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Classes for using MapKit framework on Mac OS X.
- Classes
- class MKAnnotationViewMBS
- method Constructor(annotation as MKAnnotationMBS, reuseIdentifier as string = "", EnableEvents as Boolean = false)
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Destructor
- shared method MKAnnotationCalloutInfoDidChangeNotification as String
- method setDragState(State as Integer, animated as Boolean)
- method setSelected(selected as boolean, animated as boolean)
- property annotation as MKAnnotationMBS
- property CalloutOffset as NSPointMBS
- property canShowCallout as Boolean
- property CenterOffset as NSPointMBS
- property clusterAnnotationView as MKAnnotationViewMBS
- property clusteringIdentifier as String
- property collisionMode as Integer
- property detailCalloutAccessoryView as NSViewMBS
- property displayPriority as Double
- property draggable as Boolean
- property dragState as Integer
- property enabled as Boolean
- property highlighted as Boolean
- property image as NSImageMBS
- property leftCalloutAccessoryView as NSViewMBS
- property leftCalloutOffset as NSPointMBS
- property reuseIdentifier as String
- property rightCalloutAccessoryView as NSViewMBS
- property rightCalloutOffset as NSPointMBS
- property selected as Boolean
- event prepareForDisplay
- event prepareForReuse
- class MKCircleMBS
- method boundingMapRect as MKMapRectMBS
- method canReplaceMapContent as Boolean
- shared method circleWithCenterCoordinate(coord as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS, radius as Double) as MKCircleMBS
- shared method circleWithCenterCoordinate(Latitude as Double, Longitude as Double, radius as Double) as MKCircleMBS
- shared method circleWithMapRect(mapRect as MKMapRectMBS) as MKCircleMBS
- method Constructor(coord as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS, radius as Double)
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(Latitude as Double, Longitude as Double, radius as Double)
- method Constructor(mapRect as MKMapRectMBS)
- method coordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS
- method intersectsMapRect(mapRect as MKMapRectMBS) as Boolean
- property boundingMapRect as MKMapRectMBS
- property coordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS
- property radius as Double
- class MKCircleRendererMBS
- method Constructor(Circle as MKCircleMBS)
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- property circle as MKCircleMBS
- class MKClusterAnnotationMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(memberAnnotations() as MKAnnotationMBS)
- method Coordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS
- method memberAnnotations as MKAnnotationMBS()
- method SetCoordinate(newCoordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS)
- method SubTitle as String
- method Title as String
- property Handle as Integer
- property SubTitle as String
- property Title as String
- class MKCoordinateRegionMBS
- method Constructor(center as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS, span as MKCoordinateSpanMBS)
- shared method MakeWithDistance(center as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS, latitudinalMeters as double, longitudinalMeters as double) as MKCoordinateRegionMBS
- property center as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS
- property span as MKCoordinateSpanMBS
- class MKCoordinateSpanMBS
- method Constructor(latitudeDelta as Double, longitudeDelta as Double)
- property latitudeDelta as Double
- property longitudeDelta as Double
- class MKCustomAnnotationMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Coordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS
- method SetCoordinate(newCoordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS)
- method SubTitle as String
- method Title as String
- property Handle as Integer
- property subtitle as String
- property title as String
- class MKCustomOverlayMBS
- method boundingMapRect as MKMapRectMBS
- method canReplaceMapContent as Boolean
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Coordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS
- method intersectsMapRect(mapRect as MKMapRectMBS) as Boolean
- method setBoundingMapRect(m as MKMapRectMBS)
- method SetCoordinate(newCoordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS)
- method SubTitle as String
- method Title as String
- property canReplaceMapContent as Boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- property subtitle as String
- property title as String
- class MKCustomOverlayRendererMBS
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(overlay as MKOverlayMBS)
- method Destructor
- event canDrawMapRect(mapRect as MKMapRectMBS, zoomScale as Double) as Boolean
- event DrawMapRect(mapRect as MKMapRectMBS, zoomScale as Double, context as CGContextMBS)
- class MKDirectionsMBS
- method calculateDirections(tag as variant = nil)
- method calculateETA(tag as variant = nil)
- method cancel
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(request as MKDirectionsRequestMBS)
- method Destructor
- property Calculating as Boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- property Request as MKDirectionsRequestMBS
- event calculateDirectionsCompleted(response as MKDirectionsResponseMBS, error as NSErrorMBS, tag as Variant)
- event calculateETAWithCompleted(response as MKETAResponseMBS, error as NSErrorMBS, tag as Variant)
- class MKDirectionsRequestMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(URL as string)
- shared method isDirectionsRequestURL(URL as string) as Boolean
- property arrivalDate as Date
- property arrivalDateTime as DateTime
- property departureDate as Date
- property departureDateTime as DateTime
- property destination as MKMapItemMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property requestsAlternateRoutes as Boolean
- property source as MKMapItemMBS
- property transportType as Integer
- class MKDirectionsResponseMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method routes as MKRouteMBS()
- property destination as MKMapItemMBS
- property firstRoute as MKRouteMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property routeCount as Integer
- property source as MKMapItemMBS
- class MKDistanceFormatterMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method distanceFromString(distance as String) as Double
- shared method formatter as MKDistanceFormatterMBS
- method stringFromDistance(distance as Double) as String
- property Handle as Integer
- property Locale as NSLocaleMBS
- property Units as Integer
- property UnitStyle as Integer
- class MKETAResponseMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- property destination as MKMapItemMBS
- property distance as Double
- property expectedArrivalDate as Date
- property expectedArrivalDateTime as DateTime
- property expectedDepartureDate as Date
- property expectedDepartureDateTime as DateTime
- property expectedTravelTime as Double
- property Handle as Integer
- property source as MKMapItemMBS
- property transportType as Integer
- class MKGeodesicPolylineMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(coords() as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS)
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(points() as MKMapPointMBS)
- shared method polylineWithCoordinates(coords() as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS) as MKGeodesicPolylineMBS
- shared method polylineWithPoints(points() as MKMapPointMBS) as MKGeodesicPolylineMBS
- class MKLocalSearchCompleterMBS
- method cancel
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- method results as MKLocalSearchCompletionMBS()
- property filterType as Integer
- property Handle as Integer
- property QueryFragment as String
- property region as MKCoordinateRegionMBS
- property Searching as Boolean
- event DidFailWithError(error as NSErrorMBS)
- event DidUpdateResults
- class MKLocalSearchCompletionMBS
- method Constructor
- method subtitleHighlightRanges as NSRangeMBS()
- method titleHighlightRanges as NSRangeMBS()
- property Handle as Integer
- property subtitle as String
- property title as String
- class MKLocalSearchMBS
- method cancel
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(request as MKLocalSearchRequestMBS)
- method Start(tag as variant = nil)
- property Handle as Integer
- property Searching as Boolean
- event SearchFinished(response as MKLocalSearchResponseMBS, error as NSErrorMBS, tag as Variant)
- class MKLocalSearchRequestMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(completion as MKLocalSearchCompletionMBS)
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Copy as MKLocalSearchRequestMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property naturalLanguageQuery as String
- property region as MKCoordinateRegionMBS
- class MKLocalSearchResponseMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method mapItems as MKMapItemMBS()
- property boundingRegion as MKCoordinateRegionMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- class MKMapCameraMBS
- shared method camera as MKMapCameraMBS
- shared method cameraLookingAtCenterCoordinate(centerCoordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS, distance as double, pitch as double, heading as double) as MKMapCameraMBS
- shared method cameraLookingAtCenterCoordinate(centerCoordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS, eyeCoordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS, eyeAltitude as double) as MKMapCameraMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(centerCoordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS, distance as double, pitch as double, heading as double)
- method Constructor(centerCoordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS, eyeCoordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS, eyeAltitude as double)
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method copy as MKMapCameraMBS
- property altitude as Double
- property centerCoordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS
- property heading as Double
- property pitch as Double
- class MKMapItemMBS
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(PlaceMark as MKPlacemarkMBS)
- shared method mapItemForCurrentLocation as MKMapItemMBS
- shared method MKLaunchOptionsCameraKey as String
- shared method MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeDefault as String
- shared method MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeDriving as String
- shared method MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeKey as String
- shared method MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeTransit as String
- shared method MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeWalking as String
- shared method MKLaunchOptionsMapCenterKey as String
- shared method MKLaunchOptionsMapSpanKey as String
- shared method MKLaunchOptionsMapTypeKey as String
- shared method MKLaunchOptionsShowsTrafficKey as String
- method openInMaps(LaunchOptions as Dictionary) as Boolean
- shared method openMapsWithItems(items() as MKMapItemMBS, launchOptions as Dictionary) as Boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- property isCurrentLocation as Boolean
- property Name as String
- property phoneNumber as String
- property placemark as MKPlacemarkMBS
- property timeZone as NSTimeZoneMBS
- property URL as String
- class MKMapPointMBS
- method Constructor(other as MKMapPointMBS)
- method Constructor(x as double = 0, y as double = 0)
- shared method Coordinate(point as MKMapPointMBS) as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS
- method Equal(other as MKMapPointMBS) as Boolean
- shared method MapPointsPerMeterAtLatitude(Latitude as Double) as Double
- shared method MetersBetweenMapPoints(point1 as MKMapPointMBS, point2 as MKMapPointMBS) as Double
- shared method MetersPerMapPointAtLatitude(Latitude as Double) as Double
- shared method Point(coordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS) as MKMapPointMBS
- shared method Point(x as double = 0, y as double = 0) as MKMapPointMBS
- property StringValue as String
- property X as Double
- property Y as Double
- class MKMapRectMBS
- method Constructor(origin as MKMapPointMBS, size as MKMapSizeMBS)
- method Constructor(other as MKMapRectMBS)
- method Constructor(x as double = 0, y as double = 0, w as double = 0, h as double = 0)
- method Contains(other as MKMapPointMBS) as Boolean
- method Contains(other as MKMapRectMBS) as Boolean
- method Divide(byref slice as MKMapRectMBS, byref remainder as MKMapRectMBS, amount as double, edge as Integer)
- method Equal(other as MKMapRectMBS) as Boolean
- method Inset(dx as Double, dy as Double) as MKMapRectMBS
- method Intersection(other as MKMapRectMBS) as MKMapRectMBS
- method Intersects(other as MKMapRectMBS) as Boolean
- shared method Null as MKMapRectMBS
- method Offset(dx as Double, dy as Double) as MKMapRectMBS
- shared method Rect(x as double = 0, y as double = 0, width as double = 0, heigth as double = 0) as MKMapRectMBS
- method Region as MKCoordinateRegionMBS
- method Remainder as MKMapRectMBS
- method Union(other as MKMapRectMBS) as MKMapRectMBS
- shared method World as MKMapRectMBS
- property Height as Double
- property isEmpty as Boolean
- property isNull as Boolean
- property MaxX as Double
- property MaxY as Double
- property MidX as Double
- property MidY as Double
- property MinX as Double
- property MinY as Double
- property Origin as MKMapPointMBS
- property Size as MKMapSizeMBS
- property Spans180thMeridian as Boolean
- property StringValue as String
- property Width as Double
- property X as Double
- property Y as Double
- class MKMapSizeMBS
- method Constructor(other as MKMapSizeMBS)
- method Constructor(width as double = 0, height as double = 0)
- method Equal(other as MKMapSizeMBS) as Boolean
- shared method Size(Width as double = 0, Height as double = 0) as MKMapSizeMBS
- shared method World as MKMapSizeMBS
- property Height as Double
- property StringValue as String
- property Width as Double
- class MKMapSnapshotMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Destructor
- method pointForCoordinate(coordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS) as NSPointMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property Image as NSImageMBS
- property Options as MKMapSnapshotOptionsMBS
- property Tag as Variant
- class MKMapSnapshotOptionsMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Copy as MKMapSnapshotOptionsMBS
- property appearance as NSAppearanceMBS
- property camera as MKMapCameraMBS
- property mapRect as MKMapRectMBS
- property mapType as Integer
- property region as MKCoordinateRegionMBS
- property showsBuildings as Boolean
- property showsPointsOfInterest as Boolean
- property size as NSSizeMBS
- class MKMapSnapshotterMBS
- method Cancel
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(options as MKMapSnapshotOptionsMBS)
- method Destructor
- method Start(tag as variant = nil)
- property Error as NSErrorMBS
- property Loading as Boolean
- property Options as MKMapSnapshotOptionsMBS
- property Snapshot as MKMapSnapshotMBS
- event SnapshotCompleted(snapshot as MKMapSnapshotMBS, error as NSErrorMBS, tag as Variant)
- class MKMapViewMBS
- method addAnnotation(annotation as MKAnnotationMBS)
- method addAnnotations(annotations() as MKAnnotationMBS)
- method addOverlay(overlay as MKOverlayMBS)
- method addOverlay(overlay as MKOverlayMBS, level as integer)
- method addOverlays(overlays() as MKOverlayMBS)
- method addOverlays(overlays() as MKOverlayMBS, level as integer)
- method annotations as MKAnnotationMBS()
- method annotationsInMapRect(mapRect as MKMapRectMBS) as MKAnnotationMBS()
- method annotationViews as MKAnnotationViewMBS()
- shared method available as Boolean
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(left as Double, top as Double, width as Double, height as Double)
- method convertCoordinateToPointToView(coordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS, view as NSViewMBS) as NSPointMBS
- method convertPointToCoordinateFromView(point as NSPointMBS, view as NSViewMBS) as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS
- method convertRectToRegionFromView(rect as NSRectMBS, view as NSViewMBS) as MKCoordinateRegionMBS
- method convertRegionToRectToView(region as MKCoordinateRegionMBS, view as NSViewMBS) as NSRectMBS
- method dequeueReusableAnnotationViewWithIdentifier(identifier as string) as MKAnnotationViewMBS
- method deselectAnnotation(annotation as MKAnnotationMBS, animated as boolean)
- method Destructor
- method exchangeOverlay(index1 as Integer, index2 as Integer)
- method exchangeOverlay(Overlay1 as MKOverlayMBS, Overlay2 as MKOverlayMBS)
- method insertOverlayAboveOverlay(overlay as MKOverlayMBS, aboveOverlay as MKOverlayMBS)
- method insertOverlayAtIndex(overlay as MKOverlayMBS, index as Integer)
- method insertOverlayAtIndex(overlay as MKOverlayMBS, index as integer, level as integer)
- method insertOverlayBelowOverlay(overlay as MKOverlayMBS, belowOverlay as MKOverlayMBS)
- method mapRectThatFits(mapRect as MKMapRectMBS) as MKMapRectMBS
- method mapRectThatFits(mapRect as MKMapRectMBS, edgePaddingLeft as Double, edgePaddingTop as Double, edgePaddingRight as Double, edgePaddingBottom as Double) as MKMapRectMBS
- shared method MKErrorDomain as String
- shared method MKMapViewDefaultAnnotationViewReuseIdentifier as String
- shared method MKMapViewDefaultClusterAnnotationViewReuseIdentifier as String
- method overlays as MKOverlayMBS()
- method overlaysInLevel(level as Integer) as MKOverlayMBS()
- method regionThatFits(region as MKCoordinateRegionMBS) as MKCoordinateRegionMBS
- method removeAnnotation(annotation as MKAnnotationMBS)
- method removeAnnotations(annotations() as MKAnnotationMBS)
- method removeOverlay(overlay as MKOverlayMBS)
- method removeOverlays(overlays() as MKOverlayMBS)
- method rendererForOverlay(overlay as MKOverlayMBS) as MKOverlayRendererMBS
- method selectAnnotation(annotation as MKAnnotationMBS, animated as boolean)
- method selectedAnnotations as MKAnnotationMBS()
- method setCamera(camera as MKMapCameraMBS, Animated as boolean = true)
- method setCenterCoordinate(centerCoordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS, zoomLevel as double, animated as boolean)
- method setCenterCoordinate(coordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS, Animated as boolean = true)
- method setRegion(c as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS, animated as boolean = false)
- method setRegion(region as MKCoordinateRegionMBS, animated as boolean = false)
- method setVisibleMapRect(coordinate as MKMapRectMBS, Animated as boolean = true)
- method setVisibleMapRect(mapRect as MKMapRectMBS, edgePaddingLeft as Double, edgePaddingTop as Double, edgePaddingRight as Double, edgePaddingBottom as Double, animated as boolean)
- method setZoomLevel(zoomLevel as double, animated as boolean)
- method showAddress(address as string)
- method ShowAllAnnotations(withOverlays as boolean = false)
- method showAnnotations(annotations() as MKAnnotationMBS, animated as boolean)
- method viewForAnnotation(annotation as MKAnnotationMBS) as MKAnnotationViewMBS
- property annotationVisibleRect as NSRectMBS
- property camera as MKMapCameraMBS
- property centerCoordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS
- property mapType as Integer
- property PitchEnabled as Boolean
- property region as MKCoordinateRegionMBS
- property RotateEnabled as Boolean
- property scrollEnabled as Boolean
- property showsBuildings as Boolean
- property ShowsCompass as Boolean
- property showsPointsOfInterest as Boolean
- property showsScale as Boolean
- property showsTraffic as Boolean
- property showsUserLocation as Boolean
- property showsZoomControls as Boolean
- property userLocation as MKUserLocationMBS
- property userLocationVisible as Boolean
- property visibleMapRect as MKMapRectMBS
- property zoomEnabled as Boolean
- property zoomLevel as Double
- class MKMarkerAnnotationViewMBS
- shared method available as Boolean
- method Constructor(annotation as MKAnnotationMBS, reuseIdentifier as string = "", EnableEvents as Boolean = false)
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- property animatesWhenAdded as Boolean
- property glyphImage as NSImageMBS
- property glyphText as String
- property glyphTintColor as NSColorMBS
- property markerTintColor as NSColorMBS
- property selectedGlyphImage as NSImageMBS
- property subtitleVisibility as Integer
- property titleVisibility as Integer
- class MKMultiPointMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Coordinates as MKMapPointMBS()
- method points as MKMapPointMBS()
- property pointCount as Integer
- class MKMultiPolygonMBS
- method boundingMapRect as MKMapRectMBS
- method canReplaceMapContent as Boolean
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(polygons() as MKPolygonMBS)
- method coordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS
- method intersectsMapRect(mapRect as MKMapRectMBS) as Boolean
- shared method multiPolygon(polygons() as MKPolygonMBS) as MKMultiPolygonMBS
- method polygons as MKPolygonMBS()
- class MKMultiPolygonRendererMBS
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(multiPolygon as MKMultiPolygonMBS)
- property multiPolygon as MKMultiPolygonMBS
- class MKMultiPolylineMBS
- method boundingMapRect as MKMapRectMBS
- method canReplaceMapContent as Boolean
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(polylines() as MKPolylineMBS)
- method coordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS
- method intersectsMapRect(mapRect as MKMapRectMBS) as Boolean
- shared method multiPolyline(polylines() as MKPolylineMBS) as MKMultiPolylineMBS
- method polylines as MKPolylineMBS()
- class MKMultiPolylineRendererMBS
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(multiPolyline as MKMultiPolylineMBS)
- property multiPolyline as MKMultiPolylineMBS
- class MKOverlayPathRendererMBS
- method applyFillProperties(context as CGContextMBS, zoomScale as double)
- method applyStrokeProperties(context as CGContextMBS, zoomScale as double)
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method createPath
- method fillPath(path as CGPathMBS, context as CGContextMBS)
- method GetLineDashPattern as Integer()
- method invalidatePath
- method SetLineDashPattern(values() as Integer)
- method strokePath(path as CGPathMBS, context as CGContextMBS)
- property fillColor as NSColorMBS
- property lineCap as Integer
- property lineDashPhase as Double
- property lineJoin as Integer
- property lineWidth as Double
- property miterLimit as Double
- property Path as CGPathMBS
- property strokeColor as NSColorMBS
- class MKOverlayRendererMBS
- method canDrawMapRect(Rect as MKMapRectMBS, zoomScale as Double) as Boolean
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(overlay as MKOverlayMBS)
- method drawMapRect(Rect as MKMapRectMBS, zoomScale as Double, context as CGContextMBS)
- method mapPointForPoint(point as CGPointMBS) as MKMapPointMBS
- method mapRectForRect(Rect as CGRectMBS) as MKMapRectMBS
- method pointForMapPoint(mapRect as MKMapPointMBS) as CGPointMBS
- method RectForMapRect(mapRect as MKMapRectMBS) as CGRectMBS
- shared method RoadWidthAtZoomScale(zoomScale as double) as double
- method setNeedsDisplay
- method setNeedsDisplayInMapRect(mapRect as MKMapRectMBS)
- method setNeedsDisplayInMapRect(mapRect as MKMapRectMBS, zoomScale as double)
- property alpha as Double
- property contentScaleFactor as Double
- property Handle as Integer
- property overlay as MKOverlayMBS
- class MKPinAnnotationViewMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(annotation as MKAnnotationMBS, reuseIdentifier as string = "", EnableEvents as Boolean = false)
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- shared method greenPinColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method purplePinColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method redPinColor as NSColorMBS
- property animatesDrop as Boolean
- property pinColor as Integer
- property pinTintColor as NSColorMBS
- class MKPlacemarkMBS
- method Constructor(coordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS)
- method Constructor(coordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS, addressDictionary as dictionary)
- method Constructor(coordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS, postalAddress as Variant)
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Coordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS
- method SetCoordinate(newCoordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS)
- method SubTitle as String
- method Title as String
- property countryCode as String
- class MKPointAnnotationMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- property coordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS
- class MKPolygonMBS
- method boundingMapRect as MKMapRectMBS
- method canReplaceMapContent as Boolean
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(coords() as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS)
- method Constructor(coords() as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS, InteriorPolygons() as MKPolygonMBS)
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(points() as MKMapPointMBS)
- method Constructor(points() as MKMapPointMBS, InteriorPolygons() as MKPolygonMBS)
- method coordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS
- method interiorPolygons as MKPolygonMBS()
- method intersectsMapRect(mapRect as MKMapRectMBS) as Boolean
- shared method polygonWithCoordinates(coords() as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS) as MKPolygonMBS
- shared method polygonWithCoordinates(coords() as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS, InteriorPolygons() as MKPolygonMBS) as MKPolygonMBS
- shared method polygonWithPoints(points() as MKMapPointMBS) as MKPolygonMBS
- shared method polygonWithPoints(points() as MKMapPointMBS, InteriorPolygons() as MKPolygonMBS) as MKPolygonMBS
- class MKPolygonRendererMBS
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(polygon as MKPolygonMBS)
- property polygon as MKPolygonMBS
- class MKPolylineMBS
- method boundingMapRect as MKMapRectMBS
- method canReplaceMapContent as Boolean
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(coords() as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS)
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(points() as MKMapPointMBS)
- method coordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS
- method intersectsMapRect(mapRect as MKMapRectMBS) as Boolean
- shared method polylineWithCoordinates(coords() as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS) as MKPolylineMBS
- shared method polylineWithPoints(points() as MKMapPointMBS) as MKPolylineMBS
- class MKPolylineRendererMBS
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(polyline as MKPolylineMBS)
- property polyline as MKPolylineMBS
- class MKRouteMBS
- method advisoryNotices as String()
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method steps as MKRouteStepMBS()
- property distance as Double
- property expectedTravelTime as Double
- property Handle as Integer
- property name as String
- property polyline as MKPolylineMBS
- property transportType as Integer
- class MKRouteStepMBS
- method Constructor
- property distance as Double
- property Handle as Integer
- property instructions as String
- property notice as String
- property polyline as MKPolylineMBS
- property transportType as Integer
- class MKShapeMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Coordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS
- method SetCoordinate(newCoordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS)
- method SubTitle as String
- method Title as String
- property Handle as Integer
- property subtitle as String
- property title as String
- class MKTileOverlayMBS
- method boundingMapRect as MKMapRectMBS
- method canReplaceMapContent as Boolean
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(URL as string)
- method Coordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS
- method intersectsMapRect(mapRect as MKMapRectMBS) as Boolean
- method loadTileAtPath(Path as MKTileOverlayPathMBS, tag as Variant = nil)
- method SetCoordinate(newCoordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS)
- method SubTitle as String
- method Title as String
- method URLForTilePath(Path as MKTileOverlayPathMBS) as String
- property canReplaceMapContent as Boolean
- property coordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS
- property geometryFlipped as Boolean
- property latitude as Double
- property longitude as Double
- property maximumZ as Integer
- property minimumZ as Integer
- property subtitle as String
- property TileSize as CGSizeMBS
- property title as String
- property URLTemplate as String
- event TileLoaded(path as MKTileOverlayPathMBS, tileData as MemoryBlock, error as NSErrorMBS, tag as Variant)
- class MKTileOverlayPathMBS
- method Constructor(other as MKTileOverlayPathMBS)
- method Constructor(x as Integer, y as Integer, z as Integer, ContentScaleFactor as double)
- property ContentScaleFactor as Double
- property X as Integer
- property Y as Integer
- property Z as Integer
- class MKTileOverlayRendererMBS
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(TileOverlay as MKTileOverlayMBS)
- method reloadData
- class MKUserLocationMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Coordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS
- method SetCoordinate(newCoordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS)
- method SubTitle as String
- method Title as String
- property heading as CLHeadingMBS
- property location as CLLocationMBS
- property updating as Boolean
- class MKAnnotationViewMBS
- Controls
- control DesktopMapKitViewControlMBS
- property View as MKMapViewMBS
- event annotationViewDidChangeDragState(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, annotationView as MKAnnotationViewMBS, newState as Integer, oldState as Integer)
- event beginGestureWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event BoundsChanged
- event Closing
- event ClusterAnnotationForMemberAnnotations(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, memberAnnotations() as MKAnnotationMBS) as MKClusterAnnotationMBS
- event ConstructContextualMenu(base as DesktopMenuItem, x as Integer, y as Integer) As Boolean
- event ContextualMenuItemSelected(selectedItem As DesktopMenuItem) As Boolean
- event didAddAnnotationViews(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, AnnotationViews() as MKAnnotationViewMBS)
- event DidAddOverlayRenderers(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, renderers() as MKOverlayRendererMBS)
- event didAddOverlayViews(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, overlayViews() as NSViewMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didDeselectAnnotationView(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, view as MKAnnotationViewMBS)
- event didFailLoadingMap(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, error as NSErrorMBS)
- event didFailToLocateUserWithError(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, error as NSErrorMBS)
- event didFinishLoadingMap(mapView as MKMapViewMBS)
- event DidFinishRenderingMap(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, fullyRendered as boolean)
- event didSelectAnnotationView(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, view as MKAnnotationViewMBS)
- event didStopLocatingUser(mapView as MKMapViewMBS)
- event didUpdateUserLocation(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, userLocation as MKUserLocationMBS)
- event endGestureWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event FocusLost
- event FocusReceived
- event FrameChanged
- event magnifyWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event MenuBarSelected
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event Opening
- event pressureChange(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event regionDidChangeAnimated(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, animated as boolean)
- event regionWillChangeAnimated(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, animated as boolean)
- event rendererForOverlay(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, overlay as MKOverlayMBS) as MKOverlayRendererMBS
- event rotateWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as Double)
- event swipeWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event viewForAnnotation(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, annotation as MKAnnotationMBS) as MKAnnotationViewMBS
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event willStartLoadingMap(mapView as MKMapViewMBS)
- event willStartLocatingUser(mapView as MKMapViewMBS)
- event WillStartRenderingMap(mapView as MKMapViewMBS)
- control MapKitIOSControlMBS
- property View as MKMapViewMBS
- event annotationViewDidChangeDragState(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, annotationView as MKAnnotationViewMBS, newState as integer, oldState as integer)
- event Close
- event ClusterAnnotationForMemberAnnotations(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, memberAnnotations() as MKAnnotationMBS) as MKClusterAnnotationMBS
- event didAddAnnotationViews(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, AnnotationViews() as MKAnnotationViewMBS)
- event DidAddOverlayRenderers(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, renderers() as MKOverlayRendererMBS)
- event didAddOverlayViews(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, overlayViews() as NSViewMBS)
- event didDeselectAnnotationView(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, view as MKAnnotationViewMBS)
- event didFailLoadingMap(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, error as NSErrorMBS)
- event didFailToLocateUserWithError(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, error as NSErrorMBS)
- event didFinishLoadingMap(mapView as MKMapViewMBS)
- event DidFinishRenderingMap(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, fullyRendered as boolean)
- event didSelectAnnotationView(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, view as MKAnnotationViewMBS)
- event didStopLocatingUser(mapView as MKMapViewMBS)
- event didUpdateUserLocation(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, userLocation as MKUserLocationMBS)
- event GotFocus
- event LostFocus
- event Open
- event regionDidChangeAnimated(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, animated as boolean)
- event regionWillChangeAnimated(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, animated as boolean)
- event rendererForOverlay(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, overlay as MKOverlayMBS) as MKOverlayRendererMBS
- event touchesBegan(e as NSEventMBS, touches() as NSTouchMBS) as boolean
- event touchesCancelled(e as NSEventMBS, touches() as NSTouchMBS) as boolean
- event touchesEnded(e as NSEventMBS, touches() as NSTouchMBS) as boolean
- event touchesMoved(e as NSEventMBS, touches() as NSTouchMBS) as boolean
- event viewForAnnotation(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, annotation as MKAnnotationMBS) as MKAnnotationViewMBS
- event willStartLoadingMap(mapView as MKMapViewMBS)
- event willStartLocatingUser(mapView as MKMapViewMBS)
- event WillStartRenderingMap(mapView as MKMapViewMBS)
- control MapKitViewControlMBS
- property View as MKMapViewMBS
- event annotationViewDidChangeDragState(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, annotationView as MKAnnotationViewMBS, newState as Integer, oldState as Integer)
- event beginGestureWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event BoundsChanged
- event Close
- event Closing
- event ClusterAnnotationForMemberAnnotations(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, memberAnnotations() as MKAnnotationMBS) as MKClusterAnnotationMBS
- event ConstructContextualMenu(base as MenuItem, x as Integer, y as Integer) as Boolean
- event ContextualMenuAction(hitItem as MenuItem) as Boolean
- event didAddAnnotationViews(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, AnnotationViews() as MKAnnotationViewMBS)
- event DidAddOverlayRenderers(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, renderers() as MKOverlayRendererMBS)
- event didAddOverlayViews(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, overlayViews() as NSViewMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didDeselectAnnotationView(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, view as MKAnnotationViewMBS)
- event didFailLoadingMap(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, error as NSErrorMBS)
- event didFailToLocateUserWithError(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, error as NSErrorMBS)
- event didFinishLoadingMap(mapView as MKMapViewMBS)
- event DidFinishRenderingMap(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, fullyRendered as boolean)
- event didSelectAnnotationView(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, view as MKAnnotationViewMBS)
- event didStopLocatingUser(mapView as MKMapViewMBS)
- event didUpdateUserLocation(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, userLocation as MKUserLocationMBS)
- event EnableMenuItems
- event endGestureWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event FocusLost
- event FocusReceived
- event FrameChanged
- event GotFocus
- event LostFocus
- event magnifyWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event MenuBarSelected
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event Open
- event Opening
- event pressureChange(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event regionDidChangeAnimated(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, animated as boolean)
- event regionWillChangeAnimated(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, animated as boolean)
- event rendererForOverlay(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, overlay as MKOverlayMBS) as MKOverlayRendererMBS
- event rotateWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as Double)
- event swipeWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event viewForAnnotation(mapView as MKMapViewMBS, annotation as MKAnnotationMBS) as MKAnnotationViewMBS
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event willStartLoadingMap(mapView as MKMapViewMBS)
- event willStartLocatingUser(mapView as MKMapViewMBS)
- event WillStartRenderingMap(mapView as MKMapViewMBS)
- control DesktopMapKitViewControlMBS
- Interfaces
- interface MKAnnotationMBS
- method coordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS
- method setCoordinate(newCoordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS)
- method subtitle as String
- method title as String
- interface MKOverlayMBS
- method boundingMapRect as MKMapRectMBS
- method canReplaceMapContent as Boolean
- method coordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS
- method intersectsMapRect(mapRect as MKMapRectMBS) as Boolean
- method setCoordinate(newCoordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS)
- method subtitle as String
- method title as String
- interface MKAnnotationMBS
- Blog Entries
- Apple MapView In Xojo
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 21.5
- New desktop controls
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 21.3pr1
- Three new controls for iOS in Xojo
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 20.6pr3
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 19.5pr1
- MapKit Framework for Xojo
- MBS Xojo / Real Studio Plugins, version 14.2pr6
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo / Real Studio plug-ins in version 14.1
Release notes
- Version 23.5
- Added touch events for MapKitIOSControlMBS and SCNIOSControlMBS controls.
- Version 23.2
- Fixed a memory leak in multiPolygon method in MKMultiPolygonMBS class.
- Fixed a memory leak in multiPolyline method in MKMultiPolylineMBS class.
- Version 22.4
- Added withOverlays parameter to ShowAllAnnotations method in MKMapViewMBS class.
- Version 22.0
- Added ShowAllAnnotations for MKMapViewMBS class.
- Version 21.3
- Added MKMultiPolygonMBS, MKMultiPolygonRendererMBS, MKMultiPolylineMBS and MKMultiPolylineRendererMBS classes for MapKit plugin part.
- Changed MapKitViewControlMBS control to not raise exception on Windows/Linux if not supported.
- Version 21.0
- Added MapKitIOSControlMBS control for iOS, same as MapKitViewControlMBS control for macOS.
- Version 20.4
- Added annotationViews function to MKMapViewMBS class.
- Added MKMarkerAnnotationViewMBS class.
- Added prepareForReuse and prepareForDisplay events to MKAnnotationViewMBS class.
- Version 20.1
- Changed ShowAddress method in MKMapViewMBS to use the region size to zoom.
- Version 19.5
- Added setCenterCoordinate and setZoomLevel to zoom in MKMapViewMBS class.
- Added zoomLevel property to MKMapViewMBS class.
- Fixed bug in ZoomLevel in MKMapViewMBS class to increase precision.
- Removed userDidClickAndHoldAtCoordinate and contextMenuItemsForAnnotationView events from MapKitViewControlMBS control. Those are no longer used.
The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS MacFrameworks Plugin.