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The plugin part MBS PDFKit Plugin:PDFKit:
Partly Console safe, 574 entry points.
- class PDFActionGoToMBS
- class PDFActionMBS
- class PDFActionNamedMBS
- class PDFActionRemoteGoToMBS
- class PDFActionResetFormMBS
- class PDFActionURLMBS
- class PDFAnnotationButtonWidgetMBS
- method Constructor(left as Double, top as Double, width as Double, height as Double)
- method Constructor(left as Double, top as Double, width as Double, height as Double, annotationType as String, properties as Dictionary = nil)
- property onStateValue as string
- property fieldName as string
- property caption as string
- property font as NSFontMBS
- property fontColor as NSColorMBS
- property Highlighted as boolean
- property allowsToggleToOff as boolean
- property backgroundColor as NSColorMBS
- property state as integer
- property controlType as integer
- event drawWithBox(box as integer, g as NSGraphicsMBS) as boolean
- class PDFAnnotationChoiceWidgetMBS
- method Constructor(left as Double, top as Double, width as Double, height as Double)
- method Constructor(left as Double, top as Double, width as Double, height as Double, annotationType as String, properties as Dictionary = nil)
- method choices as string()
- method setChoices(choices() as string)
- property isListChoice as boolean
- property fieldName as string
- property stringValue as string
- property fontColor as NSColorMBS
- property backgroundColor as NSColorMBS
- property font as NSFontMBS
- event drawWithBox(box as integer, g as NSGraphicsMBS) as boolean
- class PDFAnnotationCircleMBS
- method Constructor(left as Double, top as Double, width as Double, height as Double)
- method Constructor(left as Double, top as Double, width as Double, height as Double, annotationType as String, properties as Dictionary = nil)
- property interiorColor as NSColorMBS
- event drawWithBox(box as integer, g as NSGraphicsMBS) as boolean
- class PDFAnnotationFreeTextMBS
- method Constructor(left as Double, top as Double, width as Double, height as Double)
- method Constructor(left as Double, top as Double, width as Double, height as Double, annotationType as String, properties as Dictionary = nil)
- property alignment as Integer
- property font as NSFontMBS
- property fontColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method NSRightTextAlignment as Integer
- shared method NSCenterTextAlignment as Integer
- event drawWithBox(box as integer, g as NSGraphicsMBS) as boolean
- class PDFAnnotationInkMBS
- method Constructor(left as Double, top as Double, width as Double, height as Double)
- method Constructor(left as Double, top as Double, width as Double, height as Double, annotationType as String, properties as Dictionary = nil)
- method addBezierPath(path as NSBezierPathMBS)
- method removeBezierPath(path as NSBezierPathMBS)
- method paths as NSBezierPathMBS()
- event drawWithBox(box as integer, g as NSGraphicsMBS) as boolean
- class PDFAnnotationLineMBS
- method Constructor(left as Double, top as Double, width as Double, height as Double)
- method Constructor(left as Double, top as Double, width as Double, height as Double, annotationType as String, properties as Dictionary = nil)
- property startLineStyle as Integer
- property endLineStyle as Integer
- property startPoint as NSPointMBS
- property endPoint as NSPointMBS
- property interiorColor as NSColorMBS
- event drawWithBox(box as integer, g as NSGraphicsMBS) as boolean
- class PDFAnnotationLinkMBS
- method setHighlighted(value as boolean)
- method Constructor(left as Double, top as Double, width as Double, height as Double)
- method Constructor(left as Double, top as Double, width as Double, height as Double, annotationType as String, properties as Dictionary = nil)
- property destination as PDFDestinationMBS
- property URL as String
- event drawWithBox(box as integer, g as NSGraphicsMBS) as boolean
- class PDFAnnotationMarkupMBS
- method setQuadrilateralPoints(points() as NSPointMBS)
- method quadrilateralPoints as NSPointMBS()
- method Constructor(left as Double, top as Double, width as Double, height as Double)
- method Constructor(left as Double, top as Double, width as Double, height as Double, annotationType as String, properties as Dictionary = nil)
- property markupType as Integer
- event drawWithBox(box as integer, g as NSGraphicsMBS) as boolean
- class PDFAnnotationMBS
- method Constructor(left as Double, top as Double, width as Double, height as Double, annotationType as String, properties as Dictionary = nil)
- method addBezierPath(path as NSBezierPathMBS)
- method removeBezierPath(path as NSBezierPathMBS)
- method setQuadrilateralPoints(points() as NSPointMBS)
- method quadrilateralPoints as NSPointMBS()
- method choices as string()
- method setChoices(choices() as string)
- method values as string()
- method setValues(values() as string)
- method copy as PDFAnnotationMBS
- method Destructor
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method setBooleanValue(Key as String, value as Boolean) as Boolean
- method setRectValue(Key as String, value as NSRectMBS) as Boolean
- method setValue(Key as String, value as Variant) as Boolean
- method removeValueForAnnotationKey(Key as String)
- method valueForAnnotationKey(Key as String) as Variant
- method paths as NSBezierPathMBS()
- method Constructor(left as Double, top as Double, width as Double, height as Double)
- method drawWithBox(box as integer)
- method removeAllAppearanceStreams
- property Handle as Integer
- property bounds as NSRectMBS
- property userName as String
- property mouseUpAction as PDFActionMBS
- property Action as PDFActionMBS
- property popup as Variant
- property border as PDFBorderMBS
- property colorValue as NSColorMBS
- property page as PDFPageMBS
- property type as String
- property toolTip as String
- property shouldDisplay as Boolean
- property shouldPrint as Boolean
- property contents as String
- property hasAppearanceStream as Boolean
- property isHighlighted as Boolean
- property modificationDate as Date
- property annotationKeyValues as Dictionary
- property font as NSFontMBS
- property fontColor as NSColorMBS
- property interiorColor as NSColorMBS
- property backgroundColor as NSColorMBS
- property alignment as Integer
- property stampName as String
- property caption as String
- property fieldName as String
- property buttonWidgetStateString as String
- property widgetStringValue as String
- property widgetDefaultStringValue as String
- property widgetFieldType as String
- property markupType as Integer
- property widgetControlType as Integer
- property buttonWidgetState as Integer
- property iconType as Integer
- property maximumLength as Integer
- property multiline as Boolean
- property isPasswordField as Boolean
- property comb as Boolean
- property allowsToggleToOff as Boolean
- property radiosInUnison as Boolean
- property ReadOnly as Boolean
- property ListChoice as Boolean
- property Open as Boolean
- property destination as PDFDestinationMBS
- property URL as String
- property startLineStyle as Integer
- property endLineStyle as Integer
- property startPoint as NSPointMBS
- property endPoint as NSPointMBS
- property modificationDateTime as DateTime
- shared method lineStyleFromName(Name as String) as Integer
- shared method nameForLineStyle(LineStyle as Integer) as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyAppearanceDictionary as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyAppearanceState as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyBorder as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyColor as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyContents as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyFlags as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyDate as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyName as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyPage as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyRect as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeySubtype as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyAction as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyAdditionalActions as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyBorderStyle as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyDefaultAppearance as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyDestination as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyHighlightingMode as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyInklist as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyInteriorColor as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyLinePoints as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyLineEndingStyles as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyIconName as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyOpen as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyParent as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyPopup as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyQuadding as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyQuadPoints as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyTextLabel as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyWidgetDownCaption as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyWidgetBorderColor as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyWidgetBackgroundColor as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyWidgetCaption as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyWidgetDefaultValue as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyWidgetFieldFlags as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyWidgetFieldType as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyWidgetAppearanceDictionary as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyWidgetMaxLen as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyWidgetOptions as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyWidgetRotation as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyWidgetRolloverCaption as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyWidgetTextLabelUI as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationKeyWidgetValue as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationSubtypeText as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationSubtypeLink as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationSubtypeFreeText as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationSubtypeLine as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationSubtypeSquare as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationSubtypeCircle as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationSubtypeHighlight as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationSubtypeUnderline as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationSubtypeStrikeOut as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationSubtypeInk as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationSubtypeStamp as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationSubtypePopup as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationSubtypeWidget as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationWidgetSubtypeButton as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationWidgetSubtypeChoice as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationWidgetSubtypeSignature as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationWidgetSubtypeText as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationLineEndingStyleNone as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationLineEndingStyleSquare as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationLineEndingStyleCircle as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationLineEndingStyleDiamond as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationLineEndingStyleOpenArrow as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationLineEndingStyleClosedArrow as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationTextIconTypeComment as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationTextIconTypeKey as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationTextIconTypeNote as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationTextIconTypeHelp as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationTextIconTypeNewParagraph as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationTextIconTypeParagraph as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationTextIconTypeInsert as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationHighlightingModeNone as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationHighlightingModeInvert as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationHighlightingModeOutline as String
- shared method PDFAnnotationHighlightingModePush as String
- class PDFAnnotationPopupMBS
- method Constructor(left as Double, top as Double, width as Double, height as Double)
- method Constructor(left as Double, top as Double, width as Double, height as Double, annotationType as String, properties as Dictionary = nil)
- property isOpen as Boolean
- event drawWithBox(box as integer, g as NSGraphicsMBS) as boolean
- class PDFAnnotationSquareMBS
- method Constructor(left as Double, top as Double, width as Double, height as Double)
- method Constructor(left as Double, top as Double, width as Double, height as Double, annotationType as String, properties as Dictionary = nil)
- property interiorColor as NSColorMBS
- event drawWithBox(box as integer, g as NSGraphicsMBS) as boolean
- class PDFAnnotationStampMBS
- method Constructor(left as Double, top as Double, width as Double, height as Double)
- method Constructor(left as Double, top as Double, width as Double, height as Double, annotationType as String, properties as Dictionary = nil)
- property Name as String
- event drawWithBox(box as integer, g as NSGraphicsMBS) as boolean
- class PDFAnnotationTextMBS
- method Constructor(left as Double, top as Double, width as Double, height as Double)
- method Constructor(left as Double, top as Double, width as Double, height as Double, annotationType as String, properties as Dictionary = nil)
- property iconType as Integer
- event drawWithBox(box as integer, g as NSGraphicsMBS) as boolean
- class PDFAnnotationTextWidgetMBS
- method Constructor(left as Double, top as Double, width as Double, height as Double)
- method Constructor(left as Double, top as Double, width as Double, height as Double, annotationType as String, properties as Dictionary = nil)
- property attributedStringValue as NSAttributedStringMBS
- property rotation as Integer
- property alignment as Integer
- property maximumLength as Integer
- property fieldName as String
- property stringValue as String
- property font as NSFontMBS
- property backgroundColor as NSColorMBS
- property fontColor as NSColorMBS
- property isMultiline as Boolean
- shared method NSRightTextAlignment as Integer
- shared method NSCenterTextAlignment as Integer
- event drawWithBox(box as integer, g as NSGraphicsMBS) as boolean
- class PDFAppearanceCharacteristicsMBS
- method copy as PDFAppearanceCharacteristicsMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- property Handle as Integer
- property backgroundColor as NSColorMBS
- property borderColor as NSColorMBS
- property rotation as Integer
- property controlType as Integer
- property caption as String
- property rolloverCaption as String
- property downCaption as String
- property appearanceCharacteristicsKeyValues as Dictionary
- shared method PDFAppearanceCharacteristicsKeyBackgroundColor as String
- shared method PDFAppearanceCharacteristicsKeyBorderColor as String
- shared method PDFAppearanceCharacteristicsKeyRotation as String
- shared method PDFAppearanceCharacteristicsKeyCaption as String
- shared method PDFAppearanceCharacteristicsKeyRolloverCaption as String
- shared method PDFAppearanceCharacteristicsKeyDownCaption as String
- class PDFBorderMBS
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor
- method copy as PDFBorderMBS
- method setDashPattern(values() as double)
- method dashPattern as double()
- property lineWidth as Double
- property horizontalCornerRadius as Single
- property verticalCornerRadius as Single
- property style as Integer
- property borderKeyValues as Dictionary
- shared method PDFBorderKeyLineWidth as String
- shared method PDFBorderKeyStyle as String
- shared method PDFBorderKeyDashPattern as String
- class PDFDestinationMBS
- method copy as PDFDestinationMBS
- method point as NSPointMBS
- method compare(dest as PDFDestinationMBS) as integer
- method Constructor(page as PDFPageMBS, point as NSPointMBS)
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- property Handle as Integer
- property page as PDFPageMBS
- property Zoom as Double
- shared method kPDFDestinationUnspecifiedValue as Double
- class PDFDocumentDelegateMBS
- event documentDidUnlock
- event documentDidBeginDocumentFind
- event documentDidEndDocumentFind
- event documentDidBeginPageFind(PageIndex as integer)
- event documentDidEndPageFind(PageIndex as integer)
- event documentDidFindMatch(selection as PDFSelectionMBS)
- event didMatchString(selection as PDFSelectionMBS)
- event Open
- event Close
- class PDFDocumentMBS
- method copy as PDFDocumentMBS
- method Keywords as string()
- method SetKeywords(keywords() as string)
- method selectionFromPage(StartPage as PDFPageMBS, StartPointX as single, StartPointY as single, EndPage as PDFPageMBS, EndPointX as single, EndPointY as single) as PDFSelectionMBS
- method selectionFromPage(StartPage as PDFPageMBS, StartCharacterIndex as integer, EndPage as PDFPageMBS, EndCharacterIndex as integer) as PDFSelectionMBS
- method outlineItemForSelection(selection as PDFSelectionMBS) as PDFOutlineMBS
- method selectionForEntireDocument as PDFSelectionMBS
- method cancelFindString
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(data as MemoryBlock)
- method Constructor(data as String)
- method Constructor(file as FolderItem)
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method unlockWithPassword(password as string) as boolean
- method write(file as folderitem, QuartzFilter as variant = nil) as boolean
- method writeWithOptions(file as folderitem, options as dictionary) as boolean
- method indexForPage(page as PDFPageMBS) as integer
- method pageAtIndex(index as integer) as PDFPageMBS
- method insertPage(page as PDFPageMBS, index as integer)
- method removePageAtIndex(index as integer)
- method exchangePageAtIndexWithPageAtIndex(indexA as integer, indexB as integer)
- method findStringFromSelection(text as string, selection as PDFSelectionMBS, options as integer) as PDFSelectionMBS
- method findString(text as string, options as integer) as PDFSelectionMBS()
- method beginFindString(text as string, options as integer)
- method beginFindStrings(texts() as string, options as integer)
- method dataRepresentation(QuartzFilter as variant = nil) as Memoryblock
- method SetDelegate(d as PDFDocumentDelegateMBS)
- method appendPage(page as PDFPageMBS)
- method PrintOperation(PrintInfo as variant, AutoRotate as boolean = true, scalingMode as integer = 0) as variant
- property documentAttributes as Dictionary
- property allowsDocumentChanges as Boolean
- property allowsDocumentAssembly as Boolean
- property allowsContentAccessibility as Boolean
- property allowsCommenting as Boolean
- property allowsFormFieldEntry as Boolean
- property stringValue as String
- property outlineRoot as PDFOutlineMBS
- property allowsPrinting as Boolean
- property allowsCopying as Boolean
- property isEncrypted as Boolean
- property isLocked as Boolean
- property isFinding as Boolean
- property majorVersion as Integer
- property minorVersion as Integer
- property pageCount as Integer
- property permissionsStatus as Integer
- property documentRef as Integer
- property documentURL as String
- property Title as String
- property Author as String
- property Subject as String
- property Creator as String
- property Producer as String
- property CreationDate as Date
- property ModificationDate as Date
- property Handle as Integer
- property CreationDateTime as DateTime
- property ModificationDateTime as DateTime
- shared method PDFDocumentDidUnlockNotification as String
- shared method PDFDocumentDidBeginFindNotification as String
- shared method PDFDocumentDidEndFindNotification as String
- shared method PDFDocumentDidBeginPageFindNotification as String
- shared method PDFDocumentDidEndPageFindNotification as String
- shared method PDFDocumentDidFindMatchNotification as String
- shared method PDFDocumentDidBeginWriteNotification as String
- shared method PDFDocumentDidEndWriteNotification as String
- shared method PDFDocumentDidBeginPageWriteNotification as String
- shared method PDFDocumentDidEndPageWriteNotification as String
- shared method PDFDocumentTitleAttribute as String
- shared method PDFDocumentAuthorAttribute as String
- shared method PDFDocumentSubjectAttribute as String
- shared method PDFDocumentCreatorAttribute as String
- shared method PDFDocumentProducerAttribute as String
- shared method PDFDocumentCreationDateAttribute as String
- shared method PDFDocumentModificationDateAttribute as String
- shared method PDFDocumentKeywordsAttribute as String
- shared method PDFDocumentOwnerPasswordOption as String
- shared method PDFDocumentUserPasswordOption as String
- class PDFOutlineMBS
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method removeFromParent
- method Constructor
- method childAtIndex(index as integer) as PDFOutlineMBS
- method insertChild(child as PDFOutlineMBS, index as integer)
- property parent as PDFOutlineMBS
- property isOpen as Boolean
- property Index as Integer
- property numberOfChildren as Integer
- property label as String
- property document as PDFDocumentMBS
- property destination as PDFDestinationMBS
- property action as PDFActionMBS
- class PDFPageMBS
- method thumbnailOfSize(size as NSSizeMBS, box as integer) as NSImageMBS
- method transformForBox(box as integer) as variant
- method Destructor
- method copy as PDFPageMBS
- method Render(dpi as double = 72.0, box as integer = 0, background as NSColorMBS = nil) as NSImageMBS
- method selectionForRect(left as single, top as single, width as single, height as single) as PDFSelectionMBS
- method selectionForWordAtPoint(left as single, top as single) as PDFSelectionMBS
- method selectionForLineAtPoint(left as single, top as single) as PDFSelectionMBS
- method selectionFromPointToPoint(startleft as single, starttop as single, endleft as single, endtop as single) as PDFSelectionMBS
- method selectionForRange(position as integer, length as integer) as PDFSelectionMBS
- method addAnnotation(annotation as PDFAnnotationMBS)
- method removeAnnotation(annotation as PDFAnnotationMBS)
- method annotations as PDFAnnotationMBS()
- method characterBoundsAtIndex(index as integer) as NSRectMBS
- method annotationAtPoint(x as single, y as single) as PDFAnnotationMBS
- method characterIndexAtPoint(x as single, y as single) as integer
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(image as NSImageMBS)
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method CalcTransformForBox(box as integer) as variant
- method Draw(g as NSGraphicsMBS, box as integer = 0)
- method transformContextForBox(box as integer)
- method drawWithBox(box as integer)
- property boundsForBox(box as integer) as NSRectMBS
- property label as String
- property rotation as Integer
- property document as PDFDocumentMBS
- property stringValue as String
- property attributedString as NSAttributedStringMBS
- property dataRepresentation as MemoryBlock
- property displaysAnnotations as Boolean
- property numberOfCharacters as Integer
- property CGPDFPageHandle as Integer
- event drawRect(box as integer, g as NSGraphicsMBS)
- class PDFSelectionMBS
- method copy as PDFSelectionMBS
- method numberOfTextRangesOnPage(page as PDFPageMBS) as UInt32
- method rangeAtIndex(page as PDFPageMBS, index as integer) as NSRangeMBS
- method drawForPage(page as PDFPageMBS, box as integer, active as boolean)
- method drawForPage(page as PDFPageMBS, active as boolean)
- method boundsForPage(page as PDFPageMBS) as NSRectMBS
- method addSelections(selection() as PDFSelectionMBS)
- method selectionsByLine as PDFSelectionMBS()
- method Constructor(doc as PDFDocumentMBS)
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method pages as PDFPageMBS()
- method addSelection(selection as PDFSelectionMBS)
- method extendSelectionAtEnd(chars as integer)
- method extendSelectionAtStart(chars as integer)
- method extendSelectionForLineBoundaries
- property Handle as Integer
- property colorValue as NSColorMBS
- property attributedString as NSAttributedStringMBS
- property stringValue as String
Blog Entries
- PDF Viewer controls for iOS
- Several ways for picture to PDF in MBS Plugins
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 21.1
- New in the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 20.2
- JPEG rendering in MacOS Mojave
- PDF printing via PDFKit
- MBS Plugins 11.1 Release notes
- Have you checked out PDFViewMBS class?
- MBS REALbasic plug-ins version 10.3
- MBS Plugins 10.3 Release Notes
Xojo Developer Magazine
- 6.4, pages 33 to 34: Creating PDF Files, How to create PDFs using the MBS Plugins by Christian Schmitz
- 20.3, page 80: Great Shots With Continuity Camera, Use your iOS device to take a picture for your Mac by Stefanie Juchmes