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Classes to access Mongo Databases.
- Classes
- class MongoChangeStreamMBS
- method Constructor
- method ErrorDocument(byref ReplyJSON as String) as Boolean
- method NextChange(byref RecordJSON as String) as Boolean
- method StreamResumeToken as String
- property Handle as Integer
- property Parent as Variant
- class MongoClientMBS
- method Collection(DatabaseName as String, CollectionName as String) as MongoCollectionMBS
- method Command(dbName as String, commandJSON as String) as String
- method Command(dbName as String, commandJSON as String, OptionsJSON as String) as String
- method CommandQuery(dbName as String, queryJSON as String) as MongoCursorMBS
- method CommandWithServerId(dbName as String, commandJSON as String, serverId as UInt32) as String
- method Constructor(URI as MongoURIMBS)
- method Database(Name as String) as MongoDatabaseMBS
- method DatabasesNames(OptionsJSON as String = "") as String()
- shared method DataToBinary(Data as MemoryBlock) as String
- shared method DataToBinary(Data as String) as String
- method DefaultDatabase as MongoDatabaseMBS
- method FindDatabases(OptionsJSON as String = "") as MongoCursorMBS
- shared method LogMessage(Message as String)
- method NewCursorFromCommandReply(commandReplyJSON as String, OptionsJSON as String = "") as MongoCursorMBS
- shared method NowUTC as String
- method Ping
- method ReadCommand(dbName as String, commandJSON as String, OptionsJSON as String = "") as String
- method ReadWriteCommand(dbName as String, commandJSON as String, OptionsJSON as String = "") as String
- method ServerDescription(ServerID as UInt32) as MongoServerDescriptionMBS
- method ServerDescriptions as MongoServerDescriptionMBS()
- shared method Time(SecondsSince1970 as Double) as String
- method Watch(pipelineJSON as String, OptionsJSON as String = "") as MongoChangeStreamMBS
- method WriteCommand(dbName as String, commandJSON as String, OptionsJSON as String = "") as String
- property Handle as Integer
- shared property LibraryVersion as String
- property MaxBSONSize as Integer
- property MaxMessageSize as Integer
- property Parent as Variant
- property Session as MongoSessionMBS
- shared property SSLLibrary as String
- property SSLOptions as MongoSSLOptionsMBS
- shared property Trace as Boolean
- property URI as MongoURIMBS
- event LogMessage(Level as Integer, Domain as String, Message as String)
- class MongoCollectionMBS
- method Aggregate(flags as Integer, pipelineJSON as String, OptionsJSON as String = "") as MongoCursorMBS
- method Command(commandJSON as String, OptionsJSON as String = "") as String
- method Constructor
- method Copy as MongoCollectionMBS
- method DeleteMany(selectorJSON as String, OptionsJSON as String = "") as String
- method DeleteOne(selectorJSON as String, OptionsJSON as String = "") as String
- method EstimatedDocumentCount(OptionsJSON as String = "") as Int64
- method EstimatedDocumentCount(OptionsJSON as String, byref ReplyJSON as String) as Int64
- method Find(FilterJSON as String, OptionsJSON as String = "") as MongoCursorMBS
- method FindIndexes(OptionsJSON as String = "") as MongoCursorMBS
- method InsertMany(documentArrayJSON as String, OptionsJSON as String = "") as String
- method InsertMany(documentJSON() as String, OptionsJSON as String = "") as String
- method InsertOne(documentJSON as String, OptionsJSON as String = "") as String
- method Keys as String()
- method Rename(NewDatabaseName as String, NewCollectionName as String, DropTargetBeforeRename as Boolean = false, OptionsJSON as String = "") as boolean
- method ReplaceOne(selectorJSON as String, replacementJSON as String, OptionsJSON as String = "") as String
- method UpdateMany(selectorJSON as String, updateJSON as String, OptionsJSON as String = "") as String
- method UpdateOne(selectorJSON as String, updateJSON as String, OptionsJSON as String = "") as String
- method Watch(pipelineJSON as String, OptionsJSON as String = "") as MongoChangeStreamMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property Name as String
- property Parent as Variant
- class MongoCursorMBS
- method Clone as MongoURIMBS
- method Constructor
- method ErrorDocument(byref ReplyJSON as String) as Boolean
- method NextRecord(byref RecordJSON as String) as Boolean
- method Operator_Convert as String
- method Records as String
- property BatchSize as UInt32
- property Current as String
- property Handle as Integer
- property Host as MongoHostListMBS
- property ID as Int64
- property Limit as Int64
- property MaxAwaitTimeMS as UInt32
- property More as Boolean
- property Parent as Variant
- class MongoDatabaseMBS
- method Aggregate(pipelineJSON as String, OptionsJSON as String = "") as MongoCursorMBS
- method Collection(Name as String) as MongoCollectionMBS
- method CollectionNames(OptionsJSON as String = "") as String()
- method Command(commandJSON as String) as String
- method Command(commandJSON as String, OptionsJSON as String) as String
- method Constructor
- method Copy as MongoDatabaseMBS
- method CreateCollection(Name as String, OptionsJSON as String = "") as MongoCollectionMBS
- method FindCollections(OptionsJSON as String = "") as MongoCursorMBS
- method HasCollection(Name as String) as Boolean
- method ReadCommand(commandJSON as String, OptionsJSON as String = "") as String
- method ReadWriteCommand(commandJSON as String, OptionsJSON as String = "") as String
- method Watch(pipelineJSON as String, OptionsJSON as String = "") as MongoChangeStreamMBS
- method WriteCommand(commandJSON as String, OptionsJSON as String = "") as String
- property Client as MongoClientMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property Name as String
- class MongoExceptionMBS
- method Constructor
- class MongoHostListMBS
- method Constructor
- property Family as Integer
- property Host as String
- property HostAndPort as String
- property NextHost as MongoHostListMBS
- property Port as Integer
- class MongoServerDescriptionMBS
- method Constructor
- property CompressorID as Integer
- property helloResponse as String
- property HostList as MongoHostListMBS
- property ID as Integer
- property LastUpdateTime as Integer
- property NextDescription as MongoServerDescriptionMBS
- property RTT as Integer
- property Type as String
- class MongoSessionMBS
- method AbortTransaction
- method CommitTransaction as String
- method Constructor(client as MongoClientMBS)
- method StartTransaction
- property Client as Variant
- property ClusterTime as String
- property Handle as Integer
- property InTransaction as Boolean
- property ServerID as UInt32
- property SessionID as String
- property TransactionState as Integer
- class MongoSSLOptionsMBS
- method Constructor
- property AllowInvalidCertificates as Boolean
- property AllowInvalidHostnames as Boolean
- property CertificateAuthorityDirectory as String
- property CertificateAuthorityFile as String
- property CertificateRevocationListFile as String
- property ClientCertificateKeyFile as String
- property ClientCertificateKeyPassword as String
- class MongoURIMBS
- method Constructor(URI as String)
- method Copy as MongoURIMBS
- property AppName as String
- property AuthMechanism as String
- property AuthSource as String
- property Compressors as String
- property Credentials as String
- property DatabaseName as String
- property Handle as Integer
- property Hosts as MongoHostListMBS
- property Options as String
- property Password as String
- property ServiceHostName as String
- property ServiceName as String
- property TLS as Boolean
- property URI as String
- property UserName as String
- class MongoChangeStreamMBS
- Blog Entries
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 23.5
- Watch MongoDB Database changes in Xojo
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 23.5pr4
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 23.4
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins in Version 23.0
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 23.0
- Watch changes in MongoDB with Xojo application
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 22.6pr1
Release notes
- Version 24.4
- Added Records method and Operator_Convert to MongoCursorMBS class.
- Version 24.2
- Added more methods and properties for MongoDB to our MongoDatabaseMBS, MongoClientMBS and MongoURIMBS class.
- Version 23.5
- Added MongoDB Watch Changes example project to show MongoChangeStreamMBS class.
- Version 23.4
- Added MongoSSLOptionsMBS class and SSLOptions property for MongoClientMBS class.
- Added Ping method to MongoClientMBS class.
- Added SSLLibrary function to MongoClientMBS class.
- Added Trace property for MongoClientMBS class.
- Version 23.2
- Added DataToBinary function to MongoClientMBS class.
- Added NowUTC and Time functions to MongoClientMBS class.
- Version 23.1
- Added Aggregate method to MongoDatabaseMBS class.
- Added Command and Aggregate methods to MongoCollectionMBS class.
- Added Options and TLS properties to MongoURIMBS class.
- Changed DatabaseName property in MongoURIMBS to be writable.
- Version 23.0
- Added MongoChangeStreamMBS class.
- Version 22.5
- Added MongoSessionMBS class and related methods to do transactions.
- Version 22.4
- Added ErrorDocument method to MongoCursorMBS class.
- Added InsertMany functions to MongoCollectionMBS class.
- Added NewCursorFromCommandReply function to MongoClientMBS class.
- Added Rename and FindIndexes functions to MongoCollectionMBS class.
The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS MongoDB Plugin.