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/MacOSX/DNS Lookup

Required plugins for this example: MBS Util Plugin, MBS MacOSX Plugin

You find this example project in your Plugins Download as a Xojo project file within the examples folder: /MacOSX/DNS Lookup

This example is the version from Sun, 17th Mar 2012.

Project "DNS Lookup.xojo_binary_project"
Class App Inherits Application
Const kEditClear = "&Löschen"
Const kFileQuit = "Beenden"
Const kFileQuitShortcut = ""
End Class
Class Window1 Inherits Window
Control QueryButton Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance QueryButton Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() dim c as integer = PopupClass.RowTag(PopupClass.ListIndex) dim t as integer = PopupType.RowTag(PopupType.ListIndex) dim n as string = EditField1.text List.DeleteAllRows List.AddRow "Class:",c List.AddRow "Type:" ,t List.AddRow "Name:" ,n dim r as DNSReplyMBS = DNSUtilMBS.Lookup(n, c, t) if r=nil then List.AddRow "Failed to perform query" Return end if // Status dim s as string Select case r.Status case r.StatusOK s="OK" case r.StatusBadHandle s="bad handle" case r.StatusMalformedQuery s="malformed query" case r.StatusTimeout s="timeout" case r.StatusSendFailed s="send failed" case r.StatusReceiveFailed s="receive failed" case r.StatusConnectionFailed s="connection failed" case r.StatusWrongServer s="wrong server" case r.StatusWrongXID S="wrong XID" case r.StatusWrongQuestion s="wrong question" else s="?" end Select list.AddRow "Status: "+str(r.Status)+" ("+s+")" // Server list.AddFolder "Server", r.Server list.AddFolder "Header", r.Header for each q as DNSQuestionMBS in r.Questions list.AddFolder "Question", q next for each q as DNSResourceRecordMBS in r.Answers list.AddFolder "Answer", q next for each q as DNSResourceRecordMBS in r.Authoritys list.AddFolder "Authority", q next for each q as DNSResourceRecordMBS in r.Additionals list.AddFolder "Additional", q next End EventHandler
End Control
Control EditField1 Inherits TextField
ControlInstance EditField1 Inherits TextField
End Control
Control List Inherits Listbox
ControlInstance List Inherits Listbox
EventHandler Sub ExpandRow(row As Integer) dim v as Variant = me.CellTag(row, 0) if v isa DNSHeaderMBS then dim h as DNSHeaderMBS = v List.AddRow "Flags:", h.flags List.AddRow "XID:", h.xid List.AddRow "AnswerCount:", h.AnswerCount List.AddRow "AuthorityCount:", h.AuthorityCount List.AddRow "AdditionalCount:", h.AdditionalCount List.AddRow "QuestionCount:", h.QuestionCount end if if v isa DNSSocketAddressMBS then dim s as DNSSocketAddressMBS = v List.AddRow "Family:", s.Family List.AddRow "Address:", s.address List.AddRow "Port:", s.Port end if if v isa DNSQuestionMBS then dim q as DNSQuestionMBS = v List.AddRow "DNS Class", q.dnsclass List.AddRow "DNS Type", q.dnstype List.AddRow "Name", end if if v isa DNSResourceRecordMBS then dim r as DNSResourceRecordMBS = v List.AddRow "DNS Type:",r.dnstype List.AddRow "DNS Class:",r.dnsclass List.AddRow "TTL:",r.ttl List.AddRow "Name:", List.AddFolder "Record:",r.Record end if if v isa DNSAddressRecordMBS then dim r as DNSAddressRecordMBS = v List.AddRow "Address:",r.address end if if v isa DNSDomainNameRecordMBS then dim r as DNSDomainNameRecordMBS = v List.AddRow "Name:", end if if v isa DNSMXRecordMBS then dim r as DNSMXRecordMBS = v List.AddRow "Name:", List.AddRow "Preference:",r.preference end if if v isa DNSTXTRecordMBS then dim r as DNSTXTRecordMBS = v dim c as integer=r.Count-1 for i as integer=0 to c List.AddRow "String "+str(i+1),r.Strings(i) next end if if v isa DNSSOARecordMBS then dim r as DNSSOARecordMBS = v List.AddRow "Expire:",r.expire List.AddRow "Minimum:",r.minimum List.AddRow "Mname:",r.mname List.AddRow "Refresh:",r.refresh List.AddRow "Retry:",r.retry List.AddRow "Rname:",r.rname List.AddRow "Serial:",r.serial end if if v isa DNSRawResourceRecordMBS then dim r as DNSRawResourceRecordMBS = v List.AddRow "Length:",r.length List.AddRow "Data:", end if if v isa DNSWKSRecordMBS then dim r as DNSWKSRecordMBS = v dim m(-1) as string dim c as integer = r.maplength-1 for i as integer = 0 to c m.Append str(r.Map(i)) next List.AddRow "Map:",Join(m,", ") List.AddRow "Address:",r.address List.AddRow "Protocol:",r.protocol end if if v isa DNSHINFORecordMBS then dim r as DNSHINFORecordMBS = v List.AddRow "CPU:",r.CPU List.AddRow "OS:",r.OS end if if v isa DNSMINFORecordMBS then dim r as DNSMINFORecordMBS = v List.AddRow "emailbx:",r.emailbx List.AddRow "rmailbx:",r.rmailbx end if if v isa DNSRPRecordMBS then dim r as DNSRPRecordMBS = v List.AddRow "mailbox:",r.mailbox List.AddRow "txtdname:",r.txtdname end if if v isa DNSAFSDBRecordMBS then dim r as DNSAFSDBRecordMBS = v List.AddRow "hostname:",r.hostname List.AddRow "subtype:",r.subtype end if if v isa DNSX25RecordMBS then dim r as DNSX25RecordMBS = v List.AddRow "psdnAddress:",r.psdnAddress end if if v isa DNSISDNRecordMBS then dim r as DNSISDNRecordMBS = v List.AddRow "isdnAddress:",r.isdnAddress List.AddRow "subAddress:",r.subAddress end if if v isa DNSRTRecordMBS then dim r as DNSRTRecordMBS = v List.AddRow "intermediate:",r.intermediate List.AddRow "preference:",r.preference end if if v isa DNSIN6AddressRecordMBS then dim r as DNSIN6AddressRecordMBS = v List.AddRow "Address:",r.address List.AddRow "RawAddress:",EncodingToHexMBS(r.rawaddress) end if if v isa DNSLocRecordMBS then dim r as DNSLocRecordMBS = v List.AddRow "Altitude:",r.altitude List.AddRow "HorizontalPrecision:",r.horizontalPrecision List.AddRow "Latitude:",r.latitude List.AddRow "Longitude:",r.longitude List.AddRow "Size:",r.size List.AddRow "Version:",r.version List.AddRow "VerticalPrecision:",r.verticalPrecision end if if v isa DNSSRVRecordMBS then dim r as DNSSRVRecordMBS = v List.AddRow "port:",r.port List.AddRow "priority:",r.priority List.AddRow "target:", List.AddRow "weight:",r.weight end if End EventHandler
End Control
Control PopupType Inherits PopupMenu
ControlInstance PopupType Inherits PopupMenu
EventHandler Sub Open() me.AddRow "TypeA", 1 // 1 me.AddRow "TypeNS", 2 // 2 me.AddRow "TypeMD", 3 // 3 me.AddRow "TypeMF", 4 // 4 me.AddRow "TypeCNAME", 5 // 5 me.AddRow "TypeSOA", 6 // 6 me.AddRow "TypeMB", 7 // 7 me.AddRow "TypeMG", 8 // 8 me.AddRow "TypeMR", 9 // 9 me.AddRow "TypeNULL", &h0a // 10 me.AddRow "TypeWKS", &h0b // 11 me.AddRow "TypePTR", &h0c // 12 me.AddRow "TypeHINFO", &h0d // 13 me.AddRow "TypeMINFO", &h0e // 14 me.AddRow "TypeMX", &h0f // 15 me.AddRow "TypeTEXT", &h10 // 16 // RFC 1183 me.AddRow "TypeRP", &h11 // 17 me.AddRow "TypeAFSDB", &h12 // 18 me.AddRow "TypeX25", &h13 // 19 me.AddRow "TypeISDN", &h14 // 20 me.AddRow "TypeRT", &h15 // 21 // RFC 1348 me.AddRow "TypeNSAP", &h16 // 22 me.AddRow "TypeNSAPPTR", &h17 // 23 // RFC 2065 (DNS security) me.AddRow "TypeSIG", &h18 // 24 me.AddRow "TypeKEY", &h19 // 25 // RFC 1664 (X.400 mail) me.AddRow "TypePX", &h1a // 26 // RFC 1712 (Geographic position) me.AddRow "TypeGPOS", &h1b // 27 // RFC 1886 (IPv6 Address) me.AddRow "TypeAAAA", &h1c // 28 // RFC 1876 (Geographic location) me.AddRow "TypeLOC", &h1d // 29 // RFC 2065 (Secure negative response) me.AddRow "TypeNXT", &h1e // 30 // RFC 2052 (Service location) me.AddRow "TypeSRV", &h21 // 33 // ATM Standard something-or-another me.AddRow "TypeATMA", &h22 // 34 // // Query only types (1035, 1995) // me.AddRow "TypeTKEY", &hf9 // 249 me.AddRow "TypeTSIG", &hfa // 250 me.AddRow "TypeIXFR", &hfb // 251 me.AddRow "TypeAXFR", &hfc // 252 me.AddRow "TypeMAILB", &hfd // 253 me.AddRow "TypeMAILA", &hfe // 254 me.AddRow "TypeALL", &hff // 255 me.AddRow "TypeANY", &hff // 255 me.ListIndex=0 End EventHandler
End Control
Control PopupClass Inherits PopupMenu
ControlInstance PopupClass Inherits PopupMenu
EventHandler Sub Open() me.AddRow "ClassINTERNET", 1 // 1 me.AddRow "ClassCSNET", 2 // 2 me.AddRow "ClassCHAOS", 3 // 3 me.AddRow "ClassHESIOD", 4 // 4 me.AddRow "ClassNONE", &hfe // 254 me.AddRow "ClassALL", &hff // 255 me.AddRow "ClassANY", &hff // 255 me.ListIndex=0 End EventHandler
End Control
Control PushButton2 Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance PushButton2 Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() test "", DNSUtilMBS.ClassINTERNET, DNSUtilMBS.TypeA End EventHandler
End Control
Control PushButton3 Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance PushButton3 Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() test "", DNSUtilMBS.ClassINTERNET, DNSUtilMBS.TypeAAAA End EventHandler
End Control
Sub test(name as string, cc as integer, tt as integer) EditField1.text = name dim c as integer = PopupClass.ListCount-1 for i as integer=0 to c if PopupClass.RowTag(i)=cc then PopupClass.ListIndex=i exit end if next c = PopupType.ListCount-1 for i as integer=0 to c if PopupType.RowTag(i)=tt then PopupType.ListIndex=i exit end if next querybutton.Push End Sub
End Class
MenuBar MenuBar1
MenuItem FileMenu = "&Ablage"
MenuItem FileQuit = "#App.kFileQuit"
MenuItem EditMenu = "&Bearbeiten"
MenuItem EditUndo = "&Rückgängig"
MenuItem UntitledMenu1 = "-"
MenuItem EditCut = "&Ausschneiden"
MenuItem EditCopy = "&Kopieren"
MenuItem EditPaste = "&Einfügen"
MenuItem EditClear = "#App.kEditClear"
MenuItem UntitledMenu0 = "-"
MenuItem EditSelectAll = "&Alles auswählen"
End MenuBar
Module Module1
Sub AddFolder(extends p as listbox, s as string, v as Variant) p.AddFolder s p.celltag(p.lastindex,0)=v End Sub
Sub AddRow(extends p as PopupMenu, s as string, v as Variant) p.AddRow s p.RowTag(p.ListCount-1)=v End Sub
Sub AddRow(extends p as listbox, s as string, v as Variant) p.AddRow s p.cell(p.lastindex,1)=v End Sub
End Module
End Project

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