Platforms to show: All Mac Windows Linux Cross-Platform
The plugin MBS CURL Plugin:
show all functions and classes in this plugin.
Examples for this plugin:
- /CURL/CURL info
- /CURL/CURL text download
- /CURL/CURL WebSocket Test
- /CURL/CURLN info
- /CURL/CURLN text download
- /CURL/CURLS Amazon S3 download
- /CURL/CURLS Amazon S3 pre-signed URL
- /CURL/CURLS Amazon S3 upload
- /CURL/CURLS connect try
- /CURL/CURLS get and put/CURLS get and put
- /CURL/CURLS headers
- /CURL/CURLS info
- /CURL/CURLS Low Level Sockets
- /CURL/CURLS picture download
- /CURL/CURLS pop3 email delete
- /CURL/CURLS post form values/CURLS post form values
- /CURL/CURLS post form values/CURLS post form values old
- /CURL/CURLS post form/CURLS post form
- /CURL/CURLS preemptive threaded download
- /CURL/CURLS preemptive threaded upload
- /CURL/CURLS query
- /CURL/CURLS query file size
- /CURL/CURLS resume download
- /CURL/CURLS resume download with speed measurement
- /CURL/CURLS simple download compressed
- /CURL/CURLS simple file download
- /CURL/CURLS SSL verification/CURLS SSL verification
- /CURL/CURLS text download
- /CURL/CURLS text download web 2.0
- /CURL/CURLS threaded download
- /CURL/CURLS upload to Web App/CURLS upload to Web App
- /CURL/CURLS upload to Web App/Web Upload Receiver
- /CURL/FTP/CURLS ftp create or folder delete
- /CURL/FTP/CURLS ftp directory browsing
- /CURL/FTP/CURLS ftp directory listing
- /CURL/FTP/CURLS ftp directory listing with CURLFileInfoMBS
- /CURL/FTP/CURLS ftp directory listing with Web Edition
- /CURL/FTP/CURLS ftp directory listing with wildcard
- /CURL/FTP/CURLS ftp download to desktop
- /CURL/FTP/CURLS ftp download to desktop with thread
- /CURL/FTP/CURLS ftp file delete
- /CURL/FTP/CURLS ftp file upload
- /CURL/FTP/CURLS ftp file upload direct
- /CURL/FTP/CURLS ftp file upload resume
- /CURL/FTP/CURLS ftp file upload with progress
- /CURL/FTP/CURLS ftp file upload with thread
- /CURL/FTP/CURLS ftp file uploads
- /CURL/FTP/CURLS ftp secure upload
- /CURL/FTP/CURLS ftp upload
- /CURL/Google Mail/CURLS imap for google mail
- /CURL/Google Mail/Send email for google mail
- /CURL/Multi Transfer
- /CURL/Multi Transfer automatic
- /CURL/Receive Email/CURLS email client
- /CURL/Receive Email/CURLS imap
- /CURL/Receive Email/CURLS pop3 email download
- /CURL/Receive Email/Email Viewer
- /CURL/SCP/CURLS scp download picture
- /CURL/SCP/CURLS scp upload
- /CURL/Send Email/IMAP Upload
- /CURL/Send Email/MassEmailer
- /CURL/Send Email/older examples/CURLS send email
- /CURL/Send Email/older examples/CURLS send email with images
- /CURL/Send Email/older examples/CURLS send email with SSL
- /CURL/Send Email/Send email
- /CURL/Send Email/Send Email in Background async
- /CURL/Send Email/Send email in web
- /CURL/SFTP/CURLS sftp batch download
- /CURL/SFTP/CURLS sftp batch upload
- /CURL/SFTP/CURLS sftp directory listing
- /CURL/SFTP/CURLS sftp rename file
- /CURL/SFTP/CURLS sftp rename file batch
- /CURL/SFTP/CURLS sftp upload
- /CURL/SFTP/CURLS sftp upload console
- /CURL/Upload resume
- /CURL/WebServices/CURL post Twilio Verification
- /CURL/WebServices/CURL post Twilio Verification - iOS
- /CURL/WebServices/CURLS oAuth
- /CURL/WebServices/Stripe WebService
- /CURL/WebServices/TIN Check
- /CURL/WebServices/Twitter oAuth
Blog Entries
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 24.4pr1
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 24.2
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 24.1pr5
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 21.1
- Using pinned certificates with our CURL plugin functions
- CURL birthday and conference
- MBS Xojo Plugins 18.3
- CURL function for OAuth
- MBS Plugin classes for use on Raspberry Pi
- MBS REALbasic Plugins Version 10.4 release notes
- Presentation from Munich conference about MBS Plugins.
- Presentation from London conference about MBS Plugins.
- Presentation from Xojo Developer Conference 2019 in Miami.
- MBS Xojo Videos - MBS Xojo Plugin, June 2021 News
Xojo Developer Magazine
- 5.3, page 50: Poetry in Motion, Movin', movin', movin', get those icons movin'... by Toby Rush
- 22.5, page 16: Xojo and MQTT, Learn about MQTT, a popular messaging transport protocol, and how you can use it in your Xojo-based apps. by Tim Dietrich
- 22.5, page 10: News
- 21.5, page 9: News
- 21.1, page 9: News
- 20.6, page 9: News
- 19.5, page 9: News
- 17.5, page 38: What's New in the MBS Plugins, With the Plugins growing every year, here are new capabilities you may have missed by Stefanie Juchmes
- 17.2, page 11: News
- 16.5, page 9: News