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/Mac64bit/EventKit/MBS iOS EventKit demo

Required plugins for this example: MBS Mac64bit Plugin, MBS MacBase Plugin, MBS MacCloud Plugin, MBS Main Plugin

You find this example project in your Plugins Download as a Xojo project file within the examples folder: /Mac64bit/EventKit/MBS iOS EventKit demo

This example is the version from Mon, 14th Apr 2024.

Project "MBS iOS EventKit demo.xojo_binary_project"
Class App Inherits MobileApplication
End Class
Class LaunchScreen Inherits iosView
End Class
End Sign
Module EventKit
Protected Sub getEventStore() if EventKit.EventStore = Nil then EventKit.EventStore = new ourEventStore if EventKit.EventStore.authorizationStatusForEntityType( EKEventStoreMBS.kEntityTypeEvent ) = EKEventStoreMBS.kAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined then EventKit.EventStore.requestAccessToEntityType( EKEventStoreMBS.kEntityTypeEvent ) elseif EventKit.EventStore.authorizationStatusForEntityType( EKEventStoreMBS.kEntityTypeEvent ) = EKEventStoreMBS.kAuthorizationStatusAuthorized then EventKit.bEventPermissionGranted = True else EventKit.bEventPermissionGranted = False end if end if End Sub
Property EventStore As ourEventStore
Property bEventPermissionGranted As Boolean
End Module
Class ourEventStore Inherits EKEventStoreMBS
EventHandler Sub requestAccessToEntityTypeCompleted(entityType as Integer, granted as Boolean, error as NSErrorMBS, tag as variant) if (entityType = EKEventStoreMBS.kEntityTypeEvent) then Break EventKit.bEventPermissionGranted = granted end if End EventHandler
End Class
Class msEventKitDemo Inherits MobileScreen
Control mbGetCalendars Inherits MobileButton
ControlInstance mbGetCalendars Inherits MobileButton
Constraint Constraint 1
Constraint Constraint 2
Constraint Constraint 3
Constraint Constraint 4
EventHandler Sub Pressed() dim calendars() as EKCalendarMBS dim msgBox as New MobileMessageBox if not EventKit.bEventPermissionGranted = True then msgBox.Title = "You must give the app access to calendar events to be able to get the calendars on this device." msgBox.Show Return end if calendars = EventKit.EventStore.calendarsForEntityType( EKEventStoreMBS.kEntityTypeEvent ) msgBox.Title = calendars.LastIndex.ToString + " calendars found" msgBox.Buttons = Array( "OK" ) msgBox.Show End EventHandler
End Control
Control mbGetEvents Inherits MobileButton
ControlInstance mbGetEvents Inherits MobileButton
Constraint Constraint 1
Constraint Constraint 2
Constraint Constraint 3
Constraint Constraint 4
EventHandler Sub Pressed() dim msgBox as New MobileMessageBox dim iCalEvents() as EKEventMBS dim thePredicate as NSPredicateMBS dim dateStart, dateEnd as DateTime dim theInterval as DateInterval if not EventKit.bEventPermissionGranted = True then msgBox.Title = "You must give the app access to calendar events to be able to get the events on this device." msgBox.Show Return end if dateStart = New DateTime( DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, TimeZone.Current ) theInterval = New DateInterval( 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1 ) dateEnd = dateStart + theInterval // Have to ask for events finishing the day after the one we're after or all-day events on the last day don't get included thePredicate = EventKit.EventStore.predicateForEvents( dateStart, dateEnd ) iCalEvents = EventKit.EventStore.eventsMatchingPredicate( thePredicate ) msgBox.Title = iCalEvents.LastIndex.ToString + " events found for this month" msgBox.Buttons = Array( "OK" ) msgBox.Show End EventHandler
End Control
EventHandler Sub Opening() EventKit.getEventStore End EventHandler
End Class
End Sign
ExternalFile Info
End ExternalFile
End Project

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