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/MacCocoa/Text in titlebar

Required plugins for this example: MBS MacControls Plugin, MBS MacBase Plugin, MBS MacCocoa Plugin, MBS Main Plugin

You find this example project in your Plugins Download as a Xojo project file within the examples folder: /MacCocoa/Text in titlebar

This example is the version from Sun, 17th Mar 2012.

Project "Text in titlebar.xojo_binary_project"
Class App Inherits Application
Const kEditClear = "&Delete"
Const kFileQuit = "&Quit"
Const kFileQuitShortcut = ""
EventHandler Sub Open() if not TargetCocoa then MsgBox "Requires only for Cocoa." end if End EventHandler
End Class
Class Main Inherits ExtendedWindow
Control ChangeTextButton Inherits Pushbutton
ControlInstance ChangeTextButton Inherits Pushbutton
EventHandler Sub Action() //update the text value in the title bar according to the value in the textfield Self.TitlebarText = TitlebarTextField.Text End EventHandler
End Control
Control ChangeTextColorButton Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance ChangeTextColorButton Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() //ask the user to pick a color and set it as the new text color Dim PickedColor as Color = Self.TitlebarTextColor Dim DidPickColor as Boolean = SelectColor(PickedColor, "Pick a color") Self.TitlebarTextColor = PickedColor End EventHandler
End Control
Control TitlebarTextField Inherits TextField
ControlInstance TitlebarTextField Inherits TextField
End Control
Control TitlebarTextVisibleCheck Inherits CheckBox
ControlInstance TitlebarTextVisibleCheck Inherits CheckBox
EventHandler Sub Action() //update the visibility of the text Self.TitlebarTextVisible = Me.Value End EventHandler
End Control
Control StaticText1 Inherits Label
ControlInstance StaticText1 Inherits Label
End Control
EventHandler Sub Close() //quit the example application when the main window is closed Quit() End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub Open() //uncomment the line of code below to enable fullscreen-support for this window, the text in the title bar will automatically position correctly //Self.FullScreenPrimaryMBS = True //set the initial value of the text, but don't fade it in Self.TitlebarText(False) = "Click here!" End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub TitlebarTextClicked() //display a message letting the user know that he/she clicked the text MsgBox("Titlebar text clicked" + EndOfLine + EndOfLine + "You just clicked the text in the titlebar.") End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub TitlebarTextVisibilityChanged(Visible as Boolean) //set the value of the checkbox, according to the visibility of the text TitlebarTextVisibleCheck.Value = Visible End EventHandler
Note "About"
This example was created by Joris Vervuurt ( )
End Class
MenuBar MenuBar1
MenuItem FileMenu = "&File"
MenuItem FileQuit = "#App.kFileQuit"
MenuItem EditMenu = "&Edit"
MenuItem EditUndo = "&Undo"
MenuItem UntitledMenu1 = "-"
MenuItem EditCut = "Cu&t"
MenuItem EditCopy = "&Copy"
MenuItem EditPaste = "&Paste"
MenuItem EditClear = "#App.kEditClear"
MenuItem UntitledMenu0 = "-"
MenuItem EditSelectAll = "Select &All"
End MenuBar
Class ExtendedWindow Inherits Window
ComputedProperty TitlebarTextColor As Color
Sub Set() //store the passed Color object PrivateTitlebarTextColor = value //create an NSColor object from the TextColor parameter PrivateTitlebarTextNSColor = NSColorMBS.colorWithDeviceRGB(value.Red / 255.0, value.Green / 255.0, value.Blue / 255.0) //update the text color, only if there is currently text added to the title bar If not (TopLabel = Nil) Then TopLabel.textColor = PrivateTitlebarTextNSColor End If End Set
Sub Get() //if a custom color has not been set, return the default color, otherwise return the custom color If (PrivateTitlebarTextNSColor = Nil) Then Return RGB(55, 55, 55) Else Return PrivateTitlebarTextColor End If End Get
End ComputedProperty
ComputedProperty TitlebarTextVisible As Boolean
Sub Set() //store the passed value PrivateTitlebarTextVisible = value //if there is currently any text set, hide or show the text according to the passed value If not (TitlebarView = Nil) Then If (PrivateTitlebarTextVisible) Then TitlebarView.frameTop = Self.NSWindowMBS.frame.Height - 21.0 Else TitlebarView.frameTop = Self.NSWindowMBS.frame.Height End If End If //raise the TitlebarTextVisibilityChanged event with the passed value RaiseEvent TitlebarTextVisibilityChanged(PrivateTitlebarTextVisible) End Set
Sub Get() //return the True if the text is visible and return False if the text is hidden Return PrivateTitlebarTextVisible End Get
End ComputedProperty
Event Close() End Event
Event Open() End Event
Event TitlebarTextClicked() End Event
Event TitlebarTextVisibilityChanged(Visible as Boolean) End Event
EventHandler Sub Close() //remove the text in the titlebar before closing the window RemoveTitlebarText() RaiseEvent Close End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub Open() //check the system version and set the values of the IsLion, IsSnowLeopard and IsLeopard properties CheckSystemVersion() RaiseEvent Open End EventHandler
Private Sub CheckSystemVersion() //check the system version and set the values of the IsLion, IsSnowLeopard and IsLeopard properties Dim SystemVersion as Integer Call System.Gestalt("sysv", SystemVersion) If ((SystemVersion >= &h1070) and (SystemVersion < &h1080)) Then IsLion = True ElseIf ((SystemVersion >= &h1060) and (SystemVersion < &h1070)) Then IsSnowLeopard = True ElseIf ((SystemVersion >= &h1050) and (SystemVersion < &h1060)) Then IsLeopard = True End If End Sub
Private Function CreateNewLabel(IsTopLabel as Boolean, Text as String, LabelWidth as Double, Font as NSFontMBS) As NSTextViewMBS Dim Y as Double = 1.0 Dim LabelTextColor as NSColorMBS = PrivateTitlebarTextNSColor If not (IsTopLabel) Then Y = 0.0 //set the 'shadow' color according to the system version If (IsLion) Then LabelTextColor = NSColorMBS.colorWithDeviceRGB(230.0 / 255.0, 230.0 / 255.0, 230.0 / 255.0) ElseIf (IsSnowLeopard) Then LabelTextColor = NSColorMBS.colorWithDeviceRGB(210.0 / 255.0, 210.0 / 255.0, 210.0 / 255.0) ElseIf (IsLeopard) Then LabelTextColor = NSColorMBS.colorWithDeviceRGB(210.0 / 255.0, 210.0 / 255.0, 210.0 / 255.0) Else //default color value LabelTextColor = NSColorMBS.colorWithDeviceRGB(230.0 / 255.0, 230.0 / 255.0, 230.0 / 255.0) End If End If //create a new NSTextView, set its properties and then return it Dim LabelToReturn as New NSTextViewMBS(0.0, Y, LabelWidth, 15.0) LabelToReturn.font = Font LabelToReturn.textColor = LabelTextColor LabelToReturn.text = Text LabelToReturn.isSelectable = False LabelToReturn.drawsBackground = False LabelToReturn.alignment = NSTextViewMBS.NSRightTextAlignment Return LabelToReturn End Function
Private Sub HandleEnterFullScreen(sender as FullScreenEventMirror) //hide the text when entering fullscreen mode, if on Lion TitlebarTextVisible = False End Sub
Private Sub HandleExitFullScreen(sender as FullScreenEventMirror) //show the text when exiting fullscreen mode, if on Lion TitlebarTextVisible = True End Sub
Private Sub HandleFailedToEnterFullScreen(sender as FullScreenEventMirror) //show the text again when entering fullscreen mode failed, if on Lion TitlebarTextVisible = True End Sub
Private Sub HandleFailedToExitFullScreen(sender as FullScreenEventMirror) //hide the text again when exiting fullscreen mode failed, if on Lion TitlebarTextVisible = False End Sub
Private Function HandleMouseUp(sender as CustomNSViewMBS, e as NSEventMBS, x as Double, y as Double) As Boolean //raise the TitlebarTextClicked event RaiseEvent TitlebarTextClicked Return True End Function
Private Sub RemoveTitlebarText() //remove the titlebar text if there is currently text added to the title bar If not (TitlebarView = Nil) Then //make the text invisible TitlebarTextVisible = False //remove the mouse click handler RemoveHandler TitlebarView.mouseUp, AddressOf HandleMouseUp //if on Lion and if the Window is fullscreen-enabled, remove the fullscreen events handlers If (IsLion and Self.FullScreenPrimaryMBS) Then If not (FullScreenEventMirrorObject = Nil) Then RemoveHandler FullScreenEventMirrorObject.WillEnterFullScreen, AddressOf HandleEnterFullScreen RemoveHandler FullScreenEventMirrorObject.DidFailToEnterFullScreen, AddressOf HandleFailedToEnterFullScreen RemoveHandler FullScreenEventMirrorObject.WillExitFullScreen, AddressOf HandleExitFullScreen RemoveHandler FullScreenEventMirrorObject.DidFailToExitFullScreen, AddressOf HandleFailedToExitFullScreen FullScreenEventMirrorObject = Nil End If End If //remove and destroy the top label TopLabel.removeFromSuperview() TopLabel = Nil //remove and destroy the bottom 'shadow' label BottomLabel.removeFromSuperview() BottomLabel = Nil //finally, remove and destroy the NSView that contained the top and bottom labels TitlebarView.removeFromSuperview() TitlebarView = Nil End If End Sub
Function TitlebarText() As String //return the currently set text Return PrivateTitlebarText End Function
Sub TitlebarText(ShouldFadeIn as Boolean = True, Assigns Text as String) //remove any existing text RemoveTitlebarText() If not (Text = "") Then //store the passed Text PrivateTitlebarText = Text //if no color has been set, use the default text color If (PrivateTitlebarTextNSColor = Nil) Then TitlebarTextColor = RGB(55, 55, 55) End If //calculate the width of the label Dim NSGraphics as New NSGraphicsMBS() Dim NSFont as NSFontMBS = NSFontMBS.fontWithName("Helvetica", 11.0) Dim NSAttributes as New Dictionary(NSAttributedStringMBS.NSFontAttributeName : NSFont) Dim MaximumLabelWidth as Double = Self.Width - 62.0 Dim LabelWidth as Double = NSGraphics.sizeWithAttributes(Text, NSAttributes).Width + 10.0 //check if the width of the label exceeds the maximum width, to prevent the window's red, yellow and green buttons from malfunctioning If (LabelWidth > MaximumLabelWidth) Then LabelWidth = MaximumLabelWidth End If //create the two subviews with the text inside of them BottomLabel = CreateNewLabel(False, Text, LabelWidth, NSFont) TopLabel = CreateNewLabel(True, Text, LabelWidth, NSFont) //adjust the X-coordinate according to the value of Self.FullScreenPrimaryMBS Dim X as Double = 0.0 If (Self.FullScreenPrimaryMBS) Then X = 18.0 End If //create a new NSView and add the subviews TitlebarView = new CustomNSViewMBS((Self.Width - LabelWidth) - X, Self.NSWindowMBS.frame.Height - 21.0, LabelWidth, 15.0) //show or hide the text depending on the current situation If not (IsLion) Then TitlebarTextVisible = True Else If (Self.IsFullScreenMBS) Then TitlebarTextVisible = False Else TitlebarTextVisible = True End If End If TitlebarView.addSubview(BottomLabel) TitlebarView.addSubview(TopLabel) //make the text invisible, only if the text should fade in If (ShouldFadeIn) Then TitlebarView.alphaValue = 0.0 End If //set the autoresizingMask to make sure that the text stays in the top-right corner of the titlebar TitlebarView.autoresizingMask = NSViewMBS.NSViewMinXMargin + NSViewMBS.NSViewMinYMargin //add the NSView with the two subviews to the titlebar Self.NSWindowMBS.contentView.superview.addSubview(TitlebarView) //make the text visible by fading it in, only if the text should fade in of course If (ShouldFadeIn) Then Dim TitlebarViewAnimator as NSViewMBS = TitlebarView.animator() If not (TitlebarViewAnimator = Nil) Then TitlebarViewAnimator.alphaValue = 1.0 Else TitlebarView.alphaValue = 1.0 End If End If //add a handler to handle mouse clicks AddHandler TitlebarView.mouseUp, AddressOf HandleMouseUp //if on Lion and if the Window is fullscreen-enabled, add handlers to handle fullscreen events If (IsLion and Self.FullScreenPrimaryMBS) Then FullScreenEventMirrorObject = new FullScreenEventMirror(Self.NSWindowMBS) If not (FullScreenEventMirrorObject = Nil) Then AddHandler FullScreenEventMirrorObject.WillEnterFullScreen, AddressOf HandleEnterFullScreen AddHandler FullScreenEventMirrorObject.DidFailToEnterFullScreen, AddressOf HandleFailedToEnterFullScreen AddHandler FullScreenEventMirrorObject.WillExitFullScreen, AddressOf HandleExitFullScreen AddHandler FullScreenEventMirrorObject.DidFailToExitFullScreen, AddressOf HandleFailedToExitFullScreen End If End If End If End Sub
Property Private BottomLabel As NSTextViewMBS
Property Private FullScreenEventMirrorObject As FullScreenEventMirror
Property Private IsLeopard As Boolean
Property Private IsLion As Boolean
Property Private IsSnowLeopard As Boolean
Property Private PrivateTitlebarText As String
Property Private PrivateTitlebarTextColor As Color
Property Private PrivateTitlebarTextNSColor As NSColorMBS
Property Private PrivateTitlebarTextVisible As Boolean = True
Property Private TitlebarView As CustomNSViewMBS
Property Private TopLabel As NSTextViewMBS
End Class
Class FullScreenEventMirror Inherits NSWindowDelegateMBS
Event DidFailToEnterFullScreen() End Event
Event DidFailToExitFullScreen() End Event
Event WillEnterFullScreen() End Event
Event WillExitFullScreen() End Event
EventHandler Sub windowDidFailToEnterFullScreen(win as NSWindowMBS) //raise the DidFailToEnterFullScreen event and handle it inside the ExtendedWindow class RaiseEvent DidFailToEnterFullScreen End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub windowDidFailToExitFullScreen(win as NSWindowMBS) //raise the DidFailToExitFullScreen event and handle it inside the ExtendedWindow class RaiseEvent DidFailToExitFullScreen End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub windowWillEnterFullScreen(notification as NSNotificationMBS) //raise the WillEnterFullScreen event and handle it inside the ExtendedWindow class RaiseEvent WillEnterFullScreen End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub windowWillExitFullScreen(notification as NSNotificationMBS) //raise the WillExitFullScreen event and handle it inside the ExtendedWindow class RaiseEvent WillExitFullScreen End EventHandler
End Class
End Project

See also:

The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS MacCocoa Plugin.

The biggest plugin in space...