New in version 22.4
New in Version 22.5 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4
Platforms to show: All Mac Windows Linux Cross-Platform
New classes in version 22.4:
- class XMLAttributeMBS
- class XMLCDATASectionMBS
- class XMLCharacterDataMBS
- class XMLCommentMBS
- class XMLConfigurationMBS
- class XMLDocumentFragmentMBS
- class XMLDocumentMBS
- class XMLDocumentTypeMBS
- class XMLElementMBS
- class XMLEntityMBS
- class XMLEntityReferenceMBS
- class XMLExceptionMBS
- class XMLInputMBS
- class XMLIterateAttributeNodesMBS
- class XMLIterateChildNodesMBS
- class XMLIterateElementsMBS
- class XMLNodeFilterMBS
- class XMLNodeIteratorMBS
- class XMLNodeMBS
- class XMLNotationMBS
- class XMLOutputMBS
- class XMLParserFilterMBS
- class XMLParserMBS
- class XMLProcessingInstructionMBS
- class XMLSerializerFilterMBS
- class XMLSerializerMBS
- class XMLTextMBS
- class XMLTreeWalkerMBS
- class XMLTypeInfoMBS
New class events in version 22.4:
- DesktopScintillaControlMBS.Prepare
- NSPopoverMBS.popoverDidDetach
- NSPopoverMBS.popoverShouldDetach as boolean
- ScintillaControlMBS.Prepare
New class methods in version 22.4:
- DynaPDFMBS.SetRenderingIntent(ImgHandle as Integer, RenderingIntent as Integer) as Boolean
- MongoClientMBS.NewCursorFromCommandReply(commandReplyJSON as String, OptionsJSON as String = "") as MongoCursorMBS
- MongoCollectionMBS.FindIndexes(OptionsJSON as String = "") as MongoCursorMBS
- MongoCollectionMBS.InsertMany(documentArrayJSON as String, OptionsJSON as String = "") as String
- MongoCollectionMBS.InsertMany(documentJSON() as String, OptionsJSON as String = "") as String
- MongoCollectionMBS.Rename(NewDatabaseName as String, NewCollectionName as String, DropTargetBeforeRename as Boolean = false, OptionsJSON as String = "") as boolean
- MongoCursorMBS.ErrorDocument(byref ReplyJSON as String) as Boolean
- NSFontMBS.monospacedDigitSystemFontOfSize(fontSize as double, weight as double) as NSFontMBS
- NSFontMBS.monospacedSystemFontOfSize(fontSize as double, weight as double) as NSFontMBS
New class properties in version 22.4:
- CURLMBS.OptionMaxLifeTimeConnection as Integer
- CURLMBS.OptionMimeOptions as Integer
- CURLMBS.OptionProtocolsString as String
- CURLMBS.OptionReditProtocolsString as String
- CURLMBS.OptionServerResponseTimeout as Integer
- CURLMBS.OptionSSHHostPublicKeySHA256 as String
- CURLNMBS.OptionMaxLifeTimeConnection as Integer
- CURLNMBS.OptionMimeOptions as Integer
- CURLNMBS.OptionProtocolsString as String
- CURLNMBS.OptionReditProtocolsString as String
- CURLNMBS.OptionServerResponseTimeout as Integer
- CURLNMBS.OptionSSHHostPublicKeySHA256 as String
- CURLSMBS.OptionMaxLifeTimeConnection as Integer
- CURLSMBS.OptionMimeOptions as Integer
- CURLSMBS.OptionProtocolsString as String
- CURLSMBS.OptionReditProtocolsString as String
- CURLSMBS.OptionServerResponseTimeout as Integer
- CURLSMBS.OptionSSHHostPublicKeySHA256 as String
- DesktopScintillaControlMBS.HasBorder as Boolean
- ScintillaControlMBS.HasBorder as Boolean
- SerialPortMBS.WinRTSControl as Integer
389 new items including 29 new classes 9 new methods 4 new events 21 new properties for existing classes and 0 new global methods.