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/Images/LCMS2/Query Display Profile

Required plugins for this example: MBS MacBase Plugin, MBS Images Plugin, MBS Main Plugin

You find this example project in your Plugins Download as a Xojo project file within the examples folder: /Images/LCMS2/Query Display Profile

This example is the version from Mon, 5th May 2019.

Project "Query Display Profile.xojo_binary_project"
Class App Inherits Application
Const kEditClear = "&Delete"
Const kFileQuit = "&Quit"
Const kFileQuitShortcut = ""
End Class
Class Window1 Inherits Window
Control ProfileTextArea Inherits TextArea
ControlInstance ProfileTextArea Inherits TextArea
End Control
Control Label1 Inherits Label
ControlInstance Label1 Inherits Label
End Control
EventHandler Sub Close() #if TargetMacOS then Quit #endif End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub Moved() Dim ICCprofile_Name As String Dim ICCprofile_Display As LCMS2ProfileMBS // get the profile and the name of the profile associated to the monitor on which this dialog is shown ICCprofile_Name = GetWindowProfile(self.Handle, Self.Left, Self.Top, Self.Width, Self.Height, ICCprofile_Display) // show the profile name in the text area ProfileTextArea.Text = ICCprofile_Name ProfileTextArea.Alignment = TextArea.AlignCenter // do something with the ICCprofile_Display profile if required... End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub Open() #if TargetMacOS then Dim ICCprofile_Name As String Dim ICCprofile_Display As LCMS2ProfileMBS // get the profile and the name of the profile associated to the monitor on which this dialog is shown ICCprofile_Name = GetWindowProfile(self.Handle, Self.Left, Self.Top, Self.Width, Self.Height, ICCprofile_Display) // show the profile name in the text area ProfileTextArea.Text = ICCprofile_Name ProfileTextArea.Alignment = TextArea.AlignCenter // do something with the ICCprofile_Display profile if required... #endif End EventHandler
Function GetWindowProfile(winHandle As Integer, winLeft As Integer, winTop As Integer, winWidth As Integer, winHeight As Integer, ByRef DisplayProfile As LCMS2ProfileMBS) As String Dim RetValue As Integer Dim profileName As String // GET THE PROFILE AND PROFILE NAME OF THE MONITOR IN WHICH THE WINDOW IS LOCATED // PROFILE is an LCMS2 Profile (MBS Class) returned ByRef // PROFILE NAME is the String returned by the Function // MBS Plugin required for Windows: MBS LCMS2 Plugin // MBS Plugins required for Mac: MBS LCMS2 Plugin, MBS CocoaBase Plugin #if TargetWin32 Then Dim winDC, NSize, LastError As Integer Dim profilePath As String Dim mbPath, mbMonInfoEx, mbDeviceName As MemoryBlock Dim HMONITOR As UInt32 Dim f As FolderItem // define the DLL calls Soft Declare Function CreateDC Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreateDCA" (lpszDriver As Ptr, lpszDevice As Ptr, lpszOutput As Ptr, lpInitData As Ptr) As Integer Soft Declare Function DeleteDC Lib "gdi32" (hdc As Integer) As Integer Soft Declare Function GetICMProfile Lib "gdi32" Alias "GetICMProfileA" (hdc As Integer, ByRef dw As Integer, Pointer As Ptr) As Integer Soft Declare Function GetLastError Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetLastError" () As Integer Soft Declare Function GetMonitorInfo Lib "user32" Alias "GetMonitorInfoA" (hMonitor As UInt32, lpmi As Ptr) As Integer // Note: There are 2 options for the lpmi Structure: MONITORINFO or MONITORINFOEX defined respectively as shown below. // We use MONITORINFOEX // // GetMonitorInfo // // MONITORINFOEX structure // typedef struct tagMONITORINFO { // DWORD cbSize; // RECT rcMonitor; // RECT rcWork; // DWORD dwFlags; // } MONITORINFO, *LPMONITORINFO; // typedef struct tagMONITORINFOEX { // DWORD cbSize; // RECT rcMonitor; // RECT rcWork; // DWORD dwFlags; // TCHAR szDevice[CCHDEVICENAME]; // } MONITORINFOEX, *LPMONITORINFOEX; // Note: the structure components sizes are: // DWORD cbSize; // 4 bytes // RECT rcMonitor; // (4*4) bytes // RECT rcWork; // (4*4) bytes // DWORD dwFlags; // 4 bytes // TCHAR szDevice[CCHDEVICENAME]; // 32 bytes Soft Declare Function MonitorFromWindow Lib "user32" (hwnd As UInt32, dwFlags As UInt32) As Integer // dwFlags values Const MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST = &h00000002 Const MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL = &h00000000 Const MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY = &h00000001 // define a Memoryblock for the device name mbDeviceName = New MemoryBlock(32) // get the monitor handle HMONITOR = MonitorFromWindow(winHandle, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST) mbMonInfoEx = New MemoryBlock(72) // = 4 + (4*4) + (4*4) + 4 + 32 // set the cbSize member of the MONITORINFOEX structure before calling the GetMonitorInfo function mbMonInfoEx.Int32Value(0) = mbMonInfoEx.Size // get the monitor info RetValue = GetMonitorInfo(HMONITOR, mbMonInfoEx) // get the device name from the MONITORINFOEX structure mbDeviceName.CString(0) = mbMonInfoEx.CString(40) // create a Device Context (DC) from the device name winDC = CreateDC(mbDeviceName, mbDeviceName, nil, nil) // check if the DC is created if winDC = 0 then // DC NOT created profileName = "(display 'Device Context' cannot be created)" else // DC created; define a Memoryblock to get the profile PATH mbPath = New MemoryBlock(256) // define a buffer size to be used to store the profile PATH Name NSize = 256 // get the profile from the DC if GetICMProfile(winDC, NSize, mbPath) = 1 then profilePath = mbPath.StringValue(0, 256) // get the profile PATH Name using the returned buffer size, minus the last character (which is NULL) profilePath = Left(profilePath, NSize-1) // define a folder item for the default file profile f = GetFolderItem(profilePath, FolderItem.PathTypeAbsolute) // check if the folder item is available if f.Exists then // the FolderItem is available; try to open it DisplayProfile = LCMS2ProfileMBS.OpenProfileFromFile(f, False) // check if the profile was opened if DisplayProfile <> nil then // a profile was opened; get the profile name profileName = DisplayProfile.Name else // profile NOT opened profileName = "(profile cannot be opened)" end if else // folder item NOT available profileName = "(profile folder not available)" end if else // there was an error while retrieving the display profile LastError = GetLastError() profileName = "(Get profile error # " + str(LastError) + ")" end if // delete the DC if DeleteDC(winDC) = 0 then // the display DC could NOT be deleted MsgBox "The display 'Device Context' could NOT be deleted!" end if end if #endif #if TargetMacOS then Dim i, ScreenIndex, DisplayIDs(0), CurrentDisplayID As Integer Dim windowCenterX, windowCenterY As Single Dim maxNumDisplays, DisplayCnt, DisplayCntPoint As UInt32 Dim mbDisplayCnt, mbDisplayIDs As MemoryBlock Dim NS_Screen() as NSScreenMBS Dim NS_Space as NSColorSpaceMBS // define the "CoreGraphics" calls // SWIFT DECLARATION 'func CGGetDisplaysWithPoint(_ point: CGPoint, '_ maxDisplays: UInt32, '_ dspys: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGDirectDisplayID>, '_ dspyCnt: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>) -> CGError // Note: in this case, the point Ptr is not recognized as a CGPoint structure, a workaround is to use separate singles to define CGPoint // declare function CGGetDisplaysWithPoint lib "CoreGraphics" (point As Ptr, maxDisplays as Uint32, dspys As Ptr, dspyCnt As Ptr) As Integer declare function CGGetDisplaysWithPoint lib "CoreGraphics" (x As Single, y As Single, maxDisplays as Uint32, dspys As Ptr, dspyCnt As Ptr) As Integer 'func CGGetDisplaysWithRect(_ rect: CGRect, '_ maxDisplays: UInt32, '_ dspys: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGDirectDisplayID>, '_ dspyCnt: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>) -> CGError // Note: in this case, the rect Ptr is not recognized as a CGRect structure, a workaround is to use separate singles to define CGRect declare function CGGetDisplaysWithRect lib "CoreGraphics" (x As Single, y As Single, xRect As Single, yRect As Single, maxDisplays as Uint32, dspys As Ptr, dspyCnt As Ptr) As Integer 'func CGGetActiveDisplayList(_ maxDisplays: UInt32, '_ activeDspys: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGDirectDisplayID>, '_ dspyCnt: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>) -> CGError declare function CGGetActiveDisplayList lib "CoreGraphics" (maxDisplays as Uint32, dspys As Ptr, dspyCnt As Ptr) As Integer // get the current display ID from the window center position maxNumDisplays = 32 // max number of monitors in the returned ID array mbDisplayIDs = New MemoryBlock(4 * maxNumDisplays) mbDisplayCnt = New MemoryBlock(4) windowCenterX = winLeft + (winWidth/2) windowCenterY = winTop + (winHeight/2) // Note: RetValue = 0 = Success RetValue = CGGetDisplaysWithPoint(windowCenterX, windowCenterY, maxNumDisplays, mbDisplayIDs, mbDisplayCnt) // get the current display ID (the first array element) CurrentDisplayID = mbDisplayIDs.UInt32Value(0) DisplayCntPoint = mbDisplayCnt.UInt32Value(0) // check if we obtained a display ID // Note: we can obtain a display ID=0 if the window center is outside of a monitor if CurrentDisplayID = 0 then // the window center is outside of a monitor; get the display ID from the window rectangle RetValue = CGGetDisplaysWithRect(winLeft, winTop, winWidth, winHeight, maxNumDisplays, mbDisplayIDs, mbDisplayCnt) // get the current display ID (the first array element) CurrentDisplayID = mbDisplayIDs.UInt32Value(0) DisplayCntPoint = mbDisplayCnt.UInt32Value(0) end if // get the active display list RetValue = CGGetActiveDisplayList(maxNumDisplays, mbDisplayIDs, mbDisplayCnt) // get the number of active displays DisplayCnt = mbDisplayCnt.UInt32Value(0) // get the display ID of all the active displays Redim DisplayIDs(DisplayCnt-1) for i = 0 to DisplayCnt-1 DisplayIDs(i) = mbDisplayIDs.UInt32Value(4*i) next i // get the screen data of all the active displays Redim NS_Screen(DisplayCnt-1) NS_Screen() = NSScreenMBS.screens // find the screen index from the display ID array // Note: the display ID list is in sync with the Screen(i) index ScreenIndex = DisplayIDs.IndexOf(CurrentDisplayID) // get the color space data for the current screen NS_Space = NS_Screen(ScreenIndex).colorSpace // get the display profile from the screen color space data Dim mbProfile As MemoryBlock mbProfile = New MemoryBlock(1024) // the MemoryBlock will be resized mbProfile = NS_Space.ICCProfileData DisplayProfile = LCMS2ProfileMBS.OpenProfileFromMemory(mbProfile) // check if the profile was opened if DisplayProfile <> nil then // a profile was opened; get the profile name and path profileName = DisplayProfile.Name else // profile NOT opened profileName = "(profile cannot be opened)" end if #Endif // return the profile name Return profileName // RUNTIME EXCEPTION CODE Exception err profileName = "(Cannot identify the monitor)" Return profileName End Function
Note "About"
Hi, this is a project written by Danny Pascale to show how to get current display profile for a current display.
End Class
MenuBar MenuBar1
MenuItem FileMenu = "&File"
MenuItem FileQuit = "#App.kFileQuit"
MenuItem EditMenu = "&Edit"
MenuItem EditUndo = "&Undo"
MenuItem UntitledMenu1 = "-"
MenuItem EditCut = "Cu&t"
MenuItem EditCopy = "&Copy"
MenuItem EditPaste = "&Paste"
MenuItem EditClear = "#App.kEditClear"
MenuItem UntitledMenu0 = "-"
MenuItem EditSelectAll = "Select &All"
End MenuBar
End Project

The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS Images Plugin.

The biggest plugin in space...