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/Util/JSON/JSONItem clone

Required plugins for this example: MBS Util Plugin

You find this example project in your Plugins Download as a Xojo project file within the examples folder: /Util/JSON/JSONItem clone

This example is the version from Tue, 18th Sep 2023.

Project "JSONItem clone.xojo_binary_project"
Class App Inherits Application
Const kEditClear = "&Delete"
Const kFileQuit = "&Quit"
Const kFileQuitShortcut = ""
End Class
Class Window1 Inherits Window
Const constJSON_Test1 = "[""a"",1,""b"",2, 2.5]"
Const constJSON_Test2 = "{""a"":1, ""b"":2}"
Const constJSON_Test3 = "[\r {\r ""id"":127,\r ""name"":""Meier"",\r ""prename"":""Anna"",\r ""age"":13,\r ""birthdate"":""20071208""\r },\r {\r ""id"":142,\r ""name"":""Meier"",\r ""prename"":""Patrick"",\r ""age"":12,\r ""birthdate"":""20081127""\r }\r ]"
Control TextArea1 Inherits TextArea
ControlInstance TextArea1 Inherits TextArea
End Control
Control btnJSONItem Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance btnJSONItem Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() Dim j As JSONItem Dim s() As String s.Append("JSONItem") s.Append("") s.Append(constJSON_Test1) j = New JSONItem(constJSON_Test1) s.Append("IsArray: " + Str(j.IsArray)) for i As Integer = 0 to j.Count-1 s.Append("Value(" + Str(i) + "): " + j.Value(i).StringValue) next s.Append("") s.Append(constJSON_Test2) j = New JSONItem(constJSON_Test2) s.Append("IsArray: " + Str(j.IsArray)) s.Append("Count: " + Str(j.Count)) s.Append("a: " + j.Value("a")) s.Append("b: " + j.Value("b")) s.Append("HasName(""a""): " + Str(j.HasName("a"))) s.Append("HasName(""A""): " + Str(j.HasName("A"))) s.Append("") s.Append(constJSON_Test3) j = New JSONItem(constJSON_Test3) s.Append("IsArray: " + Str(j.IsArray)) for i As Integer = 0 to j.Count-1 Dim k As JSONItem = j.Child(i) s.Append("Value(" + Str(i) + ").id/prename: " + k.Lookup("id", 0) + "/" + k.Lookup("prename", "")) next s.Append("") s.Append("own new JSONItem with DecimalFormat: -0.0##") j = New JSONItem j.DecimalFormat = "-0.0##" j.Value("1") = 23.67 j.Value("2") = -2.7 j.Value("3") = 12 j.Value("4") = 12345.67891 Dim va() As Variant va.Append(23.67) va.Append(-2.7) va.Append(12) va.Append(12345.67891) j.Value("a") = va s.Append(j.ToString) s.Append("") j = New JSONItem j.Value("Hello") = "World" j.Value("Integer_1") = 2 j.Value("Double_7.5") = 7.5 j.Value("Double_23.67") = 23.67 j.Value("Integer_Array") = Array(1,3,5,7) j.Value("Double_Array") = Array(1.5,3.3,987.123456) s.Append("own New JSONItem, changing DecimalFormat later") s.Append("Count: " + Str(j.Count)) s.Append("ToString: " + j.ToString) j.DecimalFormat = "-0.0####" s.Append("ToString (DecimalFormat: " + j.DecimalFormat + "): " + j.ToString) j = New JSONItem j.Compact = false for i1 As Integer = 1 to 100 Dim j2 As New JSONItem for i2 As Integer = 1 to 25 if i2 mod 2 = 0 then j2.Value(Str(i1) + "." + Str(i2)) = "Value " + Str(i2) else j2.Value(Str(i2)) = i2 end if next j.Value(Str(i1)) = j2 next Dim d As Double = Microseconds Dim s2 As String = j.ToString d = Microseconds - d s.Append("") s.Append("2500 JSON objects .ToString: " + Format(d/1000, "####0.0##") + "ms") s.Append(s2) TextArea1.Text = Join(s, EndOfLine) End EventHandler
End Control
Control btnJSONItem_MBS Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance btnJSONItem_MBS Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() Dim j As JSONItem_MBS Dim s() As String s.Append("JSONItem_MBS") s.Append("") s.Append(constJSON_Test1) j = New JSONItem_MBS(constJSON_Test1) s.Append("IsArray: " + Str(j.IsArray)) for i As Integer = 0 to j.Count-1 s.Append("Value(" + Str(i) + "): " + j.Value(i).StringValue) next s.Append("") s.Append(constJSON_Test2) j = New JSONItem_MBS(constJSON_Test2) s.Append("IsArray: " + Str(j.IsArray)) s.Append("Count: " + Str(j.Count)) s.Append("a: " + j.Value("a")) s.Append("b: " + j.Value("b")) s.Append("HasName(""a""): " + Str(j.HasName("a"))) s.Append("HasName(""A""): " + Str(j.HasName("A"))) s.Append("") s.Append(constJSON_Test3) j = New JSONItem_MBS(constJSON_Test3) s.Append("IsArray: " + Str(j.IsArray)) for i As Integer = 0 to j.Count-1 Dim k As JSONItem_MBS = j.Child(i) s.Append("Value(" + Str(i) + ").id/prename: " + k.Lookup("id", 0) + "/" + k.Lookup("prename", "")) next s.Append("") s.Append("own new JSONItem with DecimalFormat: -0.0##") j = New JSONItem_MBS j.DecimalFormat = "-0.0##" j.Value("1") = 23.67 j.Value("2") = -2.7 j.Value("3") = 12 j.Value("4") = 12345.67891 Dim va() As Variant va.Append(23.67) va.Append(-2.7) va.Append(12) va.Append(12345.67891) j.Value("a") = va s.Append(j.ToString) s.Append("") j = New JSONItem_MBS j.Value("Hello") = "World" j.Value("Integer_1") = 2 j.Value("Double_7.5") = 7.5 j.Value("Double_23.67") = 23.67 j.Value("Integer_Array") = Array(1,3,5,7) j.Value("Double_Array") = Array(1.5,3.3,987.123456) s.Append("own New JSONItem, changing DecimalFormat later") s.Append("Count: " + Str(j.Count)) s.Append("ToString: " + j.ToString) j.DecimalFormat = "-0.0####" s.Append("ToString (DecimalFormat: " + j.DecimalFormat + "): " + j.ToString) j = New JSONItem_MBS j.Compact = false for i1 As Integer = 1 to 100 Dim j2 As New JSONItem_MBS for i2 As Integer = 1 to 25 if i2 mod 2 = 0 then j2.Value(Str(i1) + "." + Str(i2)) = "Value " + Str(i2) else j2.Value(Str(i2)) = i2 end if next j.Value(Str(i1)) = j2 next Dim d As Double = Microseconds Dim s2 As String = j.ToString d = Microseconds - d s.Append("") s.Append("2500 JSON objects .ToString: " + Format(d/1000, "####0.0##") + "ms") s.Append(s2) TextArea1.Text = Join(s, EndOfLine) End EventHandler
End Control
Control btnJSONItem_MTC Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance btnJSONItem_MTC Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() Dim j As JSONItem_MTC Dim s() As String s.Append("JSONItem_MTC:") s.Append("") s.Append(constJSON_Test1) j = New JSONItem_MTC(constJSON_Test1) s.Append("IsArray: " + Str(j.IsArray)) for i As Integer = 0 to j.Count-1 s.Append("Value(" + Str(i) + "): " + j.Value(i).StringValue) next s.Append("") s.Append(constJSON_Test2) j = New JSONItem_MTC(constJSON_Test2) s.Append("IsArray: " + Str(j.IsArray)) s.Append("Count: " + Str(j.Count)) s.Append("a: " + j.Value("a")) s.Append("b: " + j.Value("b")) s.Append("HasName(""a""): " + Str(j.HasName("a"))) s.Append("HasName(""A""): " + Str(j.HasName("A"))) s.Append("") s.Append(constJSON_Test3) j = New JSONItem_MTC(constJSON_Test3) s.Append("IsArray: " + Str(j.IsArray)) for i As Integer = 0 to j.Count-1 Dim k As JSONItem_MTC = j.Child(i) s.Append("Value(" + Str(i) + ").id/prename: " + k.Lookup("id", 0) + "/" + k.Lookup("prename", "")) next s.Append("") s.Append("own new JSONItem with DecimalFormat: -0.0##") j = New JSONItem_MTC j.DecimalFormat = "-0.0##" j.Value("1") = 23.67 j.Value("2") = -2.7 j.Value("3") = 12 j.Value("4") = 12345.67891 Dim va() As Variant va.Append(23.67) va.Append(-2.7) va.Append(12) va.Append(12345.67891) j.Value("a") = va s.Append(j.ToString) s.Append("") j = New JSONItem_MTC j.Value("Hello") = "World" j.Value("Integer_1") = 2 j.Value("Double_7.5") = 7.5 j.Value("Double_23.67") = 23.67 j.Value("Integer_Array") = Array(1,3,5,7) j.Value("Double_Array") = Array(1.5,3.3,987.123456) s.Append("own New JSONItem, changing DecimalFormat later") s.Append("Count: " + Str(j.Count)) s.Append("ToString: " + j.ToString) j.DecimalFormat = "-0.0####" s.Append("ToString (DecimalFormat: " + j.DecimalFormat + "): " + j.ToString) j = New JSONItem_MTC j.Compact = false for i1 As Integer = 1 to 100 Dim j2 As New JSONItem_MTC for i2 As Integer = 1 to 25 if i2 mod 2 = 0 then j2.Value(Str(i1) + "." + Str(i2)) = "Value " + Str(i2) else j2.Value(Str(i2)) = i2 end if next j.Value(Str(i1)) = j2 next Dim d As Double = Microseconds Dim s2 As String = j.ToString d = Microseconds - d s.Append("") s.Append("2500 JSON objects .ToString: " + Format(d/1000, "####0.0##") + "ms") s.Append(s2) TextArea1.Text = Join(s, EndOfLine) End EventHandler
End Control
Control btnJSONItem_MBS1 Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance btnJSONItem_MBS1 Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() Dim j As JSONMBS Dim s() As String s.Append("JSONMBS") s.Append("") s.Append(constJSON_Test1) j = New JSONMBS(constJSON_Test1) s.Append("IsArray: " + Str(j.IsArray)) for i As Integer = 0 to j.Count-1 s.Append("Value(" + Str(i) + "): " + j.Value(i).StringValue) next s.Append("") s.Append(constJSON_Test2) j = New JSONMBS(constJSON_Test2) s.Append("IsArray: " + Str(j.IsArray)) s.Append("Count: " + Str(j.Count)) s.Append("a: " + j.Value("a")) s.Append("b: " + j.Value("b")) s.Append("HasName(""a""): " + Str(j.HasName("a"))) s.Append("HasName(""A""): " + Str(j.HasName("A"))) s.Append("") s.Append(constJSON_Test3) j = New JSONMBS(constJSON_Test3) s.Append("IsArray: " + Str(j.IsArray)) for i As Integer = 0 to j.Count-1 Dim k As JSONMBS = j.Child(i) s.Append("Value(" + Str(i) + ").id/prename: " + k.Lookup("id", 0) + "/" + k.Lookup("prename", "")) next s.Append("") s.Append("own new JSONItem with DecimalFormat: -0.0##") j = New JSONMBS 'j.DecimalFormat = "-0.0##" j.Value("1") = 23.67 j.Value("2") = -2.7 j.Value("3") = 12 j.Value("4") = 12345.67891 Dim va() As Variant va.Append(23.67) va.Append(-2.7) va.Append(12) va.Append(12345.67891) j.Value("a") = va s.Append(j.ToString) s.Append("") j = New JSONMBS j.Value("Hello") = "World" j.Value("Integer_1") = 2 j.Value("Double_7.5") = 7.5 j.Value("Double_23.67") = 23.67 j.Value("Integer_Array") = Array(1,3,5,7) j.Value("Double_Array") = Array(1.5,3.3,987.123456) s.Append("own New JSONItem, changing DecimalFormat later") s.Append("Count: " + Str(j.Count)) s.Append("ToString: " + j.ToString) 'j.DecimalFormat = "-0.0####" s.Append("ToString: " + j.ToString) j = New JSONMBS 'j.Compact = false for i1 As Integer = 1 to 100 Dim j2 As New JSONMBS for i2 As Integer = 1 to 25 if i2 mod 2 = 0 then j2.Value(Str(i1) + "." + Str(i2)) = "Value " + Str(i2) else j2.Value(Str(i2)) = i2 end if next j.Value(Str(i1)) = j2 next Dim d As Double = Microseconds Dim s2 As String = j.ToString d = Microseconds - d s.Append("") s.Append("2500 JSON objects .ToString: " + Format(d/1000, "####0.0##") + "ms") s.Append(s2) TextArea1.Text = Join(s, EndOfLine) End EventHandler
End Control
End Class
MenuBar MainMenuBar
MenuItem FileMenu = "&File"
MenuItem FileQuit = "#App.kFileQuit"
MenuItem EditMenu = "&Edit"
MenuItem EditUndo = "&Undo"
MenuItem EditSeparator1 = "-"
MenuItem EditCut = "Cu&t"
MenuItem EditCopy = "&Copy"
MenuItem EditPaste = "&Paste"
MenuItem EditClear = "#App.kEditClear"
MenuItem EditSeparator2 = "-"
MenuItem EditSelectAll = "Select &All"
End MenuBar
Class JSONItem_MBS
ComputedProperty Count As Integer
Sub Get() Return mJSON.ArraySize End Get
End ComputedProperty
ComputedProperty IsArray As Boolean
Sub Get() Return (mJSON.Type = JSONMBS.kTypeArray) End Get
End ComputedProperty
ComputedProperty ToString As String
Sub Get() Return mJSON.toString(Not Me.Compact) End Get
End ComputedProperty
Sub Append(v as Variant) // for arrays we use array node instead of object node // so we need to switch the internal JSONMBS object If (Not Me.IsArray) Then mJSON = JSONMBS.NewArrayNode End If Dim p As JSONMBS = ToJSON(v) mJSON.AddItemToArray(p) End Sub
Function Child(index As Integer) As JSONItem_MBS Return Me.Value(index) End Function
Sub Constructor() // start with a new object mJSON = JSONMBS.NewObjectNode End Sub
Protected Sub Constructor(c As JSONMBS) // wrap a JSONMBS Self.mJSON = c End Sub
Sub Constructor(data As String) // parse and raise exception on error // raise exception also if data could be parsed partially mJSON = New JSONMBS(data) 'If (mJSON.Handle = 0) or (mJSON.ParseError <> "") Then 'Raise New JSONException("JSONMBS ParseError: " + mJSON.ParseError, mJSON.Handle) 'End If End Sub
Private Function FromJSON(pJSON as JSONMBS) As Variant If (pJSON = Nil) Then Return Nil Select Case pJSON.Type Case JSONMBS.kTypeArray, JSONMBS.kTypeObject Dim r As New JSONItem_MBS(pJSON) r.DecimalFormat = Me.DecimalFormat Return r Case JSONMBS.kTypeNull Return Nil Case JSONMBS.kTypeBoolean Return pJSON.ValueBoolean Case JSONMBS.kTypeDouble Return pJSON.ValueDouble Case JSONMBS.kTypeInt64 Return pJSON.ValueInt64 Case JSONMBS.kTypeUInt64 Return pJSON.ValueUInt64 Case JSONMBS.kTypeString If pJSON.IsInt64 Then Return pJSON.ValueInt64 If pJSON.IsNumber Then Return pJSON.ValueDouble Return pJSON.ValueString Case JSONMBS.kTypeSingle Return pJSON.ValueDouble End Select // Hmm... Break End Function
Function HasName(psName As String) As Boolean Dim c As JSONMBS = mJSON.ChildNode If (c = Nil) Then Return False If (StrComp(c.Name, psName, REALbasic.StrCompCaseSensitive) = 0) Then Return True While (c <> mJSON.LastChildNode) c = c.NextNode If (StrComp(c.Name, psName, REALbasic.StrCompCaseSensitive) = 0) Then Return True Wend Return False End Function
Function Lookup(key as Variant, defaultValue as Variant) As Variant Select Case mJSON.Type Case JSONMBS.kTypeArray Dim n As Integer = key.IntegerValue Dim c As JSONMBS = mJSON.ArrayItem(n) If (c = Nil) Then Return defaultValue Else Return FromJSON(c) End If Case JSONMBS.kTypeObject Dim l As String = key.StringValue Dim c As JSONMBS = mJSON.Child(l) If (c = Nil) Then Return defaultValue Else Return FromJSON(c) End If Else // Hmm... Break End Select Return defaultValue End Function
Function Name(index as Integer) As String Dim c As JSONMBS = mJSON.ChildNode For i As Integer = 1 To index If (c = Nil) Then Return "" c = c.NextNode Next If (c = Nil) Then Return "" Return c.Name End Function
Function Names() As String() Dim s() As String Dim c As JSONMBS = mJSON.ChildNode If (c = Nil) Then Return s s.Append(c.Name) While (c <> mJSON.LastChildNode) c = c.NextNode If (c = Nil) Then Exit 'Loop s.Append(c.Name) Wend Return s End Function
Private Function ToJSON(v as Variant) As JSONMBS // get a JSONItem for Variant If (v = Nil) Then Return JSONMBS.NewNullNode If (v IsA JSONItem_MBS) Then Return JSONItem_MBS(v).mJSON If (v IsA JSONMBS) Then Return v Select Case v.Type Case Variant.TypeString Return JSONMBS.NewStringNode(v.StringValue) Case Variant.TypeBoolean Return JSONMBS.NewBoolNode(v.BooleanValue) Case Variant.TypeDouble, Variant.TypeSingle Return JSONMBS.NewNumberNode(Str(v.DoubleValue, Me.DecimalFormat)) Case Variant.TypeInt64, Variant.TypeInt32 Return JSONMBS.NewInt64Node(v.Int64Value) Else If v.IsArray Then Select Case v.ArrayElementType Case Variant.TypeDouble Dim a As JSONMBS = JSONMBS.NewArrayNode Dim arr() As Double = v For i As Integer = 0 To arr.Ubound a.AddItemToArray(ToJSON(arr(i))) Next Return a Case Variant.TypeSingle Dim a As JSONMBS = JSONMBS.NewArrayNode Dim arr() As Single = v For i As Integer = 0 To arr.Ubound a.AddItemToArray(ToJSON(arr(i))) Next Return a Case Variant.TypeObject Dim a As JSONMBS = JSONMBS.NewArrayNode Dim arr() As Object = v For i As Integer = 0 To arr.Ubound a.AddItemToArray(ToJSON(arr(i))) Next Return a Else //Use Convert to handle Array values Return JSONMBS.Convert(v) End Select End If End Select // Hmm... that kind of Variant is not (yet) implemented Break End Function
Function Value(key as Variant) As Variant Select Case mJSON.Type Case JSONMBS.kTypeArray Dim n As Integer = key Dim c As JSONMBS = mJSON.ArrayItem(n) If (c = Nil) Then Dim k As New KeyNotFoundException k.Message = "Item "+Str(n)+" not found." Raise k Else Return FromJSON(c) End If Case JSONMBS.kTypeObject Dim l As String = key Dim c As JSONMBS = mJSON.Child(l) If (c = Nil) Then Dim k As New KeyNotFoundException k.Message = "Key "+l+" not found." Raise k Else Return FromJSON(c) End If End Select // Hmm... Break End Function
Sub Value(key as Variant, assigns value as Variant) Dim KeyString As String = key.StringValue // remove if needed. // You can leave this away, if you never edit JSON, but just parse+build mJSON.DeleteItem(KeyString) // now add new value mJSON.AddItemToObject(KeyString, ToJSON(Value)) End Sub
Note "KnownIssues"
DecimalFormat ------------- - is only respected when adding Double values -> you have to set the DecimalFormat before adding values - no effect if you are changing the DecimalFormat later (e.g. before .ToString)
Property Compact As Boolean = True
Property DecimalFormat As String = "-0.0##############"
Property Private mJSON As JSONMBS
End Class
Class JSONItem_MTC
ComputedProperty Count As Integer
Sub Get() if IsArray then return ArrayValues.Ubound + 1 elseif ObjectValues <> nil then return ObjectValues.Count else return 0 end if End Get
End ComputedProperty
ComputedProperty IsArray As Boolean
Sub Get() return HasSetType = kHasSetArray End Get
End ComputedProperty
ComputedProperty Private IsObject As Boolean
Sub Get() return HasSetType = kHasSetObject End Get
End ComputedProperty
ComputedProperty ToNativeValue As Variant
Sub Get() if IsObject then dim d as new Dictionary dim rawKeys() as variant = ObjectValues.Keys dim values() as variant = ObjectValues.Values for i as integer = 0 to rawKeys.Ubound dim name as string = KeyToName( rawKeys( i ) ) dim value as variant = values( i ) if value isa JSONItem_MTC then value = JSONItem_MTC( value ).ToNativeValue end if d.Value( name ) = value next return d elseif IsArray then dim arr() as variant redim arr( ArrayValues.Ubound ) for i as integer = 0 to ArrayValues.Ubound dim value as variant = ArrayValues( i ) if value isa JSONItem_MTC then value = JSONItem_MTC( value ).ToNativeValue end if arr( i ) = value next return arr else return nil end if End Get
End ComputedProperty
ComputedProperty ToString As String
Sub Get() return self.Serialize( self ) End Get
End ComputedProperty
Const Version = "4.2"
Const kBackSlash = 92
Const kCloseCurlyBrace = 125
Const kCloseSquareBracket = 93
Const kColon = 58
Const kComma = 44
Const kDefaultDecimalFormat = "-0.0##############"
Const kDot = 46
Const kForwardSlash = 47
Const kHasSetArray = 1
Const kHasSetNone = 0
Const kHasSetObject = 2
Const kHyphen = 45
Const kInMBSize = 2048
Const kOpenCurlyBrace = 123
Const kOpenSquareBracket = 91
Const kOutMBSize = 2097152
Const kPlus = 43
Const kQuote = 34
Enum EncodeType None = 0 JavaScriptCompatible = 1 All = 2 End Enum
Private Sub AdvancePastWhiteSpace(inMB As MemoryBlock, ByRef pos As Integer) dim inPtr as Ptr = inMB dim lastPos as integer = inMB.Size - 1 do if pos > lastPos then raise new JSONException( "A parsing error occurred", 2, pos ) return end if dim thisByte as integer = inPtr.Byte( pos ) select case thisByte case 9, 10, 13, 32 pos = pos + 1 else return end select loop End Sub
Sub Append(value As Variant) if not EnsureArray() then return end if Validate( value ) HasSetType = kHasSetArray ArrayValues.Append value End Sub
Private Function AppendOutMB(outMBs() As MemoryBlock, ByRef outIndex As Integer) As MemoryBlock dim outMB as MemoryBlock outMB = new MemoryBlock( kOutMBSize ) outMBs.Append outMB outIndex = 0 return outMB End Function
Function Child(index As Integer) As JSONItem_MTC dim r as JSONItem_MTC = self.Value( index ) return r End Function
Sub Child(index As Integer, Assigns obj As JSONItem_MTC) self.Value( index ) = obj End Sub
Function Child(name As String) As JSONItem_MTC dim r as JSONItem_MTC = self.Value( name ) return r End Function
Sub Child(name As String, Assigns obj As JSONItem_MTC) self.Value( name ) = obj End Sub
Sub Clear() ObjectValues = new Dictionary redim ArrayValues( -1 ) End Sub
Sub Constructor() LoadCS = new CriticalSection ObjectValues = new Dictionary DecimalFormat = kDefaultDecimalFormat End Sub
Sub Constructor(JSONString As String, isStrict As Boolean = False) self.Constructor() self.Strict = isStrict self.Load JSONString End Sub
Private Function DecodeString(inMB As MemoryBlock, ByRef pos As Integer, current As JSONItem_MTC, outMB As MemoryBlock) As String dim lastPos as integer = inMB.Size - 1 if pos > lastPos then raise new JSONException( "Missing """, 7, pos + 1 ) return "" end if dim inPtr as Ptr = inMB if inPtr.Byte( pos ) <> kQuote then raise new JSONException( "Missing """, 7, pos + 1 ) return "" end if if outMB.Size < inMB.Size then outMB.Size = inMB.Size end if dim outPtr as Ptr = outMB dim outIndex as integer pos = pos + 1 dim flushStart as integer = pos dim flushEnd as integer = -1 dim hasBackSlash as boolean dim surrogatePairFirstHalf as integer dim surrogatePairLastHalf as integer dim expectingSurrogate as boolean dim insertCodepoint as boolean do if pos > lastPos then dim msg as string = if( current.IsArray, "Missing , or ]", "Missing , or }" ) raise new JSONException( msg, 6, pos ) return "" end if if expectingSurrogate and ( inPtr.Byte( pos ) <> kBackSlash or ( pos + 1 ) > lastPos or inPtr.Byte( pos + 1 ) <> 117 ) then raise new JSONException( "Improperly formed JSON string", 0 ) return "" end if dim thisByte as integer = inPtr.Byte( pos ) select case thisByte case kBackSlash hasBackSlash = true if flushEnd <> -1 then dim flushLen as integer = flushEnd - flushStart + 1 outMB.StringValue( outIndex, flushLen ) = inMB.StringValue( flushStart, flushLen ) outIndex = outIndex + flushLen end if pos = pos + 1 if pos > lastPos then continue do end if thisByte = inPtr.Byte( pos ) if Strict and thisByte < 32 then continue do // Deal on the next pass end if select case thisByte case 114 // r outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = 13 outIndex = outIndex + 1 pos = pos + 1 case 116 // t outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = 9 outIndex = outIndex + 1 pos = pos + 1 case 110 // n outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = 10 outIndex = outIndex + 1 pos = pos + 1 case 98 // b outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = 8 outIndex = outIndex + 1 pos = pos + 1 case 102 // f outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = 12 outIndex = outIndex + 1 pos = pos + 1 case 117 // u if ( pos + 5 ) > lastPos then raise new JSONException( "Improperly formed JSON string", 0 ) return "" end if dim codepoint as integer for byteAdder as integer = 1 to 4 dim hexDigit as integer = inPtr.Byte( pos + byteAdder ) select case hexDigit case 48 to 57 // 0 - 9 codepoint = ( codepoint * 16 ) + ( hexDigit - 48 ) case 65 to 70 // A - F codepoint = ( codepoint * 16 ) + ( hexDigit - 55 ) case 97 to 102 // a - f codepoint = ( codepoint * 16 ) + ( hexDigit - 87 ) else raise new JSONException( "Illegal value", 10, pos ) return "" end select next // // See if this is part of a surrogate pair // if expectingSurrogate then if codepoint < &hDC00 or codepoint > &hDFFF then raise new JSONException( "Invalid codepoint", 10, pos ) return "" end if // // surrogatePairFirstHalf holds the first 10 bits, this codepoint holds the last 10 // surrogatePairLastHalf = codepoint codepoint = Bitwise.ShiftLeft( surrogatePairFirstHalf - &hD800, 10, 20 ) + ( surrogatePairLastHalf - &hDC00 ) + &h10000 insertCodepoint = true expectingSurrogate = false elseif codepoint < 128 then outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = codepoint outIndex = outIndex + 1 elseif codepoint < &hD800 or codepoint > &hDFFF then insertCodepoint = True elseif codepoint < &hDC00 then // Surrogate pair surrogatePairFirstHalf = codepoint expectingSurrogate = true else // It's some codepoint that shouldn't be here raise new JSONException( "Invalid codepoint", 10, pos ) return "" end if if insertCodepoint then if codepoint > &b1111111111111111 then // Four bytes outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = &b11110000 or Bitwise.ShiftRight( codepoint, 18, 21 ) outPtr.Byte( outIndex + 1 ) = &b10000000 or ( Bitwise.ShiftRight( codepoint, 12, 21 ) and &b111111 ) outPtr.Byte( outIndex + 2 ) = &b10000000 or ( Bitwise.ShiftRight( codepoint, 6, 21 ) and &b111111 ) outPtr.Byte( outIndex + 3 ) = &b10000000 or ( codepoint and &b111111 ) outIndex = outIndex + 4 elseif codepoint > &b11111111111 then // Three bytes outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = &b11100000 or Bitwise.ShiftRight( codepoint, 12, 16 ) outPtr.Byte( outIndex + 1 ) = &b10000000 or ( BitWise.ShiftRight( codepoint, 6, 16 ) and &b111111 ) outPtr.Byte( outIndex + 2 ) = &b10000000 or ( codepoint and &b111111 ) outIndex = outIndex + 3 else // two bytes outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = &b11000000 or Bitwise.ShiftRight( codepoint, 6, 11 ) outPtr.Byte( outIndex + 1 ) = &b10000000 or ( codepoint and &b111111 ) outIndex = outIndex + 2 end if insertCodepoint = false end if pos = pos + 5 else // Some random escaped character if Strict then raise new JSONException( "Illegal Character", 9, pos + 1 ) return "" end if outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = inPtr.Byte( pos ) outIndex = outIndex + 1 pos = pos + 1 end select flushStart = pos flushEnd = -1 case kQuote // End pos = pos + 1 exit else if self.Strict and thisByte < 32 then raise new JSONException( "Illegal Character", 9, pos + 1 ) return "" end if flushEnd = pos pos = pos + 1 end select loop if hasBackSlash and flushEnd <> -1 then dim flushLen as integer = flushEnd - flushStart + 1 outMB.StringValue( outIndex, flushLen ) = inMB.StringValue( flushStart, flushLen ) outIndex = outIndex + flushLen end if dim r as string if hasBackSlash then r = outMB.StringValue( 0, outIndex ) elseif flushEnd <> -1 then r = inMB.StringValue( flushStart, flushEnd - flushStart + 1 ) end if r = r.DefineEncoding( Encodings.UTF8 ) return r End Function
Private Function DecodeValue(inMB As MemoryBlock, ByRef pos As Integer, current As JSONItem_MTC, outMB As MemoryBlock) As Variant static trueValue as Int32 if trueValue = 0 then dim mb as MemoryBlock = "true" mb.LittleEndian = inMB.LittleEndian trueValue = mb.Int32Value( 0 ) end if static nullValue as Int32 if nullValue = 0 then dim mb as MemoryBlock = "null" mb.LittleEndian = inMB.LittleEndian nullValue = mb.Int32Value( 0 ) end if static falsValue as Int32 if falsValue = 0 then dim mb as MemoryBlock = "fals" mb.LittleEndian = inMB.LittleEndian falsValue = mb.Int32Value( 0 ) end if dim lastPos as integer = inMB.Size - 1 if pos > lastPos then raise new JSONException( "A parsing error occurred", 2, pos + 1 ) return nil end if dim inPtr as Ptr = inMB dim thisByte as integer = inPtr.Byte( pos ) if thisByte = kQuote then return DecodeString( inMB, pos, current, outMB ) elseif thisByte = kOpenCurlyBrace then dim child as new JSONItem_MTC child.HasSetType = kHasSetObject pos = pos + 1 return child elseif thisByte = kOpenSquareBracket then dim child as new JSONItem_MTC child.HasSetType = kHasSetArray pos = pos + 1 return child end if // Look for the next ender dim startPos as integer = pos dim endPos as integer = pos + 1 do if endPos > lastPos then dim msg as string = if( current.IsArray, "Missing , or ]", "Missing , or }" ) raise new JSONException( msg, 6, endPos + 1 ) return nil end if thisByte = inPtr.Byte( endPos ) if thisByte < 33 then exit do elseif thisByte = kComma then exit do elseif thisByte = kCloseCurlyBrace or thisByte = kCloseSquareBracket then exit do end if endPos = endPos + 1 loop pos = endPos endPos = endPos - 1 dim valueLen as integer = endPos - startPos + 1 dim value as variant dim keepChecking as boolean = valueLen <> 0 dim firstByte as integer = inPtr.Byte( startPos ) // // See if it's true, false, or null first // if keepChecking and valueLen = 5 then // false? if firstByte = 102 and inPtr.Byte( startPos + 4 ) = 101 and inMB.Int32Value( startPos ) = falsValue then value = false keepChecking = false end if end if if keepChecking and valueLen = 4 then // true or null? if firstByte = 116 and inMB.Int32Value( startPos ) = trueValue then value = true keepChecking = false end if if keepChecking and firstByte = 110 and inMB.Int32Value( startPos ) = nullValue then value = nil keepChecking = false end if end if // // Is it an number? // if keepChecking and valueLen = 1 and firstByte >= 48 and firstByte <= 57 then // Single digit value = firstByte - 48 keepChecking = false end if if keepChecking then // // Only send it to ParseNumber if it's not Strict, or if the firstByte meets strict criteria // if not Strict or ( firstByte = kHyphen or ( firstByte >= 48 and firstByte <= 57 ) ) then if ParseNumber( inMB, startPos, endPos, value ) then keepChecking = false end if end if end if // // Hail Mary // if keepChecking and not Strict then keepChecking = false dim valueString as string = inMB.StringValue( startPos, valueLen ).DefineEncoding( Encodings.UTF8 ) if valueString = "true" then value = true elseif valueString = "false" then value = false elseif valueString = "null" then value = nil elseif IsNumeric( valueString ) then value = val( valueString ) else keepChecking = true end if end if if keepChecking then // Never found it raise new JSONException( "Illegal Value", 10, startPos ) end if return value End Function
Private Sub EncodeCodepoint(value As Integer, outPtr As Ptr, pos As Integer) // WARNING: Assumption is that the destination has enough room static hexByteArr() as integer = Array( 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70 ) // 0-9, A- F outPtr.Byte( pos + 3 ) = hexByteArr( value and &h0F ) outPtr.Byte( pos + 2 ) = hexByteArr( Bitwise.ShiftRight( value, 4, 32 ) and &h0F ) outPtr.Byte( pos + 1 ) = hexByteArr( Bitwise.ShiftRight( value, 8, 32 ) and &h0F ) outPtr.Byte( pos ) = hexByteArr( Bitwise.ShiftRight( value, 12, 32 ) and &h0F ) End Sub
Private Sub EncodeString(s As String, settings As JSONItem_MTC, outMBs() As MemoryBlock, ByRef outIndex As Integer, inMB As MemoryBlock) // Encodes a string for output during ToString. // Honors the EncodeUnicode setting, but some characters must ALWAYS be encoded for // Javascript compatibility. These are // // chr 127 // &h00ad // &h0600 - &h0604 // &h070f // &h17b4 - &h17b5 // &h200c - &h200f // &h2028 - &h202f // &h2060 - &h206f // &hfeff // &hfff0 - &hffff static alwaysEncode() as integer = Array( _ 127, &hAD, _ &h600, &h601, &h602, &h603, &h604, _ &h70F, _ &h17B4, &h17B5, _ &h200C, &h200D, &h200E, &h200F, _ &h2028, &h2029, &h202A, &h202B, &h202C, &h202D, &h202E, &h202F, _ &h2060, &h2061, &h2062, &h2063, &h2064, &h2065, &h2066, &h2067, &h2068, &h2069, _ &h206A, &h206B, &h206C, &h206D, &h206E, &h206F, _ &hFEFF, _ &hFFF0, &hFFF1, &hFFF2, &hFFF3, &hFFF4, &hFFF5, &hFFF6, &hFFF7, &hfff8, &hFFF9, _ &hFFFA, &hFFFB, &hFFFC, &hFFFD, &hFFFE, &hFFFF _ ) const kByteBuffer = 13 // Most an encoding can use plus the trailing quote dim outMB as MemoryBlock = outMBs( outMBs.Ubound ) dim outSize as integer = outMB.Size if outIndex > ( outSize - kByteBuffer ) then outMB = AppendOutMB( outMBs, outIndex ) end if dim outPtr as Ptr = outMB outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = kQuote outIndex = outIndex + 1 if s = "" then outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = kQuote outIndex = outIndex + 1 return end if s = s.ConvertEncoding( Encodings.UTF8 ) dim inSize as integer = s.LenB if inMB.Size < inSize then inMB.Size = inSize end if inMB.StringValue( 0, inSize ) = s dim inPtr as Ptr = inMB dim lastIndex as integer = inSize - 1 dim inIndex as integer = -1 dim encodeUnicode as EncodeType = settings.EncodeUnicode dim escapeSlashes as boolean = settings.EscapeSlashes do inIndex = inIndex + 1 if inIndex > lastIndex then exit do end if if outIndex > ( outSize - kByteBuffer ) then outMB = AppendOutMB( outMBs, outIndex ) outSize = outMB.Size outPtr = outMB end if dim thisByte as byte = inPtr.Byte( inIndex ) if thisByte = 34 or thisByte = kBackSlash then // quote or backslash outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = kBackSlash outPtr.Byte( outIndex + 1 ) = thisByte outIndex = outIndex + 2 elseif thisByte = 47 then // slash if escapeSlashes then outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = kBackSlash outPtr.Byte( outIndex + 1 ) = thisByte outIndex = outIndex + 2 else outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = thisByte outIndex = outIndex + 1 end if elseif thisByte = 8 then // backspace outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = kBackSlash outPtr.Byte( outIndex + 1 ) = 98 // b outIndex = outIndex + 2 elseif thisByte = 9 then // tab outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = kBackSlash outPtr.Byte( outIndex + 1 ) = 116 // t outIndex = outIndex + 2 elseif thisByte = 10 then // linefeed outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = kBackSlash outPtr.Byte( outIndex + 1 ) = 110 // n outIndex = outIndex + 2 elseif thisByte = 12 then // formfeed outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = kBackSlash outPtr.Byte( outIndex + 1 ) = 102 // f outIndex = outIndex + 2 elseif thisByte = 13 then // return outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = kBackSlash outPtr.Byte( outIndex + 1 ) = 114 // r outIndex = outIndex + 2 elseif thisByte < 32 then // control character outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = kBackSlash outPtr.Byte( outIndex + 1 ) = 117 // u dim insertValue as string = Right( "000" + hex( thisByte ), 4 ) outMB.StringValue( outIndex + 2, 4 ) = insertValue outIndex = outIndex + 6 elseif thisByte > 127 and thisByte < 192 then // Continuation byte that wasn't encoded, so just add it outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = thisByte outIndex = outIndex + 1 elseif encodeUnicode <> EncodeType.None and ( thisByte = 127 or thisByte >= 192 ) then // Leading byte dim codepoint as integer dim byteLength as integer if thisByte >= 240 then byteLength = 4 codepoint = Bitwise.ShiftLeft( thisByte and &b00000111, 18, 21 ) codepoint = codepoint + ( Bitwise.ShiftLeft( inPtr.Byte( inIndex + 1 ) and &b00111111, 12, 21 ) ) codepoint = codepoint + ( Bitwise.ShiftLeft( inPtr.Byte( inIndex + 2 ) and &b00111111 , 6, 21 ) ) codepoint = codepoint + ( inPtr.Byte( inIndex + 3 ) and &b00111111 ) elseif thisByte >= 224 then byteLength = 3 codepoint = Bitwise.ShiftLeft( thisByte and &b00001111, 12, 18 ) codepoint = codepoint + ( Bitwise.ShiftLeft( inPtr.Byte( inIndex + 1 ) and &b00111111, 6, 18 ) ) codepoint = codepoint + ( inPtr.Byte( inIndex + 2 ) and &b00111111 ) elseif thisByte >= 192 then byteLength = 2 codepoint = Bitwise.ShiftLeft( thisByte and &b00011111, 6, 18 ) codepoint = codepoint + ( inPtr.Byte( inIndex + 1 ) and &b00111111 ) else byteLength = 1 codepoint = thisByte end if // // See if we have to use a surrogate pair // if codepoint > &hFFFF and encodeUnicode = EncodeType.All then codepoint = codepoint - &h10000 dim surrogateFirst as integer = &hD800 + Bitwise.ShiftRight( codepoint, 10, 21 ) dim surrogateLast as integer = &hDC00 + ( codepoint and &b1111111111 ) outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = kBackSlash outPtr.Byte( outIndex + 1 ) = 117 // u EncodeCodepoint( surrogateFirst, outPtr, outIndex + 2 ) outPtr.Byte( outIndex + 6 ) = kBackSlash outPtr.Byte( outIndex + 7 ) = 117 // u EncodeCodepoint( surrogateLast, outPtr, outIndex + 8 ) outIndex = outIndex + 12 elseif codepoint <= &hFFFF and ( encodeUnicode = EncodeType.All or alwaysEncode.IndexOf( codepoint ) <> -1 ) then outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = kBackSlash outPtr.Byte( outIndex + 1 ) = 117 // u EncodeCodepoint( codepoint, outPtr, outIndex + 2 ) outIndex = outIndex + 6 else outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = thisByte outIndex = outIndex + 1 byteLength = 1 // Doesn't matter what it really is, only need to advance one byte end if inIndex = inIndex + byteLength - 1 else // thisByte > 31 and thisByte < 127 outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = thisByte outIndex = outIndex + 1 end if loop outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = kQuote outIndex = outIndex + 1 End Sub
Private Sub EncodeValue(value As Variant, settings As JSONItem_MTC, level As Integer, outMBs() As MemoryBlock, ByRef outIndex As Integer, inMB As MemoryBlock) if value IsA JSONItem_MTC then JSONItem_MTC( value ).Serialize( outMBs, outIndex, settings, level, inMB ) elseif value IsA Dictionary then dim child as JSONItem_MTC = Dictionary( value ) child.Serialize( outMBs, outIndex, settings, level, inMB ) elseif value.Type = Variant.TypeString or value.Type = Variant.TypeCString or _ value.Type = Variant.TypePString then EncodeString( value.StringValue, settings, outMBs, outIndex, inMB ) elseif value.Type = Variant.TypeText then dim t as Text = value.TextValue dim s as string = t EncodeString( s, settings, outMBs, outIndex, inMB ) else dim insert as string if value.Type = Variant.TypeDouble or value.Type = Variant.TypeSingle or _ value.Type = Variant.TypeCurrency then dim s as string = value.StringValue if s.InStr( "inf" ) <> 0 then if settings.Strict then raise new JSONException( "Illegal Value 'inf'", 10 ) else insert = "inf" end if elseif s.InStr( "nan" ) <> 0 then if settings.Strict then raise new JSONException( "Illegal Value 'nan'", 10 ) else insert = "nan" end if else insert = Format( value, settings.DecimalFormat ) end if elseif value.Type = Variant.TypeNil then insert = "null" else insert = value.StringValue.Lowercase end if dim insertLen as integer = insert.LenB dim outMB as MemoryBlock = outMBs( outMBs.Ubound ) dim outSize as integer = outMB.Size if outIndex > ( outSize - insertLen ) then outMB = AppendOutMB( outMBs, outIndex ) end if outMB.StringValue( outIndex, insertLen ) = insert outIndex = outIndex + insertLen end if End Sub
Private Function EnsureArray() As Boolean if HasSetType <> kHasSetObject then return true else raise new JSONException( "This JSONItem_MTC is an object", 13 ) return false end if End Function
Private Function EnsureObject() As Boolean if HasSetType <> kHasSetArray then return true else raise new JSONException( "This JSONItem_MTC is an array", 13 ) return false end if End Function
Function HasName(name As String) As Boolean if not EnsureObject() then return false end if HasSetType = kHasSetObject dim key as string = NameToKey( name ) return ObjectValues.HasKey( key ) End Function
Sub Insert(index As Integer, value As Variant) if not EnsureArray() then return end if HasSetType = kHasSetArray ArrayValues.Insert( index, value ) End Sub
Function IsLoading() As Boolean return mIsLoading End Function
Private Function JSONStringToUTF8(s As String) As String // Ensures that the given string is converted to UTF8. // // A string obtained from an unknown source might be nil or might // be marked as the wrong encoding, so we won't trust it // and will check ourselves. // // Since the string must start with characters in the ASCII range // (whitespace, {, or [), we only need the first four bytes. static null as string = ChrB( 0 ) static doubleNull as string = null + null static tripleNull as string = null + null + null dim firstFour as string = s.LeftB( 4 ) if firstFour.LenB < 2 or firstFour.LenB = 3 then return s.DefineEncoding( Encodings.UTF8 ) end if // // Check for BOM // if true then // Scope static bomArr() as string = Array( _ ChrB( &hFF ) + ChrB( &hFE ) + doubleNull, _ doubleNull + ChrB( &hFE ) + ChrB( &hFF ), _ ChrB( &hEF ) + ChrB( &hBB ) + ChrB( &hBF ), _ ChrB( &hFF ) + ChrB( &hFE ), _ ChrB( &hFE ) + ChrB( &hFF ) _ ) for i as integer = 0 to bomArr.Ubound dim bom as string = bomArr( i ) dim bomLen as integer = bom.LenB if firstFour.LeftB( bomLen ) = bom then s = s.MidB( bomLen + 1 ) firstFour = s.LeftB( 4 ) exit end if next i end if // Check for UTF8 if firstFour.InStrB( null ) = 0 then return s.DefineEncoding( Encodings.UTF8 ) end if // UTF32? if firstFour.LenB = 4 then if firstFour.LeftB( 3 ) = tripleNull then s = s.DefineEncoding( Encodings.UTF32BE ) return s.ConvertEncoding( Encodings.UTF8 ) end if if firstFour.RightB( 3 ) = tripleNull then s = s.DefineEncoding( Encodings.UTF32LE ) return s.ConvertEncoding( Encodings.UTF8 ) end if end if // UTF16? if firstFour.LeftB( 1 ) = null then s = s.DefineEncoding( Encodings.UTF16BE ) return s.ConvertEncoding( Encodings.UTF8 ) end if if firstFour.RightB( 1 ) = null then s = s.DefineEncoding( Encodings.UTF16LE ) return s.ConvertEncoding( Encodings.UTF8 ) end if // We don't know what the heck it is return s End Function
Private Function KeyToName(key As String) As String dim hex as string = key.NthField( "-", key.CountFields( "-" ) ) dim name as string = key.LeftB( key.LenB - hex.LenB - 1 ) return name End Function
Sub Load(JSONString As String) const kNeverStarted = -1000 dim originalSetType as integer = kNeverStarted dim originalValue as variant if not LoadCS.TryEnter then raise new JSONException( "This object is currently loading", 0 ) return end if JSONString = JSONStringToUTF8( JSONString ).RTrim if JSONString = "" then // Do nothing else mIsLoading = true // // Save original values // originalSetType = self.HasSetType if originalSetType = kHasSetArray then dim values() as variant redim values( ArrayValues.Ubound ) for i as integer = 0 to ArrayValues.Ubound values( i ) = ArrayValues( i ) next i originalValue = values elseif originalSetType = kHasSetObject then dim d as new Dictionary dim keys() as Variant = ObjectValues.Keys for i as integer = 0 to keys.Ubound dim k as variant = keys( i ) d.Value( k ) = ObjectValues.Value( k ) next i originalValue = d end if dim inMB as MemoryBlock = JSONString dim pos as integer dim inPtr as Ptr = inMB if inPtr.Byte( pos ) < 33 then self.AdvancePastWhiteSpace( inMB, pos ) end if dim proceed as boolean = true if inPtr.Byte( pos ) = kOpenSquareBracket then if IsObject then // Do nothing proceed = false else HasSetType = kHasSetArray end if elseif inPtr.Byte( pos ) = kOpenCurlyBrace then if IsArray then // Do nothing proceed = false else HasSetType = kHasSetObject end if elseif inPtr.Byte( pos ) <> kOpenCurlyBrace and inPtr.Byte( pos ) <> kOpenSquareBracket then raise new JSONException( "Parse Error: Expecting '{' or '['", 1 ) return end if if proceed then dim outMB as new MemoryBlock( 1024 ) pos = pos + 1 dim stack() as JSONItem_MTC dim current as JSONItem_MTC = self dim lastIndex as integer = inMB.Size - 1 do if current.IsArray then if pos <= lastIndex and inPtr.Byte( pos ) < 33 then self.AdvancePastWhiteSpace( inMB, pos ) end if if inPtr.Byte( pos ) = kCloseSquareBracket then // Empty array if stack.Ubound <> -1 then current = stack.Pop else current = nil end if pos = pos + 1 else LoadArray( inMB, pos, current, stack, outMB ) if pos <= lastIndex and inPtr.Byte( pos ) < 33 then self.AdvancePastWhiteSpace( inMB, pos ) end if end if else if pos <= lastIndex and inPtr.Byte( pos ) < 33 then self.AdvancePastWhiteSpace( inMB, pos ) end if if inPtr.Byte( pos ) = kCloseCurlyBrace then // Empty object if stack.Ubound <> -1 then current = stack.Pop else current = nil end if pos = pos + 1 else LoadObject( inMB, pos, current, stack, outMB ) if pos <= lastIndex and inPtr.Byte( pos ) < 33 then self.AdvancePastWhiteSpace( inMB, pos ) end if end if end if if current is nil then if pos <= lastIndex then raise new JSONException( "A parsing error occurred", 2, pos ) end if exit do elseif pos > lastIndex then raise new JSONException( "A parsing error occurred", 2, pos ) exit do else if inPtr.Byte( pos ) < 33 then self.AdvancePastWhiteSpace( inMB, pos ) end if if inPtr.Byte( pos ) = kComma then pos = pos + 1 end if end if loop end if // proceed end if // JSONString = "" mIsLoading = false LoadCS.Leave Exception err as RuntimeException // // Restore original values // if originalSetType <> kNeverStarted then self.Clear if originalSetType = kHasSetArray then ArrayValues = originalValue elseif originalSetType = kHasSetObject then ObjectValues = originalValue end if HasSetType = originalSetType end if mIsLoading = False LoadCS.Leave raise err End Sub
Private Sub LoadArray(inMB As MemoryBlock, ByRef pos As Integer, ByRef current As JSONItem_MTC, stack() As JSONItem_MTC, outMB As MemoryBlock) dim inPtr As Ptr = inMB dim commaFound as boolean dim value as variant do if inPtr.Byte( pos ) < 33 then self.AdvancePastWhiteSpace( inMB, pos ) end if if inPtr.Byte( pos ) = kCloseSquareBracket then if commaFound then raise new JSONException( "Illegal Value", 10, pos ) exit do end if pos = pos + 1 if stack.Ubound <> -1 then current = stack.Pop else current = nil end if exit do end if value = DecodeValue( inMB, pos, current, outMB ) current.ArrayValues.Append value if value IsA JSONItem_MTC then stack.Append current current = value exit do end if if inPtr.Byte( pos ) < 33 then self.AdvancePastWhiteSpace( inMB, pos ) end if commaFound = false if inPtr.Byte( pos ) = kComma then pos = pos + 1 commaFound = true elseif inPtr.Byte( pos ) <> kCloseSquareBracket then raise new JSONException( "A parsing error occurred", 2, pos + 1 ) exit do end if loop End Sub
Private Sub LoadObject(inMB As MemoryBlock, ByRef pos As Integer, ByRef current As JSONItem_MTC, stack() As JSONItem_MTC, outMB As MemoryBlock) dim inPtr As Ptr = inMB dim name as string dim key as string dim value as variant do if inPtr.Byte( pos ) < 33 then self.AdvancePastWhiteSpace( inMB, pos ) end if if inPtr.Byte( pos ) = kCloseCurlyBrace then pos = pos + 1 if stack.Ubound <> -1 then current = stack.Pop else current = nil end if exit do end if name = DecodeString( inMB, pos, current, outMB ) if inPtr.Byte( pos ) < 33 then self.AdvancePastWhiteSpace( inMB, pos ) end if if inPtr.Byte( pos ) <> kColon then // Something is wrong raise new JSONException( "Missing :", 5, pos + 1 ) exit do end if pos = pos + 1 if inPtr.Byte( pos ) < 33 then self.AdvancePastWhiteSpace( inMB, pos ) end if value = DecodeValue( inMB, pos, current, outMB ) key = NameToKey( name ) current.ObjectValues.Value( key ) = value if value IsA JSONItem_MTC then stack.Append current current = value exit do end if if inPtr.Byte( pos ) < 33 then self.AdvancePastWhiteSpace( inMB, pos ) end if if inPtr.Byte( pos ) = kComma then pos = pos + 1 end if loop End Sub
Function Lookup(name As String, defaultValue As Variant) As Variant if not EnsureObject() then return nil end if dim key as string = NameToKey( name ) return ObjectValues.Lookup( key, defaultValue ) End Function
Function Name(index As Integer) As String if not EnsureObject() then return "" end if dim key as string = ObjectValues.Key( index ).StringValue dim name as string = KeyToName( key ) return name End Function
Private Function NameToKey(name As String) As String name = name.ConvertEncoding( Encodings.UTF8 ) dim key as string = name + "-" + EncodeHex( name ) return key End Function
Function Names() As String() if not EnsureObject() then return nil end if dim d as Dictionary = ObjectValues dim keys() as variant = d.Keys dim r() as string redim r( keys.Ubound ) for i as integer = 0 to keys.Ubound dim name as string = keys( i ) name = KeyToName( name ) r( i ) = name next i return r End Function
Sub Operator_Convert(arr() As Boolean) self.Constructor() for each v as boolean in arr self.Append v next End Sub
Sub Operator_Convert(arr() As Currency) self.Constructor() for each v as currency in arr self.Append v next End Sub
Sub Operator_Convert(d As Dictionary) self.Constructor() dim keys() as variant = d.Keys for each name as string in keys self.Value( name ) = d.Value( name ) next End Sub
Sub Operator_Convert(arr() As Double) self.Constructor() for each v as double in arr self.Append v next End Sub
Sub Operator_Convert(arr() As Int32) self.Constructor() for each v as Int32 in arr self.Append v next End Sub
Sub Operator_Convert(arr() As Int64) self.Constructor() for each v as Int64 in arr self.Append v next End Sub
Sub Operator_Convert(arr() As Object) self.Constructor() for each v as object in arr self.Append v next End Sub
Sub Operator_Convert(arr() As Single) self.Constructor() for each v as single in arr self.Append v next End Sub
Sub Operator_Convert(arr() As String) self.Constructor() for each v as string in arr self.Append v next End Sub
Sub Operator_Convert(arr() As Text) self.Constructor() for each v as text in arr self.Append v next End Sub
Sub Operator_Convert(arr() As Variant) self.Constructor() for each v as variant in arr self.Append v next End Sub
Function Operator_Subscript(index As Integer) As Variant return self.Value( index ) End Function
Sub Operator_Subscript(index As Integer, Assigns value As Variant) self.Value( index ) = value End Sub
Shared Function ParseJSON(s As String) As Variant dim j as new JSONItem_MTC( s ) return j.ToNativeValue End Function
Private Function ParseNumber(mb As MemoryBlock, startPos As Integer, endPos As Integer, ByRef result As Variant) As Boolean if endPos >= mb.Size then endPos = mb.Size - 1 end if if endPos <= startPos then return false end if dim p as Ptr = mb dim dotFound as boolean dim inExponent as boolean dim r as boolean = true dim pos as integer = startPos dim thisByte as integer = p.Byte( pos ) dim isNegative as boolean if thisByte = kHyphen then isNegative = true pos = pos + 1 elseif thisByte = kPlus then pos = pos + 1 end if dim total as Int64 do thisByte = p.Byte( pos ) select case thisByte case kDot if dotFound or inExponent then r = false exit do else dotFound = true pos = pos + 1 end if case 48 to 57 if not dotFound and not inExponent then total = ( total * 10 ) + ( thisByte - 48 ) end if pos = pos + 1 case 101, 69 // e, E if inExponent then r = false exit do elseif Strict and dotFound and p.Byte( pos - 1 ) = kDot then r = false exit do else inExponent = true pos = pos + 1 if pos > endPos then r = false exit do else thisByte = p.Byte( pos ) if thisByte = 45 or thisByte = 43 then pos = pos + 1 if pos > endPos then r = false exit do end if end if end if end if else r = false exit do end select loop until pos > endPos if r and Strict and dotFound and ( p.Byte( endPos ) < 48 or p.Byte( endPos ) > 57 ) then r = false end if if r then if not dotFound and not inExponent then // Integer if isNegative then total = 0 - total end if result = total else dim s as string = mb.StringValue( startPos, endPos - startPos + 1 ) result = Val( s ) end if end if return r End Function
Sub Remove(index As Integer) if not EnsureArray() then return end if ArrayValues.Remove( index ) End Sub
Sub Remove(name As String) if not EnsureObject() then return end if dim key as string = NameToKey( name ) ObjectValues.Remove( key ) End Sub
Function Serialize(data As JSONItem_MTC) As String // // Most JSON will be rather small, so we'll start with a small initial block const kInitialMBSize = 10 * 1024 dim outMB as new MemoryBlock( kInitialMBSize ) dim outMBs() as MemoryBlock outMBs.Append outMB dim outIndex as integer dim inMB as new MemoryBlock( kInMBSize ) data.Serialize( outMBs, outIndex, self, 0, inMB) // // We know exactly how long the last MemoryBlock's data is // in outIndex // dim joiner() as string redim joiner( outMBs.Ubound) for i as integer = 0 to outMBs.Ubound #if DebugBuild if i = 1 then i = i // A place to break end if #endif outMB = outMBs( i ) outMBs( i ) = nil dim s as string if i = outMBs.Ubound then s = outMB.StringValue( 0, outIndex ) else // // Scan for the final null // dim lastBytePos as integer = outMB.Size - 1 dim p as Ptr = outMB for bytePos as integer = lastBytePos downto 0 if p.Byte( bytePos ) <> 0 then s = outMB.StringValue( 0, bytePos + 1 ) exit for bytePos end if next bytePos end if outMB = nil if s = "" then raise new JSONException( "Couldn't find non-null bytes in a MemoryBlock", 0 ) end if s = s.DefineEncoding( Encodings.UTF8 ) joiner( i ) = s next i dim r as string = join( joiner, "" ) return r End Function
Protected Sub Serialize(outMBs() As MemoryBlock, ByRef outIndex As Integer, settings As JSONItem_MTC, level As Integer, inMB As MemoryBlock) dim outMB as MemoryBlock = outMBs( outMBs.Ubound ) level = level + 1 dim notCompact as boolean = not( settings.Compact ) and settings.IndentSpacing > 0 static lotsOfSpaces as string = " " dim indenter as string if notCompact then dim targetLen as integer = level * settings.IndentSpacing while lotsOfSpaces.LenB < targetLen lotsOfSpaces = lotsOfSpaces + lotsOfSpaces wend indenter = lotsOfSpaces.LeftB( targetLen ) end if // // Always keep at least a 1024 byte buffer at the end of the outMB // dim outSize as integer = outMB.Size if outIndex > ( outSize - 1024 ) then outMB = AppendOutMB( outMBs, outIndex ) outSize = outMB.Size end if dim outPtr as Ptr = outMB if IsArray then outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = kOpenSquareBracket outIndex = outIndex + 1 if ArrayValues.Ubound <> -1 then if notCompact then #if TargetWin32 outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = 13 outIndex = outIndex + 1 #endif outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = 10 outIndex = outIndex + 1 end if for i as integer = 0 to ArrayValues.Ubound if outIndex > ( outSize - 1024 ) then outMB = AppendOutMB( outMBs, outIndex ) outSize = outMB.Size outPtr = outMB end if if notCompact then outMB.StringValue( outIndex, indenter.LenB ) = indenter outIndex = outIndex + indenter.LenB end if dim value as variant = ArrayValues( i ) EncodeValue( value, settings, level, outMBs, outIndex, inMB ) outMB = outMBs( outMBs.Ubound ) outSize = outMB.Size if outIndex > ( outSize - 1024 ) then outMB = AppendOutMB( outMBs, outIndex ) outSize = outMB.Size end if outPtr = outMB if i < ArrayValues.Ubound then outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = kComma outIndex = outIndex + 1 end if if notCompact then #if TargetWin32 outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = 13 outIndex = outIndex + 1 #endif outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = 10 outIndex = outIndex + 1 end if next i if outIndex > ( outSize - 1024 ) then outMB = AppendOutMB( outMBs, outIndex ) outSize = outMB.Size outPtr = outMB end if if notCompact then if outIndex > ( outSize - indenter.LenB ) then outMB = AppendOutMB( outMBs, outIndex ) outSize = outMB.Size outPtr = outMB end if outMB.StringValue( outIndex, indenter.LenB - settings.IndentSpacing ) = indenter.LeftB( indenter.LenB - indentSpacing ) outIndex = outIndex + ( indenter.LenB - settings.IndentSpacing ) end if end if if outIndex > ( outSize - 1024 ) then outMB = AppendOutMB( outMBs, outIndex ) outSize = outMB.Size outPtr = outMB end if outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = kCloseSquareBracket outIndex = outIndex + 1 else dim d as Dictionary = ObjectValues outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = kOpenCurlyBrace outIndex = outIndex + 1 if d.Count <> 0 then if notCompact then #if TargetWin32 outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = 13 outIndex = outIndex + 1 #endif outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = 10 outIndex = outIndex + 1 end if dim keys() as variant = d.Keys for i as integer = 0 to keys.Ubound if outIndex > ( outSize - 1024 ) then outMB = AppendOutMB( outMBs, outIndex ) outSize = outMB.Size outPtr = outMB end if if notCompact then outMB.StringValue( outIndex, indenter.LenB ) = indenter outIndex = outIndex + indenter.LenB end if dim key as variant = keys( i ) dim name as string = KeyToName( key ) EncodeString( name, settings, outMBs, outIndex, inMB ) outMB = outMBs( outMBs.Ubound ) outSize = outMB.Size if outIndex > ( outSize - 1 ) then outMB = AppendOutMB( outMBs, outIndex ) outSize = outMB.Size end if outPtr = outMB outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = kColon outIndex = outIndex + 1 dim value as variant = d.Value( key ) EncodeValue( value, settings, level, outMBs, outIndex, inMB ) outMB = outMBs( outMBs.Ubound ) outSize = outMB.Size if outIndex > ( outSize - 1024 ) then outMB = AppendOutMB( outMBs, outIndex ) outSize = outMB.Size end if outPtr = outMB if i < keys.Ubound then outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = kComma outIndex = outIndex + 1 end if if notCompact then #if TargetWin32 outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = 13 outIndex = outIndex + 1 #endif outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = 10 outIndex = outIndex + 1 end if next if notCompact then if outIndex > ( outSize - indenter.LenB ) then outMB = AppendOutMB( outMBs, outIndex ) outSize = outMB.Size outPtr = outMB end if outMB.StringValue( outIndex, indenter.LenB - settings.IndentSpacing ) = indenter.LeftB( indenter.LenB - indentSpacing ) outIndex = outIndex + ( indenter.LenB - settings.IndentSpacing ) end if end if if outIndex > ( outSize - 1024 ) then outMB = AppendOutMB( outMBs, outIndex ) outSize = outMB.Size outPtr = outMB end if outPtr.Byte( outIndex ) = kCloseCurlyBrace outIndex = outIndex + 1 end if End Sub
Private Sub Validate(ByRef value As Variant) // // If value holds a Dictionary or Array, // this will do the conversion and allow the new // object to raise an exception if needed // dim isGood as boolean = true // Assume it is if value.IsArray then dim jsonArr as JSONItem_MTC select case value.ArrayElementType case Variant.TypeBoolean dim arr() as boolean = value jsonArr = arr case Variant.TypeDouble dim arr() as double = value jsonArr = arr case Variant.TypeInt32 dim arr() as Int32 = value jsonArr = arr case Variant.TypeInt64 dim arr() as Int64 = value jsonArr = arr case Variant.TypeSingle dim arr() as single = value jsonArr = arr case Variant.TypeString dim arr() as string = value jsonArr = arr case Variant.TypeText dim arr() as text = value jsonArr = arr case Variant.TypeObject dim arr() as object = value jsonArr = arr case else isGood = false end select if isGood then value = jsonArr end if else select case value.Type case Variant.TypeNil, Variant.TypeBoolean case Variant.TypeString, Variant.TypeCString, Variant.TypePString, Variant.TypeText case Variant.TypeDouble, Variant.TypeSingle, Variant.TypeCurrency case Variant.TypeInt32, Variant.TypeInt64, Variant.TypeInteger case Variant.TypeObject select case value case IsA JSONItem_MTC case IsA Dictionary dim dictJSON as JSONItem_MTC = Dictionary( value ) value = dictJSON else raise new JSONException( "Unrecognized Object", 11 ) end select else isGood = false end end if if not isGood then raise new JSONException( "Illegal Value", 10 ) end End Sub
Function Value(index As Integer) As Variant if not EnsureArray() then return nil end if return ArrayValues( index ) End Function
Sub Value(index As Integer, Assigns value As Variant) if not EnsureArray() then return end if Validate( value ) HasSetType = kHasSetArray if ArrayValues.Ubound < index then ArrayValues.Append value else ArrayValues( index ) = value end if End Sub
Function Value(name As String) As Variant if not EnsureObject() then return nil end if dim key as string = NameToKey( name ) return ObjectValues.Value( key ) End Function
Sub Value(name As String, Assigns value As Variant) if not EnsureObject then return end if Validate( value ) HasSetType = kHasSetObject dim key as string = NameToKey( name ) ObjectValues.Value( key ) = value End Sub
Note "About"
JSONItem_MTC This is a drop-in replacements for the native JSONItem. It emulates all its features but should perform certain functions faster. To use it, search for "JSONItem" within your project and replace it with "JSONItem_MTC". Then drag the JSONItem_MTC class into your project. Differences: - You can add any object to JSONItem and it will throw an exception when you try to use ToString. This class will throw that exception when you try to add the bad object. - This class has an extra property, EncodeUnicode. By default, it is False to emulate the native class. If set to True, it will encode all characters whose codepoints are greater than 127. - Some error messages will be different within this class than the native class. - As of Xojo 2014r21, ToString is significantly faster in this class than the native version. See the Legal note for licensing information. If you do make useful modifications, please let me know so I can include them in future versions. Kem Tekinay Original project at:
Note "Acknowledgements"
With thanks to Jeremy Cowgar for his suggestions and adding the unit testing framework. With thanks for Paul Lefebvre of Xojo, Inc., for creating the unit testing framework in the first place.
Note "Legal"
This class was created by Kem Tekinay, MacTechnologies Consulting ( It is copyright ©2015 by Kem Tekinay, all rights reserved. This project is distributed AS-IS and no warranty of fitness for any particular purpose is expressed or implied. The author disavows any responsibility for bad design, poor execution, or any other faults. You may freely use or modify this project or any part within. You may distribute a modified version as long as this notice or any other legal notice is left undisturbed and all modifications are clearly documented and accredited. The author does not actively support this class, although comments and recommendations are welcome.
Note "Specs (RFC)"
This class follows the specs in RFC 7159 found, among other places, here:
Property Protected ArrayValues() As Variant
Property Compact As Boolean = True
Property DecimalFormat As String
Property EncodeUnicode As EncodeType = EncodeType.JavaScriptCompatible
Property EscapeSlashes As Boolean = True
Property Protected HasSetType As Integer
Property IndentSpacing As Integer = 2
Property Private LoadCS As CriticalSection
Property Protected ObjectValues As Dictionary
Property Strict As Boolean
Property Private mIsLoading As Boolean
End Class
End Project

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