Platforms to show: All Mac Windows Linux Cross-Platform


Required plugins for this example: MBS MacBase Plugin, MBS MacCG Plugin, MBS Mac64bit Plugin, MBS MacCloud Plugin, MBS Main Plugin

You find this example project in your Plugins Download as a Xojo project file within the examples folder: /Mac64bit/Photos/Photos

This example is the version from Sat, 24th Apr 2020.

Project "Photos.xojo_binary_project"
Class App Inherits Application
Const kEditClear = "&Delete"
Const kFileQuit = "&Quit"
Const kFileQuitShortcut = ""
EventHandler Sub Open() Dim authorizationStatus As Integer = PHPhotoLibraryMBS.authorizationStatus Select Case authorizationStatus Case PHPhotoLibraryMBS.PHAuthorizationStatusAuthorized 'MsgBox "Authorized" Start Case PHPhotoLibraryMBS.PHAuthorizationStatusDenied MsgBox "Denied" Case PHPhotoLibraryMBS.PHAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined 'MsgBox "NotDetermined" PhotoLibrary.requestAuthorization AddressOf AuthorizationCompleted Case PHPhotoLibraryMBS.PHAuthorizationStatusRestricted MsgBox "Restricted" End Select End EventHandler
Sub AuthorizationCompleted(Status as Integer, tag as Variant) Select Case Status Case PHPhotoLibraryMBS.PHAuthorizationStatusAuthorized 'MsgBox "Authorized" Start Case PHPhotoLibraryMBS.PHAuthorizationStatusDenied MsgBox "Denied" Case PHPhotoLibraryMBS.PHAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined MsgBox "NotDetermined" Case PHPhotoLibraryMBS.PHAuthorizationStatusRestricted MsgBox "Restricted" End Select End Sub
Sub Start() PhotoLibrary = new PHPhotoLibrary End Sub
Property PhotoLibrary As PHPhotoLibraryMBS
End Class
Class MainWindow Inherits Window
Control List Inherits Listbox
ControlInstance List Inherits Listbox
EventHandler Function CellTextPaint(g As Graphics, row As Integer, column As Integer, x as Integer, y as Integer) As Boolean Dim v As Variant = Me.RowTag(row) If v IsA PHAssetMBS Then Dim asset As PHAssetMBS = v // load picture as needed If list.CellTag(List.LastIndex,0) = Nil Then Dim pic As Picture = LoadAssetPicture(asset) list.CellTag(List.LastIndex,0) = pic end if End If Dim p As Picture = Me.CellTag(row, 0) If p <> Nil Then Dim faktor As Double = g.Height / p.Height // Calculate new size Dim w As Integer = p.Width * faktor Dim h As Integer = p.Height * faktor // draw picture in the new size g.DrawPicture p, 0, 0, w, h, 0, 0, p.Width, p.Height Return True End If End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub Change() If Me.ListIndex >= 0 Then Dim v As Variant = Me.RowTag(Me.ListIndex) If v IsA PHAssetMBS Then Dim p As PHAssetMBS = v If CurrentAsset <> p Then LoadAsset p End If End If End If End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub ExpandRow(row As Integer) Dim v As Variant = Me.RowTag(row) If v IsA PHFetchResultMBS Then Dim folders As PHFetchResultMBS = v AddFetchResult folders Elseif v IsA PHCollectionListMBS Then Dim c As PHCollectionListMBS = v Dim r As PHFetchResultMBS = PHCollectionMBS.fetchCollectionsInCollectionList(c) If r <> Nil Then AddFetchResult r End If Elseif v IsA PHAssetCollectionMBS Then Dim c As PHAssetCollectionMBS = v Dim r As PHFetchResultMBS = PHAssetMBS.fetchAssetsInAssetCollection(c) If r <> Nil Then AddFetchResult r End If Else Break End If End EventHandler
End Control
Control Output Inherits Canvas
ControlInstance Output Inherits Canvas
EventHandler Sub Paint(g As Graphics, areas() As REALbasic.Rect) If pic <> Nil Then Dim faktor As Double = Min( g.Height / Pic.Height, g.Width / Pic.Width) // Calculate new size Dim w As Integer = Pic.Width * faktor Dim h As Integer = Pic.Height * faktor Dim dx As Integer = (g.Width - w)/2 Dim dy As Integer = (g.Height - h)/2 // draw picture in the new size g.DrawPicture Pic, dx, dy, w, h, 0, 0, Pic.Width, Pic.Height End If End EventHandler
End Control
Control LivePhotoControl Inherits PHLivePhotoControlMBS
ControlInstance LivePhotoControl Inherits PHLivePhotoControlMBS
End Control
EventHandler Sub Open() // put the LivePhotoControl where the Canvas is without making one parent of other LivePhotoControl.Visible = False = LivePhotoControl.Left = Output.Left LivePhotoControl.Width = Output.Width LivePhotoControl.Height = Output.Height ImageManager = New PHImageManagerMBS AddCollectionList PHCollectionListMBS.TypeFolder, PHCollectionListMBS.SubtypeRegularFolder, "Folders" AddCollectionList PHCollectionListMBS.TypeSmartFolder, PHCollectionListMBS.SubtypeSmartFolderEvents, "Events" AddCollectionList PHCollectionListMBS.TypeSmartFolder, PHCollectionListMBS.SubtypeSmartFolderFaces, "Faces" AddCollectionList PHCollectionListMBS.TypeMomentList, PHCollectionListMBS.SubtypeAny, "Moments" AddAssetCollections PHAssetCollectionMBS.TypeAlbum, PHAssetCollectionMBS.SubtypeAny, "Albums" AddAssetCollections PHAssetCollectionMBS.TypeSmartAlbum, PHAssetCollectionMBS.SubtypeAny, "Smart Albums" AddAssetCollections PHAssetCollectionMBS.TypeMoment, PHAssetCollectionMBS.SubtypeAny, "Moments" // look for those holding live photos, so we can show a few AddAssetCollections PHAssetCollectionMBS.TypeSmartAlbum, PHAssetCollectionMBS.SubtypeSmartAlbumLivePhotos, "Live Photos" Dim Folders As PHFetchResultMBS = PHCollectionListMBS.fetchTopLevelUserCollections If folders <> Nil Then list.AddFolderWithTag "Collections", folders End If End EventHandler
Sub AddAssetCollections(type as integer, subtype as integer, label as string) Dim Folders As PHFetchResultMBS = PHAssetCollectionMBS.fetchAssetCollectionsWithType(type, subtype) If folders <> Nil And folders.count > 0 Then list.AddFolderWithTag label, folders End If End Sub
Sub AddCollectionList(type as integer, subtype as integer, label as string) Dim Folders As PHFetchResultMBS = PHCollectionListMBS.fetchCollectionListsWithType(type, subtype) If folders <> Nil And folders.count > 0 Then list.AddFolderWithTag label, folders End If End Sub
Sub AddFetchResult(folders As PHFetchResultMBS) Dim List As listbox = Self.List Dim values() As Variant = folders.allObjects For Each value As Variant In values If value IsA PHCollectionListMBS Then Dim p As PHCollectionListMBS = value Dim t As String = p.localizedTitle If t.Len = 0 Then t = p.localIdentifier End If list.AddFolderWithTag t, p Elseif value IsA PHAssetCollectionMBS Then Dim p As PHAssetCollectionMBS = value Dim t As String = p.localizedTitle If t.Len = 0 Then t = p.localIdentifier End If list.AddFolderWithTag t, p Elseif value IsA PHCollectionMBS Then Dim p As PHCollectionMBS = value Dim t As String = p.localizedTitle If t.Len = 0 Then t = p.localIdentifier End If list.AddFolderWithTag t, p Elseif value IsA PHAssetMBS Then Dim p As PHAssetMBS = value Dim t As String = p.localIdentifier list.AddRowWithTag t, p Else Break End If Next End Sub
Sub LoadAsset(p as PHAssetMBS) if p = CurrentAsset then return // ignore // don't need old one If CurrentRequestID <> 0 Then ImageManager.cancelImageRequest CurrentRequestID CurrentRequestID = 0 End If title = "Loading..." CurrentAsset = p Dim contentMode As Integer = ImageManager.ContentModeAspectFit Dim targetSize As New CGSizeMBS(output.Width * 2, Output.Height * 2) If PHLivePhotoRequestOptionsMBS.available And BitwiseAnd(p.mediaSubtypes, p.MediaSubtypePhotoLive) <> 0 Then // live photo Dim Handler As PHImageManagerMBS.RequestLivePhotoForAssetCompletedMBS = AddressOf requestLivePhotoForAssetCompleted Dim options As New PHLivePhotoRequestOptionsMBS // due to download, the handler is called twice, frist small, second large picture options.NetworkAccessAllowed = True CurrentRequestID = ImageManager.RequestLivePhotoForAsset(p, targetSize, ContentMode, options, Handler, Nil) Else // normal photo Dim Handler As PHImageManagerMBS.RequestImageForAssetCompletedMBS = AddressOf requestImageForAssetCompleted Dim options As New PHImageRequestOptionsMBS // due to download, the handler is called twice, frist small, second large picture options.Synchronous = False options.NetworkAccessAllowed = True CurrentRequestID = ImageManager.RequestImageForAsset(p, targetSize, ContentMode, options, Handler, Nil) End If End Sub
Function LoadAssetPicture(p as PHAssetMBS) As Picture Dim contentMode As Integer = ImageManager.ContentModeAspectFit Dim options As New PHImageRequestOptionsMBS Dim targetSize As New CGSizeMBS(128,32) // due to download, the handler is called twice, frist small, second large picture options.Synchronous = true options.NetworkAccessAllowed = True options.DeliveryMode = options.DeliveryModeFastFormat Dim info As Dictionary Dim image As NSImageMBS = ImageManager.RequestImageForAssetSync(p, targetSize, ContentMode, options, info) If image <> Nil Then Return image.CopyPicture End If End Function
Sub requestImageForAssetCompleted(asset as PHAssetMBS, options as PHImageRequestOptionsMBS, result as NSImageMBS, info as Dictionary, tag as Variant) System.DebugLog CurrentMethodName+ " "+asset.localIdentifier Dim error As NSErrorMBS = info.Lookup(PHImageManagerMBS.PHImageErrorKey, Nil) Dim IsDegrated As Boolean = info.Lookup(PHImageManagerMBS.PHImageResultIsDegradedKey, False) Dim isCanceled As Boolean = info.Lookup(PHImageManagerMBS.PHImageCancelledKey, False) If isCanceled Then // exit on cancel Return Elseif error <> Nil Then MsgBox error.LocalizedDescription CurrentRequestID = 0 Return Elseif IsDegrated Then Title = "Loaded preview." Else Title = "Loaded full picture" End If If result <> Nil Then System.DebugLog "size: "+Str(result.width)+"x"+Str(result.height) pic = result.CopyPicture output.Invalidate output.Visible = True LivePhotoControl.Visible = False End If CurrentRequestID = 0 End Sub
Sub requestLivePhotoForAssetCompleted(asset as PHAssetMBS, options as PHImageRequestOptionsMBS, livePhoto as PHLivePhotoMBS, info as Dictionary, tag as Variant) System.DebugLog CurrentMethodName+ " "+asset.localIdentifier Dim error As NSErrorMBS = info.Lookup(PHImageManagerMBS.PHImageErrorKey, Nil) Dim IsDegrated As Boolean = info.Lookup(PHImageManagerMBS.PHImageResultIsDegradedKey, False) Dim isCanceled As Boolean = info.Lookup(PHImageManagerMBS.PHImageCancelledKey, False) If isCanceled Then // exit on cancel Return Elseif error <> Nil Then MsgBox error.LocalizedDescription CurrentRequestID = 0 Return Elseif IsDegrated Then Title = "Loaded preview." Else Title = "Loaded full picture" End If If livePhoto <> Nil Then pic = Nil output.Visible = False LivePhotoControl.LivePhoto = livePhoto LivePhotoControl.Visible = True LivePhotoControl.startPlayback LivePhotoControl.PlaybackStyleFull End If CurrentRequestID = 0 End Sub
Property CurrentAsset As PHAssetMBS
Property CurrentRequestID As Integer
Property ImageManager As PHImageManagerMBS
Property Untitled As Integer
Property pic As Picture
Property preview As Picture
End Class
MenuBar MainMenuBar
MenuItem FileMenu = "&File"
MenuItem FileQuit = "#App.kFileQuit"
MenuItem EditMenu = "&Edit"
MenuItem EditUndo = "&Undo"
MenuItem EditSeparator1 = "-"
MenuItem EditCut = "Cu&t"
MenuItem EditCopy = "&Copy"
MenuItem EditPaste = "&Paste"
MenuItem EditClear = "#App.kEditClear"
MenuItem EditSeparator2 = "-"
MenuItem EditSelectAll = "Select &All"
End MenuBar
Module Utils
Sub AddFolderWithTag(extends list as Listbox, text as string, ref as Variant) List.AddFolder Text List.RowTag(List.LastIndex) = ref End Sub
Sub AddRowWithTag(extends list as Listbox, text as string, ref as Variant) List.AddRow Text List.RowTag(List.LastIndex) = ref End Sub
End Module
Class PHPhotoLibrary Inherits PHPhotoLibraryMBS
EventHandler Sub DidBecomeUnavailable() System.DebugLog CurrentMethodName End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub DidChange(changes as PHChangeMBS) System.DebugLog CurrentMethodName End EventHandler
End Class
ExternalFile info
End ExternalFile
End Project

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