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The plugin part MBS MacControls Plugin:NSCollectionView:
Partly Console safe, 203 entry points.
- class NSCollectionViewFlowLayoutInvalidationContextMBS
- class NSCollectionViewFlowLayoutMBS
- method Constructor
- method collapseSectionAtIndex(sectionIndex as Integer)
- method expandSectionAtIndex(sectionIndex as Integer)
- property sectionAtIndexIsCollapsed(sectionIndex as Integer) as Boolean
- property sectionHeadersPinToVisibleBounds as Boolean
- property sectionFootersPinToVisibleBounds as Boolean
- property minimumLineSpacing as Double
- property minimumInteritemSpacing as Double
- property itemSize as NSSizeMBS
- property estimatedItemSize as NSSizeMBS
- property headerReferenceSize as NSSizeMBS
- property footerReferenceSize as NSSizeMBS
- property scrollDirection as Integer
- property sectionInset as NSEdgeInsetsMBS
- shared method ElementKindSectionHeader as String
- shared method ElementKindSectionFooter as String
- class NSCollectionViewGridLayoutMBS
- method Constructor
- method backgroundColors as NSColorMBS()
- method setBackgroundColors(Colors() as NSColorMBS = nil)
- property minimumItemSize as NSSizeMBS
- property maximumItemSize as NSSizeMBS
- property minimumInteritemSpacing as Double
- property minimumLineSpacing as Double
- property maximumNumberOfRows as Integer
- property maximumNumberOfColumns as Integer
- property margins as NSEdgeInsetsMBS
- class NSCollectionViewItemMBS
- class NSCollectionViewLayoutAttributesMBS
- method copy as NSCollectionViewLayoutAttributesMBS
- method Constructor
- property size as NSSizeMBS
- property frame as NSSizeMBS
- property representedElementKind as String
- property indexPath as NSIndexPathMBS
- property Hidden as Boolean
- property zIndex as Integer
- property alpha as Double
- property representedElementCategory as Integer
- shared method ElementKindInterItemGapIndicator as String
- shared method layoutAttributesForItem(indexPath as NSIndexPathMBS) as NSCollectionViewLayoutAttributesMBS
- shared method layoutAttributesForInterItemGapBefore(indexPath as NSIndexPathMBS) as NSCollectionViewLayoutAttributesMBS
- shared method layoutAttributesForSupplementaryView(elementKind as String, indexPath as NSIndexPathMBS) as NSCollectionViewLayoutAttributesMBS
- shared method layoutAttributesForDecorationView(decorationViewKind as String, indexPath as NSIndexPathMBS) as NSCollectionViewLayoutAttributesMBS
- class NSCollectionViewLayoutInvalidationContextMBS
- method invalidateItemsAtIndexPaths(indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS)
- method invalidateSupplementaryElementsOfKind(elementKind as String, indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS)
- method invalidateDecorationElementsOfKind(elementKind as String, indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS)
- method Constructor
- method invalidatedItemIndexPaths as NSIndexPathMBS()
- property invalidateEverything as Boolean
- property invalidateDataSourceCounts as Boolean
- property invalidatedSupplementaryIndexPaths as Dictionary
- property invalidatedDecorationIndexPaths as Dictionary
- property contentSizeAdjustment as NSSizeMBS
- property contentOffsetAdjustment as NSPointMBS
- class NSCollectionViewLayoutMBS
- method Constructor
- method invalidateLayout
- method invalidateLayoutWithContext(context as NSCollectionViewLayoutInvalidationContextMBS)
- property collectionView as NSCollectionViewMBS
- shared method NewLayoutAttributes as NSCollectionViewLayoutAttributesMBS
- shared method NewInvalidationContext as NSCollectionViewLayoutInvalidationContextMBS
- class NSCollectionViewMBS
- method toggleSectionCollapse(sender as NSViewMBS)
- method setDraggingSourceOperationMask(mask as integer, local as boolean)
- method visibleSupplementaryViewsOfKind(elementKind as String) as NSViewMBS()
- method supplementaryViewForElementKind(elementKind as String, indexPath as NSIndexPathMBS) as NSCollectionViewSectionHeaderViewMBS
- method indexPathsForVisibleSupplementaryElementsOfKind(elementKind as String) as NSIndexPathMBS()
- method makeSupplementaryViewOfKind(elementKind as String, indexPath as NSIndexPathMBS) as NSCollectionViewSectionHeaderViewMBS
- method makeItem(indexPath as NSIndexPathMBS) as NSCollectionViewItemMBS
- method frameForItem(Index as Integer, numberOfItems as Integer) as NSRectMBS
- method frameForItem(Index as Integer) as NSRectMBS
- method layoutAttributesForSupplementaryElementOfKind(kind as String, indexPath as NSIndexPathMBS) as NSCollectionViewLayoutAttributesMBS
- method layoutAttributesForItem(indexPath as NSIndexPathMBS) as NSCollectionViewLayoutAttributesMBS
- method backgroundColors as NSColorMBS()
- method setBackgroundColors(Colors() as NSColorMBS = nil)
- method indexPathForItem(x as double, y as double) as NSIndexPathMBS
- method indexPathForItem(indexPath as NSCollectionViewItemMBS) as NSIndexPathMBS
- method indexPathsForVisibleItems as NSIndexPathMBS()
- method item(indexPath as NSIndexPathMBS) as NSCollectionViewItemMBS
- method item(index as Integer) as NSCollectionViewItemMBS
- method visibleItems as NSCollectionViewItemMBS()
- method moveItem(indexPath as NSIndexPathMBS, toIndexPath as NSIndexPathMBS)
- method reloadItems(indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS)
- method deleteItems(indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS)
- method insertItems(indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS)
- method moveSection(section as Integer, toSection as Integer)
- method reloadSections(sections as NSIndexSetMBS)
- method deleteSections(sections as NSIndexSetMBS)
- method insertSections(sections as NSIndexSetMBS)
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(left as double, top as double, width as double, height as double)
- method selectAll
- method deselectAll
- method reloadData
- method numberOfItemsInSection(section as Integer) as Integer
- method selection as NSIndexPathMBS()
- method setSelection(indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS)
- method deselectItems(indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS)
- method selectItems(indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS, scrollPosition as Integer)
- method scrollToItems(indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS, scrollPosition as Integer)
- property collectionViewLayout as NSCollectionViewLayoutMBS
- property backgroundView as NSViewMBS
- property backgroundViewScrollsWithContent as Boolean
- property selectable as Boolean
- property allowsEmptySelection as Boolean
- property allowsMultipleSelection as Boolean
- property numberOfSections as Integer
- property firstResponder as Boolean
- property animator as NSCollectionViewMBS
- class NSCollectionViewSectionHeaderViewMBS
- class NSCollectionViewTransitionLayoutMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(currentLayout as NSCollectionViewLayoutMBS, nextLayout as NSCollectionViewLayoutMBS)
- property valueForAnimatedKey(AnimatedKey as String) as Double
- property transitionProgress as Double
- property currentLayout as NSCollectionViewLayoutMBS
- property nextLayout as NSCollectionViewLayoutMBS
- class NSCollectionViewUpdateItemMBS
- class NSIndexPathMBS
- method copy as NSIndexPathMBS
- method Constructor(Index as Integer)
- method indexPathByRemovingLastIndex as NSIndexPathMBS
- method indexPathByAddingIndex(index as Integer) as NSIndexPathMBS
- method indexAtPosition(position as Integer) as Integer
- method compare(other as NSIndexPathMBS) as Integer
- method Constructor(Indexes() as Integer)
- method indexes as Integer()
- property item as Integer
- property section as Integer
- property length as Integer
- shared method indexPathWithIndex(index as Integer) as NSIndexPathMBS
- shared method indexPathForItem(item as Integer, section as Integer = 0) as NSIndexPathMBS
- shared method indexPathWithIndexes(indexes() as Integer) as NSIndexPathMBS
- control DesktopNSCollectionViewControlMBS
- method performBatchUpdates(tag as variant)
- property View as NSCollectionViewMBS
- property ScrollView as NSScrollViewMBS
- event FocusReceived
- event FocusLost
- event FrameChanged
- event BoundsChanged
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event MenuBarSelected
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer)
- event numberOfItemsInSection(section as Integer) as Integer
- event numberOfSections as Integer
- event itemForRepresentedObject(indexPath as NSIndexPathMBS) as NSCollectionViewItemMBS
- event viewForSupplementaryElement(kind as String, indexPath as NSIndexPathMBS) as NSViewMBS
- event prefetchItems(indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS)
- event cancelPrefetchingForItems(indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS)
- event canDragItems(indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS) as Boolean
- event writeItems(indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS, Pasteboard as NSPasteboardMBS) as Boolean
- event namesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestination(dropURL as String, indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS) as String()
- event draggingImageForItems(indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS, byref dragImageOffset as NSPointMBS) as NSImageMBS
- event validateDrop(draggingInfo as NSDraggingInfoMBS, byref proposedIndexPath as NSIndexPathMBS, byref dropOperation as Integer) as Integer
- event acceptDrop(draggingInfo as NSDraggingInfoMBS, indexPath as NSIndexPathMBS, dropOperation as Integer) as Integer
- event pasteboardWriterForItem(indexPath as NSIndexPathMBS) as NSPasteboardItemMBS
- event draggingSessionWillBegin(session as NSDraggingSessionMBS, screenPoint as NSPointMBS, indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS)
- event draggingSessionEnded(session as NSDraggingSessionMBS, screenPoint as NSPointMBS, dragOperation as Integer)
- event updateDraggingItemsForDrag(draggingInfo as NSDraggingInfoMBS)
- event shouldChangeItems(indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS, highlightState as Integer) as NSIndexPathMBS()
- event didChangeItems(indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS, highlightState as Integer)
- event shouldSelectItems(indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS) as NSIndexPathMBS()
- event shouldDeselectItems(indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS) as NSIndexPathMBS()
- event didSelectItems(indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS)
- event didDeselectItems(indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS)
- event willDisplayItem(item as NSCollectionViewItemMBS, indexPath as NSIndexPathMBS)
- event willDisplaySupplementaryView(view as NSViewMBS, elementKind as String, indexPath as NSIndexPathMBS)
- event didEndDisplayingItem(item as NSCollectionViewItemMBS, indexPath as NSIndexPathMBS)
- event didEndDisplayingSupplementaryView(view as NSViewMBS, elementKind as String, indexPath as NSIndexPathMBS)
- event transitionLayout(fromLayout as NSCollectionViewLayoutMBS, toLayout as NSCollectionViewLayoutMBS) as NSCollectionViewTransitionLayoutMBS
- event ItemPrepareForReuse(item as NSCollectionViewItemMBS)
- event ItemApplyLayoutAttributes(item as NSCollectionViewItemMBS, layoutAttributes as NSCollectionViewLayoutAttributesMBS)
- event ItemWillTransition(item as NSCollectionViewItemMBS, oldLayout as NSCollectionViewLayoutMBS, newLayout as NSCollectionViewLayoutMBS)
- event ItemDidTransition(item as NSCollectionViewItemMBS, oldLayout as NSCollectionViewLayoutMBS, newLayout as NSCollectionViewLayoutMBS)
- event ItemPreferredLayoutAttributesFittingAttributes(item as NSCollectionViewItemMBS, layoutAttributes as NSCollectionViewLayoutAttributesMBS) as NSCollectionViewLayoutAttributesMBS
- event performBatchUpdatesWork(tag as variant)
- event performBatchUpdatesCompleted(tag as variant, finished as boolean)
- event sizeForItemAtIndexPath(layout as NSCollectionViewLayoutMBS, indexPath as NSIndexPathMBS) as NSSizeMBS
- event insetForSectionAtIndex(layout as NSCollectionViewLayoutMBS, section as Integer) as NSEdgeInsetsMBS
- event minimumLineSpacingForSectionAtIndex(layout as NSCollectionViewLayoutMBS, section as Integer) as double
- event minimumInteritemSpacingForSectionAtIndex(layout as NSCollectionViewLayoutMBS, section as Integer) as double
- event referenceSizeForHeaderInSection(layout as NSCollectionViewLayoutMBS, section as Integer) as NSSizeMBS
- event referenceSizeForFooterInSection(layout as NSCollectionViewLayoutMBS, section as Integer) as NSSizeMBS
- control NSCollectionViewControlMBS
- method performBatchUpdates(tag as variant)
- property View as NSCollectionViewMBS
- property ScrollView as NSScrollViewMBS
- event GotFocus
- event LostFocus
- event FrameChanged
- event BoundsChanged
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event EnableMenuItems
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer)
- event numberOfItemsInSection(section as Integer) as Integer
- event numberOfSections as Integer
- event itemForRepresentedObject(indexPath as NSIndexPathMBS) as NSCollectionViewItemMBS
- event viewForSupplementaryElement(kind as String, indexPath as NSIndexPathMBS) as NSViewMBS
- event prefetchItems(indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS)
- event cancelPrefetchingForItems(indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS)
- event canDragItems(indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS) as Boolean
- event writeItems(indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS, Pasteboard as NSPasteboardMBS) as Boolean
- event namesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestination(dropURL as String, indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS) as String()
- event draggingImageForItems(indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS, byref dragImageOffset as NSPointMBS) as NSImageMBS
- event validateDrop(draggingInfo as NSDraggingInfoMBS, byref proposedIndexPath as NSIndexPathMBS, byref dropOperation as Integer) as Integer
- event acceptDrop(draggingInfo as NSDraggingInfoMBS, indexPath as NSIndexPathMBS, dropOperation as Integer) as Integer
- event pasteboardWriterForItem(indexPath as NSIndexPathMBS) as NSPasteboardItemMBS
- event draggingSessionWillBegin(session as NSDraggingSessionMBS, screenPoint as NSPointMBS, indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS)
- event draggingSessionEnded(session as NSDraggingSessionMBS, screenPoint as NSPointMBS, dragOperation as Integer)
- event updateDraggingItemsForDrag(draggingInfo as NSDraggingInfoMBS)
- event shouldChangeItems(indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS, highlightState as Integer) as NSIndexPathMBS()
- event didChangeItems(indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS, highlightState as Integer)
- event shouldSelectItems(indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS) as NSIndexPathMBS()
- event shouldDeselectItems(indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS) as NSIndexPathMBS()
- event didSelectItems(indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS)
- event didDeselectItems(indexPaths() as NSIndexPathMBS)
- event willDisplayItem(item as NSCollectionViewItemMBS, indexPath as NSIndexPathMBS)
- event willDisplaySupplementaryView(view as NSViewMBS, elementKind as String, indexPath as NSIndexPathMBS)
- event didEndDisplayingItem(item as NSCollectionViewItemMBS, indexPath as NSIndexPathMBS)
- event didEndDisplayingSupplementaryView(view as NSViewMBS, elementKind as String, indexPath as NSIndexPathMBS)
- event transitionLayout(fromLayout as NSCollectionViewLayoutMBS, toLayout as NSCollectionViewLayoutMBS) as NSCollectionViewTransitionLayoutMBS
- event ItemPrepareForReuse(item as NSCollectionViewItemMBS)
- event ItemApplyLayoutAttributes(item as NSCollectionViewItemMBS, layoutAttributes as NSCollectionViewLayoutAttributesMBS)
- event ItemWillTransition(item as NSCollectionViewItemMBS, oldLayout as NSCollectionViewLayoutMBS, newLayout as NSCollectionViewLayoutMBS)
- event ItemDidTransition(item as NSCollectionViewItemMBS, oldLayout as NSCollectionViewLayoutMBS, newLayout as NSCollectionViewLayoutMBS)
- event ItemPreferredLayoutAttributesFittingAttributes(item as NSCollectionViewItemMBS, layoutAttributes as NSCollectionViewLayoutAttributesMBS) as NSCollectionViewLayoutAttributesMBS
- event performBatchUpdatesWork(tag as variant)
- event performBatchUpdatesCompleted(tag as variant, finished as boolean)
- event sizeForItemAtIndexPath(layout as NSCollectionViewLayoutMBS, indexPath as NSIndexPathMBS) as NSSizeMBS
- event insetForSectionAtIndex(layout as NSCollectionViewLayoutMBS, section as Integer) as NSEdgeInsetsMBS
- event minimumLineSpacingForSectionAtIndex(layout as NSCollectionViewLayoutMBS, section as Integer) as double
- event minimumInteritemSpacingForSectionAtIndex(layout as NSCollectionViewLayoutMBS, section as Integer) as double
- event referenceSizeForHeaderInSection(layout as NSCollectionViewLayoutMBS, section as Integer) as NSSizeMBS
- event referenceSizeForFooterInSection(layout as NSCollectionViewLayoutMBS, section as Integer) as NSSizeMBS
Blog Entries
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- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 21.5
- New desktop controls
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 21.3
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 21.3
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- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 21.1
- NSCollectionView for Xojo
- MBS Xojo Plugins Version 21.0 News
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 21.0
- MBS Xojo Plugins 21.1
- XDC Anywhere - MBS Xojo Plugins
- MBS Xojo Videos - MBS Xojo Plugin, June 2021 News