New in version 11.3
New in Version 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 25.0 25.1
Platforms to show: All Mac Windows Linux Cross-Platform
New classes in version 11.3:
- class CCCryptorMBS
- class CCHMacMBS
- class CCMD2MBS
- class CCMD4MBS
- class CCMD5MBS
- class CCSHA1MBS
- class CCSHA224MBS
- class CCSHA256MBS
- class CCSHA384MBS
- class CCSHA512MBS
- class CustomNSToolbarItemMBS
- class CustomNSToolbarMBS
- class DynaPDFColorProfilesMBS
- class IMImageAffineMatrixQ16MBS
- class IMImageAffineMatrixQ32MBS
- class IMImageAffineMatrixQ8MBS
- class LCMS2BitmapMBS
- class LCMS2CIELabMBS
- class LCMS2CIExyYMBS
- class LCMS2CIExyYTripleMBS
- class LCMS2CIEXYZTripleMBS
- class LCMS2DateMBS
- class LCMS2ICCDataMBS
- class LCMS2ICCMeasurementConditionsMBS
- class LCMS2ICCViewingConditionsMBS
- class LCMS2JChMBS
- class LCMS2NamedColorListMBS
- class LCMS2PipelineMBS
- class LCMS2ProfileMBS
- class LCMS2ScreeningChannelMBS
- class LCMS2ScreeningMBS
- class LCMS2SequenceDescriptionMBS
- class LCMS2SequenceMBS
- class LCMS2StageMBS
- class LCMS2TransformMBS
- class LCMS2ViewingConditionsMBS
- class NSClipViewMBS
- class NSComparisonPredicateMBS
- class NSCompoundPredicateMBS
- class NSExpressionMBS
- class NSFileManagerMBS
- class NSFilePresenterHandlerMBS
- class NSMetadataItemMBS
- class NSMetadataQueryMBS
- class NSMetadataQueryResultGroupMBS
- class NSPredicateMBS
- class NSSortDescriptorMBS
- class NSToolbarItemMBS
- class NSToolbarMBS
- class NSURLConnectionMBS
- class NSURLDownloadMBS
- class PictureEditorMBS
- class QTAudioChannelDescriptionMBS
- class QTAudioChannelLayoutMBS
- class SHA256MBS
- class WindowsMonitorMBS
- class XLBookMBS
- class XLFontMBS
- class XLFormatMBS
- class XLSheetMBS
New modules in version 11.3:
New class events in version 11.3:
- CustomNSViewMBS.canBecomeKeyView as boolean
- CustomNSViewMBS.mouseDownCanMoveWindow as boolean
- NSFileCoordinatorMBS.coordinateReadingItemAtURL(url as string, file as folderitem, tag as Variant)
- NSFileCoordinatorMBS.coordinateReadingItemAtURLwritingItemAtURL(readingURL as string, readingFile as folderitem, writingURL as string, writingFile as folderitem, tag as Variant)
- NSFileCoordinatorMBS.coordinateWritingItemAtURL(url as string, file as folderitem, tag as Variant)
- NSFileCoordinatorMBS.prepareComplete(Complete as NSFilePresenterHandlerMBS, tag as Variant)
- NSFilePresenterMBS.accommodatePresentedItemDeletionWithCompletionHandler(Complete as NSFilePresenterHandlerMBS)
- NSFilePresenterMBS.accommodatePresentedSubitemDeletionAtURL(URL as string, file as FolderItem, Complete as NSFilePresenterHandlerMBS)
- NSFilePresenterMBS.presentedSubitemAtURLdidGainVersion(URL as string, file as FolderItem, version as NSFileVersionMBS)
- NSFilePresenterMBS.presentedSubitemAtURLdidLoseVersion(URL as string, file as FolderItem, version as NSFileVersionMBS)
- NSFilePresenterMBS.presentedSubitemAtURLdidMoveToURL(oldURL as string, newURL as string, oldFile as folderitem, newFile as folderitem)
- NSFilePresenterMBS.presentedSubitemAtURLdidResolveConflictVersion(URL as string, file as FolderItem, version as NSFileVersionMBS)
- NSFilePresenterMBS.presentedSubitemDidAppearAtURL(URL as string, file as FolderItem)
- NSFilePresenterMBS.presentedSubitemDidChangeAtURL(URL as string, file as FolderItem)
- NSFilePresenterMBS.reacquirer
- NSFilePresenterMBS.relinquishPresentedItemToReader(reader as NSFilePresenterHandlerMBS)
- NSFilePresenterMBS.relinquishPresentedItemToWriter(writer as NSFilePresenterHandlerMBS)
- NSFilePresenterMBS.savePresentedItemChangesWithCompletionHandler(Complete as NSFilePresenterHandlerMBS)
- PNGReaderMBS.Error(msg as string)
- PNGReaderMBS.Warning(msg as string)
- PNGWriterMBS.Error(msg as string)
- PNGWriterMBS.Warning(msg as string)
New class methods in version 11.3:
- ABAddressBookMBS.groupForUniqueId(uniqueid as string) as ABGroupMBS
- ABAddressBookMBS.personForUniqueId(uniqueid as string) as ABPersonMBS
- CGColorSpaceMBS.CreateWithName(name as string) as CGColorSpaceMBS
- CGColorSpaceMBS.kCGColorSpaceAdobeRGB1998 as string
- CGColorSpaceMBS.kCGColorSpaceGenericCMYK as string
- CGColorSpaceMBS.kCGColorSpaceGenericGray as string
- CGColorSpaceMBS.kCGColorSpaceGenericRGB as string
- CGColorSpaceMBS.kCGColorSpaceGenericRGBLinear as string
- CGColorSpaceMBS.kCGColorSpaceSRGB as string
- CGImageMBS.Picture(ColorSpace as CGColorSpaceMBS = nil) as Picture
- CWMutableNetworkProfileMBS.Constructor
- DNSLookupMBS.LookupHostbyAddress(HostAddressBinary as string) as DNSLookupMBS
- DNSLookupMBS.LookupHostbyAddressMT(HostAddressBinary as string) as DNSLookupMBS
- DNSLookupMBS.LookupHostbyName(HostName as string) as DNSLookupMBS
- DNSLookupMBS.LookupHostbyName(HostName as string, AddressType as Integer) as DNSLookupMBS
- DNSLookupMBS.LookupHostbyNameMT(HostName as string) as DNSLookupMBS
- DNSLookupMBS.LookupHostbyNameMT(HostName as string, AddressType as Integer) as DNSLookupMBS
- DRDeviceMBS.device(index as UInt32) as DRDeviceMBS
- DRDeviceMBS.deviceCount as UInt32
- DynaPDFMBS.BeginTransparencyGroup(x1 as Double, y1 as Double, x2 as Double, y2 as Double, Isolated as Boolean, Knockout as Boolean, CS as Integer, CSHandle as Int32) as Int32
- DynaPDFMBS.CreateSoftMask(TranspGroup as UInt32, MaskType as Integer, BackColor as UInt32) as Integer
- DynaPDFMBS.GetUserUnit as single
- DynaPDFMBS.InitColorManagement(profiles as DynaPDFColorProfilesMBS, DestSpace as Integer, Flags as Integer) as boolean
- DynaPDFMBS.RenderPageToImage(PageNumber as UInt32, OutFile as folderitem, Resolution as UInt32, Width as UInt32, Height as UInt32, Flags as UInt32, PixFmt as UInt32, Filter as UInt32, Format as UInt32) as boolean
- DynaPDFMBS.SetUserUnit(value as single) as boolean
- FileMappingMBS.MapView(mem as MemoryBlock, offset as Int64, Size as Integer) as FileMappingViewMBS
- FolderItem.HasUnresolvedConflictsMBS as boolean
- FolderItem.IsDownloadedMBS as boolean
- FolderItem.IsDownloadingMBS as boolean
- FolderItem.IsUbiquitousItemMBS as boolean
- FolderItem.IsUploadedMBS as boolean
- FolderItem.IsUploadingMBS as boolean
- FolderItem.PercentDownloadedMBS as Double
- FolderItem.PercentUploadedMBS as Double
- ImageMagickQ16MBS.Features as String
- ImageMagickQ16MBS.QuantumRange as String
- ImageMagickQ16MBS.SetCurrentDirectory(path as folderitem) as boolean
- ImageMagickQ32MBS.Features as String
- ImageMagickQ32MBS.QuantumRange as String
- ImageMagickQ32MBS.SetCurrentDirectory(path as folderitem) as boolean
- ImageMagickQ8MBS.Features as String
- ImageMagickQ8MBS.QuantumRange as String
- ImageMagickQ8MBS.SetCurrentDirectory(path as folderitem) as boolean
- IMColorQ16MBS.Constructor
- IMColorQ16MBS.Constructor(c as color)
- IMColorQ16MBS.Constructor(red as UInt32, green as UInt32, blue as UInt32, Opacity as UInt32 = 0)
- IMColorQ32MBS.Constructor
- IMColorQ32MBS.Constructor(c as color)
- IMColorQ32MBS.Constructor(red as UInt32, green as UInt32, blue as UInt32, Opacity as UInt32 = 0)
- IMColorQ8MBS.Constructor
- IMColorQ8MBS.Constructor(c as color)
- IMColorQ8MBS.Constructor(red as UInt32, green as UInt32, blue as UInt32, Opacity as UInt32 = 0)
- IMImageQ16MBS.AffineTransformImage(matrix as IMImageAffineMatrixQ16MBS) as IMImageQ16MBS
- IMImageQ16MBS.BorderImage(x as Integer, y as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as IMImageQ16MBS
- IMImageQ16MBS.CopyPicture as picture
- IMImageQ16MBS.CopyPictureMask as picture
- IMImageQ16MBS.CropImageToTiles(CropGeometry as string) as IMImageQ16MBS
- IMImageQ16MBS.DecipherImage(passkey as string) as boolean
- IMImageQ16MBS.EncipherImage(passkey as string) as boolean
- IMImageQ16MBS.ExcerptImage(x as Integer, y as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as IMImageQ16MBS
- IMImageQ16MBS.ExtentImage(x as Integer, y as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as IMImageQ16MBS
- IMImageQ16MBS.FrameImage(x as Integer, y as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer, innerBevel as Integer, OuterBevel as Integer) as IMImageQ16MBS
- IMImageQ16MBS.RaiseImage(x as Integer, y as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer, raise as boolean) as boolean
- IMImageQ16MBS.RemoveDuplicateLayers
- IMImageQ16MBS.RemoveImageProfile(name as string) as string
- IMImageQ16MBS.RemoveZeroDelayLayers
- IMImageQ16MBS.TransformImage(CropGeometry as string, ImageGeometry as string) as boolean
- IMImageQ16MBS.TransformImages(CropGeometry as string, ImageGeometry as string) as boolean
- IMImageQ16MBS.TransposeImage as IMImageQ16MBS
- IMImageQ16MBS.TransverseImage as IMImageQ16MBS
- IMImageQ32MBS.AffineTransformImage(matrix as IMImageAffineMatrixQ32MBS) as IMImageQ32MBS
- IMImageQ32MBS.BorderImage(x as Integer, y as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as IMImageQ32MBS
- IMImageQ32MBS.CopyPicture as picture
- IMImageQ32MBS.CopyPictureMask as picture
- IMImageQ32MBS.CropImageToTiles(CropGeometry as string) as IMImageQ32MBS
- IMImageQ32MBS.DecipherImage(passkey as string) as boolean
- IMImageQ32MBS.EncipherImage(passkey as string) as boolean
- IMImageQ32MBS.ExcerptImage(x as Integer, y as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as IMImageQ32MBS
- IMImageQ32MBS.ExtentImage(x as Integer, y as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as IMImageQ32MBS
- IMImageQ32MBS.FrameImage(x as Integer, y as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer, innerBevel as Integer, OuterBevel as Integer) as IMImageQ32MBS
- IMImageQ32MBS.RaiseImage(x as Integer, y as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer, raise as boolean) as boolean
- IMImageQ32MBS.RemoveDuplicateLayers
- IMImageQ32MBS.RemoveImageProfile(name as string) as string
- IMImageQ32MBS.RemoveZeroDelayLayers
- IMImageQ32MBS.TransformImage(CropGeometry as string, ImageGeometry as string) as boolean
- IMImageQ32MBS.TransformImages(CropGeometry as string, ImageGeometry as string) as boolean
- IMImageQ32MBS.TransposeImage as IMImageQ32MBS
- IMImageQ32MBS.TransverseImage as IMImageQ32MBS
- IMImageQ8MBS.AffineTransformImage(matrix as IMImageAffineMatrixQ8MBS) as IMImageQ8MBS
- IMImageQ8MBS.BorderImage(x as Integer, y as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as IMImageQ8MBS
- IMImageQ8MBS.CopyPicture as picture
- IMImageQ8MBS.CopyPictureMask as picture
- IMImageQ8MBS.CropImageToTiles(CropGeometry as string) as IMImageQ8MBS
- IMImageQ8MBS.DecipherImage(passkey as string) as boolean
- IMImageQ8MBS.EncipherImage(passkey as string) as boolean
- IMImageQ8MBS.ExcerptImage(x as Integer, y as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as IMImageQ8MBS
- IMImageQ8MBS.ExtentImage(x as Integer, y as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as IMImageQ8MBS
- IMImageQ8MBS.FrameImage(x as Integer, y as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer, innerBevel as Integer, OuterBevel as Integer) as IMImageQ8MBS
- IMImageQ8MBS.RaiseImage(x as Integer, y as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer, raise as boolean) as boolean
- IMImageQ8MBS.RemoveDuplicateLayers
- IMImageQ8MBS.RemoveImageProfile(name as string) as string
- IMImageQ8MBS.RemoveZeroDelayLayers
- IMImageQ8MBS.TransformImage(CropGeometry as string, ImageGeometry as string) as boolean
- IMImageQ8MBS.TransformImages(CropGeometry as string, ImageGeometry as string) as boolean
- IMImageQ8MBS.TransposeImage as IMImageQ8MBS
- IMImageQ8MBS.TransverseImage as IMImageQ8MBS
- JavaClassMBS.CallStaticLongMethod(MethodID as JavaMethodMBS, args as memoryblock) as Int64
- JavaConnectionMBS.createBlob as JavaBlobMBS
- JavaConnectionMBS.createClob as JavaClobMBS
- JavaObjectMBS.CallLongMethod(MethodID as JavaMethodMBS, args as memoryblock) as Int64
- JavaObjectMBS.CallNonvirtualLongMethod(TheClass as JavaClassMBS, MethodID as JavaMethodMBS, args as memoryblock) as Int64
- JavaPreparedStatementMBS.setBytes(parameterIndex as Integer, Value as String)
- JavaResultSetMBS.getBytes(column as Integer) as string
- JavaResultSetMBS.getBytes(column as string) as string
- JavaResultSetMBS.updateBytes(column as Integer, Value as String)
- JavaResultSetMBS.updateBytes(column as string, Value as String)
- LinuxUSBBusMBS.Buses as LinuxUSBBusMBS
- MAAttachedWindowMBS.Constructor(view as NSViewMBS, point as NSPointMBS = nil, window as NSWindowMBS = nil, onSide as Integer = 12, distance as Double = 0.0)
- MAAttachedWindowMBS.side as Integer
- MD5DigestMBS.MD5(data as string) as string
- MD5DigestMBS.MD5String(data as string) as string
- MemoryBlock.AddressMBS(offset as Int64 = 0) as UInt64
- MemoryBlock.AddressPtrMBS(offset as Int64 = 0) as Ptr
- NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS.descriptorWithAlias(item as folderitem) as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- as string()
- NSAppleScriptMBS.setValueDescriptorForProperty(propertyName as string, value as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS) as boolean
- NSAppleScriptMBS.valueDescriptorForProperty(propertyName as string) as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSAttachmentAttributeName as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSAuthorDocumentAttribute as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSBackgroundColorAttributeName as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSBackgroundColorDocumentAttribute as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSBaselineOffsetAttributeName as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSBaseURLDocumentOption as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSBottomMarginDocumentAttribute as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSCategoryDocumentAttribute as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSCharacterEncodingDocumentAttribute as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSCharacterEncodingDocumentOption as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSCharacterShapeAttributeName as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSCocoaVersionDocumentAttribute as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSCommentDocumentAttribute as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSCompanyDocumentAttribute as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSConvertedDocumentAttribute as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSCopyrightDocumentAttribute as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSCreationTimeDocumentAttribute as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSCursorAttributeName as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSDefaultAttributesDocumentOption as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSDefaultTabIntervalDocumentAttribute as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSDocFormatTextDocumentType as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSDocumentTypeDocumentOption as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSEditorDocumentAttribute as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSExcludedElementsDocumentAttribute as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSExpansionAttributeName as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSFileTypeDocumentAttribute as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSFileTypeDocumentOption as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSFontAttributeName as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSForegroundColorAttributeName as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSGlyphInfoAttributeName as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSHTMLTextDocumentType as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSHyphenationFactorDocumentAttribute as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSKernAttributeName as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSKeywordsDocumentAttribute as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSLeftMarginDocumentAttribute as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSLigatureAttributeName as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSLinkAttributeName as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSMacSimpleTextDocumentType as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSManagerDocumentAttribute as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSMarkedClauseSegmentAttributeName as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSModificationTimeDocumentAttribute as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSObliquenessAttributeName as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSOfficeOpenXMLTextDocumentType as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSOpenDocumentTextDocumentType as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSPaperSizeDocumentAttribute as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSParagraphStyleAttributeName as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSPlainTextDocumentType as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSPrefixSpacesDocumentAttribute as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSReadOnlyDocumentAttribute as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSRightMarginDocumentAttribute as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSRTFDTextDocumentType as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSRTFTextDocumentType as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSShadowAttributeName as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSSpellingStateAttributeName as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSStrikethroughColorAttributeName as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSStrikethroughStyleAttributeName as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSStrokeColorAttributeName as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSStrokeWidthAttributeName as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSSubjectDocumentAttribute as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSSuperscriptAttributeName as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSTextEncodingNameDocumentAttribute as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSTextEncodingNameDocumentOption as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSTextLayoutSectionOrientation as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSTextLayoutSectionRange as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSTextLayoutSectionsAttribute as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSTextSizeMultiplierDocumentOption as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSTimeoutDocumentOption as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSTitleDocumentAttribute as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSToolTipAttributeName as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSTopMarginDocumentAttribute as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSUnderlineColorAttributeName as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSVerticalGlyphFormAttributeName as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSViewModeDocumentAttribute as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSViewSizeDocumentAttribute as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSViewZoomDocumentAttribute as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSWebArchiveTextDocumentType as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSWebPreferencesDocumentOption as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSWebResourceLoadDelegateDocumentOption as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSWordMLTextDocumentType as string
- NSAttributedStringMBS.NSWritingDirectionAttributeName as string
- NSCoderMBS.decodeDictionary(key as string) as Dictionary
- NSCoderMBS.decodePoint(key as string) as NSPointMBS
- NSCoderMBS.decodeRect(key as string) as NSRectMBS
- NSCoderMBS.decodeSize(key as string) as NSSizeMBS
- NSCoderMBS.decodeString(key as string) as string
- NSCoderMBS.encodeDictionary(value as Dictionary, key as string)
- NSCoderMBS.encodePoint(value as NSPointMBS, key as string)
- NSCoderMBS.encodeRect(value as NSRectMBS, key as string)
- NSCoderMBS.encodeSize(value as NSSizeMBS, key as string)
- NSCoderMBS.encodeString(value as string, key as string)
- NSFileCoordinatorMBS.coordinateReadingItemAtURL(File as folderitem, options as Integer, byref error as NSErrorMBS, tag as Variant = nil)
- NSFileCoordinatorMBS.coordinateReadingItemAtURL(URL as string, options as Integer, byref error as NSErrorMBS, tag as Variant = nil)
- NSFileCoordinatorMBS.coordinateReadingItemAtURLwritingItemAtURL(readingFile as folderitem, readingOptions as Integer, writingItemAtFile as folderitem, writingOptions as Integer, byref error as NSErrorMBS, tag as Variant = nil)
- NSFileCoordinatorMBS.coordinateReadingItemAtURLwritingItemAtURL(readingURL as string, readingOptions as Integer, writingItemAtURL as string, writingOptions as Integer, byref error as NSErrorMBS, tag as Variant = nil)
- NSFileCoordinatorMBS.coordinateWritingItemAtURL(File as folderitem, options as Integer, byref error as NSErrorMBS, tag as Variant = nil)
- NSFileCoordinatorMBS.coordinateWritingItemAtURL(URL as string, options as Integer, byref error as NSErrorMBS, tag as Variant = nil)
- NSFileCoordinatorMBS.prepareForReadingItemsAtURLs(readingFiles() as folderitem, readingOptions as Integer, writingItemsAtFiles() as folderitem, writingOptions as Integer, byref error as NSErrorMBS, tag as Variant = nil)
- NSFileCoordinatorMBS.prepareForReadingItemsAtURLs(readingURLs() as string, readingOptions as Integer, writingItemsAtURLs() as string, writingOptions as Integer, byref error as NSErrorMBS, tag as Variant = nil)
- NSFileVersionMBS.persistentIdentifier as Memoryblock
- NSFileVersionMBS.versionOfItemAtURLforPersistentIdentifier(file as folderitem, PersistentIdentifier as Memoryblock) as NSFileVersionMBS
- NSFileVersionMBS.versionOfItemAtURLforPersistentIdentifier(URL as string, PersistentIdentifier as Memoryblock) as NSFileVersionMBS
- NSFontManagerMBS.availableFontFamilies as string()
- NSFontManagerMBS.availableFonts as string()
- NSFontManagerMBS.availableMembersOfFontFamily(FontFamily as string) as Variant()
- NSFontManagerMBS.collectionNames as string()
- NSGraphicsMBS.boundingRectWithSize(text as string, size as NSSizeMBS, options as Integer = 0, DicAttributes as dictionary = nil) as NSRectMBS
- NSGraphicsMBS.Constructor(targetView as NSViewMBS)
- NSGraphicsMBS.drawAtPoint(text as string, point as NSPointMBS, DicAttributes as dictionary = nil)
- NSGraphicsMBS.drawInRect(text as string, rect as NSRectMBS, DicAttributes as dictionary = nil)
- NSGraphicsMBS.DrawWindowBackground(x as Double, y as Double, w as Double, h as Double)
- NSGraphicsMBS.fillRect(x as Double, y as Double, w as Double, h as Double, operation as Integer)
- NSGraphicsMBS.sizeWithAttributes(text as string, DicAttributes as dictionary = nil) as NSSizeMBS
- NSMutableURLRequestMBS.addValue(value as string, field as string)
- NSMutableURLRequestMBS.Constructor(url as string)
- NSMutableURLRequestMBS.Constructor(url as string, cachePolicy as Integer, timeoutInterval as Double)
- NSMutableURLRequestMBS.setAllHTTPHeaderFields(headerFields as Dictionary)
- NSMutableURLRequestMBS.setHTTPBody(data as MemoryBlock)
- NSMutableURLRequestMBS.setHTTPMethod(HTTPMethod as string)
- NSMutableURLRequestMBS.setHTTPShouldHandleCookies(should as boolean)
- NSMutableURLRequestMBS.setHTTPShouldUsePipelining(shouldUsePipelining as boolean)
- NSMutableURLRequestMBS.setNetworkServiceType(networkServiceType as Integer)
- NSMutableURLRequestMBS.setValue(value as string, field as string)
- NSNotificationMBS.Constructor(name as string, theObject as Variant = nil, userInfo as dictionary = nil)
- NSNotificationMBS.notificationWithName(name as string, theObject as Variant = nil, userInfo as dictionary = nil) as NSNotificationMBS
- NSScreenMBS.backingAlignedRect(r as NSRectMBS, options as UInt64) as NSRectMBS
- NSScreenMBS.convertRectFromBacking(r as NSRectMBS) as NSRectMBS
- NSScreenMBS.convertRectToBacking(r as NSRectMBS) as NSRectMBS
- NSScreenMBS.NSScreenColorSpaceDidChangeNotification as string
- NSScrollerMBS.isCompatibleWithOverlayScrollers as boolean
- NSScrollerMBS.NSPreferredScrollerStyleDidChangeNotification as string
- NSScrollerMBS.preferredScrollerStyle as Integer
- NSScrollViewMBS.flashScrollers
- NSScrollViewMBS.reflectScrolledClipView(clipView as NSClipViewMBS)
- NSSpellCheckerMBS.isAutomaticSpellingCorrectionEnabled as boolean
- NSSpellCheckerMBS.isAutomaticTextReplacementEnabled as boolean
- NSSpellCheckerMBS.NSSpellCheckerDidChangeAutomaticSpellingCorrectionNotification as string
- NSSpellCheckerMBS.NSSpellCheckerDidChangeAutomaticTextReplacementNotification as string
- NSTextFieldCellMBS.Constructor(text as string)
- NSTextViewMBS.checkTextInDocument
- NSTextViewMBS.checkTextInSelection
- NSTextViewMBS.invalidateTextContainerOrigin
- NSTextViewMBS.orderFrontLinkPanel
- NSTextViewMBS.orderFrontListPanel
- NSTextViewMBS.orderFrontSpacingPanel
- NSTextViewMBS.orderFrontSubstitutionsPanel
- NSTextViewMBS.orderFrontTablePanel
- NSTextViewMBS.toggleAutomaticDashSubstitution
- NSTextViewMBS.toggleAutomaticDataDetection
- NSTextViewMBS.toggleAutomaticSpellingCorrection
- NSTextViewMBS.toggleAutomaticTextReplacement
- NSURLRequestMBS.valueForHTTPHeaderField(field as string) as string
- NSWindowMBS.contentRectForFrameRect(windowFrame as NSRectMBS) as NSRectMBS
- NSWindowMBS.contentRectForFrameRect(windowFrame as NSRectMBS, styleMask as UInt32) as NSRectMBS
- NSWindowMBS.frameRectForContentRect(windowContent as NSRectMBS) as NSRectMBS
- NSWindowMBS.frameRectForContentRect(windowContentRect as NSRectMBS, styleMask as UInt32) as NSRectMBS
- NSWindowMBS.makeKeyAndOrderFront
- NSWindowMBS.minFrameWidthWithTitle(WindowTitle as string, styleMask as UInt32) as Double
- NSWindowMBS.orderOut
- NSWindowMBS.runToolbarCustomizationPalette
- NSWorkspaceMBS.activateFileViewerSelectingFiles(Files() as folderitem)
- NSWorkspaceMBS.activateFileViewerSelectingURLs(URLs() as string)
- NSWorkspaceMBS.desktopImageOptionsForScreen(screen as NSScreenMBS) as dictionary
- NSWorkspaceMBS.desktopImageURLForScreen(screen as NSScreenMBS) as folderitem
- NSWorkspaceMBS.fileLabelColors as NSColorMBS()
- NSWorkspaceMBS.fileLabels as string()
- NSWorkspaceMBS.frontmostApplication as NSRunningApplicationMBS
- NSWorkspaceMBS.iconForFiles(files() as folderitem) as NSImageMBS
- NSWorkspaceMBS.isFilePackageAtPath(item as folderitem) as boolean
- NSWorkspaceMBS.launchApplicationAtFile(file as folderitem, options as UInt32 = 0, configuration as dictionary = nil) as NSRunningApplicationMBS
- NSWorkspaceMBS.launchApplicationAtFile(file as folderitem, options as UInt32, configuration as dictionary, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as NSRunningApplicationMBS
- NSWorkspaceMBS.launchApplicationAtURL(URL as string, options as UInt32 = 0, configuration as dictionary = nil) as NSRunningApplicationMBS
- NSWorkspaceMBS.launchApplicationAtURL(URL as string, options as UInt32, configuration as dictionary, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as NSRunningApplicationMBS
- NSWorkspaceMBS.menuBarOwningApplication as NSRunningApplicationMBS
- NSWorkspaceMBS.mountedLocalVolumePaths as string()
- NSWorkspaceMBS.mountedRemovableMedia as string()
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceActiveSpaceDidChangeNotification as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceApplicationKey as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceCompressOperation as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceCopyOperation as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceDecompressOperation as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceDecryptOperation as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceDesktopImageAllowClippingKey as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceDesktopImageFillColorKey as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceDesktopImageScalingKey as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceDestroyOperation as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceDidActivateApplicationNotification as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceDidChangeFileLabelsNotification as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceDidDeactivateApplicationNotification as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceDidHideApplicationNotification as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceDidLaunchApplicationNotification as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceDidMountNotification as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceDidPerformFileOperationNotification as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceDidRenameVolumeNotification as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceDidTerminateApplicationNotification as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceDidUnhideApplicationNotification as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceDidUnmountNotification as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceDidWakeNotification as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceDuplicateOperation as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceEncryptOperation as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceLaunchConfigurationAppleEvent as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceLaunchConfigurationArchitecture as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceLaunchConfigurationArguments as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceLaunchConfigurationEnvironment as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceLinkOperation as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceMoveOperation as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceRecycleOperation as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceScreensDidSleepNotification as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceScreensDidWakeNotification as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceSessionDidBecomeActiveNotification as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceSessionDidResignActiveNotification as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceVolumeLocalizedNameKey as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceVolumeOldLocalizedNameKey as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceVolumeOldURLKey as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceVolumeURLKey as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceWillLaunchApplicationNotification as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceWillPowerOffNotification as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceWillSleepNotification as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.NSWorkspaceWillUnmountNotification as string
- NSWorkspaceMBS.setDesktopImageURL(file as folderitem, screen as NSScreenMBS, options as dictionary, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- NSWorkspaceMBS.unmountAndEjectDevice(item as folderitem, byref e as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- OverlayMBS.InvalidateShadow
- PictureMBS.ScaleMT(threads as Integer, source as PictureMBS, temp as PictureMBS, mode as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as boolean
- SKMutablePaymentMBS.paymentWithProduct(product as SKProductMBS) as SKMutablePaymentMBS
- SKMutablePaymentMBS.paymentWithProduct(product as SKProductMBS, quantity as Integer) as SKMutablePaymentMBS
- SystemInformationMBS.WinProductKey as string
- SystemInformationMBS.WinProductKey(path as string, name as string, keyStartIndex as Integer = 52) as string
- Window.NSToolbarMBS as NSToolbarMBS
- XMPMetaMBS.GetPropertyBoolean(schemaNS as string, propName as string, byref propValue as boolean) as boolean
- XMPMetaMBS.GetPropertyFloat(schemaNS as string, propName as string, byref propValue as Double) as boolean
- XMPMetaMBS.GetPropertyInteger(schemaNS as string, propName as string, byref propValue as Integer) as boolean
- XMPMetaMBS.SetPropertyBoolean(schemaNS as string, propName as string, propValue as boolean)
- XMPMetaMBS.SetPropertyBoolean(schemaNS as string, propName as string, propValue as boolean, options as Integer)
- XMPMetaMBS.SetPropertyFloat(schemaNS as string, propName as string, propValue as Double)
- XMPMetaMBS.SetPropertyFloat(schemaNS as string, propName as string, propValue as Double, options as Integer)
- XMPMetaMBS.SetPropertyInteger(schemaNS as string, propName as string, propValue as Integer)
- XMPMetaMBS.SetPropertyInteger(schemaNS as string, propName as string, propValue as Integer, options as Integer)
- XMPScannerMBS.Snip(index as UInt32) as XMPSnipMBS
- XMPScannerMBS.SnipCount as UInt32
New class properties in version 11.3:
- CURLMBS.LastErrorMessage as String
- CURLMBS.OptionSSLCertPassword as String
- CURLNMBS.LastErrorMessage as String
- CURLNMBS.OptionSSLCertPassword as String
- CURLSMBS.LastErrorMessage as String
- CURLSMBS.OptionSSLCertPassword as String
- DirectorySizeMBS.CompressedSize as UInt64
- DirectorySizeMBS.HiddenCompressedSize as UInt64
- DirectorySizeMBS.QueryCompressedSizes as Boolean
- DirectorySizeMBS.VisibleCompressedSize as UInt64
- DynaPDFExtGStateMBS.SoftMask as Integer
- DynaPDFFontMBS.FontFile as Memoryblock
- DynaPDFFontMBS.FontFileType as Integer
- DynaPDFFontMBS.Length1 as Integer
- DynaPDFFontMBS.Length2 as Integer
- DynaPDFFontMBS.Length3 as Integer
- HTMLViewer.IEEditableMBS as boolean
- IMColorQ16MBS.ColorValue as Color
- IMColorQ32MBS.ColorValue as Color
- IMColorQ8MBS.ColorValue as Color
- JavaClassMBS.StaticLongField(TheField as JavaFieldMBS) as Int64
- JavaObjectMBS.LongField(TheField as JavaFieldMBS) as Int64
- JPEGExporterMBS.XMPData as String
- NSRunningApplicationMBS.ownsMenuBar as boolean
- NSScreenMBS.backingScaleFactor as Double
- NSScreenMBS.deviceDescription as dictionary
- NSScrollerMBS.knobStyle as Integer
- NSScrollerMBS.scrollerStyle as Integer
- NSScrollViewMBS.borderType as Integer
- NSScrollViewMBS.contentView as NSClipViewMBS
- NSScrollViewMBS.documentCursor as Variant
- NSScrollViewMBS.horizontalScrollElasticity as Integer
- NSScrollViewMBS.scrollerKnobStyle as Integer
- NSScrollViewMBS.scrollerStyle as Integer
- NSScrollViewMBS.usesPredominantAxisScrolling as boolean
- NSScrollViewMBS.verticalScrollElasticity as Integer
- NSSpellCheckerMBS.WordFieldValue as string
- NSTextViewMBS.AutomaticDashSubstitutionEnabled as boolean
- NSTextViewMBS.AutomaticDataDetectionEnabled as boolean
- NSTextViewMBS.AutomaticSpellingCorrectionEnabled as boolean
- NSTextViewMBS.AutomaticTextReplacementEnabled as boolean
- NSTextViewMBS.enabledTextCheckingTypes as Int64
- NSTextViewMBS.GrammarCheckingEnabled as boolean
- NSTextViewMBS.textContainerInset as NSSizeMBS
- NSTextViewMBS.textContainerOrigin as NSPointMBS
- NSURLRequestMBS.HTTPShouldUsePipelining as boolean
- NSURLRequestMBS.networkServiceType as Integer
- NSWindowMBS.className as string
- NSWindowMBS.classPath as string
- NSWindowMBS.toolbar as Variant
- PNGReaderMBS.AllowDamaged as Boolean
New global functions in version 11.3:
- IsValidCreditCardNumberMBS(Number as String) as boolean
- NewCFObjectMBSFromXMLMT(data as string) as CFObjectMBS
- NewCFObjectMBSFromXMLMT(file as folderitem) as CFObjectMBS
- NewCFObjectMBSFromXMLMT(XMLdata as CFBinaryDataMBS) as CFObjectMBS
- NewPictureEditorMBS(pic as picture) as PictureEditorMBS
- SetCurrentWorkingDirectoryMBS(path as folderitem) as boolean
- SleepMBS(time as Double)
- SplitCommaSeparatedValuesMBS(text as string, delimiter as string = "", quote as string = "") as string()
2593 new items including 63 new classes 3 new modules 367 new methods 22 new events 51 new properties for existing classes and 8 new global methods.