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Windows Store
Classes for in-app purchases in Windows Store.
- Classes
- class WindowsStoreAppLicenseMBS
- method Constructor
- property AddOnLicenses as Dictionary
- property ExpirationDate as Int64
- property ExtendedJsonData as String
- property Handle as Integer
- property IsActive as Boolean
- property IsTrial as Boolean
- property IsTrialOwnedByThisUser as Boolean
- property SkuStoreId as String
- property TrialTimeRemaining as Double
- property TrialUniqueId as String
- class WindowsStoreContextMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Parent as DesktopWindow)
- method Constructor(Parent as Window)
- method GetAppLicenseAsync(CompletionHandler as GetAppLicenseCompletedMBS)
- method GetAppLicenseSync as WindowsStoreAppLicenseMBS
- method GetAssociatedStoreProductsAsync(productKinds() as String, CompletionHandler as GetStoreProductsCompletedMBS)
- method GetStoreProductForCurrentAppAsync(CompletionHandler as GetStoreProductForCurrentAppCompletedMBS)
- method GetStoreProductsAsync(productKinds() as String, storeIds() as String, CompletionHandler as GetStoreProductsCompletedMBS)
- method GetUserCollectionAsync(productKinds() as String, CompletionHandler as GetStoreProductsCompletedMBS)
- method RequestPurchaseAsync(CompletionHandler as RequestPurchaseCompletedMBS, StoreID as String, PurchaseProperties as WindowsStorePurchasePropertiesMBS = nil)
- method RequestRateAndReviewAppAsync(CompletionHandler as RequestRateAndReviewAppCompletedMBS = nil)
- property Handle as Integer
- property Parent as Variant
- event OfflineLicensesChanged
- delegate GetAppLicenseCompletedMBS(ErrorCode as Integer, appLicense as WindowsStoreAppLicenseMBS)
- delegate GetStoreProductForCurrentAppCompletedMBS(ErrorCode as Integer, result as WindowsStoreProductResultMBS)
- delegate GetStoreProductsCompletedMBS(ErrorCode as Integer, result as WindowsStoreProductQueryResultMBS)
- delegate RequestPurchaseCompletedMBS(ErrorCode as Integer, result as WindowsStorePurchaseResultMBS)
- delegate RequestRateAndReviewAppCompletedMBS(ErrorCode as Integer, result as WindowsStoreRateAndReviewResultMBS)
- class WindowsStoreExceptionMBS
- class WindowsStoreImageMBS
- method Constructor
- property Caption as String
- property Handle as Integer
- property Height as Integer
- property ImagePurposeTag as String
- property Uri as String
- property Width as Integer
- class WindowsStoreLicenseMBS
- method Constructor
- property ExpirationDate as Int64
- property ExtendedJsonData as String
- property Handle as Integer
- property InAppOfferToken as String
- property IsActive as Boolean
- property SkuStoreId as String
- class WindowsStorePriceMBS
- method Constructor
- property CurrencyCode as String
- property FormattedBasePrice as String
- property FormattedPrice as String
- property FormattedRecurrencePrice as String
- property Handle as Integer
- property IsOnSale as Boolean
- property SaleEndDate as Int64
- class WindowsStoreProductMBS
- method Constructor
- method GetIsAnySkuInstalledAsync(CompletionHandler as GetIsAnySkuInstalledAsyncCompletedMBS)
- method Images as WindowsStoreImageMBS()
- method Keywords as String()
- method RequestPurchaseAsync(CompletionHandler as WindowsStoreContextMBS.RequestPurchaseCompletedMBS, PurchaseProperties as WindowsStorePurchasePropertiesMBS = nil)
- method SKUs as WindowsStoreSKUMBS()
- method Videos as WindowsStoreVideoMBS()
- property Description as String
- property ExtendedJsonData as String
- property Handle as Integer
- property HasDigitalDownload as Boolean
- property InAppOfferToken as String
- property IsInUserCollection as Boolean
- property Language as String
- property LinkURI as String
- property Price as WindowsStorePriceMBS
- property ProductKind as String
- property StoreId as String
- property Title as String
- delegate GetIsAnySkuInstalledAsyncCompletedMBS(ErrorCode as Integer, Installed as Boolean)
- class WindowsStoreProductQueryResultMBS
- method Constructor
- property ExtendedError as Integer
- property Handle as Integer
- property Products as Dictionary
- class WindowsStoreProductResultMBS
- method Constructor
- property ExtendedError as Integer
- property Handle as Integer
- property Product as WindowsStoreProductMBS
- class WindowsStorePurchasePropertiesMBS
- method Constructor(Name as String = "")
- property ExtendedJsonData as String
- property Handle as Integer
- property Name as String
- class WindowsStorePurchaseResultMBS
- method Constructor
- property ExtendedError as Integer
- property Handle as Integer
- property Status as Integer
- class WindowsStoreRateAndReviewResultMBS
- method Constructor
- property ExtendedError as Integer
- property ExtendedJsonData as String
- property Handle as Integer
- property Status as Integer
- property WasUpdated as Boolean
- class WindowsStoreSKUMBS
- method BundledSKUs as String()
- method Constructor
- method GetIsInstalledAsync(CompletionHandler as GetIsInstalledAsyncCompletedMBS)
- method Images as WindowsStoreImageMBS()
- method RequestPurchaseAsync(CompletionHandler as WindowsStoreContextMBS.RequestPurchaseCompletedMBS, PurchaseProperties as WindowsStorePurchasePropertiesMBS = nil)
- method Videos as WindowsStoreVideoMBS()
- property CustomDeveloperData as String
- property Description as String
- property ExtendedJsonData as String
- property Handle as Integer
- property IsInUserCollection as Boolean
- property IsSubscription as Boolean
- property IsTrial as Boolean
- property Language as String
- property Price as WindowsStorePriceMBS
- property StoreId as String
- property Title as String
- delegate GetIsInstalledAsyncCompletedMBS(ErrorCode as Integer, Installed as Boolean)
- class WindowsStoreVideoMBS
- method Constructor
- property Caption as String
- property Handle as Integer
- property Height as Integer
- property PreviewImage as WindowsStoreImageMBS
- property Uri as String
- property VideoPurposeTag as String
- property Width as Integer
- class WindowsStoreAppLicenseMBS
- Blog Entries
Release notes
- Version 23.1
- Added GetAppLicenseSync method in WindowsStoreContextMBS class.
- Added WindowsStoreVideoMBS, WindowsStoreLicenseMBS and WindowsStoreImageMBS classes.
- Changed delegates in WindowsStoreContextMBS class to pass ErrorCode for GetStoreProductsCompletedMBS, GetStoreProductForCurrentAppCompletedMBS, RequestPurchaseCompletedMBS, RequestRateAndReviewAppCompletedMBS and GetAppLicenseCompletedMBS.
- Version 22.0
- Changed window properties to variant, so you can use DesktopWindow there for WindowsShortCutMBS, WindowsPrintDialogMBS, WindowsPageSetupDialogMBS, WindowsICMSetupMBS, WindowsBlueToothSelectDeviceDialogMBS, TwainMBS, TaskDialogMBS, OpenDialogMBS, DirectShowVideoWindowMBS, WindowsStoreContextMBS, WindowsFileCopyMBS, WindowsFontDialogMBS, WindowsPreviewHandlerMBS, WindowsStoreContextMBS, ParentChromiumFrameMBS and ChromiumBrowserMBS classes.
The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS WinFrameworks Plugin.