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The plugin part MBS MacBase Plugin:NSUtil:
Partly Console safe, 592 entry points.
- class NSBundleMBS
- method pathForImageResource(name as string) as folderitem
- method pathForSoundResource(name as string) as folderitem
- method localizedStringForKey(key as string, value as string="", tableName as string="") as string
- method pathForResource(name as string, extension as string) as folderitem
- method pathForResource(name as string, extension as string, subpath as string) as folderitem
- method pathForResource(name as string, extension as string, subpath as string, localizationName as string) as folderitem
- method Constructor(path as string)
- method Constructor(path as folderitem)
- method executableArchitectures as integer()
- method localizations as string()
- method preferredLocalizations as string()
- method developmentLocalization as string
- method load as boolean
- method isLoaded as boolean
- method unload as boolean
- method infoDictionary as dictionary
- method localizedInfoDictionary as dictionary
- method bundleIdentifier as string
- method bundlePath as string
- method resourcePath as string
- method executablePath as string
- method privateFrameworksPath as string
- method sharedFrameworksPath as string
- method sharedSupportPath as string
- method builtInPlugInsPath as string
- method bundleFolder as folderitem
- method resourceFolder as folderitem
- method executableFile as folderitem
- method privateFrameworksFolder as folderitem
- method sharedFrameworksFolder as folderitem
- method sharedSupportFolder as folderitem
- method builtInPlugInsFolder as folderitem
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method bundleWithPath(path as folderitem) as NSBundleMBS
- shared method bundleWithPath(path as string) as NSBundleMBS
- shared method bundleWithIdentifier(identifier as string) as NSBundleMBS
- shared method mainBundle as NSBundleMBS
- shared method allBundles as NSBundleMBS()
- shared method allFrameworks as NSBundleMBS()
- class NSCharacterSetMBS
- method componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet(s as string) as String()
- method stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet(s as string) as String
- method rangeOfCharacterFromSet(s as string, options as integer = 0, searchRange as NSRangeMBS = nil) as NSRangeMBS
- method copy as NSCharacterSetMBS
- method mutableCopy as NSMutableCharacterSetMBS
- method Constructor
- method Operator_Convert as string
- method bitmapRepresentation as MemoryBlock
- method longCharacterIsMember(theLongChar as integer) as boolean
- method isSupersetOfSet(theOtherSet as NSCharacterSetMBS) as boolean
- method hasMemberInPlane(thePlane as integer) as boolean
- method characterIsMember(Character as integer) as boolean
- method invertedSet as NSCharacterSetMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property StringValue as String
- property CharacterCount as Integer
- shared method characterSetWithBitmapRepresentation(data as memoryblock) as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method characterSetWithContentsOfFile(aString as string) as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method characterSetWithContentsOfFile(file as folderitem) as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method characterSetWithCharactersInString(aString as string) as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method characterSetWithRange(r as NSRangeMBS) as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method controlCharacterSet as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method whitespaceCharacterSet as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method decimalDigitCharacterSet as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method letterCharacterSet as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method lowercaseLetterCharacterSet as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method uppercaseLetterCharacterSet as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method nonBaseCharacterSet as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method alphanumericCharacterSet as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method decomposableCharacterSet as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method illegalCharacterSet as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method punctuationCharacterSet as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method capitalizedLetterCharacterSet as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method symbolCharacterSet as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method newlineCharacterSet as NSCharacterSetMBS
- class NSCoderMBS
- method decodeCFObjectMBS(key as string) as variant
- method encodeCFObjectMBS(value as variant, key as string)
- method decodeNSURLFile(key as string) as folderitem
- method encodeNSURLFile(value as folderitem, key as string)
- method decodeNSURLString(key as string) as String
- method encodeNSURLString(value as String, key as string)
- method Constructor
- method systemVersion as integer
- method allowsKeyedCoding as boolean
- method containsValueForKey(key as string) as boolean
- method decodeBool(key as string) as boolean
- method encodeBool(value as boolean, key as string)
- method decodeInt32(key as string) as Int32
- method encodeInt32(value as Int32, key as string)
- method decodeInt64(key as string) as Int64
- method encodeInt64(value as Int64, key as string)
- method decodeFloat(key as string) as single
- method encodeFloat(value as single, key as string)
- method decodeDouble(key as string) as double
- method encodeDouble(value as double, key as string)
- method decodeBytes(key as string) as MemoryBlock
- method encodeBytes(value as MemoryBlock, key as string)
- method decodeString(key as string) as string
- method encodeString(value as string, key as string)
- method decodeDictionary(key as string) as Dictionary
- method encodeDictionary(value as Dictionary, key as string)
- method decodePoint(key as string) as NSPointMBS
- method encodePoint(value as NSPointMBS, key as string)
- method decodeSize(key as string) as NSSizeMBS
- method encodeSize(value as NSSizeMBS, key as string)
- method decodeRect(key as string) as NSRectMBS
- method encodeRect(value as NSRectMBS, key as string)
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method decodeTypedStream(Data as MemoryBlock) as variant
- class NSDirectoryEnumeratorMBS
- method Path as string
- method Destructor
- method Constructor(path as string)
- method Constructor(folder as folderitem)
- method skipDescendents
- method nextFile as folderitem
- method level as integer
- method fileAttributes as dictionary
- method directoryAttributes as dictionary
- shared method NSFileType as string
- shared method NSFileTypeDirectory as string
- shared method NSFileTypeRegular as string
- shared method NSFileTypeSymbolicLink as string
- shared method NSFileTypeSocket as string
- shared method NSFileTypeCharacterSpecial as string
- shared method NSFileTypeBlockSpecial as string
- shared method NSFileTypeUnknown as string
- shared method NSFileSize as string
- shared method NSFileModificationDate as string
- shared method NSFileReferenceCount as string
- shared method NSFileDeviceIdentifier as string
- shared method NSFileOwnerAccountName as string
- shared method NSFileGroupOwnerAccountName as string
- shared method NSFilePosixPermissions as string
- shared method NSFileSystemNumber as string
- shared method NSFileSystemFileNumber as string
- shared method NSFileExtensionHidden as string
- shared method NSFileHFSCreatorCode as string
- shared method NSFileHFSTypeCode as string
- shared method NSFileImmutable as string
- shared method NSFileAppendOnly as string
- shared method NSFileCreationDate as string
- shared method NSFileOwnerAccountID as string
- shared method NSFileGroupOwnerAccountID as string
- shared method NSFileBusy as string
- shared method NSFileSystemSize as string
- shared method NSFileSystemFreeSize as string
- shared method NSFileSystemNodes as string
- shared method NSFileSystemFreeNodes as string
- class NSEnumeratorMBS
- class NSHelpManagerMBS
- method registerBooksInBundle(bundle as NSBundleMBS) as boolean
- method Constructor
- method findString(query as string, book as string)
- method openHelpAnchor(anchor as string, book as string)
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method NSContextHelpModeDidActivateNotification as string
- shared method NSContextHelpModeDidDeactivateNotification as string
- shared method isContextHelpModeActive as boolean
- shared method setContextHelpModeActive(active as boolean)
- class NSIndexSetMBS
- method Values as integer()
- method Operator_Convert as string
- method copy as NSIndexSetMBS
- method mutableCopy as NSMutableIndexSetMBS
- method Constructor(indexes as NSIndexSetMBS)
- method Constructor(StartIndex as integer, Length as integer)
- method Constructor(index as integer)
- method Constructor
- method firstIndex as integer
- method lastIndex as integer
- method count as integer
- method indexGreaterThanIndex(index as integer) as integer
- method indexLessThanIndex(index as integer) as integer
- method indexGreaterThanOrEqualToIndex(index as integer) as integer
- method indexLessThanOrEqualToIndex(index as integer) as integer
- method isEqualToIndexSet(other as NSIndexSetMBS) as boolean
- method containsIndex(index as integer) as boolean
- method containsIndexes(indexes as NSIndexSetMBS) as boolean
- method intersectsIndexesInRange(StartIndex as integer, Length as integer) as boolean
- method containsIndexesInRange(StartIndex as integer, Length as integer) as boolean
- method countOfIndexesInRange(StartIndex as integer, Length as integer) as integer
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method indexSetWithIndexesInRange(StartIndex as integer, Length as integer) as NSIndexSetMBS
- shared method indexSetWithIndex(index as integer) as NSIndexSetMBS
- shared method indexSet as NSIndexSetMBS
- class NSInputStreamMBS
- method Constructor(filePath as string)
- method Read(maxLength as Integer) as MemoryBlock
- method LookAHead as MemoryBlock
- property hasBytesAvailable as Boolean
- shared method inputStreamWithData(data as Memoryblock) as NSInputStreamMBS
- shared method inputStreamWithFileAtPath(path as string) as NSInputStreamMBS
- shared method inputStreamWithURL(URL as string) as NSInputStreamMBS
- class NSKeyedArchiverMBS
- class NSKeyedUnarchiverMBS
- class NSKeyValueObserverMBS
- method Constructor(TargetHandle as integer)
- method Destructor
- method removeObserver(keyPath as string, context as variant = nil)
- method addObserver(keyPath as string, options as integer = 5, context as variant = nil)
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method NSKeyValueChangeKindKey as string
- shared method NSKeyValueChangeNewKey as string
- shared method NSKeyValueChangeOldKey as string
- shared method NSKeyValueChangeIndexesKey as string
- shared method NSKeyValueChangeNotificationIsPriorKey as string
- event observedValueForKeyPathChanged(keyPath as string, target as variant, change as dictionary, context as variant, ChangeNSDictionaryRef as Integer) as boolean
- class NSLocaleDateMBS
- method Constructor(locale as NSLocaleMBS)
- method Constructor
- method eraSymbols as string()
- method monthSymbols as string()
- method shortMonthSymbols as string()
- method weekdaySymbols as string()
- method shortWeekdaySymbols as string()
- method longEraSymbols as string()
- method veryShortMonthSymbols as string()
- method standaloneMonthSymbols as string()
- method shortStandaloneMonthSymbols as string()
- method veryShortStandaloneMonthSymbols as string()
- method veryShortWeekdaySymbols as string()
- method standaloneWeekdaySymbols as string()
- method shortStandaloneWeekdaySymbols as string()
- method veryShortStandaloneWeekdaySymbols as string()
- method quarterSymbols as string()
- method shortQuarterSymbols as string()
- method standaloneQuarterSymbols as string()
- method shortStandaloneQuarterSymbols as string()
- property dateFormat as String
- property AMSymbol as String
- property PMSymbol as String
- class NSLocaleMBS
- method ExemplarCharacterSet as variant
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Identifier as string)
- method GetString(key as string) as string
- method displayName(key as string, value as string) as string
- method localizedStringForLocaleIdentifier(LocaleIdentifier as String) as String
- method localizedStringForLanguageCode(LanguageCode as String) as String
- method localizedStringForCountryCode(CountryCode as String) as String
- method localizedStringForVariantCode(VariantCode as String) as String
- method localizedStringForScriptCode(ScriptCode as String) as String
- method localizedStringForCalendarIdentifier(CalendarIdentifier as String) as String
- method localizedStringForCollationIdentifier(CollationIdentifier as String) as String
- method localizedStringForCurrencyCode(CurrencyCode as String) as String
- method localizedStringForCollatorIdentifier(CollatorIdentifier as String) as String
- property localeIdentifier as String
- property regionCode as String
- property languageCode as String
- property languageIdentifier as String
- property scriptCode as String
- property variantCode as String
- property calendarIdentifier as String
- property collationIdentifier as String
- property usesMetricSystem as Boolean
- property decimalSeparator as String
- property groupingSeparator as String
- property currencySymbol as String
- property currencyCode as String
- property countryCode as String
- property collatorIdentifier as String
- property quotationBeginDelimiter as String
- property quotationEndDelimiter as String
- property alternateQuotationBeginDelimiter as String
- property alternateQuotationEndDelimiter as String
- property DateShort as NSLocaleDateMBS
- property DateMedium as NSLocaleDateMBS
- property DateLong as NSLocaleDateMBS
- property DateFull as NSLocaleDateMBS
- property NumberDecimal as NSLocaleNumberMBS
- property NumberCurrency as NSLocaleNumberMBS
- property NumberPercent as NSLocaleNumberMBS
- property NumberScientific as NSLocaleNumberMBS
- property NumberSpellOut as NSLocaleNumberMBS
- property MeasurementSystem as String
- property Identifier as String
- shared method availableLocaleIdentifiers as string()
- shared method ISOLanguageCodes as string()
- shared method ISOCountryCodes as string()
- shared method ISOCurrencyCodes as string()
- shared method commonISOCurrencyCodes as string()
- shared method preferredLanguages as string()
- shared method NSLocaleIdentifier as string
- shared method NSLocaleLanguageCode as string
- shared method NSLocaleCountryCode as string
- shared method NSLocaleScriptCode as string
- shared method NSLocaleVariantCode as string
- shared method NSLocaleExemplarCharacterSet as string
- shared method NSLocaleCalendar as string
- shared method NSLocaleCollationIdentifier as string
- shared method NSLocaleUsesMetricSystem as string
- shared method NSLocaleMeasurementSystem as string
- shared method NSLocaleDecimalSeparator as string
- shared method NSLocaleGroupingSeparator as string
- shared method NSLocaleCurrencySymbol as string
- shared method NSLocaleCurrencyCode as string
- shared method NSLocaleCollatorIdentifier as string
- shared method NSLocaleQuotationBeginDelimiterKey as string
- shared method NSLocaleQuotationEndDelimiterKey as string
- shared method NSLocaleAlternateQuotationBeginDelimiterKey as string
- shared method NSLocaleAlternateQuotationEndDelimiterKey as string
- shared method NSGregorianCalendar as string
- shared method NSBuddhistCalendar as string
- shared method NSChineseCalendar as string
- shared method NSHebrewCalendar as string
- shared method NSIslamicCalendar as string
- shared method NSIslamicCivilCalendar as string
- shared method NSJapaneseCalendar as string
- shared method NSRepublicOfChinaCalendar as string
- shared method NSPersianCalendar as string
- shared method NSIndianCalendar as string
- shared method NSISO8601Calendar as string
- shared method characterDirectionForLanguage(isoLangCode as string) as integer
- shared method lineDirectionForLanguage(isoLangCode as string) as integer
- shared method localeIdentifierFromWindowsLocaleCode(code as integer) as string
- shared method windowsLocaleCodeFromLocaleIdentifier(s as string) as integer
- shared method canonicalLocaleIdentifierFromString(s as String) as String
- shared method canonicalLanguageIdentifierFromString(s as String) as String
- shared method systemLocale as NSLocaleMBS
- shared method currentLocale as NSLocaleMBS
- shared method autoupdatingCurrentLocale as NSLocaleMBS
- shared method localeWithLocaleIdentifier(LocaleIdentifier as String) as NSLocaleMBS
- shared method NSCurrentLocaleDidChangeNotification as String
- class NSLocaleNumberMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(locale as NSLocaleMBS)
- property currencyGroupingSeparator as String
- property negativeFormat as String
- property positiveFormat as String
- property decimalSeparator as String
- property currencyDecimalSeparator as String
- property groupingSeparator as String
- property zeroSymbol as String
- property nilSymbol as String
- property notANumberSymbol as String
- property positiveInfinitySymbol as String
- property negativeInfinitySymbol as String
- property positivePrefix as String
- property positiveSuffix as String
- property negativePrefix as String
- property negativeSuffix as String
- property currencyCode as String
- property currencySymbol as String
- property internationalCurrencySymbol as String
- property percentSymbol as String
- property perMillSymbol as String
- property minusSign as String
- property plusSign as String
- property exponentSymbol as String
- property paddingCharacter as String
- property thousandSeparator as String
- property format as String
- property hasThousandSeparators as Boolean
- property usesGroupingSeparator as Boolean
- property Lenient as Boolean
- property usesSignificantDigits as Boolean
- property PartialStringValidationEnabled as Boolean
- property localizesFormat as Boolean
- property alwaysShowsDecimalSeparator as Boolean
- class NSMutableCharacterSetMBS
- method Constructor
- method invert
- method formIntersectionWithCharacterSet(otherset as NSMutableCharacterSetMBS)
- method formUnionWithCharacterSet(otherset as NSMutableCharacterSetMBS)
- method addCharactersInString(aString as string)
- method removeCharactersInString(aString as string)
- method addCharactersInRange(aRange as NSRangeMBS)
- method removeCharactersInRange(aRange as NSRangeMBS)
- class NSMutableIndexSetMBS
- method Constructor(indexes as NSIndexSetMBS)
- method Constructor(StartIndex as integer, Length as integer)
- method Constructor(index as integer)
- method Constructor
- method removeAllIndexes
- method addIndex(index as integer)
- method removeIndex(index as integer)
- method addIndexes(indexes as NSIndexSetMBS)
- method removeIndexes(indexes as NSIndexSetMBS)
- method shiftIndexes(StartingAtIndex as integer, delta as integer)
- method addIndexesInRange(StartIndex as integer, Length as integer)
- method removeIndexesInRange(StartIndex as integer, Length as integer)
- class NSOutputStreamMBS
- method Constructor(filePath as string, append as boolean)
- method Constructor
- method write(data as MemoryBlock) as Integer
- method OutputData as MemoryBlock
- property hasSpaceAvailable as Boolean
- shared method outputStreamToMemory as NSOutputStreamMBS
- shared method outputStreamToFileAtPath(filePath as string, append as boolean) as NSOutputStreamMBS
- shared method outputStreamWithURL(fileURL as string, append as boolean) as NSOutputStreamMBS
- class NSProcessInfoActivityMBS
- class NSProcessInfoMBS
- method beginActivity(options as integer, reason as string) as NSProcessInfoActivityMBS
- method endActivity(activity as NSProcessInfoActivityMBS)
- method argument(index as integer) as string
- method arguments as string()
- method disableSuddenTermination
- method enableSuddenTermination
- method Constructor
- method disableAutomaticTermination(Reason as string)
- method enableAutomaticTermination(Reason as string)
- method operationSystemVersion(byref Major as Integer, byref Minor as Integer, byref Patch as Integer)
- property Handle as Integer
- property thermalState as Integer
- property operatingSystemVersionString as String
- property globallyUniqueString as String
- property hostName as String
- property processName as String
- property operatingSystemName as String
- property environment as Dictionary
- property processIdentifier as Integer
- property operatingSystem as Integer
- property activeProcessorCount as Integer
- property processorCount as Integer
- property argumentsCount as Integer
- property physicalMemory as UInt64
- property systemUptime as Double
- property automaticTerminationSupportEnabled as Boolean
- property operationSystemVersionMajor as Integer
- property operationSystemVersionMinor as Integer
- property operationSystemVersionPatch as Integer
- property isiOSAppOnMac as Boolean
- property isLowPowerModeEnabled as Boolean
- shared method NSActivityLatencyCritical as UInt64
- shared method processInfo as NSProcessInfoMBS
- shared method NSProcessInfoThermalStateDidChangeNotification as String
- shared method NSProcessInfoPowerStateDidChangeNotification as String
- class NSSoundDelegateMBS
- class NSSoundMBS
- method setChannelMapping(mapping() as integer)
- method channelMapping as integer()
- method writeToPasteboard
- method setName(name as string) as boolean
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(data as memoryblock)
- method Constructor(url as string, ByReference as boolean)
- method Constructor(file as folderitem, ByReference as boolean)
- method play as boolean
- method pause as boolean
- method resume as boolean
- method stop as boolean
- method isPlaying as boolean
- method duration as double
- method name as string
- method setDelegate(DelegateHandler as NSSoundDelegateMBS)
- property volume as double
- property currentTime as double
- property loops as boolean
- property playbackDeviceIdentifier as string
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method NSSoundPboardType as string
- shared method soundUnfilteredTypes as string()
- shared method soundUnfilteredFileTypes as string()
- shared method soundUnfilteredPasteboardTypes as string()
- shared method availableSounds as string()
- shared method canInitWithPasteboard as boolean
- shared method soundNamed(name as string) as NSSoundMBS
- shared method soundWithPasteboard as NSSoundMBS
- shared method soundWithData(data as memoryblock) as NSSoundMBS
- shared method soundWithContentsOfURL(url as string, ByReference as boolean) as NSSoundMBS
- shared method soundWithContentsOfFile(file as folderitem, ByReference as boolean) as NSSoundMBS
- class NSStreamMBS
- class NSUserDefaultsMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(username as string)
- method synchronize as boolean
- method removeObjectForKey(defaultName as string)
- method removeVolatileDomainForName(domainName as string)
- method removePersistentDomainForName(domainName as string)
- method addSuiteNamed(suiteName as string)
- method removeSuiteNamed(suiteName as string)
- method stringArrayForKey(key as string) as string()
- method arrayForKey(key as string) as variant()
- method setIntegerValue(key as string, value as integer)
- method setFloatValue(key as string, value as single)
- method setDoubleValue(key as string, value as double)
- method setBoolValue(key as string, value as boolean)
- method setStringValue(key as string, value as string)
- method setDataValue(key as string, value as memoryblock)
- method setVariantValue(key as string, value as variant)
- method setFileValue(key as string, value as folderitem)
- method setURLValue(key as string, value as string)
- method setStringArrayValue(key as string, values() as string)
- method setDictionaryValue(key as string, value as dictionary)
- method setArrayValue(key as string, values() as variant)
- method registerDefaults(dic as dictionary)
- method dictionaryRepresentation as dictionary
- method objectIsForcedForKey(key as string) as boolean
- method objectIsForcedForKey(key as string, domain as string) as boolean
- method setPersistentDomain(domain as dictionary, domainName as string)
- method setVolatileDomain(domain as dictionary, domainName as string)
- method persistentDomainNames as string()
- method persistentDomainForName(domainName as string) as dictionary
- method volatileDomainNames as string()
- method volatileDomainForName(domainName as string) as dictionary
- property integerForKey(key as string) as integer
- property floatForKey(key as string) as single
- property doubleForKey(key as string) as double
- property boolForKey(key as string) as boolean
- property stringForKey(key as string) as string
- property dataForKey(key as string) as memoryblock
- property variantForKey(key as string) as variant
- property fileForKey(key as string) as folderitem
- property URLForKey(key as string) as string
- property dictionaryForKey(key as string) as dictionary
- shared method NSGlobalDomain as string
- shared method NSArgumentDomain as string
- shared method NSRegistrationDomain as string
- shared method NSUserDefaultsDidChangeNotification as string
- shared method resetStandardUserDefaults
- shared method standardUserDefaults as NSUserDefaultsMBS
- method Operator_Compare(other as NSUUIDMBS) as Integer
- method isEqual(other as NSUUIDMBS) as boolean
- method copy as NSUUIDMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(UUID as String)
- method Constructor(UUID as MemoryBlock)
- property Handle as Integer
- property data as MemoryBlock
- property UUIDString as String
- shared method UUID as NSUUIDMBS
- shared method Available as boolean
Blog Entries
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 24.3
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 24.3
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 24.3pr3
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 24.1pr5
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 21.3
- Important note for Webkit enabled applications in the Mac App Store
- Nearly 2000 new Functions in the 9.6 prerelease of MBS
- MBS REALbasic plug-in 9.6
- MBS REALbasic plug-ins version 9.5
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS REALbasic plug-ins 8.4