Platforms to show: All Mac Windows Linux Cross-Platform
NSRectMBS class
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
class | Cocoa | MBS Main Plugin | 9.1 | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | ❌ No | ✅ Yes | All |
- 14 properties
- property Handle as Ptr
- property Height as Double
- property IsEmpty as boolean
- property MaxX as Double
- property MaxY as Double
- property MidX as Double
- property MidY as Double
- property MinX as Double
- property MinY as Double
- property Origin as NSPointMBS
- property Size as NSSizeMBS
- property Width as Double
- property X as Double
- property Y as Double
- 14 methods
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(p as Ptr)
- method Constructor(s as string)
- method Constructor(X as Double, Y as Double, W as Double, H as Double)
- method Contains(other as NSPointMBS) as boolean
- method Contains(other as NSRectMBS) as boolean
- method Equal(other as NSRectMBS) as boolean
- method Inset(dx as Double, dy as Double) as NSRectMBS
- method Integral as NSRectMBS
- method Intersection(other as NSRectMBS) as NSRectMBS
- method Intersects(other as NSRectMBS) as boolean
- method Operator_Convert as String
- method String as String
- method Union(other as NSRectMBS) as NSRectMBS
- shared method Zero as NSRectMBS
This class has no sub classes.
Some useful global functions for this class:
- NSMakeRectMBS(x as Double, y as Double, w as Double, h as Double) as NSRectMBS
Some methods using this class:
- IKImageBrowserCellMBS.imageFrame as NSRectMBS
- IKImageBrowserViewMBS.rectOfColumn(columnIndex as Integer) as NSRectMBS
- IKImageViewMBS.convertViewRectToImageRect(viewRect as NSRectMBS) as NSRectMBS
- NSBezierPathMBS.appendBezierPathWithRect(rect as NSRectMBS)
- NSBezierPathMBS.bezierPathWithRoundedRect(r as NSRectMBS, xRadius as Double, yRadius as Double) as NSBezierPathMBS
- NSBoxMBS.titleRect as NSRectMBS
- NSLayoutManagerMBS.rectArrayForGlyphRange(glyphRange as NSRangeMBS, selGlyphRange as NSRangeMBS, container as NSTextContainerMBS, byref rectCount as Integer) as NSRectMBS()
- NSPrintOperationMBS.PDFOperationWithView(view as NSViewMBS, rect as NSRectMBS, printInfo as NSPrintInfoMBS, file as folderitem) as NSPrintOperationMBS
- NSTableHeaderCellMBS.sortIndicatorRectForBounds(r as NSRectMBS) as NSRectMBS
- PDFAnnotationMBS.setRectValue(Key as String, value as NSRectMBS) as Boolean
Some properties using for this class:
- AVPlayerViewControllerMBS.videoBounds as NSRectMBS
- DesktopAVPlayerViewControlMBS.videoBounds as NSRectMBS
- NSMediaLibraryBrowserControllerMBS.Frame as NSRectMBS
- NSPDFImageRepMBS.bounds as NSRectMBS
- NSScreenMBS.frame as NSRectMBS
- NSStatusItemMBS.frame as NSRectMBS
- NSViewMBS.bounds as NSRectMBS
- NSViewMBS.frame as NSRectMBS
- NSPopoverMBS.positioningRect as NSRectMBS
- PDFPageMBS.boundsForBox(box as Integer) as NSRectMBS
Some events using this class:
- CustomNSScrollerMBS.drawKnobSlotInRect(g as NSGraphicsMBS, slotRect as NSRectMBS, highlight as boolean)
- CustomNSTextFieldCellMBS.didDrawWithFrame(cellFrame as NSRectMBS, controlView as NSViewMBS)
- CustomNSTextFieldCellMBS.imageRectForBounds(rect as NSRectMBS) as NSRectMBS
- CustomNSTextFieldCellMBS.selectWithFrame(rect as NSRectMBS, controlView as NSViewMBS, text as NSTextMBS, theDelegate as Variant, selStart as Integer, selLength as Integer) as boolean
- CustomNSTextFieldCellMBS.titleRectForBounds(rect as NSRectMBS) as NSRectMBS
- DesktopNSSplitViewControlMBS.drawDivider(graphics as NSGraphicsMBS, Rect as NSRectMBS) as Boolean
- DesktopNSTableControlMBS.toolTipForCell(cell as NSCellMBS, r as NSRectMBS, tableColumn as NSTableColumnMBS, row as Int64, mouseLocation as NSPointMBS) as string
- NSOutlineControlMBS.toolTipForCell(cell as NSCellMBS, byref rect as NSRectMBS, tableColumn as NSTableColumnMBS, item as NSOutlineViewItemMBS, mouseLocation as NSPointMBS) as String
- NSWindowDelegateMBS.windowWillUseStandardFrame(win as NSWindowMBS, newFrame as NSRectMBS) as NSRectMBS
- QLPreviewPanelMBS.transitionImageForPreviewItem(file as folderitem, byref contentRect as NSRectMBS) as NSImageMBS
Some examples using this class:
- /MacCocoa/Font PopupMenu in Cocoa
- /MacCocoa/NSStatusItem/Statusitem with PopOver
- /MacCocoa/NSStatusItem/Statusitem with PopOver using Container
- /MacControls/Listbox and TableView Demos/ListboxTV drop-in/Flat Only/ListBoxTV TableView
- /MacControls/Listbox and TableView Demos/ListboxTV drop-in/Flat Only/ListboxTV with ContainerControl Cells
- /MacControls/Listbox and TableView Demos/ListboxTV drop-in/Hierarchical & Flat/ListBoxTV OutlineView
- /MacControls/NSCollectionView Test
- /MacFrameworks/CustomNSScroller/Dark scrollbar
- /PDFKit/PDFView/PDFView overlay/PDFView overlay
- /PDFKit/Search and Highlight/Search and Highlight
Blog Entries
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 24.5
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 24.4
- Several ways for picture to PDF in MBS Plugins
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 17.3pr4
- MBS Xojo / Real Studio Plugins, version 16.1pr1
- Apply fonts to font PopupMenu
- MBS Real Studio Plugins, version 12.1pr1
- MBS REALbasic plug-in 9.6
Release notes
- Version 17.3
- Added MinY, MinX, MidY, MidX, MaxY and MaxX for NSRectMBS class.
The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS Main Plugin.
NSRangeMBS - NSRegularExpressionMBS