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The plugin part MBS Bluetooth Plugin:WindowsBlueToothLE:
All Console safe, 27 entry points.
- class WindowsBlueToothLECharacteristicMBS
- method Constructor
- property CharacteristicUuid as String
- property ServiceHandle as Integer
- property AttributeHandle as Integer
- property CharacteristicValueHandle as Integer
- property IsBroadcastable as Boolean
- property IsReadable as Boolean
- property IsWritable as Boolean
- property IsWritableWithoutResponse as Boolean
- property IsSignedWritable as Boolean
- property IsNotifiable as Boolean
- property IsIndicatable as Boolean
- property HasExtendedProperties as Boolean
- class WindowsBlueToothLEDescriptorMBS
- class WindowsBlueToothLEDescriptorValueMBS
- method Constructor
- property DescriptorType as Integer
- property DescriptorUuid as String
- property IsReliableWriteEnabled as Boolean
- property IsAuxiliariesWritable as Boolean
- property IsSubscribeToNotification as Boolean
- property IsSubscribeToIndication as Boolean
- property IsBroadcast as Boolean
- property Format as Integer
- property Exponent as Integer
- property Unit as String
- property NameSpaceValue as Integer
- property Description as String
- property DataSize as Integer
- property Data as MemoryBlock
- class WindowsBlueToothLEMBS
- method IncludedServices(ParentService as WindowsBlueToothLEServiceMBS, Flags as Integer = 0) as WindowsBlueToothLEServiceMBS()
- method Characteristics(ParentService as WindowsBlueToothLEServiceMBS, Flags as Integer = 0) as WindowsBlueToothLECharacteristicMBS()
- method Descriptors(Characteristic as WindowsBlueToothLECharacteristicMBS, Flags as Integer = 0) as WindowsBlueToothLEDescriptorMBS()
- method GetCharacteristicValue(Characteristic as WindowsBlueToothLECharacteristicMBS, Flags as Integer = 0) as MemoryBlock
- method GetDescriptorValue(Descriptor as WindowsBlueToothLEDescriptorMBS, Flags as Integer = 0) as WindowsBlueToothLEDescriptorValueMBS
- method BeginReliableWrite as UInt64
- method EndReliableWrite(ReliableWriteContextID as UInt64)
- method AbortReliableWrite(ReliableWriteContextID as UInt64)
- method SetCharacteristicValue(Characteristic as WindowsBlueToothLECharacteristicMBS, data as MemoryBlock, ReliableWriteContextID as UInt64, Flags as Integer = 0) as Boolean
- method SetDescriptorValue(Descriptor as WindowsBlueToothLEDescriptorMBS, DescriptorValue as WindowsBlueToothLEDescriptorValueMBS, Flags as Integer = 0) as Boolean
- method RegisterChangeEvent(Characteristics() as WindowsBlueToothLECharacteristicMBS)
- method Services(Flags as Integer = 0) as WindowsBlueToothLEServiceMBS()
- method Constructor(DevicePath as String)
- property Handle as Integer
- property LastError as Integer
- property Path as String
- property LastErrorMessage as String
- shared method Available as Boolean
- shared method DevicePathsForClassGUID(GUID as string) as String()
- event ChangeEvent(ChangedAttributeHandle as Integer, CharacteristicValue as MemoryBlock)
- class WindowsBlueToothLEServiceMBS