Platforms to show: All Mac Windows Linux Cross-Platform
The plugin MBS MacOSX Plugin:
show all functions and classes in this plugin.
- XAttr
- TextInputSource
- CommonCrypto
- AudioPlayThru
- CAPlayThrough
- MidiPlayback
- DNSServiceDiscovery
- DNSServiceMetaQuery
- ifstat
- DVDPlayback
- CoreAudio
- LaunchServices
- ImageCapture
- MacOSX
- DNSLookup
- IOPowerMessage
- UTType
- LoginItems
- Spotlight
- DiskArbitration
- Mount
- NetworkMac
Examples for this plugin:
- /MacOSX/Accessibility services/Accessible Browser
- /MacOSX/Accessibility services/Accessible Test
- /MacOSX/Accessibility services/Active Window Logging
- /MacOSX/Accessibility services/Control Menu
- /MacOSX/Accessibility services/Current Window Title
- /MacOSX/Accessibility services/Frontmost Window
- /MacOSX/Accessibility services/Observer Test
- /MacOSX/AudioPlayThru Old
- /MacOSX/AUPlayer
- /MacOSX/Bonjour old/Bonjour Old
- /MacOSX/Bonjour old/Find computer Old
- /MacOSX/CAPlayThroughMBS test
- /MacOSX/CopyFile Test
- /MacOSX/CoreAudio/CoreAudio Events
- /MacOSX/CoreAudio/CoreAudio Player
- /MacOSX/Disk Arbitration/Events
- /MacOSX/Disk Arbitration/Unmount
- /MacOSX/DNS Lookup
- /MacOSX/DVD/DVD Playback
- /MacOSX/DVD/DVD Playback2
- /MacOSX/Fading Windows MacOSX
- /MacOSX/File System Notification
- /MacOSX/Group list MacOSX
- /MacOSX/Growl/Growl
- /MacOSX/Image Capture
- /MacOSX/Image Thumbnail
- /MacOSX/Input Sources
- /MacOSX/IOPMAssertionMBS test
- /MacOSX/isBundle Test
- /MacOSX/List ACLs
- /MacOSX/Loginitems
- /MacOSX/Mac USB Device
- /MacOSX/Mount or Unmount Disk
- /MacOSX/NetFS Mount
- /MacOSX/NWPathMonitor Test
- /MacOSX/Permission test
- /MacOSX/Play Keys
- /MacOSX/Preferences Panes
- /MacOSX/Show DateAdded with Spotlight
- /MacOSX/Sleep Notification
- /MacOSX/Spotlight/Find REALbasic Projects
- /MacOSX/Spotlight/MDItem
- /MacOSX/Spotlight/Query
- /MacOSX/Spotlight/Query with attributes
- /MacOSX/Spotlight/Search all applications
- /MacOSX/Spotlight/Search all applications in applications folder
- /MacOSX/Spotlight/Search all disc images
- /MacOSX/Spotlight/Search REALbasic
- /MacOSX/Spotlight/Spotlight File Info
- /MacOSX/Start Dictation on Mac OS X 10.8
- /MacOSX/Summary
- /MacOSX/System UI Mode
- /MacOSX/User list MacOSX
- /MacOSX/VolumeSupportsHugeFilesMBS test
Blog Entries
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 25.0
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 21.1
- Understanding Memory Statistics
- Plugin installation for Xojo on Windows and Linux
- AbsolutePath for Xojo
- MBS Xojo Plugins 18.3
- Kit vs. Plugin for Bonjour
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Real Studio plug-ins in version 12.5
- MBS Plugins 11.1 Release notes
- Files in quarantine
- XDC 2020 MBS Plugins Presentation
- Presentation from Munich conference about MBS Plugins.
- Presentation from London conference about MBS Plugins.
- Presentation from Xojo Developer Conference 2019 in Miami.
Xojo Developer Magazine
- 22.5, page 10: News
- 22.4, page 9: News
- 20.6, page 9: News
- 19.2, page 52: Application Instance, Adding an identifier to your app downloads by Christian Schmitz
- 18.3, page 54: Happy Birthday MonkeyBread Software, What is new in the MBS Xojo Plugins by Stefanie Juchmes
- 17.5, page 40: What's New in the MBS Plugins, With the Plugins growing every year, here are new capabilities you may have missed by Stefanie Juchmes
- 13.2, page 8: News
- 13.1, page 10: News
- 12.4, page 9: News
- 11.1, page 9: News