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The plugin part MBS MacOSX Plugin:ImageCapture:
Not Console safe, 173 entry points.
- class ImageCaptureMBS
- method ImportImage(flags as integer, filetypes() as string) as string()
- method ImportImage(flags as integer) as string()
- method SendNotificationAndWaitForReply(notificationDictionary as dictionary) as integer
- method SendNotification(notificationDictionary as dictionary) as integer
- method LoadDeviceModule(params as dictionary)
- method UnloadDeviceModule(deviceObject as ImageCaptureObjectMBS)
- method DeviceList as ImageCaptureObjectMBS
- method ShowDeviceBrowser
- method RegisterForEventNotification(objectOfInterest as ImageCaptureObjectMBS, eventsOfInterest() as string, options as dictionary)
- property Lasterror as Integer
- shared method kICAUserAssignedDeviceNameKey as string
- shared method kICADeviceBrowserDeviceRefKey as string
- shared method kICADeviceModulePathKey as string
- shared method kICADeviceIconPathKey as string
- shared method kICATransportTypeKey as string
- shared method kICABluetoothAddressKey as string
- shared method kICAUSBLocationIDKey as string
- shared method kICAFireWireGUIDKey as string
- shared method kICAIOServicePathKey as string
- shared method kICAIPAddressKey as string
- shared method kICAIPNameKey as string
- shared method kICAIPGUIDKey as string
- shared method kICATWAINDSPathKey as string
- shared method kICAUSBTransportType as string
- shared method kICAFireWireTransportType as string
- shared method kICABluetoothTransportType as string
- shared method kICATCPIPTransportType as string
- shared method kICASCSITransportType as string
- shared method kICATWAINTransportType as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeObjectAdded as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeObjectRemoved as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeObjectInfoChanged as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeStoreAdded as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeStoreRemoved as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeStoreFull as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeStoreInfoChanged as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeDeviceAdded as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeDeviceRemoved as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeDeviceInfoChanged as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeDevicePropertyChanged as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeDeviceWasReset as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeDeviceStatusInfo as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeDeviceStatusError as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeCaptureComplete as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeRequestObjectTransfer as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeTransactionCanceled as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeUnreportedStatus as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeProprietary as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeDeviceConnectionProgress as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeDownloadProgressStatus as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeScanProgressStatus as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeScannerSessionClosed as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeScannerScanDone as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeScannerPageDone as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeScannerButtonPressed as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeScannerOverviewOverlayAvailable as string
- shared method kICAErrorKey as string
- shared method kICARefconKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationICAObjectKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationDeviceICAObjectKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationDeviceListICAObjectKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationClassKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationRawEventKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationDataKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationDataSizeKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationDataCookieKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationImageKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationImageWidthKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationImageHeightKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationImageBytesPerRowKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationImageStartRowKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationImageNumberOfRowsKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationImageDataKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationImageDataSizeKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationScannerDocumentNameKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationScannerButtonTypeKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationNumerOfImagesRemainingKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationPercentDownloadedKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationSubTypeKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationSubTypeWarmUpStarted as string
- shared method kICANotificationSubTypeWarmUpDone as string
- shared method kICANotificationVendorErrorCodeKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationSubTypePerformOverviewScan as string
- shared method kICANotificationSubTypeDocumentLoaded as string
- shared method kICANotificationSubTypeDocumentNotLoaded as string
- shared method kICANotificationClassPTPStandard as string
- shared method kICANotificationClassPTPVendor as string
- shared method kICANotificationClassProprietary as string
- event Notification(notificationType as string, notificationDictionary as dictionary)
- class ImageCaptureObjectMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(handle as integer)
- method ScannerCloseSession
- method ScannerOpenSession(device as ImageCaptureObjectMBS)
- method ScannerInitialize
- method ScannerStart
- method ScannerStatus as integer
- method ScannerGetParameters as dictionary
- method ScannerSetParameters(dic as dictionary)
- method CloseSession
- method OpenSession(device as ImageCaptureObjectMBS)
- method CopyData(startByte as int64, requestedSize as int64) as string
- method CopyThumbnail(format as string) as string
- method DownloadFile(dir as folderitem, flags as integer, MacType as string, MacCreator as string, angle as double) as folderitem
- method UploadFile(file as folderitem, flags as integer)
- method SendMessageString(messageType as string, startByte as UInt32, data as string, dataType as string) as UInt32
- method SendMessageMemory(messageType as string, startByte as UInt32, data as memoryblock, dataType as string) as UInt32
- method PropertyDictionary as dictionary
- method PropertyDictionaryText as string
- method ImportImage(flags as integer, filetypes() as string) as string()
- method ImportImage(flags as integer) as string()
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property SessionHandle as Integer
- property ScannerSessionHandle as Integer
- shared method kICADevicePropUndefined as string
- shared method kICADevicePropBatteryLevel as string
- shared method kICADevicePropFunctionalMode as string
- shared method kICADevicePropImageSize as string
- shared method kICADevicePropCompressionSetting as string
- shared method kICADevicePropWhiteBalance as string
- shared method kICADevicePropRGBGain as string
- shared method kICADevicePropFNumber as string
- shared method kICADevicePropFocalLength as string
- shared method kICADevicePropFocusDistance as string
- shared method kICADevicePropFocusMode as string
- shared method kICADevicePropExposureMeteringMode as string
- shared method kICADevicePropFlashMode as string
- shared method kICADevicePropExposureTime as string
- shared method kICADevicePropExposureProgramMode as string
- shared method kICADevicePropExposureIndex as string
- shared method kICADevicePropExposureBiasCompensation as string
- shared method kICADevicePropDateTime as string
- shared method kICADevicePropCaptureDelay as string
- shared method kICADevicePropStillCaptureMode as string
- shared method kICADevicePropContrast as string
- shared method kICADevicePropSharpness as string
- shared method kICADevicePropDigitalZoom as string
- shared method kICADevicePropEffectMode as string
- shared method kICADevicePropBurstNumber as string
- shared method kICADevicePropBurstInterval as string
- shared method kICADevicePropTimelapseNumber as string
- shared method kICADevicePropTimelapseInterval as string
- shared method kICADevicePropFocusMeteringMode as string
- shared method kICADevicePropUploadURL as string
- shared method kICADevicePropArtist as string
- shared method kICADevicePropCopyrightInfo as string
- shared method kICADevicesArrayKey as string
- shared method kICAObjectKey as string
- shared method kICAObjectNameKey as string
- shared method kICAUSBVendorIDKey as string
- shared method kICAUSBProductIDKey as string
- shared method kICADeviceTypeKey as string
- shared method kICAExecutableArchitectureKey as string
- shared method kICARemoteDeviceKey as string
- shared method kICADeviceSharedKey as string
- shared method kICADeviceWebSharedKey as string
- shared method kICADeviceUsedKey as string
- shared method kICABonjourServiceTypeKey as string
- shared method kICABonjourServiceNameKey as string
- shared method kICABonjourTXTRecordKey as string
- shared method kICADeviceCapabilitiesKey as string
- shared method kICALockStatusKey as string
- shared method kICADataPropertyKey as string
- shared method kICADataTypeKey as string
- shared method kICADataSizeKey as string
- shared method kICAThumbnailPropertyKey as string
- shared method kICAThumbnailSizeKey as string
- shared method kICARawKey as string
- shared method kICAMediaHeightKey as string
- shared method kICAMediaWidthKey as string
- shared method kICACreationDateStringKey as string
- shared method kICAModificationDateStringKey as string
- shared method kMetaDataDictionaryKey as string
- shared method kICAMediaDurationInSecondsKey as string
- shared method kICADeviceTypeCamera as string
- shared method kICADeviceTypeScanner as string
Blog Entries
- MacOSX plugin for iOS
- MBS Plugins updated for Xojo 2019r2
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 19.3pr2
- Scanning Options
- MBS Xojo / Real Studio Plugins, version 15.4pr5