Platforms to show: All Mac Windows Linux Cross-Platform
Examples C:
- CVPixelBuffer test (/AVFoundation/)
- Create PDF with Barcodes (/Barcode/generate/)
- CoreBluetooth Devices (/Bluetooth/Mac Bluetooth/)
- ChartDirector Control (/ChartDirector/)
- ChartDirector Control for Web (/ChartDirector/)
- ChartDirector Control Retina (/ChartDirector/)
- Crosshair with Axis Labels (/ChartDirector/Tracking Cursor/)
- CreateArchive iOS (/Compression/Archive/)
- Compress example (/Compression/bzip2/)
- Compress test (/Compression/bzip2/)
- CompressFiles test (/Compression/Old ZipMBS class/)
- Compress example (/Compression/zlib/)
- Compress test (/Compression/zlib/)
- ChatGPT (/CURL/)
- CURL info (/CURL/)
- CURL Mime (/CURL/)
- CURL text download (/CURL/)
- CURL URL Parser (/CURL/)
- CURL WebSocket Test (/CURL/)
- CURLN info (/CURL/)
- CURLN text download (/CURL/)
- CURLS Amazon S3 download (/CURL/)
- CURLS Amazon S3 pre-signed URL (/CURL/)
- CURLS Amazon S3 upload (/CURL/)
- CURLS connect try (/CURL/)
- CURLS get and put (/CURL/CURLS get and put/)
- CURLS headers (/CURL/)
- CURLS info (/CURL/)
- CURLS Low Level Sockets (/CURL/)
- CURLS picture download (/CURL/)
- CURLS pop3 email delete (/CURL/)
- CURLS post form values (/CURL/CURLS post form values/)
- CURLS post form values old (/CURL/CURLS post form values/)
- CURLS post form (/CURL/CURLS post form/)
- CURLS preemptive threaded download (/CURL/)
- CURLS preemptive threaded upload (/CURL/)
- CURLS query (/CURL/)
- CURLS query file size (/CURL/)
- CURLS resume download (/CURL/)
- CURLS resume download with speed measurement (/CURL/)
- CURLS simple download compressed (/CURL/)
- CURLS simple file download (/CURL/)
- CURLS SSL verification (/CURL/CURLS SSL verification/)
- CURLS text download (/CURL/)
- CURLS text download web 2.0 (/CURL/)
- CURLS threaded download (/CURL/)
- CURLS upload to Web App (/CURL/CURLS upload to Web App/)
- CURLS ftp create or folder delete (/CURL/FTP/)
- CURLS ftp directory browsing (/CURL/FTP/)
- CURLS ftp directory listing (/CURL/FTP/)
- CURLS ftp directory listing with CURLFileInfoMBS (/CURL/FTP/)
- CURLS ftp directory listing with Web Edition (/CURL/FTP/)
- CURLS ftp directory listing with wildcard (/CURL/FTP/)
- CURLS ftp download to desktop (/CURL/FTP/)
- CURLS ftp download to desktop with thread (/CURL/FTP/)
- CURLS ftp file delete (/CURL/FTP/)
- CURLS ftp file upload (/CURL/FTP/)
- CURLS ftp file upload direct (/CURL/FTP/)
- CURLS ftp file upload resume (/CURL/FTP/)
- CURLS ftp file upload with progress (/CURL/FTP/)
- CURLS ftp file upload with thread (/CURL/FTP/)
- CURLS ftp file uploads (/CURL/FTP/)
- CURLS ftp secure upload (/CURL/FTP/)
- CURLS ftp upload (/CURL/FTP/)
- CURLS imap for google mail (/CURL/Google Mail/)
- CURLS email client (/CURL/Receive Email/)
- CURLS imap (/CURL/Receive Email/)
- CURLS pop3 email download (/CURL/Receive Email/)
- CURLS scp download picture (/CURL/SCP/)
- CURLS scp upload (/CURL/SCP/)
- CURLS send email (/CURL/Send Email/older examples/)
- CURLS send email with images (/CURL/Send Email/older examples/)
- CURLS send email with SSL (/CURL/Send Email/older examples/)
- CURLS sftp batch download (/CURL/SFTP/)
- CURLS sftp batch upload (/CURL/SFTP/)
- CURLS sftp directory listing (/CURL/SFTP/)
- CURLS sftp rename file (/CURL/SFTP/)
- CURLS sftp rename file batch (/CURL/SFTP/)
- CURLS sftp upload (/CURL/SFTP/)
- CURLS sftp upload console (/CURL/SFTP/)
- CURL post Twilio Verification (/CURL/WebServices/)
- CURL post Twilio Verification - iOS (/CURL/WebServices/)
- CURLS oAuth (/CURL/WebServices/)
- Change PDF Metadata (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with CMYK (/DynaPDF/CMYK Pictures/)
- Combine PDF files (/DynaPDF/)
- Combine PDF files with RBScript (/DynaPDF/)
- Complex Text (/DynaPDF/ComplexText/)
- Create and print PDF (/DynaPDF/)
- Create Fields with JavaScript Actions (/DynaPDF/)
- Create numbered pages (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF and Email (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF and modify XMP (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF and sign (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF console (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF in memory (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF UA (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with Angle Rectangles (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with Angle Text (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with Annotations (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with Arabic (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with Arabic and Ligatures (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with Arc (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with Barcodes (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with bezier curve (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with Bookmarks (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with centimeters (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with Circle (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with Circle Text (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with CMYK (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with Colors (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with Custom Signature (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with Czech (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with Dashed Line (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with demo string (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with DeviceN Colorspace (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with DPart Metadata (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with embedded font (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with Errors (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with FileLink (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with Glyphs (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with gradients, overprint and device N colorspace (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with hidden data (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with Highlight (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with Image FileLink (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with japanese font (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with LAB color (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with Layers (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with Layers Languages (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with Line (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with list (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with named destination (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with object2d (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with over 2 GB size (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with page wrap (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with paths (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with Picture (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with Picture and Mask (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with Picture file (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with Picture files (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with Picture with transparency (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with PictureMBS (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with restrictions (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with restrictions web (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with rotated text (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with Round Rectangles (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with SetFillColor (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with SetFillColorEx (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with Signature on Windows (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with subscript and superscript (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with sum form field (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with text block (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with text block fonts (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with text block2 (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with text styles (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with Trace (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with transparency (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with vertical text (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with WatermarkAnnot (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDF with Zapf Dingbats (/DynaPDF/)
- Create PDFX (/DynaPDF/)
- Create Previews for folder (/DynaPDF/)
- Create numbered pages (/DynaPDF/DynaPDF Graphics/)
- Combine PDF files to PDFA (/DynaPDF/PDF-A/)
- Create PDFA (/DynaPDF/PDF-A/)
- Clip (/DynaPDF/place centered/)
- Create and Render PDF (/DynaPDF/Raster/)
- Create and Render PDF in console (/DynaPDF/Raster/)
- Create huge Test PDF (/DynaPDF/Raster/updatewindow event/)
- Cards Web (/DynaPDF/Web Edition/)
- Create PDF Web (/DynaPDF/Web Edition/)
- Create PDF with existing pdf (/DynaPDF/ZUGFeRD/)
- Crypto (/Encryption/)
- Crop (/GraphicsMagick/GraphicsMagick/)
- Crop 16bit (/GraphicsMagick/GraphicsMagick/)
- Change Whitepoint of profile (/Images/LCMS2/)
- CMYK Example (/Images/LCMS2/CMYK/)
- Convert Grayscale Tiff to SRGB JPEG (/Images/LCMS2/)
- Convert image to sRGB JPEG (/Images/LCMS2/)
- Convert Lab Tiff to SRGB JPEG (/Images/LCMS2/)
- Create a CMYK Profile (/Images/LCMS2/)
- Create a DeviceN Profile (/Images/LCMS2/)
- Create Profile (/Images/LCMS2/)
- Compose huge tiff file (/Images/Tiff/)
- Console Tiff Test (/Images/Tiff/)
- Custom Tiff Tags (/Images/Tiff/)
- CallKit Test (/iOS/)
- ConsentForm (/iOS/GoogleAds/)
- CNContactPicker Test (/Mac64bit/Contacts/)
- CNContactPickerViewController Test (/Mac64bit/Contacts/)
- CNContactViewController test (/Mac64bit/Contacts/)
- Contacts Display Person (/Mac64bit/Contacts/)
- Contacts History (/Mac64bit/Contacts/)
- Contacts Test (/Mac64bit/Contacts/)
- CoreML Model Info (/Mac64bit/CoreML/)
- CoreML Test (/Mac64bit/CoreML/)
- Camera (/Mac64bit/SceneKit/)
- Camera with fix elements (/Mac64bit/SceneKit/)
- Change Backgroundcolor by Click (/Mac64bit/SceneKit/)
- ConvertToSRGB (/MacBase/)
- Cocoa Menu Modification (/MacBase/Menus/)
- Carbon Events Test (/MacCF/Carbon Events/)
- CarbonIdleTimer (/MacCF/Carbon Events/)
- CarbonTimer (/MacCF/Carbon Events/)
- CF Preferences Test (/MacCF/)
- CFBundle example (/MacCF/)
- CFHost Test (/MacCF/)
- CFSocket Get Example (/MacCF/)
- Colorsync Transform (/MacCF/ColorSync/)
- Colorsync Transform to CMYK (/MacCF/ColorSync/)
- CPU load info (/MacCF/)
- CPU Type (/MacCF/)
- CFProxy Tests (/MacCF/Proxy/)
- Carbon Print Hello (/MacCG/Carbon Print Manager/)
- Change current printer (/MacCG/Carbon Print Manager/)
- CG Ovals (/MacCG/)
- CG Ovals with PDF in memory (/MacCG/)
- CGEventTapMBS test (/MacCG/)
- CGGradient test (/MacCG/)
- CGImage with different color spaces (/MacCG/)
- CGImageSource Convert (/MacCG/CGImageSource/)
- CGImageSource Properties (/MacCG/CGImageSource/)
- CGImageSource Thumbnails Threaded (/MacCG/CGImageSource/)
- CGPSConverter (/MacCG/CGPSConverter/)
- CGS (/MacCG/CGS/)
- CGS Dashboard like Flip (/MacCG/CGS/)
- CGS Windows (/MacCG/CGS/)
- CoreGraphics Bitmap (/MacCG/)
- Capture Screen with CGContextMBS (/MacCG/CoreGraphics DirectDisplay/)
- CG Displaylist (/MacCG/CoreGraphics DirectDisplay/)
- CG Modelist (/MacCG/CoreGraphics DirectDisplay/)
- CGDisplay Rotation (/MacCG/CoreGraphics DirectDisplay/)
- CGDisplayMBS CreateImageAsync (/MacCG/CoreGraphics DirectDisplay/)
- CGDisplayReconfigurationEventMBS test (/MacCG/CoreGraphics DirectDisplay/)
- CGDisplayStreamEvent test (/MacCG/CoreGraphics DirectDisplay/)
- CGScreenRefreshEvent Test (/MacCG/CoreGraphics DirectDisplay/)
- Create PDF with Picture (/MacCG/CoreGraphics PDF/)
- CoreText Dynamic Text Height (/MacCG/CoreText/)
- CoreText Font Change Notification (/MacCG/CoreText/)
- CoreText Test (/MacCG/CoreText/)
- CatSearch Demo (/MacClassic/Catalog Search/)
- Clipboard Test (/MacClassic/)
- Create Bundle Folder (/MacClassic/)
- Change my name (/MacCocoa/Addressbook/)
- ClipboardSaver (/MacCocoa/)
- Core Animation (/MacCocoa/)
- Custom NSViewControl Drag (/MacCocoa/)
- Cocoa Controls (/MacControls/)
- ContainerControl List (/MacControls/)
- Custom NSView Drag (/MacControls/)
- Custom NSView Drop (/MacControls/)
- Custom NSView without CocoaControl (/MacControls/)
- CustomNSView to capture gestures (/MacControls/)
- Canvas Gestures (/MacControls/Gestures/)
- CustomSearchField with menu (/MacControls/Search Field/)
- Center Resize Xojo Windows (/MacExtras/)
- Continuity Camera (/MacExtras/)
- Calendar List (/MacFrameworks/Calendar/)
- Calendar Test (/MacFrameworks/Calendar/)
- CGWindow capture (/MacFrameworks/)
- Cocoa Controls (/MacFrameworks/Cocoa Controls/)
- Custom NSView (/MacFrameworks/Cocoa Controls/)
- CoreLocation to find computer location (/MacFrameworks/CoreLocation/)
- CustomNSTextFieldMBS test (/MacFrameworks/)
- CWWiFiClient (/MacFrameworks/)
- Camera Browser (/MacFrameworks/Image Capture/)
- Custom Sharing Service (/MacFrameworks/Sharing/)
- Control Menu (/MacOSX/Accessibility services/)
- Current Window Title (/MacOSX/Accessibility services/)
- CAPlayThroughMBS test (/MacOSX/)
- CopyFile Test (/MacOSX/)
- CoreAudio Events (/MacOSX/CoreAudio/)
- CoreAudio Player (/MacOSX/CoreAudio/)
- Canvas and Retina (/Main/)
- Convert RBX to folder RBX (/Main/)
- Convert RBX to zipped RBX (/Main/)
- Crash on Out of Memory (/Main/)
- CustomControl (/Overlay/Controls/)
- Create Page (/PDFKit/)
- Create Page with custom stamp annotation (/PDFKit/)
- Create Page with Page (/PDFKit/)
- Colorize (/Picture/)
- ColourTinter (/Picture/Image effects/)
- CubeSQL Version (/SQL/)
- CubeSQL Version iOS (/SQL/)
- Clipper Ellipse Test (/Tools/Clipper/)
- Clipper Intersecion Test (/Tools/Clipper/)
- Clipper Offset Test (/Tools/Clipper/)
- Clipper Sample (/Tools/Clipper/)
- CUPS (/Tools/CUPS/)
- CUPS Jobs List (/Tools/CUPS/)
- Console and GUI in one project (/Util/)
- CPU ID (/Util/CPU/)
- CPUID features (/Util/CPU/)
- Crash Delegate Test (/Util/)
- Currency Tests (/Util/)
- Current Mode (/Util/)
- CDblMBS function desktop (/Util/Locale/)
- Color Fading (/Util/Resplugin Examples/)
- Current Mode (/Util/Resplugin Examples/)
- Clipboard Files (/Win/Clipboard/)
- ClipboardSaver (/Win/Clipboard/)
- Close Calc Window (/Win/)
- CreateGroup (/Win/Windows DDE/)
- Create Shortcuts (/Win/Windows Shortcuts/)
- Conditional formatting (/XL/)
- Convert (/XL/)
- Custom Number Formats (/XL/)
- Create EXIF (/XMP/)
- Create XMP (/XMP/)
All Examples by path by name by date by plugin A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z