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The plugin part MBS WinFrameworks Plugin:WinPhotoAcquire:
Not Console safe, 120 entry points.
- class WinPhotoAcquireDeviceSelectionDialogMBS
- method Constructor
- method ShowModal(WindowHandle as Integer, DeviceFlags as Integer, byref deviceID as String, byref DeviceType as Integer) as boolean
- method ShowModal(Window as Window, DeviceFlags as Integer, byref deviceID as String, byref DeviceType as Integer) as boolean
- method Destructor
- method ShowModal(Window as DesktopWindow, DeviceFlags as Integer, byref deviceID as String, byref DeviceType as Integer) as boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- property Title as String
- property SubmitButtonText as String
- class WinPhotoAcquireItemMBS
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- method Delete
- method Thumbnail(width as Integer, Height as Integer) as Picture
- method Data as String
- method SubItem(Index as Integer) as WinPhotoAcquireItemMBS
- property PropertyValue(key as string) as Variant
- property Handle as Integer
- property ItemName as String
- property CanDelete as Boolean
- property SubItemCount as Integer
- shared method PropertyKeyRelativePathname as String
- shared method PropertyKeyFinalFilename as String
- shared method PropertyKeyGroupTag as String
- shared method PropertyKeyTransferResult as String
- shared method PropertyKeyOriginalFilename as String
- shared method PropertyKeyCameraSequenceNumber as String
- shared method PropertyKeyIntermediateFile as String
- shared method PropertyKeySkipImport as String
- shared method PropertyKeyDuplicateDetectionID as String
- class WinPhotoAcquireMBS
- method Acquire(PhotoAcquireSource as WinPhotoAcquireSourceMBS, ShowProgress as Boolean, ParentWindowHandle as Integer, ApplicationName as String, PhotoAcquireProgresCallback as WinPhotoAcquireProgressCallBackMBS)
- method Acquire(PhotoAcquireSource as WinPhotoAcquireSourceMBS, ShowProgress as Boolean, ParentWindow as Window, ApplicationName as String, PhotoAcquireProgresCallback as WinPhotoAcquireProgressCallBackMBS)
- method Results as String()
- method CreatePhotoSource(Device as String) as WinPhotoAcquireSourceMBS
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- method Acquire(PhotoAcquireSource as WinPhotoAcquireSourceMBS, ShowProgress as Boolean, ParentWindow as DesktopWindow, ApplicationName as String, PhotoAcquireProgresCallback as WinPhotoAcquireProgressCallBackMBS)
- property Handle as Integer
- class WinPhotoAcquireOptionsDialogMBS
- method Constructor
- method Create(WindowHandle as Integer) as Integer
- method Create(Window as Window) as Integer
- method Initialize(RegistryRoot as String = "")
- method ShowModal(WindowHandle as Integer) as Integer
- method ShowModal(Window as Window) as Integer
- method Destroy
- method SaveData
- method Create(Window as DesktopWindow) as Integer
- property Handle as Integer
- class WinPhotoAcquireProgressCallBackMBS
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- property Handle as Integer
- event Cancelled(byref Cancelled as Boolean)
- event StartEnumeration(Source as WinPhotoAcquireSourceMBS)
- event FoundItem(Item as WinPhotoAcquireItemMBS) as Boolean
- event EndEnumeration(Result as Integer)
- event StartTransfer(Source as WinPhotoAcquireSourceMBS)
- event StartItemTransfer(ItemIndex as Integer, Item as WinPhotoAcquireItemMBS)
- event DirectoryCreated(Directory as String)
- event UpdateTransferPercent(Overall as Boolean, Percent as Integer)
- event EndItemTransfer(ItemIndex as Integer, Item as WinPhotoAcquireItemMBS, Result as Integer)
- event EndTransfer(Result as Integer)
- event StartDelete(Source as WinPhotoAcquireSourceMBS)
- event StartItemDelete(ItemIndex as Integer, Item as WinPhotoAcquireItemMBS)
- event UpdateDeletePercent(Percent as Integer)
- event EndItemDelete(ItemIndex as Integer, Item as WinPhotoAcquireItemMBS, Result as Integer)
- event EndDelete(Result as Integer)
- event EndSession(Result as Integer)
- event GetDeleteAfterAcquire(byref DeleteAfterAcquire as Boolean)
- event ErrorAdvise(Result as Integer, ErrorMessage as String, MessageType as Integer, byref ErrorAdviseResult as Integer)
- event GetUserInput(UserInput as WinUserInputStringMBS, byref Result as Variant, DefaultValue as Variant)
- class WinPhotoAcquireSettingsMBS
- method InitializeFromRegistry(RegistryKey as String)
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property GroupTag as String
- property SequencePaddingWidth as Integer
- property SequenceZeroPadding as Boolean
- property Flags as Integer
- property OutputFilenameTemplate as String
- property AcquisitionTime as Date
- property AcquisitionDateTime as DateTime
- class WinPhotoAcquireSourceMBS
- method InitializeItemList(ForceEnumeration as Boolean, PhotoAcquireProgress as WinPhotoAcquireProgressCallBackMBS, byref ItemCount as Integer)
- method Item(Index as Integer) as WinPhotoAcquireItemMBS
- method Destructor
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property FriendlyName as String
- property DeviceId as String
- property ItemCount as Integer
- property PhotoAcquireSettings as WinPhotoAcquireSettingsMBS
- class WinPhotoExceptionMBS
- class WinPhotoProgressActionCallbackMBS
- class WinPhotoProgressDialogMBS
- method Destroy
- method Create(ParentWindowHandle as Integer)
- method Create(ParentWindow as Window)
- method IsCheckboxChecked(Index as Integer = 0) as Boolean
- method Destructor
- method Constructor
- method Create(ParentWindow as DesktopWindow)
- property CheckboxVisible(Index as Integer = 0) as Boolean
- property CheckboxCheck(Index as Integer = 0) as Boolean
- property CheckboxTooltip(Index as Integer = 0) as String
- property CheckboxText(Index as Integer = 0) as String
- property Handle as Integer
- property Caption as String
- property ProgressText as String
- property Title as String
- property WindowHandle as Integer
- property PercentComplete as Integer
- property ActionLinkText as String
- property ActionLinkCallback as WinPhotoProgressActionCallbackMBS
- property ShowsActionLink as Boolean
- property IsCancelled as Boolean
- property Picture as Picture
- class WinUserInputStringMBS
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- method MRUEntry(Index as Integer) as String
- property Handle as Integer
- property SubmitButtonText as String
- property Prompt as String
- property StringId as String
- property StringType as Integer
- property TooltipText as String
- property Default as String
- property MaxLength as Integer
- property MRUCount as Integer
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- Windows Photos Acquire
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