(tdic/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,2)=format(tset/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,3)=format(thashset/60.0,"0.0")+"s" System.DebugLog "hashset.BinCount: "+str(hashset.BinCount) me.title="Finished." End Sub
Protected Sub testString() const max=100000 #pragma DisableBackgroundTasks #pragma DisableAutoWaitCursor dim dic as new Dictionary dim seti as new StringOrderedSetMBS(false) // case insensitive dim sets as new StringOrderedSetMBS(true) // case sensitive dim hashseti as new StringHashSetMBS(false)// case insensitive dim hashsets as new StringHashSetMBS(true) // case sensitive dim i as integer dim keys(max) as string dim s as string dim tsets,tseti,tdic,thashsets,thashseti as integer me.title="Working on Strings" list.addrow "keys are strings" List.AddRow "max="+str(max) // prepare test data for i=0 to max s=str(i) keys(i)=s next keys.Shuffle // fill tsets=ticks for i=0 to max sets.insert(keys(i)) next tsets=ticks-tsets thashsets=ticks for i=0 to max hashsets.insert(keys(i)) next thashsets=ticks-thashsets tseti=ticks for i=0 to max seti.insert(keys(i)) next tseti=ticks-tseti thashseti=ticks for i=0 to max hashseti.insert(keys(i)) next thashseti=ticks-thashseti tdic=ticks for i=0 to max dic.value(keys(i))=nil next tdic=ticks-tdic list.addrow "add values" list.cell(list.lastIndex,1)=format(tdic/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,2)=format(tseti/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,3)=format(thashseti/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,4)=format(tsets/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,5)=format(thashsets/60.0,"0.0")+"s" // lookup tdic=ticks for i=0 to max call dic.haskey(keys(i)) next tdic=ticks-tdic tseti=ticks for i=0 to max call seti.lookup(keys(i)) next tseti=ticks-tseti thashseti=ticks for i=0 to max call hashseti.lookup(keys(i)) next thashseti=ticks-thashseti tsets=ticks for i=0 to max call sets.lookup(keys(i)) next tsets=ticks-tsets thashsets=ticks for i=0 to max call hashsets.lookup(keys(i)) next thashsets=ticks-thashsets list.addrow "using haskey/lookup" list.cell(list.lastIndex,1)=format(tdic/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,2)=format(tseti/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,3)=format(thashseti/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,4)=format(tsets/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,5)=format(thashsets/60.0,"0.0")+"s" // get keys tdic=ticks for i=0 to max s=dic.Key(i) next tdic=ticks-tdic tsets=ticks for i=0 to max s=sets.Key(i) next tsets=ticks-tsets thashseti=ticks for i=0 to max s=hashseti.Key(i) next thashseti=ticks-thashseti tseti=ticks for i=0 to max s=seti.Key(i) next tseti=ticks-tseti thashsets=ticks for i=0 to max s=hashsets.Key(i) next thashsets=ticks-thashsets list.addrow "get keys" list.cell(list.lastIndex,1)=format(tdic/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,2)=format(tseti/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,3)=format(thashseti/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,4)=format(tsets/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,5)=format(thashsets/60.0,"0.0")+"s" // get all keys const maxx=100 dim temp(-1) as string dim tempv(-1) as Variant tdic=ticks for i=0 to maxx tempv=dic.Keys next tdic=ticks-tdic tsets=ticks for i=0 to maxx temp=sets.Keys next tsets=ticks-tsets thashsets=ticks for i=0 to maxx temp=hashsets.Keys next thashsets=ticks-thashsets tseti=ticks for i=0 to maxx temp=seti.Keys next tseti=ticks-tseti thashseti=ticks for i=0 to maxx temp=hashseti.Keys next thashseti=ticks-thashseti list.addrow "get all keys" list.cell(list.lastIndex,1)=format(tdic/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,2)=format(tseti/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,3)=format(thashseti/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,4)=format(tsets/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,5)=format(thashsets/60.0,"0.0")+"s" System.DebugLog "hashsets.BinCount: "+str(hashsets.BinCount) System.DebugLog "hashseti.BinCount: "+str(hashseti.BinCount) me.title="Finished." End Sub
Protected Sub testVariant() const max=1000000 #pragma DisableBackgroundTasks #pragma DisableAutoWaitCursor dim dic as new Dictionary dim sets as new VariantOrderedSetMBS(true) dim seti as new VariantOrderedSetMBS(False) dim hashsets as new VariantHashSetMBS(true) dim hashseti as new VariantHashSetMBS(False) dim i as integer dim keys(max) as Variant dim s as Variant dim tsets,tseti, tdic, thashsets, thashseti as integer me.title="Working on Variant" list.AddRow "" list.addrow "keys are variant" List.AddRow "max="+str(max) // prepare test data for i=0 to max keys(i)=i next keys.Shuffle // fill tseti=ticks for i=0 to max seti.insert(keys(i)) next tseti=ticks-tseti thashsets=ticks for i=0 to max hashsets.insert(keys(i)) next thashsets=ticks-thashsets tsets=ticks for i=0 to max sets.insert(keys(i)) next tsets=ticks-tsets thashseti=ticks for i=0 to max hashseti.insert(keys(i)) next thashseti=ticks-thashseti tdic=ticks for i=0 to max dic.value(keys(i))=True next tdic=ticks-tdic list.addrow "add values" list.cell(list.lastIndex,1)=format(tdic/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,2)=format(tseti/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,3)=format(thashseti/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,4)=format(tsets/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,5)=format(thashsets/60.0,"0.0")+"s" // haskey/lookup tdic=ticks for i=0 to max call dic.haskey(keys(i)) next tdic=ticks-tdic tseti=ticks for i=0 to max call seti.lookup(keys(i)) next tseti=ticks-tseti thashseti=ticks for i=0 to max call hashseti.lookup(keys(i)) next thashseti=ticks-thashseti tsets=ticks for i=0 to max call sets.lookup(keys(i)) next tsets=ticks-tsets thashsets=ticks for i=0 to max call hashsets.lookup(keys(i)) next thashsets=ticks-thashsets list.addrow "using haskey/lookup" list.cell(list.lastIndex,1)=format(tdic/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,2)=format(tseti/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,3)=format(thashseti/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,4)=format(tsets/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,5)=format(thashsets/60.0,"0.0")+"s" // get keys tdic=ticks for i=0 to max s=dic.Key(i) next tdic=ticks-tdic tsets=ticks for i=0 to max s=sets.Key(i) next tsets=ticks-tsets thashsets=ticks for i=0 to max s=hashsets.Key(i) next thashsets=ticks-thashsets tseti=ticks for i=0 to max s=seti.Key(i) next tseti=ticks-tseti thashseti=ticks for i=0 to max s=hashseti.Key(i) next thashseti=ticks-thashseti list.addrow "get keys" list.cell(list.lastIndex,1)=format(tdic/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,2)=format(tseti/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,3)=format(thashseti/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,4)=format(tsets/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,5)=format(thashsets/60.0,"0.0")+"s" // get all keys const maxx=100 dim temps(-1) as string dim tempv(-1) as variant tseti=ticks for i=0 to maxx tempv=seti.Keys next tseti=ticks-tseti tsets=ticks for i=0 to maxx tempv=sets.Keys next tsets=ticks-tsets thashsets=ticks for i=0 to maxx tempv=hashsets.Keys next thashsets=ticks-thashsets thashseti=ticks for i=0 to maxx tempv=hashseti.Keys next thashseti=ticks-thashseti tdic=ticks for i=0 to maxx tempv=dic.Keys next tdic=ticks-tdic list.addrow "get all keys" list.cell(list.lastIndex,1)=format(tdic/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,2)=format(tseti/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,3)=format(thashseti/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,4)=format(tsets/60.0,"0.0")+"s" list.cell(list.lastIndex,5)=format(thashsets/60.0,"0.0")+"s" System.DebugLog "hashsets.BinCount: "+str(hashsets.BinCount) System.DebugLog "hashseti.BinCount: "+str(hashseti.BinCount) me.title="Finished." End Sub
End Class
MenuBar MenuBar1
MenuItem FileMenu = "&File"
MenuItem FileQuit = "#App.kFileQuit"
MenuItem EditMenu = "&Edit"
MenuItem EditUndo = "&Undo"
MenuItem UntitledMenu1 = "-"
MenuItem EditCut = "Cu&t"
MenuItem EditCopy = "&Copy"
MenuItem EditPaste = "&Paste"
MenuItem EditClear = "#App.kEditClear"
MenuItem UntitledMenu0 = "-"
MenuItem EditSelectAll = "Select &All"
End MenuBar
End Project

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