New in version 23.3
New in Version 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 25.0 25.1
Platforms to show: All Mac Windows Linux Cross-Platform
New controls in version 23.3:
- control DesktopWinPreviewControlMBS
- control PDFThumbnailViewIOSControlMBS
- control PDFViewIOSControlMBS
- control WinPreviewControlMBS
New classes in version 23.3:
New class methods in version 23.3:
- CipherMBS.aes_128_cbc_hmac_sha256 as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.aes_128_ocb as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.aes_128_wrap as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.aes_128_wrap_pad as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.aes_192_ocb as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.aes_192_wrap as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.aes_192_wrap_pad as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.aes_256_cbc_hmac_sha256 as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.aes_256_ocb as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.aes_256_wrap as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.aes_256_wrap_pad as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.aria_128_cbc as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.aria_128_ccm as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.aria_128_cfb1 as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.aria_128_cfb128 as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.aria_128_cfb8 as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.aria_128_ctr as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.aria_128_ecb as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.aria_128_gcm as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.aria_128_ofb as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.aria_192_cbc as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.aria_192_ccm as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.aria_192_cfb1 as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.aria_192_cfb128 as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.aria_192_cfb8 as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.aria_192_ctr as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.aria_192_ecb as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.aria_192_gcm as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.aria_192_ofb as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.aria_256_cbc as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.aria_256_ccm as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.aria_256_cfb1 as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.aria_256_cfb128 as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.aria_256_cfb8 as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.aria_256_ctr as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.aria_256_ecb as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.aria_256_gcm as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.aria_256_ofb as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.camellia_128_ctr as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.camellia_192_ctr as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.camellia_256_ctr as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.chacha20 as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.chacha20_poly1305 as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.Control(Type as Integer, Arg as Integer, Data as Ptr)
- CipherMBS.des_ede3_wrap as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.GetGCMTag(Size as Integer = 16) as MemoryBlock
- CipherMBS.SetGCMTag(Data as MemoryBlock)
- CipherMBS.sm4_cbc as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.sm4_cfb128 as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.sm4_ctr as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.sm4_ecb as CipherMBS
- CipherMBS.sm4_ofb as CipherMBS
- DesktopScintillaControlMBS.MarkerDefineRGBAImage(markerNumber as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer, ScalePercent as Integer = 100, Pixels as MemoryBlock)
- DesktopScintillaControlMBS.RegisterRGBAImage(type as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer, Pixels as MemoryBlock)
- DigestMBS.blake2b512 as DigestMBS
- DigestMBS.blake2s256 as DigestMBS
- DigestMBS.SHA512_224 as DigestMBS
- DigestMBS.SHA512_256 as DigestMBS
- DigestMBS.shake128 as DigestMBS
- DigestMBS.shake256 as DigestMBS
- DigestMBS.sm3 as DigestMBS
- DigestMBS.whirlpool as DigestMBS
- DynaPDFMBS.AddDPartNode(Parent as Integer, FirstPage as Integer, LastPage as Integer, DPM as String) as Integer
- DynaPDFMBS.CreateDPartRoot(NodeNameList() as String, RecordLevel as Integer) as Boolean
- DynaPDFMBS.DeleteWatermark(PageNum as Integer, InclAnnots as Boolean) as Integer
- DynaPDFMBS.GetLastTextOffset as UInt32
- DynaPDFMBS.HaveDPartRoot as Boolean
- DynaPDFMBS.MarkTemplateAsWatermark(TemplateHandle as Integer) as Boolean
- DynaPDFMBS.OpenTagEx(Tag as integer, Lang as string, AltText as string, Expansion as string, Attributes as String) as Boolean
- GM16ImageMBS.Describe(verbose as Integer = 1) as String
- GMImageMBS.Describe(verbose as Integer = 1) as String
- NSMenuItemMBS.setAction(target as NSResponderMBS, selectorName as string)
- ScintillaControlMBS.MarkerDefineRGBAImage(markerNumber as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer, ScalePercent as Integer = 100, Pixels as MemoryBlock)
- ScintillaControlMBS.RegisterRGBAImage(type as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer, Pixels as MemoryBlock)
- SystemInformationMBS.isSonoma(orHigher as boolean = true) as boolean
- VNClassifyImageRequestMBS.supportedIdentifiers(byref error as NSErrorMBS) as String()
- VNDetectBarcodesRequestMBS.supportedSymbologies(byref error as NSErrorMBS) as String()
- WindowsBluetoothDeviceIdMBS.FromID(ID as String) as WindowsBluetoothDeviceIdMBS
- WindowsBluetoothLEDeviceMBS.FromBluetoothAddress(bluetoothAddress as UInt64) as WindowsBluetoothLEDeviceMBS
- WindowsBluetoothLEDeviceMBS.FromBluetoothAddress(bluetoothAddress as UInt64, BluetoothAddressType as Integer) as WindowsBluetoothLEDeviceMBS
- WindowsBluetoothLEDeviceMBS.FromId(Id as String) as WindowsBluetoothLEDeviceMBS
- WindowsGattDeviceServiceMBS.FromId(Id as String) as WindowsGattDeviceServiceMBS
- WindowsGattDeviceServiceMBS.FromId(Id as String, sharingMode as Integer) as WindowsGattDeviceServiceMBS
- WindowsGattSessionMBS.FromDeviceId(deviceId as WindowsBluetoothDeviceIdMBS) as WindowsGattSessionMBS
- WindowsPDFDocumentMBS.ConvertImage(ImageData as String) as String
- WindowsPreviewHandlerMBS.SetWindow(win as ContainerControl)
- WindowsPreviewHandlerMBS.SetWindow(win as Control)
- WindowsPreviewHandlerMBS.SetWindow(win as DesktopContainer)
- WindowsPreviewHandlerMBS.SetWindow(win as DesktopControl)
- WindowsPreviewHandlerMBS.SetWindow(win as DesktopWindow)
- WindowsPreviewHandlerMBS.SetWindow(win as Window)
- XLBookMBS.AddFormatFromStyle(style as Integer) as XLFormatMBS
- XLSheetMBS.SetColPx(colFirst as integer, colLast as integer, width as integer, format as XLFormatMBS = nil, hidden as boolean = false) as boolean
- XLSheetMBS.SetRowPx(row as integer, height as integer, format as XLFormatMBS = nil, hidden as boolean = false) as boolean
- XLSheetMBS.Table(name as string, byref rowFirst as integer, byref rowLast as integer, byref ColFirst as integer, byref ColLast as integer, byref headerRowCount as integer, byref totalsRowCount as integer) as Boolean
- XMLDocumentMBS.evaluate(expression as String, contextNode as XMLNodeMBS, type as Integer) as XMLXPathResultMBS
New class properties in version 23.3:
- CipherMBS.HasVariableKeyLength as Boolean
- CipherMBS.ZeroPaddingKey as Boolean
- CURLMBS.Tag as Variant
- CURLMultiMBS.Tag as Variant
- CURLNMBS.Tag as Variant
- CURLNMultiMBS.Tag as Variant
- CURLSMBS.Tag as Variant
- CURLSMultiMBS.Tag as Variant
- DynaPDFOptimizeParamsMBS.Flags2 as Integer
- DynaPDFOptimizeParamsMBS.Flags3 as Integer
- DynaPDFOptimizeParamsMBS.Flags4 as Integer
- WKPreferencesMBS.ElementFullscreenEnabled as Boolean
- WKPreferencesMBS.siteSpecificQuirksModeEnabled as Boolean
- WKWebViewConfigurationMBS.allowsInlineMediaPlayback as Boolean
- WKWebViewConfigurationMBS.allowsPictureInPictureMediaPlayback as Boolean
- WKWebViewConfigurationMBS.limitsNavigationsToAppBoundDomains as Boolean
- WKWebViewConfigurationMBS.upgradeKnownHostsToHTTPS as Boolean
301 new items including 3 new classes 4 new controls 96 new methods 17 new properties for existing classes and 0 new global methods.