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FAQ.How to search with regex and use unicode codepoints?

Answer: You can specify unicode characters in search string with backslash x and digits.
dim r as RegExMbs
dim s as string
dim c as Integer

s="123 äöü ABC 456"

r=new RegExMBS
if r.Compile(".ö.") then
MsgBox str(c)+" "+str(r.Offset(0))+" "+str(r.Offset(1))
// shows: 1 4 10
// 1 for ubound of the offset array
// 4 for 4 bytes before the matched pattern
// 10 for the 10 bytes before the end of the matched pattern
end if

r=new RegExMBS
if r.Compile(".\xF6.") then // finds ö using Unicode codepoint
MsgBox str(c)+" "+str(r.Offset(0))+" "+str(r.Offset(1))
// shows: 1 4 10
// 1 for ubound of the offset array
// 4 for 4 bytes before the matched pattern
// 10 for the 10 bytes before the end of the matched pattern
end if

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