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Required plugins for this example: MBS RabbitMQ Plugin

You find this example project in your Plugins Download as a Xojo project file within the examples folder: /RabbitMQ/RabbitMQTutorial/RabbitMQTutorial

This example is the version from Sun, 15th May 2021.

Project "RabbitMQTutorial.xojo_binary_project"
Class App Inherits ConsoleApplication
Const constBindingKey = "hello"
Const constChannel = 1
Const constExchange = ""
Const constHostname = "localhost"
Const constLoginPassword = "guest"
Const constLoginUsername = "guest"
Const constPort = 5672
Const constQueue_HelloWorld = "hello"
Const constQueue_RPC = "rpc_queue"
EventHandler Function Run(args() as String) As Integer AppRandom = New Random Dim iChoice As Integer = Val(me.TutorialChoice()) select case iChoice case 1 me.Tutorial_1_Receive() case 2 me.Tutorial_2_Send() case 3 me.Tutorial_3_RPC_Server() case 4 me.Tutorial_4_RPC_Client() end select DoEvents(100) call me.WaitKeyInput("Press <enter> to exit.") Quit(0) End EventHandler
Function Failed(r as RabbitMQRPCReplyMBS) As Boolean If r = Nil Then Return True End If Select Case r.Type Case r.ResponseTypeNone Break Case r.ResponseTypeNormal Return False // okay Case r.ResponseTypeLibraryException me.Output("Library error: "+Str(r.LibraryError)+" "+RabbitMQConnectionMBS.ErrorString(r.LibraryError)) Return True Case r.ResponseTypeServerException Dim d As Dictionary = r.MethodDecoded Dim c As String = d.Lookup("ReplyCode", "") Dim t As String = d.Lookup("ReplyText", "") me.Output("Server error "+c+": "+t) If t = "" Then Break Return True end Select End Function
Private Function Fib(n As Integer) As Integer If n < 2 Then Return n Return Fib(n - 1) + Fib(n - 2) End Function
Private Function GetGUID() As String //HACKY... don't use for production eiGuidNr = eiGuidNr + 1 return Format(eiGuidNr, "00000000") + "-" + _ Format(eiGuidNr, "0000") + "-" + _ Format(eiGuidNr, "0000") + "-" + _ Format(eiGuidNr, "0000") + "-" + _ Format(eiGuidNr, "000000000000") + "-" End Function
Private Sub Output(psText As String) StdOut.WriteLine(ReplaceLineEndings(psText, " ")) stdout.Flush() End Sub
Private Function TutorialChoice() As String Dim conn As New RabbitMQConnectionMBS me.Output("MBS Xojo RabbitMQ Plugin") me.Output("************************") me.Output("RabbitMQConnectionMBS.Version: " + conn.Version) me.Output("") me.Output("RabbitMQ Tutorials") me.Output("------------------") me.Output("") me.Output("") me.Output("1 - Hello World - Receive") me.Output("2 - Hello World - Send") me.Output("3 - RPC - Server") me.Output("4 - RPC - Client") me.Output("") return me.WaitKeyInput("Choice: ") End Function
Private Sub Tutorial_1_Receive() Dim conn As New RabbitMQConnectionMBS If Not conn.NewTCPSocket Then me.Output("RabbitMQConnectionMBS: Failed to create TCP socket") Return End If Dim status As Integer = conn.OpenSocket(constHostname, constPort) If status <> 0 Then me.Output("RabbitMQConnectionMBS: Failed to open TCP socket") Return End If me.Output("- conn.LoginPlain") Dim r As RabbitMQRPCReplyMBS = conn.LoginPlain("/", 0, 131072, 0, constLoginUsername, constLoginPassword) If Failed(r) Then Return me.Output("- conn.ChannelOpen") Call conn.ChannelOpen(constChannel) r = conn.RPCReply If Failed(r) Then Return Const passive = False Const durable = False Const exclusive = False Const autoDelete = False Dim arguments As Dictionary = Nil Dim frame as RabbitMQFrameMBS me.Output("- conn.QueueDeclare") Dim QueueDeclareResult As Dictionary = conn.QueueDeclare(constChannel, constQueue_HelloWorld, passive, durable, exclusive, autoDelete, arguments) r = conn.RPCReply If Failed(r) Then Return Dim queuename As String = QueueDeclareResult.Value("queue") If queuename.Len = 0 Then Break // failed? me.Output(" -> Queuename: "+queuename) Const consumerTag = "" Const noLocal = False Const noAck = true me.Output("- conn.QueueBind") Dim QueueBindResult As Dictionary = conn.QueueBind(constChannel, queuename, constExchange, constBindingKey, arguments) r = conn.RPCReply If Failed(r) Then Return me.Output("- conn.BasicConsume") Dim BasicConsumeResult As Dictionary = conn.BasicConsume(constChannel, queuename, consumerTag, noLocal, noAck, exclusive, arguments) '* Synchonously polls the broker for a message in a queue, and '* retrieves the message if a message is in the queue. '* '* \param [in] state the connection object '* \param [in] channel the channel identifier to use '* \param [in] queue the queue name to retrieve from '* \param [in] no_ack if true the message is automatically ack'ed '* if false amqp_basic_ack should be called once the message '* retrieved has been processed '* \return amqp_rpc_reply indicating success or failure r = conn.RPCReply If Failed(r) Then Return me.Output("- listening...") While True Dim res As RabbitMQRPCReplyMBS dim envelope as RabbitMQEnvelopeMBS res = conn.ConsumeMessage(envelope, 0.01) If res.Type = res.ResponseTypeNormal Then // got data me.Output("") me.Output("- conn.ConsumeMessage -> got data") me.Output("Envelope.DeliveryTag: "+Str(envelope.DeliveryTag)) me.Output("Envelope.Exchange: "+envelope.Exchange) me.Output("Envelope.Routingkey: "+envelope.Routingkey) Dim properties As RabbitMQBasicPropertiesMBS = 'Dim Flags As Integer = properties.flags 'If BitwiseAnd(Flags, RabbitMQBasicPropertiesMBS.kFlagContentType) = RabbitMQBasicPropertiesMBS.kFlagContentType Then me.Output("Envelope.Message.Properties.AppId: " + properties.AppId) me.Output("Envelope.Message.Properties.ContentType: " + properties.ContentType) me.Output("Envelope.Message.Properties.ContentEncoding: " + properties.ContentEncoding) me.Output("Envelope.Message.Properties.Expiration: " + properties.Expiration) Dim BodyString As String = envelope.Message.Body me.Output("Envelope.Message.Body: " + BodyString) else If res.ResponseTypeLibraryException = res.Type And conn.kStatusUnexpectedState = res.LibraryError Then Dim ir As Integer = conn.SimpleWaitFrame(frame) If conn.kStatusOk <> ir Then me.Output("conn.kStatusOk <> ir") Return End If If frame.kFrameMethod = frame.FrameType Then Select Case frame.MethodID Case frame.kBasicAckMethod //* If we've turned publisher confirms on, and we've published a //* message here Is a message being confirmed. //*/ Case frame.kBasicReturnMethod //* If a published message couldn't be routed and the mandatory //* flag was set this Is what would be returned. The message Then //* needs To be read. //*/ Dim message As RabbitMQMessageMBS res = conn.ReadMessage(, message) If res.ResponseTypeNormal <> res.type Then Return End If Case frame.kChannelCloseMethod //* a channel.close method happens when a channel Exception occurs, //* this can happen by publishing To an exchange that doesn't exist //* For example. //* //* In this Case you would need To open another channel redeclare //* any queues that were declared Auto-delete, And restart any //* consumers that were attached To the previous channel. //*/ return Case frame.kConnectionCloseMethod //* a connection.close method happens when a connection Exception //* occurs, this can happen by trying To use a channel that isn't //* open For example. //* //* In this Case the whole connection must be restarted. //*/ return Else me.Output "An unexpected method was received: "+str(frame.MethodID) Return end Select End If End If end if app.DoEvents(100) wend me.Output("- conn.ConnectionClose") r = conn.ConnectionClose If Failed(r) Then Return End Sub
Private Sub Tutorial_2_Send() Const messagebody = "Hello RabbitMQ World from Xojo" Const routingkey = "hello" Dim conn As New RabbitMQConnectionMBS If Not conn.NewTCPSocket Then me.Output("RabbitMQConnectionMBS: Failed to create TCP socket") Return End If Dim status As Integer = conn.OpenSocket(constHostname, constPort) If status <> 0 Then me.Output("RabbitMQConnectionMBS: Failed to open TCP socket") Return End If me.Output("- conn.LoginPlain") Dim r As RabbitMQRPCReplyMBS = conn.LoginPlain("/", 0, 131072, 0, constLoginUsername, constLoginPassword) If Failed(r) Then Return me.Output("- conn.ChannelOpen") Call conn.ChannelOpen(constChannel) r = conn.RPCReply If Failed(r) Then Return Dim props As New RabbitMQBasicPropertiesMBS props.Flags = props.kFlagContentType Or props.kFlagDeliveryMode or props.kFlagContentEncoding props.ContentType = "text/plain" props.ContentEncoding = "UTF8" props.DeliveryMode = props.kDeliveryPersistent Dim ErrorCode As Integer = conn.BasicPublish(constChannel, constExchange, routingkey, False, False, props, messagebody) If ErrorCode <> 0 Then me.Output("- conn.BasicPublish: Failed to publish.") Return Else me.Output("- conn.BasicPublish: sent") End If me.Output("- conn.ChannelClose") r = conn.ChannelClose(constChannel, RabbitMQRPCReplyMBS.kReplySuccess) If Failed(r) Then Return me.Output("- conn.ConnectionClose") r = conn.ConnectionClose(RabbitMQRPCReplyMBS.kReplySuccess) If Failed(r) Then Return End Sub
Private Sub Tutorial_3_RPC_Server() Dim conn As New RabbitMQConnectionMBS If Not conn.NewTCPSocket Then me.Output("RabbitMQConnectionMBS: Failed to create TCP socket") Return End If Dim status As Integer = conn.OpenSocket(constHostname, constPort) If status <> 0 Then me.Output("RabbitMQConnectionMBS: Failed to open TCP socket") Return End If me.Output("- conn.LoginPlain") Dim r As RabbitMQRPCReplyMBS = conn.LoginPlain("/", 0, 131072, 0, constLoginUsername, constLoginPassword) If Failed(r) Then Return me.Output("- conn.ChannelOpen") Call conn.ChannelOpen(constChannel) r = conn.RPCReply If Failed(r) Then Return me.Output("- conn.BasicQOS") call conn.BasicQOS(constChannel, 0, 1, false) //param4 -> global Const passive = False Const durable = False Const exclusive = False Const autoDelete = False Dim arguments As Dictionary = Nil Dim frame as RabbitMQFrameMBS me.Output("- conn.QueueDeclare") Dim QueueDeclareResult As Dictionary = conn.QueueDeclare(constChannel, constQueue_RPC, passive, durable, exclusive, autoDelete, arguments) r = conn.RPCReply If Failed(r) Then Return Dim queuename As String = QueueDeclareResult.Value("queue") If queuename.Len = 0 Then Break // failed? me.Output(" -> Queuename: "+queuename) Const consumerTag = "" Const noLocal = False Const noAck = False me.Output("- conn.QueueBind") Dim QueueBindResult As Dictionary = conn.QueueBind(constChannel, queuename, constExchange, constBindingKey, arguments) r = conn.RPCReply If Failed(r) Then Return me.Output("- conn.BasicConsume") Dim BasicConsumeResult As Dictionary = conn.BasicConsume(constChannel, queuename, consumerTag, noLocal, noAck, exclusive, arguments) '* Synchonously polls the broker for a message in a queue, and '* retrieves the message if a message is in the queue. '* '* \param [in] state the connection object '* \param [in] channel the channel identifier to use '* \param [in] queue the queue name to retrieve from '* \param [in] no_ack if true the message is automatically ack'ed '* if false amqp_basic_ack should be called once the message '* retrieved has been processed '* \return amqp_rpc_reply indicating success or failure r = conn.RPCReply If Failed(r) Then Return me.Output("- Awaiting RPC requests...") While True Dim res As RabbitMQRPCReplyMBS dim envelope as RabbitMQEnvelopeMBS res = conn.ConsumeMessage(envelope, 0.01) If res.Type = res.ResponseTypeNormal Then // got data 'Read Request '************ me.Output("") me.Output("- conn.ConsumeMessage -> got data") Dim iDeliveryTag As UInt64 = envelope.DeliveryTag me.Output("Envelope.DeliveryTag: "+Str(envelope.DeliveryTag)) me.Output("Envelope.Exchange: "+envelope.Exchange) me.Output("Envelope.Routingkey: "+envelope.Routingkey) Dim properties As RabbitMQBasicPropertiesMBS = 'Dim Flags As Integer = properties.flags 'If BitwiseAnd(Flags, RabbitMQBasicPropertiesMBS.kFlagContentType) = RabbitMQBasicPropertiesMBS.kFlagContentType Then me.Output("Envelope.Message.Properties.AppId: " + properties.AppId) me.Output("Envelope.Message.Properties.ContentType: " + properties.ContentType) me.Output("Envelope.Message.Properties.ContentEncoding: " + properties.ContentEncoding) me.Output("Envelope.Message.Properties.Expiration: " + properties.Expiration) Dim sCorrelationId As String = properties.CorrelationId me.Output("Envelope.Message.Properties.CorrelationId: " + properties.CorrelationId) Dim sReplyTo As String = properties.ReplyTo me.Output("Envelope.Message.Properties.ReplyTo: " + properties.ReplyTo) Dim BodyString As String = envelope.Message.Body me.Output("Envelope.Message.Body: " + BodyString) 'Process Request '*************** me.Output("") me.Output("- FIB(" + BodyString + ")") Dim fib As Integer = me.Fib(Val(BodyString)) me.Output(" -> " + Str(fib)) 'Send Confirmation Reply '*********************** Dim replyProps As New RabbitMQBasicPropertiesMBS replyProps.Flags = replyProps.kFlagContentType Or replyProps.kFlagDeliveryMode or replyProps.kFlagContentEncoding or replyProps.kFlagCorrelationId replyProps.ContentType = "text/plain" replyProps.ContentEncoding = "UTF8" replyProps.DeliveryMode = replyProps.kDeliveryPersistent replyProps.CorrelationId = sCorrelationId Dim sMessagebody As String = Str(fib) Dim ErrorCode As Integer = conn.BasicPublish(constChannel, "", sReplyTo, False, False, replyProps, sMessagebody) If ErrorCode <> 0 Then me.Output("- conn.BasicPublish: Failed to publish.") Return Else me.Output("- conn.BasicPublish: sent") End If me.Output("- conn.BasicAck: " + Str(iDeliveryTag)) call conn.BasicAck(constChannel, iDeliveryTag, false) else If res.ResponseTypeLibraryException = res.Type And conn.kStatusUnexpectedState = res.LibraryError Then Dim ir As Integer = conn.SimpleWaitFrame(frame) If conn.kStatusOk <> ir Then me.Output("conn.kStatusOk <> ir") Return End If If frame.kFrameMethod = frame.FrameType Then Select Case frame.MethodID Case frame.kBasicAckMethod //* If we've turned publisher confirms on, and we've published a //* message here Is a message being confirmed. //*/ Case frame.kBasicReturnMethod //* If a published message couldn't be routed and the mandatory //* flag was set this Is what would be returned. The message Then //* needs To be read. //*/ Dim message As RabbitMQMessageMBS res = conn.ReadMessage(, message) If res.ResponseTypeNormal <> res.type Then Return End If Case frame.kChannelCloseMethod //* a channel.close method happens when a channel Exception occurs, //* this can happen by publishing To an exchange that doesn't exist //* For example. //* //* In this Case you would need To open another channel redeclare //* any queues that were declared Auto-delete, And restart any //* consumers that were attached To the previous channel. //*/ return Case frame.kConnectionCloseMethod //* a connection.close method happens when a connection Exception //* occurs, this can happen by trying To use a channel that isn't //* open For example. //* //* In this Case the whole connection must be restarted. //*/ return Else me.Output "An unexpected method was received: "+str(frame.MethodID) Return end Select End If End If end if app.DoEvents(100) wend me.Output("- conn.ChannelClose") r = conn.ChannelClose(constChannel, RabbitMQRPCReplyMBS.kReplySuccess) If Failed(r) Then Return me.Output("- conn.ConnectionClose") r = conn.ConnectionClose(RabbitMQRPCReplyMBS.kReplySuccess) If Failed(r) Then Return End Sub
Private Sub Tutorial_4_RPC_Client() Dim iRandom As Integer = AppRandom.InRange(10, 32) Dim sGuid As String = me.GetGUID() Dim conn As New RabbitMQConnectionMBS If Not conn.NewTCPSocket Then me.Output("RabbitMQConnectionMBS: Failed to create TCP socket") Return End If Dim status As Integer = conn.OpenSocket(constHostname, constPort) If status <> 0 Then me.Output("RabbitMQConnectionMBS: Failed to open TCP socket") Return End If me.Output("- conn.LoginPlain") Dim r As RabbitMQRPCReplyMBS = conn.LoginPlain("/", 0, 131072, 0, constLoginUsername, constLoginPassword) If Failed(r) Then Return me.Output("- conn.ChannelOpen") Call conn.ChannelOpen(constChannel) r = conn.RPCReply If Failed(r) Then Return me.Output("- conn.QueueDeclare") Dim QueueDeclareResult As Dictionary = conn.QueueDeclare(constChannel, "", false, false, true, true, nil) r = conn.RPCReply If Failed(r) Then Return Dim sReplyQueueName As String = QueueDeclareResult.Value("queue") If sReplyQueueName.Len = 0 Then Break // failed? me.Output(" -> Queuename: "+ sReplyQueueName) Dim props As New RabbitMQBasicPropertiesMBS props.Flags = props.kFlagContentType Or props.kFlagDeliveryMode or props.kFlagContentEncoding or props.kFlagCorrelationId or props.kFlagReplyTo props.ContentType = "text/plain" props.ContentEncoding = "UTF8" props.DeliveryMode = props.kDeliveryPersistent props.CorrelationId = sGuid props.ReplyTo = sReplyQueueName me.Output("- props.CorrelationId: " + props.CorrelationId) me.Output("- MessageBody: " + Str(iRandom)) Dim messagebody As String = Str(iRandom) Dim ErrorCode As Integer = conn.BasicPublish(constChannel, "", constQueue_RPC, False, false, props, messagebody) If ErrorCode <> 0 Then me.Output("- conn.BasicPublish: Failed to publish.") Return Else me.Output("- conn.BasicPublish: sent") End If Const consumerTag = "" Const noLocal = False Const noAck = true const exclusive = false me.Output("- conn.BasicConsume") Dim BasicConsumeResult As Dictionary = conn.BasicConsume(constChannel, sReplyQueueName, consumerTag, noLocal, noAck, exclusive, nil) '* Synchonously polls the broker for a message in a queue, and '* retrieves the message if a message is in the queue. '* '* \param [in] state the connection object '* \param [in] channel the channel identifier to use '* \param [in] queue the queue name to retrieve from '* \param [in] no_ack if true the message is automatically ack'ed '* if false amqp_basic_ack should be called once the message '* retrieved has been processed '* \return amqp_rpc_reply indicating success or failure r = conn.RPCReply If Failed(r) Then Return me.Output("- listening...") Dim frame as RabbitMQFrameMBS While True Dim res As RabbitMQRPCReplyMBS dim envelope as RabbitMQEnvelopeMBS res = conn.ConsumeMessage(envelope, 0.01) If res.Type = res.ResponseTypeNormal Then // got data me.Output("") me.Output("- conn.ConsumeMessage -> got data") me.Output("Envelope.DeliveryTag: "+Str(envelope.DeliveryTag)) me.Output("Envelope.Exchange: "+envelope.Exchange) me.Output("Envelope.Routingkey: "+envelope.Routingkey) Dim properties As RabbitMQBasicPropertiesMBS = 'Dim Flags As Integer = properties.flags 'If BitwiseAnd(Flags, RabbitMQBasicPropertiesMBS.kFlagContentType) = RabbitMQBasicPropertiesMBS.kFlagContentType Then me.Output("Envelope.Message.Properties.AppId: " + properties.AppId) me.Output("Envelope.Message.Properties.ContentType: " + properties.ContentType) me.Output("Envelope.Message.Properties.ContentEncoding: " + properties.ContentEncoding) me.Output("Envelope.Message.Properties.Expiration: " + properties.Expiration) Dim BodyString As String = envelope.Message.Body me.Output("Envelope.Message.Body: " + BodyString) exit 'Loop else If res.ResponseTypeLibraryException = res.Type And conn.kStatusUnexpectedState = res.LibraryError Then Dim ir As Integer = conn.SimpleWaitFrame(frame) If conn.kStatusOk <> ir Then me.Output("conn.kStatusOk <> ir") Return End If If frame.kFrameMethod = frame.FrameType Then Select Case frame.MethodID Case frame.kBasicAckMethod //* If we've turned publisher confirms on, and we've published a //* message here Is a message being confirmed. //*/ Case frame.kBasicReturnMethod //* If a published message couldn't be routed and the mandatory //* flag was set this Is what would be returned. The message Then //* needs To be read. //*/ Dim message As RabbitMQMessageMBS res = conn.ReadMessage(, message) If res.ResponseTypeNormal <> res.type Then Return End If Case frame.kChannelCloseMethod //* a channel.close method happens when a channel Exception occurs, //* this can happen by publishing To an exchange that doesn't exist //* For example. //* //* In this Case you would need To open another channel redeclare //* any queues that were declared Auto-delete, And restart any //* consumers that were attached To the previous channel. //*/ return Case frame.kConnectionCloseMethod //* a connection.close method happens when a connection Exception //* occurs, this can happen by trying To use a channel that isn't //* open For example. //* //* In this Case the whole connection must be restarted. //*/ return Else me.Output "An unexpected method was received: "+str(frame.MethodID) Return end Select End If End If end if app.DoEvents(100) wend me.Output("- conn.ChannelClose") r = conn.ChannelClose(constChannel, RabbitMQRPCReplyMBS.kReplySuccess) If Failed(r) Then Return me.Output("- conn.ConnectionClose") r = conn.ConnectionClose(RabbitMQRPCReplyMBS.kReplySuccess) If Failed(r) Then Return End Sub
Private Function WaitKeyInput(psOutput As String = "Weiter mit Return") As String if (psOutput <> "") then StdOut.Write(psOutput) stdout.Flush() end if Dim sResult As String Dim m As Double = Microseconds + 100000 'discard any "wait-to-be-read input" while (Microseconds < m) sResult = StdIn.Read(1) wend return sResult End Function
Note "About"
RabbitMQ Tutorial project provided by Jürg Otter
Property Private AppRandom As Random
Property Private eiGuidNr As Integer
End Class
End Project

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