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The plugin part MBS MacBase Plugin:NSURLRequest:
Partly Console safe, 159 entry points.
- class NSCachedURLResponseMBS
- method copy as NSCachedURLResponseMBS
- method Constructor(response as NSURLResponseMBS, data as MemoryBlock, userInfo as Dictionary = nil, storagePolicy as Integer = 0)
- property Handle as Integer
- property Response as NSURLResponseMBS
- property UserInfo as Dictionary
- property Data as MemoryBlock
- property StoragePolicy as Integer
- class NSMutableURLRequestMBS
- method addValue(value as string, field as string)
- method setValue(value as string, field as string)
- method setURL(url as string)
- method setCachePolicy(policy as integer)
- method setTimeoutInterval(seconds as double)
- method setMainDocumentURL(url as string)
- method setHTTPShouldHandleCookies(should as boolean)
- method setHTTPBody(data as MemoryBlock)
- method setHTTPMethod(HTTPMethod as string)
- method setHTTPShouldUsePipelining(shouldUsePipelining as boolean)
- method setAllHTTPHeaderFields(headerFields as Dictionary)
- method Constructor(url as string)
- method Constructor(url as string, cachePolicy as integer, timeoutInterval as double)
- method setNetworkServiceType(networkServiceType as integer)
- method setAttribution(Attribution as Integer)
- class NSURLAuthenticationChallengeMBS
- method Constructor
- method failureResponse as NSURLResponseMBS
- method proposedCredential as NSURLCredentialMBS
- method previousFailureCount as integer
- method protectionSpace as NSURLProtectionSpaceMBS
- method cancelAuthenticationChallenge
- method continueWithoutCredentialForAuthenticationChallenge
- method useCredential(credential as NSURLCredentialMBS)
- method error as NSErrorMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- class NSURLCacheMBS
- method storeCachedResponse(cachedResponse as NSCachedURLResponseMBS, request as NSURLRequestMBS)
- method cachedResponseForRequest(request as NSURLRequestMBS) as NSCachedURLResponseMBS
- method removeCachedResponseForRequest(request as NSURLRequestMBS)
- method removeAllCachedResponses
- method Constructor(memoryCapacity as UInt64, diskCapacity as UInt64, diskPath as folderitem)
- method removeCachedResponsesSinceDate(d as date)
- method removeCachedResponsesSinceDate(d as dateTime)
- property Handle as Integer
- property currentDiskUsage as UInt64
- property currentMemoryUsage as UInt64
- property memoryCapacity as UInt64
- property diskCapacity as UInt64
- shared method sharedURLCache as NSURLCacheMBS
- shared method setSharedURLCache(cache as NSURLCacheMBS)
- class NSURLConnectionFilterMBS
- class NSURLConnectionMBS
- method Constructor(request as NSURLRequestMBS)
- method Constructor(request as NSURLRequestMBS, startImmediately as boolean)
- method start
- method cancel
- method data as MemoryBlock
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method sendSynchronousRequest(request as NSURLRequestMBS, byref response as NSURLResponseMBS, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as Memoryblock
- shared method canHandleRequest(request as NSURLRequestMBS) as boolean
- event willSendRequest(request as NSURLRequestMBS, redirectResponse as NSURLResponseMBS) as NSURLRequestMBS
- event canAuthenticateAgainstProtectionSpace(protectionSpace as NSURLProtectionSpaceMBS) as boolean
- event didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge(challenge as NSURLAuthenticationChallengeMBS)
- event willSendRequestForAuthenticationChallenge(challenge as NSURLAuthenticationChallengeMBS)
- event didCancelAuthenticationChallenge(challenge as NSURLAuthenticationChallengeMBS)
- event shouldUseCredentialStorage as boolean
- event didReceiveResponse(response as NSURLResponseMBS)
- event didReceiveData(newData as Memoryblock)
- event didSendBodyData(bytesWritten as Int64, totalBytesWritten as Int64, totalBytesExpectedToWrite as Int64)
- event didFinishLoading
- event didFailWithError(error as NSErrorMBS)
- event willCacheResponse(cachedResponse as NSCachedURLResponseMBS) as NSCachedURLResponseMBS
- class NSURLCredentialMBS
- method copy as NSURLCredentialMBS
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property user as String
- property password as String
- property hasPassword as Boolean
- property persistence as Integer
- property HasIdentity as Boolean
- property CertificateCount as Integer
- shared method credential(User as string, password as string, persistence as integer = 0) as NSURLCredentialMBS
- shared method credentialWithPKCS12(Data as MemoryBlock, Password as String = "") as NSURLCredentialMBS
- shared method credentialWithPEM(Data as MemoryBlock, Password as String = "") as NSURLCredentialMBS
- shared method credentialWithTrustingServer(ProtectionSpace as NSURLProtectionSpaceMBS) as NSURLCredentialMBS
- class NSURLCredentialStorageMBS
- class NSURLDownloadMBS
- method Constructor(resumeData as Memoryblock, path as folderitem)
- method Constructor(resumeData as Memoryblock, path as string)
- method Constructor(request as NSURLRequestMBS)
- method resumeData as Memoryblock
- method cancel
- method request as NSURLRequestMBS
- method setDestination(path as string, allowOverwrite as boolean)
- method setDestination(path as folderitem, allowOverwrite as boolean)
- property deletesFileUponFailure as boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method canResumeDownloadDecodedWithEncodingMIMEType(MimeType as string) as boolean
- event didBegin
- event willSendRequest(request as NSURLRequestMBS, redirectResponse as NSURLResponseMBS) as NSURLRequestMBS
- event canAuthenticateAgainstProtectionSpace(protectionSpace as NSURLProtectionSpaceMBS) as boolean
- event didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge(challenge as NSURLAuthenticationChallengeMBS)
- event didCancelAuthenticationChallenge(challenge as NSURLAuthenticationChallengeMBS)
- event shouldUseCredentialStorage as boolean
- event didReceiveResponse(response as NSURLResponseMBS)
- event willResumeWithResponse(response as NSURLResponseMBS, startingByte as Int64)
- event didReceiveDataOfLength(length as UInt64)
- event shouldDecodeSourceDataOfMIMEType(encodingType as string) as boolean
- event decideDestinationWithSuggestedFilename(filename as string)
- event didCreateDestination(path as string, file as folderitem)
- event didFinish
- event didFailWithError(error as NSErrorMBS)
- class NSURLProtectionSpaceMBS
- method Constructor
- method proxyType as string
- method protocol as string
- method authenticationMethod as string
- method realm as string
- method host as string
- method receivesCredentialSecurely as boolean
- method isProxy as boolean
- method port as integer
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method NSURLProtectionSpaceHTTP as String
- shared method NSURLProtectionSpaceHTTPS as String
- shared method NSURLProtectionSpaceFTP as String
- shared method NSURLProtectionSpaceHTTPProxy as String
- shared method NSURLProtectionSpaceHTTPSProxy as String
- shared method NSURLProtectionSpaceFTPProxy as String
- shared method NSURLProtectionSpaceSOCKSProxy as String
- shared method NSURLAuthenticationMethodDefault as String
- shared method NSURLAuthenticationMethodHTTPBasic as String
- shared method NSURLAuthenticationMethodHTTPDigest as String
- shared method NSURLAuthenticationMethodHTMLForm as String
- shared method NSURLAuthenticationMethodNTLM as String
- shared method NSURLAuthenticationMethodNegotiate as String
- shared method NSURLAuthenticationMethodClientCertificate as String
- shared method NSURLAuthenticationMethodServerTrust as String
- class NSURLRequestMBS
- method valueForHTTPHeaderField(field as string) as string
- method allHTTPHeaderFields as Dictionary
- method copy as NSURLRequestMBS
- method mutableCopy as NSMutableURLRequestMBS
- method Constructor(url as string)
- method Constructor(url as string, cachePolicy as integer, timeoutInterval as double)
- property Handle as Integer
- property mainDocumentURL as String
- property URL as String
- property cachePolicy as Integer
- property timeoutInterval as Double
- property networkServiceType as Integer
- property attribution as Integer
- property HTTPShouldUsePipelining as Boolean
- property HTTPShouldHandleCookies as Boolean
- property isHTTPRequest as Boolean
- property HTTPMethod as String
- property HTTPBody as Memoryblock
- shared method requestWithHandle(Handle as Integer) as NSURLRequestMBS
- shared method requestWithURL(url as string) as NSURLRequestMBS
- shared method requestWithURL(url as string, cachePolicy as integer, timeoutInterval as double) as NSURLRequestMBS
- class NSURLResponseMBS
- method copy as NSURLResponseMBS
- method Constructor(URL as string, MimeType as string, expectedContentLength as integer, textEncodingName as string)
- method URL as string
- method MIMEType as string
- method textEncodingName as string
- method suggestedFilename as string
- method isHTTPResponse as boolean
- method statusCode as integer
- method expectedContentLength as int64
- method allHeaderFields as Dictionary
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method localizedStringForStatusCode(statusCode as integer) as string
Blog Entries
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 21.5
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 21.5pr4
- Adding NSURLSession classes for Xojo
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 20.2pr3
- MBS Xojo Plugins in version 19.0
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 18.2
- Xojo.Net.HTTPSocket and Timeouts
- MBS Releases the MBS Xojo / Real Studio plug-ins in version 16.4
- Notes from the last days
- Nearly 2000 new Functions in the 9.6 prerelease of MBS
- Presentation from Munich conference about MBS Plugins.
- Presentation from Xojo Developer Conference 2019 in Miami.
Xojo Developer Magazine
- 7.6, page 8: News
- 20.1, page 9: News
- 17.5, page 41: What's New in the MBS Plugins, With the Plugins growing every year, here are new capabilities you may have missed by Stefanie Juchmes
- 17.2, pages 10 to 11: News