Platforms to show: All Mac Windows Linux Cross-Platform


Required plugins for this example: MBS Tools Plugin

You find this example project in your Plugins Download as a Xojo project file within the examples folder: /Tools/SmartCard/SmartCard

This example is the version from Thu, 30th Oct 2019.

Project "SmartCard.xojo_binary_project"
Class App Inherits Application
Const kEditClear = "&Löschen"
Const kFileQuit = "Beenden"
Const kFileQuitShortcut = ""
End Class
Class MainWindow Inherits Window
Control GroupMenu Inherits PopupMenu
ControlInstance GroupMenu Inherits PopupMenu
EventHandler Sub Change() dim groupname as string = me.Text dim devices() as string = context.Readers(array(groupname)) DeviceMenu.DeleteAllRows for each d as string in devices DeviceMenu.AddRow d next // pick first device If DeviceMenu.ListCount = 1 Then DeviceMenu.ListIndex = 0 End If End EventHandler
End Control
Control Label1 Inherits Label
ControlInstance Label1 Inherits Label
End Control
Control Label2 Inherits Label
ControlInstance Label2 Inherits Label
End Control
Control DeviceMenu Inherits PopupMenu
ControlInstance DeviceMenu Inherits PopupMenu
EventHandler Sub Change() CheckConnect End EventHandler
End Control
Control ConnectButton Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance ConnectButton Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() ConnectButton.Enabled = False dim DeviceName as string = DeviceMenu.Text card = context.Connect(DeviceName, SmartCardMBS.kShareShared, SmartCardMBS.kProtocolAny) if card <> nil then GroupMenu.Enabled = false DeviceMenu.Enabled = False QueryVersionButton.Enabled = true QuerySerialNoButton.Enabled = true QueryStatusButton.Enabled = true QuerySwiss.Enabled = true QueryBelgian.Enabled = True else MsgBox "Error: "+str(context.Lasterror) end if End EventHandler
End Control
Control QueryVersionButton Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance QueryVersionButton Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() dim header as new memoryBlock(8) header.Int32Value(0) = 2 // T1 header.Int32Value(4) = 8 // size of this block dim command as new MemoryBlock(5) command.Int8Value(0) = 0 command.Int8Value(1) = &hCA command.Int8Value(2) = 1 command.Int8Value(3) = &h82 command.Int8Value(4) = 2 dim buffer as new MemoryBlock(512) dim RecvLength as UInt32 = 512 card.Transmit(header, command, command.Size, nil, buffer, RecvLength) if card.Lasterror = 0 then // MsgBox "Received "+str(RecvLength)+" bytes: " // C9039000 dim answer as string = buffer.StringValue(0, RecvLength) Select case answer.Left(4) case "C903" MsgBox "Version 53" case "C901" MsgBox "Version 50" else MsgBox EncodeHex(answer) end Select else MsgBox "Error: "+str(card.Lasterror) end if End EventHandler
End Control
Control QuerySerialNoButton Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance QuerySerialNoButton Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() dim header as new memoryBlock(8) header.Int32Value(0) = 2 // T1 header.Int32Value(4) = 8 // size of this block dim command as new MemoryBlock(5) command.Int8Value(0) = 0 command.Int8Value(1) = &hCA command.Int8Value(2) = 1 command.Int8Value(3) = &h81 command.Int8Value(4) = 8 dim buffer as new MemoryBlock(512) dim ReceiveHeader as new MemoryBlock(8) dim RecvLength as UInt32 = 512 card.Transmit(header, command, command.Size, nil, buffer, RecvLength) if card.Lasterror = 0 then 'MsgBox "Received "+str(RecvLength)+" bytes: " // 020610BF000241429000 dim answer as string = buffer.StringValue(0, 8) MsgBox EncodeHex(answer) else MsgBox "Error: "+str(card.Lasterror) end if End EventHandler
End Control
Control QueryStatusButton Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance QueryStatusButton Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() dim state as integer dim protocol as integer dim cardID as string card.Status(state, protocol, cardID) if card.Lasterror <> 0 then MsgBox "Error: "+str(card.Lasterror) else dim states() as string if BitwiseAnd(state, card.kCardStateAbsent) <> 0 then states.Append "absent" end if if BitwiseAnd(state, card.kCardStateNegotiable) <> 0 then states.Append "Negotiable" end if if BitwiseAnd(state, card.kCardStatePowered) <> 0 then states.Append "powered" else states.Append "not powered" end if if BitwiseAnd(state, card.kCardStatePresent) <> 0 then states.Append "present" end if if BitwiseAnd(state, card.kCardStateSpecific) <> 0 then states.Append "Specific" else states.Append "not Specific" end if if BitwiseAnd(state, card.kCardStateSwallowed) <> 0 then states.Append "Swallowed" end if if BitwiseAnd(state, card.kCardStateUnknown) <> 0 then states.Append "Unknown" end if dim protocolName as string Select case protocol case card.kProtocolT0 protocolName = "T0" case card.kProtocolT1 protocolName = "T1" case card.kProtocolRAW protocolName = "RAW" case card.kProtocolT15 protocolName = "T15" case card.kProtocolAny protocolName = "Any" case card.kProtocolUnset protocolName = "Unset" case card.kProtocolUndefined protocolName = "Undefined" else protocolName = "?" end Select MsgBox "State: "+Join(states,", ")+EndOfLine+"Protocol: "+protocolName+EndOfLine+"CardID: "+EncodeHex(cardID) end if End EventHandler
End Control
Control QuerySwiss Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance QuerySwiss Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() Dim FileID1 As New MemoryBlock(2) FileID1.UInt8Value(0) = &h2F FileID1.UInt8Value(1) = &h06 dim FileID2 as new MemoryBlock(2) FileID2.UInt8Value(0) = &h2F FileID2.UInt8Value(1) = &h07 dim Data1 as MemoryBlock = card.ReadFile(FileID1) dim Data2 as MemoryBlock = card.ReadFile(FileID2) Dim dic1 As Dictionary = card.SplitValues(data1) dim dic2 as Dictionary = card.SplitValues(data2) dim list() as string for each k as Variant in dic1.keys list.Append k.StringValue + ": "+dic1.Value(k).StringValue next for each k as Variant in dic2.keys list.Append k.StringValue + ": "+dic2.Value(k).StringValue next MsgBox Join(list, EndOfLine) End EventHandler
End Control
Control QueryBelgian Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance QueryBelgian Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() // addressFile If True Then Dim FileID1 As New MemoryBlock(4) FileID1.UInt8Value(0) = &hDF FileID1.UInt8Value(1) = &h01 FileID1.UInt8Value(2) = &h40 FileID1.UInt8Value(3) = &h33 Dim Data1 As MemoryBlock = card.ReadFile(FileID1) If Data1 <> Nil Then Dim dic1 As Dictionary = card.SplitValues(data1) Dim list() As String For Each k As Variant In dic1.keys Dim v As String = dic1.Value(k).StringValue If InStr(v, ChrB(0)) > 0 Then // contains zeros v = EncodeHex(v) Else v = DefineEncoding(v, encodings.UTF8) End If list.Append k.StringValue + ": "+v Next MsgBox Join(list, EndOfLine) End If End If // basicInfoFile If True Then Dim FileID2 As New MemoryBlock(4) FileID2.UInt8Value(0) = &hDF FileID2.UInt8Value(1) = &h01 FileID2.UInt8Value(2) = &h40 FileID2.UInt8Value(3) = &h31 Dim Data2 As MemoryBlock = card.ReadFile(FileID2) If Data2 <> Nil Then Dim dic2 As Dictionary = card.SplitValues(data2) Dim list() As String For Each k As Variant In dic2.keys Dim v As String = dic2.Value(k).StringValue If InStr(v, ChrB(0)) > 0 Then // contains zeros v = EncodeHex(v) Else v = DefineEncoding(v, encodings.UTF8) End If list.Append k.StringValue + ": "+v Next MsgBox Join(list, EndOfLine) End If End If // idFile If False Then Dim FileID3 As New MemoryBlock(4) FileID3.UInt8Value(0) = &hDF FileID3.UInt8Value(1) = &h01 FileID3.UInt8Value(2) = &h40 FileID3.UInt8Value(3) = &h38 Dim Data3 As MemoryBlock = card.ReadFile(FileID3) If Data3 <> Nil Then Dim dic3 As Dictionary = card.SplitValues(data3) Dim list() As String For Each k As Variant In dic3.keys Dim v As String = dic3.Value(k).StringValue If InStr(v, ChrB(0)) > 0 Then // contains zeros v = EncodeHex(v) Else v = DefineEncoding(v, encodings.UTF8) End If list.Append k.StringValue + ": "+v Next MsgBox Join(list, EndOfLine) End If End If // to get photo, use query with &h31 in ID 'FileID.UInt8Value(3) = &h31 // picture If True Then Dim FileID3 As New MemoryBlock(4) FileID3.UInt8Value(0) = &hDF FileID3.UInt8Value(1) = &h01 FileID3.UInt8Value(2) = &h40 FileID3.UInt8Value(3) = &h35 Dim Data3 As MemoryBlock = card.ReadFile(FileID3) If Data3 <> Nil Then Dim p As Picture = picture.FromData(data3) If p <> Nil Then Dim w As New PicWindow w.Backdrop = p End If End If End If End EventHandler
End Control
Control Label3 Inherits Label
ControlInstance Label3 Inherits Label
End Control
EventHandler Sub Open() context = New SmartCardContextMBS dim groups() as string = context.ReaderGroups GroupMenu.DeleteAllRows for each g as string in groups GroupMenu.AddRow g Next dim devices() as string = context.Readers DeviceMenu.DeleteAllRows for each d as string in devices DeviceMenu.AddRow d next // Pick first group If GroupMenu.ListCount = 1 Then GroupMenu.ListIndex = 0 End If // pick first device If DeviceMenu.ListCount = 1 Then DeviceMenu.ListIndex = 0 End If End EventHandler
Private Sub CheckConnect() if DeviceMenu.ListIndex >= 0 then ConnectButton.Enabled = true else ConnectButton.Enabled = false end if End Sub
Property Private card As SmartCardMBS
Property Private context As SmartCardContextMBS
End Class
MenuBar MenuBar1
MenuItem FileMenu = "&Ablage"
MenuItem FileQuit = "#App.kFileQuit"
MenuItem EditMenu = "&Bearbeiten"
MenuItem EditUndo = "&Rückgängig"
MenuItem UntitledMenu1 = "-"
MenuItem EditCut = "&Ausschneiden"
MenuItem EditCopy = "&Kopieren"
MenuItem EditPaste = "&Einfügen"
MenuItem EditClear = "#App.kEditClear"
MenuItem UntitledMenu0 = "-"
MenuItem EditSelectAll = "&Alles auswählen"
End MenuBar
Class PicWindow Inherits Window
End Class
End Project

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