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/Network/Bonjour/Find computer Console

Required plugins for this example: MBS Util Plugin, MBS Network Plugin

You find this example project in your Plugins Download as a Xojo project file within the examples folder: /Network/Bonjour/Find computer Console

This example is the version from Sat, 9th Feb 2018.

Project "Find computer Console.xojo_binary_project"
Class App Inherits ConsoleApplication
EventHandler Function Run(args() as String) As Integer print "Press control-C to quit." StartBrowse "_ftp._tcp","FTP Server" StartBrowse "_afpovertcp._tcp","Apple File Sharing" StartBrowse "_nfs._tcp","Network File System" StartBrowse "_http._tcp","Webserver" StartBrowse "_printer._tcp","Printer" StartBrowse "_ichat._tcp","iChat (old)" StartBrowse "_presence._tcp","iChat" StartBrowse "_daap._tcp","iTunes" StartBrowse "_dpap._tcp","iPhoto" StartBrowse "_ipp._tcp","Intenet Printing Protocol" StartBrowse "_pdl-datastream._tcp","PDL Data Stream" StartBrowse "_distcc._tcp","XCode" StartBrowse "_xserveraid._tcp","XServe RAID" do // give time to system threads and timers DelayMBS 0.1 // and give time to RB timers, sockets and threads DoEvents loop End EventHandler
Sub ClearAddrInfos() dim u as integer = UBound(addrinfos) for i as integer = u downto 0 if addrinfos(i).done then addrinfos.Remove i end if next End Sub
Sub ClearLookups() dim l as MyLookup dim i,c as integer c=UBound(lookup) for i=c downto 0 if lookup(i).done then lookup.Remove i end if next End Sub
Sub StartAddrInfo(name as string, type as string, domain as string, reason as string, hostname as string, port as integer) dim b as new MyAddrInfo ClearAddrInfos if b.AddrInfo(0, b.kProtocolIPv4, hostname) then b.Reason = reason = name b.port = port addrinfos.Append b end if End Sub
Protected Sub StartBrowse(typ as string, reason as string) dim b as MyBrowser b=new MyBrowser if b.Browse(b.kInterfaceIndexAny, typ, "") then b.Reason=reason browser.Append b else print "Failed to init browser for "+typ end if End Sub
Sub StartLookup(name as string, type as string, domain as string, reason as string) dim b as MyLookup ClearLookups b=new MyLookup if b.Resolve(b.kInterfaceIndexAny, name, type, domain) then b.Reason = reason = name b.type = type b.domain = domain lookup.Append b end if End Sub
Property addrinfos() As MyAddrInfo
Property Protected browser() As MyBrowser
Property Protected lookup() As MyLookup
End Class
Class MyLookup Inherits DNSServiceResolveMBS
EventHandler Sub ServiceResolve(flags as integer, InterfaceIndex as integer, ErrorCode as integer, Fullname as string, Hosttarget as string, Port as integer, TxtRecord as string) print "Service found: "+name+" host: "+Hosttarget app.StartAddrInfo name, type, domain, reason, Hosttarget, port done = (BitwiseAnd(flags, me.kFlagsMoreComing) = 0) End EventHandler
Property domain As string
Property done As boolean
Property name As string
Property reason As string
Property type As string
End Class
Class MyBrowser Inherits DNSServiceBrowseMBS
EventHandler Sub ServiceBrowse(Flags as integer, InterfaceIndex as integer, ErrorCode as integer, ServiceName as string, RegType as string, Domain as string) const kDNSServiceFlagsAdd=2 dim f as integer f=BitwiseAnd(Flags, kDNSServiceFlagsAdd) if f<>0 then // added app.StartLookup ServiceName,RegType,domain,reason else // removed print "Service gone:" print "Name: "+ServiceName print "Type: "+reason print "Domain: "+domain end if End EventHandler
Property reason As string
End Class
Class MyAddrInfo Inherits DNSServiceAddrInfoMBS
EventHandler Sub ServiceAddrInfo(Flags as integer, InterfaceIndex as integer, ErrorCode as integer, AddressFamily as Integer, IP as string, SockAddr as MemoryBlock, HostName as string, ttl as Integer) if not IPs.HasKey(IP) then // avoid duplicates print HostName+" -> "+IP+":"+str(port) IPS.Value(IP) = nil end if done = (BitwiseAnd(flags, me.kFlagsMoreComing) = 0) End EventHandler
Sub Constructor() IPs = new Dictionary End Sub
Property IPs As Dictionary
Property done As Boolean
Property name As string
Property port As Integer
Property reason As string
End Class
End Project

See also:

The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS Network Plugin.

The biggest plugin in space...