New in version 20.3
New in Version 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 25.0 25.1
Platforms to show: All Mac Windows Linux Cross-Platform
New classes in version 20.3:
- class DeclareCallBackMBS
- class DeclareFunctionMBS
- class DeclareLibraryMBS
- class DirectDrawGraphicsMBS
- class SDAVAssetExportSessionMBS
- class WindowsGraphicsDeviceContextMBS
- class WinPhotoAcquireDeviceSelectionDialogMBS
- class WinPhotoAcquireItemMBS
- class WinPhotoAcquireMBS
- class WinPhotoAcquireOptionsDialogMBS
- class WinPhotoAcquireProgressCallBackMBS
- class WinPhotoAcquireSettingsMBS
- class WinPhotoAcquireSourceMBS
- class WinPhotoExceptionMBS
- class WinPhotoProgressActionCallbackMBS
- class WinPhotoProgressDialogMBS
- class WinUserInputStringMBS
- class WKNavigationMBS
New class events in version 20.3:
- SUUpdaterMBS.didDismissUpdateAlertPermanently(permanently as boolean, item as SUAppcastItemMBS)
- SUUpdaterMBS.didDownloadUpdate(item as SUAppcastItemMBS)
- SUUpdaterMBS.didExtractUpdate(item as SUAppcastItemMBS)
- SUUpdaterMBS.updaterDidRelaunchApplication
- SUUpdaterMBS.updaterShouldShowUpdateAlertForScheduledUpdate(item as SUAppcastItemMBS) as boolean
- SUUpdaterMBS.userDidSkipThisVersion(item as SUAppcastItemMBS)
- SUUpdaterMBS.willExtractUpdate(item as SUAppcastItemMBS)
New class methods in version 20.3:
- AVAudioPCMBufferMBS.setFloatChannelData(ChannelIndex as Integer, Data as Memoryblock) as boolean
- AVAudioPCMBufferMBS.setInt16ChannelData(ChannelIndex as Integer, Data as Memoryblock) as boolean
- AVAudioPCMBufferMBS.setInt32ChannelData(ChannelIndex as Integer, Data as Memoryblock) as boolean
- CGContextMBS.Constructor(g as graphics)
- CURLMBS.SetPathProxyIssuerCert(path as folderitem)
- CURLNMBS.SetPathProxyIssuerCert(path as folderitem)
- CURLSMBS.SetPathProxyIssuerCert(path as folderitem)
- DigestMBS.SHA3_224 as DigestMBS
- DigestMBS.SHA3_256 as DigestMBS
- DigestMBS.SHA3_384 as DigestMBS
- DigestMBS.SHA3_512 as DigestMBS
- DynaPDFMBS.FlushPagesEx(Flags as integer, LastPage as Integer) as boolean
- DynaPDFMBS.ResetAnnotAP(Handle as integer = -1) as Boolean
- IEWebBrowserMBS.ShowDebugBar(NoScale as Boolean = false, x as Integer = 0, y as Integer = 0, width as Integer = 0, Height as Integer = 0, TopMost as Boolean = false) as Boolean
- JavaVMMBS.DefineClass(name as string, Data as MemoryBlock) as JavaClassMBS
- JavaVMMBS.DefineClass(name as string, Data as String) as JavaClassMBS
- LCMS2MBS.BIT15_SH(n as UInt32) as UInt32
- LCMS2MBS.DITHER_SH(n as UInt32) as UInt32
- LCMS2MBS.EnableFastFloatExtensions
- LCMS2MBS.T_BIT15(n as UInt32) as UInt32
- LCMS2MBS.T_DITHER(n as UInt32) as UInt32
- LCMS2PipelineMBS.CheckAndRetreiveStages(type1 as Integer, byref stage1 as LCMS2StageMBS) as Boolean
- LCMS2PipelineMBS.CheckAndRetreiveStages(type1 as Integer, type2 as Integer, byref stage1 as LCMS2StageMBS, byref stage2 as LCMS2StageMBS) as Boolean
- LCMS2PipelineMBS.CheckAndRetreiveStages(type1 as Integer, type2 as Integer, type3 as Integer, byref stage1 as LCMS2StageMBS, byref stage2 as LCMS2StageMBS, byref stage3 as LCMS2StageMBS) as Boolean
- LCMS2StageMBS.CLutParamsSamples as UInt32()
- NSAppearanceMBS.NSAppearanceNameDarkAqua as string
- NSMenuItemMBS.clearAction
- NSWindowMBS.performWindowDragWithEvent(event as NSEventMBS)
- SUUpdaterMBS.validateMenuItem(menuItem as NSMenuItemMBS) as Boolean
- SystemInformationMBS.isBigSur(orHigher as boolean = true) as boolean
- SystemInformationMBS.IsTranslated as Integer
- WinDataObjectMBS.GetFileContents(index as integer, byref IsPath as boolean) as string
- WKWebViewMBS.copy
- WKWebViewMBS.cut
- WKWebViewMBS.deleteSelection
- WKWebViewMBS.HTMLText as String
- WKWebViewMBS.MainResourceData(byref error as NSErrorMBS) as MemoryBlock
- WKWebViewMBS.paste
- WKWebViewMBS.PDFData(byref error as NSErrorMBS) as MemoryBlock
- WKWebViewMBS.PlainText as String
- WKWebViewMBS.selectAll
- WKWebViewMBS.WebArchiveData(byref error as NSErrorMBS) as MemoryBlock
- XLSheetMBS.WriteStringAsNumber(row as integer, col as integer, value as string, format as XLFormatMBS = nil) as boolean
New class properties in version 20.3:
- CURLMBS.OptionIssuerCertBlob as String
- CURLMBS.OptionProxyIssuerCert as String
- CURLMBS.OptionProxyIssuerCertBlob as String
- CURLMBS.OptionProxySSLCertBlob as String
- CURLMBS.OptionProxySSLKeyBlob as String
- CURLMBS.OptionSSLCertBlob as String
- CURLMBS.OptionSSLKeyBlob as String
- CURLNMBS.OptionIssuerCertBlob as String
- CURLNMBS.OptionProxyIssuerCert as String
- CURLNMBS.OptionProxyIssuerCertBlob as String
- CURLNMBS.OptionProxySSLCertBlob as String
- CURLNMBS.OptionProxySSLKeyBlob as String
- CURLNMBS.OptionSSLCertBlob as String
- CURLNMBS.OptionSSLKeyBlob as String
- CURLSMBS.OptionIssuerCertBlob as String
- CURLSMBS.OptionProxyIssuerCert as String
- CURLSMBS.OptionProxyIssuerCertBlob as String
- CURLSMBS.OptionProxySSLCertBlob as String
- CURLSMBS.OptionProxySSLKeyBlob as String
- CURLSMBS.OptionSSLCertBlob as String
- CURLSMBS.OptionSSLKeyBlob as String
- LCMS2StageMBS.CLutParamsInputs as Integer
- LCMS2StageMBS.CLutParamsOutputs as Integer
- MacFileOperationStatusMBS.Dictionary as Dictionary
- NSWindowMBS.SubTitle as String
- NSWindowMBS.titlebarSeparatorStyle as Integer
- NSWindowMBS.toolbarStyle as Integer
- SQLParamMBS.IsInput as Boolean
- SQLParamMBS.IsOutput as Boolean
- SSH2TunnelMBS.Connected as Boolean
- SUAppcastItemMBS.ContentLength as Int64
- SUAppcastItemMBS.DateString as String
- SUAppcastItemMBS.MacOsUpdate as Boolean
- SUAppcastItemMBS.OSString as String
- SUAppcastItemMBS.phasedRolloutInterval as Variant
- SUUpdaterMBS.decryptionPassword as String
- WKWebViewControlMBS.Navigation as WKNavigationMBS
- WKWebViewMBS.mediaType as String
- WKWebViewMBS.MIMEType as String
- WKWebViewMBS.pageZoom as Double
- X509MBS.ValidNotAfter as Date
- X509MBS.ValidNotBefore as Date
- XLSheetMBS.FirstFilledCol as Integer
- XLSheetMBS.FirstFilledRow as Integer
- XLSheetMBS.LastFilledCol as Integer
- XLSheetMBS.LastFilledRow as Integer
New global functions in version 20.3:
- DecodeBase64URLMBS(s as string) as string
- EncodeBase64URLMBS(s as string, breakposition as integer = 0, breakstring as string = "") as string
- GetDelegateParametersMBS(del as variant) as String
- GetDelegateTargetMBS(del as variant) as Variant
- GetDelegateWeakMBS(del as variant) as Boolean
- VolumeFreeSizePathMBS(Path as String) as Int64
- VolumeSizePathMBS(Path as String) as Int64
564 new items including 18 new classes 43 new methods 7 new events 46 new properties for existing classes and 7 new global methods.