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/Mac64bit/SceneKit/Free form

Required plugins for this example: MBS Mac64bit Plugin, MBS MacBase Plugin, MBS MacCG Plugin, MBS Main Plugin

You find this example project in your Plugins Download as a Xojo project file within the examples folder: /Mac64bit/SceneKit/Free form

This example is the version from Tue, 4th May 2020.

Project "Free form.xojo_binary_project"
Class App Inherits Application
Const kEditClear = "&Delete"
Const kFileQuit = "&Quit"
Const kFileQuitShortcut = ""
End Class
Class Window1 Inherits Window
Control Mapp Inherits SCNControlMBS
ControlInstance Mapp Inherits SCNControlMBS
EventHandler Sub Open() //Initializing my environment MyView = Me.View MyScene = New SCNSceneMBS MyView.scene = MyScene myView.autoenablesDefaultLighting = False MyView.allowsCameraControl = True myView.backgroundColor = NSColorMBS.whiteColor //Initializing the camera CameraNode = New SCNNodeMBS Camera = New SCNCameraMBS CameraNode.Camera = Camera Camera.zFar = 300 Camera.zNear = 5 //Starting position of the camera CameraNode.Position = New SCNVector3MBS(50, 70, -30) CameraNode.orientation = New SCNVector4MBS(-0.38458, 0.767000, 0.211688, 0.467966) MyView.pointOfView = CameraNode //Add ambient light source Dim AmbientLight As New SCNNodeMBS AmbientLight.light = New SCNLightMBS AmbientLight.Light.Type = SCNLightMBS.SCNLightTypeAmbient AmbientLight.Light.Intensity = 400 AmbientLight.light.Color = NSColorMBS.colorWithWhite(0.75, 1) MyScene.rootNode.addChildNode(AmbientLight) //Add omni light source Dim OmniLight1 As New SCNNodeMBS OmniLight1.Position = New SCNVector3MBS(10, 10, -10) OmniLight1.light = New SCNLightMBS OmniLight1.Light.Type = SCNLightMBS.SCNLightTypeOmni OmniLight1.Light.Intensity = 2000 OmniLight1.light.Color = NSColorMBS.colorWithWhite(0.75, 1) MyScene.rootNode.addChildNode(OmniLight1) //Add omni light source Dim OmniLight2 As New SCNNodeMBS OmniLight2.Position = New SCNVector3MBS(10, 10, 10) OmniLight2.light = New SCNLightMBS OmniLight2.Light.Type = SCNLightMBS.SCNLightTypeOmni OmniLight2.Light.Intensity = 2000 OmniLight2.light.Color = NSColorMBS.colorWithWhite(0.75, 1) MyScene.rootNode.addChildNode(OmniLight2) //Create the cube cube End EventHandler
End Control
Sub cube() // Following the tutorial: Dim cubeSide As Double = 15.0 Dim halfSide As Double = cubeSide / 2 //The 8 corner coordinates //We repeat them because we want to use them in different ways Dim positions() As SCNVector3MBS positions.append New SCNVector3MBS(-halfSide, -halfSide, halfSide) positions.append New SCNVector3MBS( halfSide, -halfSide, halfSide) positions.append New SCNVector3MBS(-halfSide, -halfSide, -halfSide) positions.append New SCNVector3MBS( halfSide, -halfSide, -halfSide) positions.append New SCNVector3MBS(-halfSide, halfSide, halfSide) positions.append New SCNVector3MBS( halfSide, halfSide, halfSide) positions.append New SCNVector3MBS(-halfSide, halfSide, -halfSide) positions.append New SCNVector3MBS(halfSide, halfSide, - halfSide) // repeat exactly the same positions.append New SCNVector3MBS(-halfSide, -halfSide, halfSide) positions.append New SCNVector3MBS( halfSide, -halfSide, halfSide) positions.append New SCNVector3MBS(-halfSide, -halfSide, -halfSide) positions.append New SCNVector3MBS( halfSide, -halfSide, -halfSide) positions.append New SCNVector3MBS(-halfSide, halfSide, halfSide) positions.append New SCNVector3MBS( halfSide, halfSide, halfSide) positions.append New SCNVector3MBS(-halfSide, halfSide, -halfSide) positions.append New SCNVector3MBS( halfSide, halfSide, -halfSide) // repeat exactly the same positions.append New SCNVector3MBS(-halfSide, -halfSide, halfSide) positions.append New SCNVector3MBS( halfSide, -halfSide, halfSide) positions.append New SCNVector3MBS(-halfSide, -halfSide, -halfSide) positions.append New SCNVector3MBS( halfSide, -halfSide, -halfSide) positions.append New SCNVector3MBS(-halfSide, halfSide, halfSide) positions.append New SCNVector3MBS(halfSide, halfSide, halfSide) positions.append New SCNVector3MBS(-halfSide, halfSide, -halfSide) positions.append New SCNVector3MBS( halfSide, halfSide, -halfSide) //Description of the individual triangles that together construct the cube Dim indices() As Integer // bottom indices.append 0 indices.append 2 indices.append 1 indices.append 1 indices.append 2 indices.append 3 // back indices.append 10 //2 indices.append 14//6 indices.append 11//3 indices.append 11//3 indices.append 14//6 indices.append 15//7 // left indices.append 16//0 indices.append 20//4 indices.append 18//2 indices.append 18//2 indices.append 20//4 indices.append 22//6 // right indices.append 17//1 indices.append 19//3 indices.append 21//5 indices.append 19//3 indices.append 23//7 indices.append 21//5 // front indices.append 8//0 indices.append 9//1 indices.append 12//4 indices.append 9//1 indices.append 13//5 indices.append 12//4 // top indices.append 4 indices.append 5 indices.append 6 indices.append 5 indices.append 7 indices.append 6 Dim mem As New MemoryBlock(4 * 36) Dim offset As Integer For row As Integer = 0 To indices.Ubound mem.Int32Value(offset) = indices(row) offset = offset + 4 Next //Determining the normal vectors Dim normals(23) As SCNVector3MBS normals(0) = New SCNVector3MBS(0, -1, 0) normals(1) = New SCNVector3MBS(0, -1, 0) normals(2) = New SCNVector3MBS(0, -1, 0) normals(3) = New SCNVector3MBS(0, -1, 0) normals(4) = New SCNVector3MBS(0, 1, 0) normals(5) = New SCNVector3MBS(0, 1, 0) normals(6) = New SCNVector3MBS(0, 1, 0) normals(7) = New SCNVector3MBS(0, 1, 0) normals(8) = New SCNVector3MBS(0, 0, 1) normals(9) = New SCNVector3MBS(0, 0, 1) normals(10) = New SCNVector3MBS(0, 0, -1) normals(11) = New SCNVector3MBS(0, 0, -1) normals(12) = New SCNVector3MBS(0, 0, 1) normals(13) = New SCNVector3MBS(0, 0, 1) normals(14) = New SCNVector3MBS(0, 0, -1) normals(15) = New SCNVector3MBS(0, 0, -1) normals(16) = New SCNVector3MBS(-1, 0, 0) normals(17) = New SCNVector3MBS(1, 0, 0) normals(18) = New SCNVector3MBS(-1, 0, 0) normals(19) = New SCNVector3MBS(1, 0, 0) normals(20) = New SCNVector3MBS(-1, 0, 0) normals(21) = New SCNVector3MBS(1, 0, 0) normals(22) = New SCNVector3MBS(-1, 0, 0) normals(23) = New SCNVector3MBS(1, 0, 0) //Construction of a geometry source from the corner coodinates Dim vertexSource As SCNGeometrySourceMBS = SCNGeometrySourceMBS.geometrySourceWithVertices(positions) //Construction of a geometry source from the normal vectors Dim normalSource As SCNGeometrySourceMBS = SCNGeometrySourceMBS.geometrySourceWithNormals(normals) Const SCNGeometryPrimitiveTypeTriangles = 0 //Construction of the geometry element with : the memory block of the coordinates of each triangle, the indication that the geometry is triangular, Specify how many triangles there are and the size of the blocks of information Dim element As SCNGeometryElementMBS = SCNGeometryElementMBS.geometryElementWithData(mem, SCNGeometryPrimitiveTypeTriangles, 12, 4) //The actual geometry then consists of the two geometry sources of the vertices and the normal vectors, //as well as the geometry element from the triangles Dim geometry As SCNGeometryMBS = SCNGeometryMBS.geometryWithSources(Array(vertexSource, normalSource), Array(element)) // Then we can use the geometry as usual // Give the cube a red colored material Dim redMaterial As New SCNMaterialMBS redMaterial.diffuse.contents = NSColorMBS.redColor geometry.setMaterials Array(redMaterial) Dim NodeOne As New SCNNodeMBS(geometry) MyScene.rootNode.addChildNode(NodeOne) End Sub
Property Camera As SCNCameraMBS
Property CameraNode As SCNNodeMBS
Property MyScene As SCNSceneMBS
Property MyView As SCNViewMBS
End Class
MenuBar MainMenuBar
MenuItem FileMenu = "&File"
MenuItem FileQuit = "#App.kFileQuit"
MenuItem EditMenu = "&Edit"
MenuItem EditUndo = "&Undo"
MenuItem EditSeparator1 = "-"
MenuItem EditCut = "Cu&t"
MenuItem EditCopy = "&Copy"
MenuItem EditPaste = "&Paste"
MenuItem EditClear = "#App.kEditClear"
MenuItem EditSeparator2 = "-"
MenuItem EditSelectAll = "Select &All"
End MenuBar
End Project

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