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/Network/Bonjour/Find Computer iOS

Required plugins for this example: MBS Network Plugin

You find this example project in your Plugins Download as a Xojo project file within the examples folder: /Network/Bonjour/Find Computer iOS

This example is the version from Thu, 16th Dec 2020.

Project "Find Computer iOS.xojo_binary_project"
Class App Inherits MobileApplication
Property MainScreen As MainScreen
End Class
Class MainScreen Inherits MobileScreen
Control List Inherits iOSMobileTable
ControlInstance List Inherits iOSMobileTable
Constraint Constraint 1
Constraint Constraint 2
Constraint Constraint 3
Constraint Constraint 4
End Control
EventHandler Sub Opening() app.MainScreen = Self InitBonjour End EventHandler
Sub AddDomain(type as string) If Domains.IndexOf(type) < 0 Then Domains.Append type update end if End Sub
Sub AddType(type as string) If ServiceTypes.IndexOf(Type) < 0 Then list.AddSection type ServiceTypes.Append type update end if End Sub
Sub ClearAddrInfo() dim u as integer = UBound(addrinfo) for i as integer = u downto 0 if addrinfo(i).done then addrinfo.Remove i end if next End Sub
Sub ClearLookups() dim u as integer = UBound(lookup) for i as integer = u downto 0 if lookup(i).done then lookup.Remove i end if next End Sub
Sub InitBonjour() // always search for those: 'serviceTypes.append "_ftp._tcp" serviceTypes.append "_afpovertcp._tcp" 'serviceTypes.append "_nfs._tcp" serviceTypes.append "_http._tcp" serviceTypes.append "_printer._tcp" 'serviceTypes.append "_ichat._tcp" 'serviceTypes.append "_presence._tcp" 'serviceTypes.append "_daap._tcp" 'serviceTypes.append "_dpap._tcp" serviceTypes.append "_ipp._tcp" 'serviceTypes.append "_pdl-datastream._tcp" 'serviceTypes.append "_distcc._tcp" 'serviceTypes.append "_xserveraid._tcp" For Each serviceType As String In serviceTypes list.AddSection serviceType Next browsers = new Dictionary #if TargetMachO m = new MyMetaQuery #endif MyDomainEnumeration = new MyDomainEnumeration Call MyDomainEnumeration.EnumerateDomains(DNSServiceDomainEnumerationMBS.kFlagsBrowseDomains, DNSServiceDomainEnumerationMBS.kInterfaceIndexAny) update End Sub
Sub InitUDP() dim u as new UDPSocket u.port = 0 u.Connect for each n as NetworkInterfaceMBS in NetworkInterfaceMBS.AllInterfaces if n.Broadcast then u.Write n.BroadcastAddress, "Hello" end if next End Sub
Sub Report(ServiceName as string, RegType as string, domain as string, status as string, host as string = "", fullname as string = "") fullname = fullname.ReplaceAll("\032", " ") Dim SectionUbound As Integer = list.SectionCount-1 For SectionIndex As Integer = 0 To SectionUbound Dim RowUbound As Integer = List.RowCount(SectionIndex) - 1 For RowIndex As Integer = 0 To RowUbound Dim v As MobileTableCellData = list.RowCellData(SectionIndex, RowIndex) Dim e As entry = v.tag If e.domain = domain And e.RegType = RegType And e.ServiceName = ServiceName Then // update this one e.status = status = host e.fullname = fullname v.Text = domain + ServiceName v.DetailText = status list.ReloadRow(SectionIndex, RowIndex) Return end if Next next // new entry Dim e As New Entry e.domain = domain e.RegType = RegType = host e.ServiceName = ServiceName e.status = status e.fullname = fullname Dim value As MobileTableCellData = list.CreateCell(ServiceName + domain, status) value.Tag = e Dim section As Integer = ServiceTypes.IndexOf(RegType) If section = -1 Then // extra dot on end of name!? RegType = RegType.Left(RegType.Length - 1) section = ServiceTypes.IndexOf(RegType) End If List.AddRow section, value End Sub
Sub StartAddrInfo(name as string, type as string, domain as string, HostName as string, FullName as string, Port as integer) ClearAddrInfo dim b as new MyAddrInfo b.ServiceType = type b.ServiceName = name b.ServiceDomain = domain b.FullName = FullName b.port = port if b.AddrInfo(b.kInterfaceIndexAny, b.kProtocolIPv4, HostName) then addrinfo.Append b end if End Sub
Sub StartBrowse(domain as string, ServiceType as string) dim key as string = ServiceType+domain if browsers.HasKey(key) then Return dim b as new MyBrowser If b.Browse(b.kInterfaceIndexAny, ServiceType,domain) Then b.type=ServiceType b.domain = domain browser.Append b browsers.Value(key) = b else System.DebugLog "Failed to init browser for "+ServiceType end if End Sub
Sub StartLookup(name as string, type as string, domain as string) ClearLookups Dim b As New MyLookup b.type = type = name b.domain = domain if b.Resolve(b.kInterfaceIndexAny, name, type, domain) then lookup.Append b end if End Sub
Sub Update() for each domain as string in domains for each ServiceType as string in ServiceTypes StartBrowse domain, ServiceType next next End Sub
Property Domains() As string
Property MyDomainEnumeration As MyDomainEnumeration
Property ServiceTypes() As string
Property addrinfo() As MyAddrInfo
Property Protected browser() As MyBrowser
Property browsers As Dictionary
Property Protected lookup() As MyLookup
Property m As Variant
End Class
Class LaunchScreen Inherits iosView
End Class
Class MyBrowser Inherits DNSServiceBrowseMBS
EventHandler Sub ServiceBrowse(Flags as integer, InterfaceIndex as integer, ErrorCode as integer, ServiceName as string, RegType as string, Domain as string) const kDNSServiceFlagsAdd=2 dim f as integer f = Bitwise.BitAnd(Flags, kDNSServiceFlagsAdd) Dim MainScreen As MainScreen = app.MainScreen If f<>0 Then // added MainScreen.Report ServiceName, RegType, domain, "found" MainScreen.StartLookup ServiceName, RegType, domain else // removed MainScreen.Report ServiceName, RegType, domain, "gone" end if End EventHandler
Property domain As string
Property type As string
End Class
Class MyLookup Inherits DNSServiceResolveMBS
EventHandler Sub ServiceResolve(flags as integer, InterfaceIndex as integer, ErrorCode as integer, Fullname as string, Hosttarget as string, Port as integer, TxtRecord as string) Dim MainScreen As MainScreen = app.MainScreen if DNSServiceAddrInfoMBS.Available then MainScreen.Report name, type, domain, "", Hosttarget, fullname MainScreen.StartAddrInfo name, type, domain, Hosttarget, Fullname, port else MainScreen.Report name, type, domain, DNSNameToAddressMBS(Hosttarget)+":"+(port.tostring), Hosttarget, fullname end if done = (Bitwise.BitAnd(flags, Me.kFlagsMoreComing) = 0) End EventHandler
Property domain As string
Property done As boolean
Property name As string
Property type As string
End Class
Class MyMetaQuery Inherits DNSServiceMetaQueryMBS
EventHandler Sub AddService(type as string, domain as string, interfaceName as string, rrtype as integer, rrclass as integer) Dim MainScreen As MainScreen = app.MainScreen MainScreen.AddType type End EventHandler
End Class
Class Device
Property name As string
End Class
Class MyDomainEnumeration Inherits DNSServiceDomainEnumerationMBS
EventHandler Sub ServiceDomainEnumeration(flags as integer, interfaceIndex as integer, errorcode as integer, Domain as string) System.DebugLog "Found domain: "+domain Dim MainScreen As MainScreen = app.MainScreen MainScreen.AddDomain domain End EventHandler
End Class
Class MyAddrInfo Inherits DNSServiceAddrInfoMBS
EventHandler Sub ServiceAddrInfo(Flags as integer, InterfaceIndex as integer, ErrorCode as integer, AddressFamily as Integer, IP as string, SockAddr as MemoryBlock, HostName as string, ttl as Integer) #If TargetMacOS #pragma unused Flags #pragma unused InterfaceIndex #pragma unused ErrorCode #pragma unused AddressFamily #pragma unused IP #pragma unused SockAddr #pragma unused HostName #pragma unused ttl #EndIf // we may get several calls per domain... Dim MainScreen As MainScreen = app.MainScreen MainScreen.Report ServiceName, ServiceType, ServiceDomain, IP+":"+(port.toString), Hostname, FullName done = (Bitwise.BitAnd(flags, me.kFlagsMoreComing) = 0) End EventHandler
Property Done As Boolean
Property FullName As string
Property ServiceDomain As string
Property ServiceName As string
Property ServiceType As string
Property port As Integer
End Class
Class Entry
Property RegType As string
Property ServiceName As string
Property Status As string
Property domain As string
Property fullname As string
Property host As string
End Class
End Project

See also:

The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS Network Plugin.

The biggest plugin in space...