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The plugin part MBS Bluetooth Plugin:WindowsBlueTooth:
Partly Console safe, 73 entry points.
- class WindowsBlueToothDeviceInfoMBS
- method DisplayDeviceProperties(parentWindow as window) as boolean
- method DisplayDeviceProperties(parentWindow as DesktopWindow) as boolean
- property Name as String
- property Address as String
- property ClassofDevice as Integer
- property Remembered as Boolean
- property Connected as Boolean
- property Authenticated as Boolean
- property LastSeen as Date
- property LastUsed as Date
- shared method FirstDevice(SearchParameters as WindowsBlueToothDeviceSearchParameterMBS) as WindowsBlueToothDeviceInfoMBS
- shared method Devices(SearchParameters as WindowsBlueToothDeviceSearchParameterMBS) as WindowsBlueToothDeviceInfoMBS()
- class WindowsBlueToothDeviceMBS
- method Constructor
- method Services as WindowsBlueToothServiceMBS()
- property LocalAddress as String
- property RemoteAddress as String
- property Name as String
- property Comment as String
- property SocketType as Integer
- property SocketProtocol as Integer
- shared method Devices as WindowsBlueToothDeviceMBS()
- class WindowsBlueToothDeviceSearchParameterMBS
- class WindowsBlueToothRadioInfoMBS
- class WindowsBlueToothRadioMBS
- method Constructor
- method DeviceInfo(Address as String) as WindowsBlueToothDeviceInfoMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property Info as WindowsBlueToothRadioInfoMBS
- property IsConnectable as Boolean
- property IsDiscoverable as Boolean
- shared method EnableIncomingConnections(radio as WindowsBlueToothRadioMBS = nil, enable as boolean = true) as Boolean
- shared method EnableDiscovery(radio as WindowsBlueToothRadioMBS = nil, enable as boolean = true) as Boolean
- shared method FirstRadio as WindowsBlueToothRadioMBS
- shared method Radios as WindowsBlueToothRadioMBS()
- shared method RemoveDevice(Address as string) as boolean
- shared method UpdateDeviceRecord(Address as string, Name as String) as boolean
- class WindowsBlueToothSelectDeviceDialogMBS
- method Constructor
- method Devices as WindowsBlueToothDeviceInfoMBS()
- method ShowDialog as Boolean
- property ClassOfDevices as Dictionary
- property Info as String
- property Parent as Variant
- property ForceAuthentication as Boolean
- property ShowAuthenticated as Boolean
- property ShowRemembered as Boolean
- property ShowUnknown as Boolean
- property AddNewDeviceWizard as Boolean
- property SkipServicesPage as Boolean
- property Cancelled as Boolean
- event DeviceFilter(device as WindowsBlueToothDeviceInfoMBS) as boolean
- class WindowsBlueToothServiceMBS
- class WindowsBlueToothSocketMBS
- method Close
- method Accept(byref RemoteAddress as String, byref RemotePort as Integer, NewSocket as WindowsBlueToothSocketMBS) as WindowsBlueToothSocketMBS
- method RegisterService(ServiceClassGUID as String, InstanceName as String, Comment as String = "")
- method PublishRecord(SDPRecord as MemoryBlock)
- method UnpublishRecord
- method Poll
- method Listen(BackLog as Integer = 2)
- method Constructor
- method Connect(BluetoothAddress as string, Port as Integer, ServiceClassGUID as String = "", Blocking as boolean = true)
- method Send(data as String) as Integer
- method Send(data as MemoryBlock) as Integer
- method Read(size as integer, peek as boolean = false) as String
- method ReadAll(peek as boolean = false) as String
- method Bind(Port as Integer = -1, BluetoothAddress as string = "")
- property MTUMax as Integer
- property MTUMin as Integer
- property MTU as Integer
- property Encrypt as Boolean
- property Authenticate as Boolean
- property RemoteAddress as String
- property RemotePort as Integer
- property LocalAddress as String
- property LocalPort as Integer
- property AvailableBytes as Integer
- property Listening as Boolean
- property BindPort as Integer
- property BindAddress as String
- property Handle as Integer
- property SDPRecordID as Integer
- property LastError as Integer
- property LastErrorMessage as String
- event DataAvailable
- event SendComplete
- event Error
- event NewConnection
Blog Entries
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 23.4pr2
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 23.4pr1
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 21.6pr3
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 21.4pr3
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 18.4pr9
- MBS Xojo Plugins 18.3
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 18.3pr4
- Bluetooth for Xojo